geneva@Acts:5:1 @ But (note:)Luke shows by contrary examples how great a sin hypocrisy is, especially in those who under a false pretence and cloak of zeal seem to shine and be of great importance in the Church.(:note) a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession,
geneva@Acts:5:2 @ And (note:)Craftily took away.(:note) kept back [part] of the price, his wife also being privy [to it], and brought a certain part, and laid [it] at the apostles' feet.
geneva@Acts:5:3 @ But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan (note:)Fully possessed.(:note) filled thine heart For when they had appointed that farm or possession for the Church, they were foolish to keep away a part of the price, as though they were dealing with men, and not with God, and therefore he says afterwards that they tempted God. to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back [part] of the price of the land?
geneva@Acts:5:4 @ Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou (note:)By this is meant an advised and purposeful deceit, and the fault of the man in listening to the devil's suggestions.(:note) conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God.
geneva@Acts:5:5 @ Now when Ananias heard these wordes, he fell downe, and gaue vp the ghost. Then great feare came on all them that heard these things.
geneva@Acts:5:6 @ And the yong men rose vp, and tooke him vp, and caried him out, and buried him.
geneva@Acts:5:7 @ And it came to passe about the space of three houres after, that his wife came in, ignorant of that which was done.
geneva@Acts:5:8 @ And Peter sayd vnto her, Tell me, solde ye the land for so much? And she sayd, Yea, for so much.
geneva@Acts:5:9 @ Then Peter said unto her, How is it that ye have agreed together to (note:)Look how often men do things with an evil conscience; and so they pronounce sentence against themselves, and as much as in them lies, they provoke God to anger, as they do this on purpose, in order to test whether he is just and almighty or not.(:note) tempt the Spirit of the Lord? behold, the feet of them which have buried thy husband [are] at the Are at hand. door, and shall carry thee out.
geneva@Acts:5:10 @ Then she fell downe straightway at his feete, and yeelded vp the ghost: and the yong men came in, and found her dead, and caried her out, and buried her by her husband.
geneva@Acts:5:11 @
geneva@Acts:5:12 @ Thus by the hands of the Apostles were many signes and wonders shewed among the people (and they were all with one accorde in Solomons porche.
geneva@Acts:5:13 @ And of the rest durst no man join himself to them: but the people (note:)Highly praised them.(:note) magnified them.
geneva@Acts:5:14 @ Also the number of them that beleeued in the Lord, both of men and women, grewe more and more)
geneva@Acts:5:15 @ In so much that they brought the sicke into the streetes, and layd them on beds and couches, that at the least way the shadowe of Peter, when he came by, might shadow some of them.
geneva@Acts:5:16 @ There came also a multitude out of the cities round about vnto Hierusalem, bringing sicke folkes, & them which were vexed with vncleane spirits, who were all healed.
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geneva@Acts:5:18 @ And laide hands on the Apostles, and put them in the common prison.
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geneva@Acts:5:22 @ But when the officers came, & found them not in the prison, they returned and tolde it,
geneva@Acts:5:23 @ Saying, Certainely we founde the prison shut as sure as was possible, and the keepers standing without, before the doores: but when we had opened, we found no man within.
geneva@Acts:5:24 @ Then when the chiefe Priest, and the captaine of the Temple, and the hie Priestes heard these things, they doubted of them, whereunto this would growe.
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geneva@Acts:5:27 @ And when they had brought them, they set them before the Councill, & the chiefe Priest asked them,
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geneva@Acts:5:31 @ Him hath God lift vp with his right hand, to be a Prince and a Sauiour, to giue repentance to Israel, and forgiuenes of sinnes.
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geneva@Acts:5:33 @ When they heard [that], they (note:)This shows that they were in a most vehement rage, and tremendously disquieted in mind, for it is a borrowed kind of speech taken from those who are harshly cut in pieces with a saw.(:note) were cut [to the heart], and took counsel to slay them.
geneva@Acts:5:34 @
geneva@Acts:5:35 @ And sayd vnto them, Men of Israel, take heede to your selues, what ye intende to doe touching these men.
geneva@Acts:5:36 @
geneva@Acts:5:37 @ After this man, arose vp Iudas of Galile, in the dayes of the tribute, and drewe away much people after him: hee also perished, and all that obeyed him, were scattered abroad.
geneva@Acts:5:38 @ And now I say unto you, (note:)He dissuades his fellows from murdering the apostles, neither does he think it good to refer the matter to the Roman magistrate, for the Jews could endure nothing worse than to have the tyranny of the Romans confirmed.(:note) Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of If it is counterfeit and devised. men, it will come to nought:
geneva@Acts:5:39 @ But if it be of God, ye can not destroy it, lest ye be found euen fighters against God.
geneva@Acts:5:40 @ And to him they agreed, and called the Apostles: and when they had beaten them, they commaunded that they should not speake in the Name of Iesus, and let them goe.
geneva@Acts:5:41 @
geneva@Acts:5:42 @ And daily in the (note:)Both publicly and privately.(:note) temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.
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