nkjv@Genesis:24:57 @ So they said, "We will call the young woman and ask her personally."
nkjv@Genesis:32:29 @ Then Jacob asked, saying, "Tell me Your name, I pray." And He said, "Why is it that you ask about My name?" And He blessed him there.
nkjv@Genesis:34:12 @ Ask me ever so much dowry and gift, and I will give according to what you say to me; but give me the young woman as a wife."
nkjv@Exodus:3:22 @ But every woman shall ask of her neighbor, namely, of her who dwells near her house, articles of silver, articles of gold, and clothing; and you shall put them on your sons and on your daughters. So you shall plunder the Egyptians."
nkjv@Exodus:11:2 @ Speak now in the hearing of the people, and let every man ask from his neighbor and every woman from her neighbor, articles of silver and articles of gold."
nkjv@Deuteronomy:4:32 @ "For ask now concerning the days that are past, which were before you, since the day that God created man on the earth, and ask from one end of heaven to the other, whether any great thing like this has happened, or anything like it has been heard.
nkjv@Deuteronomy:13:14 @ then you shall inquire, search out, and ask diligently. And if it is indeed true and certain that such an abomination was committed among you,
nkjv@Deuteronomy:32:7 @...years of many generations. Ask your...
nkjv@Joshua:4:6 @ that this may be a sign among you when your children ask in time to come, saying, "What do these stones mean to you?'
nkjv@Joshua:4:21 @ Then he spoke to the children of Israel, saying: "When your children ask their fathers in time to come, saying, "What are these stones?'
nkjv@Joshua:9:14 @ Then the men of Israel took some of their provisions; but they did not ask counsel of the LORD.
nkjv@Joshua:15:18 @ Now it was so, when she came to him, that she persuaded him to ask her father for a field. So she dismounted from her donkey, and Caleb said to her, "What do you wish?"
nkjv@Judges:1:14 @ Now it happened, when she came to him, that she urged him to ask her father for a field. And she dismounted from her donkey, and Caleb said to her, "What do you wish?"
nkjv@Judges:13:6 @ So the woman came and told her husband, saying, "A Man of God came to me, and His countenance was like the countenance of the Angel of God, very awesome; but I did not ask Him where He was from, and He did not tell me His name.
nkjv@Judges:13:18 @ And the Angel of the LORD said to him, "Why do you ask My name, seeing it is wonderful?"
nkjv@1Samuel:25:8 @ Ask your young men, and they will tell you. Therefore let my young men find favor in your eyes, for we come on a feast day. Please give whatever comes to your hand to your servants and to your son David."'
nkjv@1Samuel:25:40 @ When the servants of David had come to Abigail at Carmel, they spoke to her saying, "David sent us to you, to ask you to become his wife."
nkjv@1Samuel:28:16 @ Then Samuel said: "So why do you ask me, seeing the LORD has departed from you and has become your enemy?
nkjv@2Samuel:14:18 @ Then the king answered and said to the woman, "Please do not hide from me anything that I ask you." And the woman said, "Please, let my lord the king speak."
nkjv@1Kings:2:16 @ Now I ask one petition of you; do not deny me." And she said to him, "Say it."
nkjv@1Kings:2:22 @...the Shunammite for Adonijah? Ask for...--for he is my older brother--for him, and for Abiathar the priest, and for Joab the son of Zeruiah."
nkjv@1Kings:14:5 @ Now the LORD had said to Ahijah, "Here is the wife of Jeroboam, coming to ask you something about her son, for he is sick. Thus and thus you shall say to her; for it will be, when she comes in, that she will pretend to be another woman."
nkjv@2Kings:4:28 @ So she said, "Did I ask a son of my lord? Did I not say, "Do not deceive me'?"
nkjv@2Chronicles:20:4 @ So Judah gathered together to ask help from the LORD; and from all the cities of Judah they came to seek the LORD.
nkjv@Nehemiah:2:5 @ And I said to the king, "If it pleases the king, and if your servant has found favor in your sight, I ask that you send me to Judah, to the city of my fathers' tombs, that I may rebuild it."
nkjv@Job:12:7 @ "But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; And the birds of the air, and they will tell you;
nkjv@Psalms:2:8 @ Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession.
nkjv@Psalms:35:11 @ Fierce witnesses rise up; They ask me things that I do not know.
nkjv@Isaiah:7:11 @ "Ask a sign for yourself from the LORD your God; ask it either in the depth or in the height above."
nkjv@Isaiah:58:2 @ Yet they seek Me daily, And delight to know My ways, As a nation that did righteousness, And did not forsake the ordinance of their God. They ask of Me the ordinances of justice; They take delight in approaching God.
nkjv@Isaiah:65:1 @ "I was sought by those who did not ask for Me; I was found by those who did not seek Me. I said, "Here I am, here I am,' To a nation that was not called by My name.
nkjv@Jeremiah:6:16 @ Thus says the LORD: "Stand in the ways and see, And ask for the old paths, where the good way is, And walk in it; Then you will find rest for your souls. But they said, "We will not walk in it.'
nkjv@Jeremiah:15:5 @ "For who will have pity on you, O Jerusalem? Or who will bemoan you? Or who will turn aside to ask how you are doing?
nkjv@Jeremiah:23:33 @ "So when these people or the prophet or the priest ask you, saying, "What is the oracle of the LORD?' you shall then say to them, "What oracle?' I will even forsake you," says the LORD.
nkjv@Jeremiah:30:6 @ Ask now, and see, Whether a man is ever in labor with child? So why do I see every man with his hands on his loins Like a woman in labor, And all faces turned pale?
nkjv@Jeremiah:38:14 @ Then Zedekiah the king sent and had Jeremiah the prophet brought to him at the third entrance of the house of the LORD. And the king said to Jeremiah, "I will ask you something. Hide nothing from me."
nkjv@Jeremiah:48:19 @...the way and watch; Ask him...
nkjv@Jeremiah:50:5 @ They shall ask the way to Zion, With their faces toward it, saying, "Come and let us join ourselves to the LORD In a perpetual covenant That will not be forgotten.'
nkjv@Lamentations:4:4 @ The tongue of the infant clings To the roof of its mouth for thirst; The young children ask for bread, But no one breaks it for them.
nkjv@Hosea:4:12 @ My people ask counsel from their wooden idols, And their staff informs them. For the spirit of harlotry has caused them to stray, And they have played the harlot against their God.
nkjv@Haggai:2:11 @ "Thus says the LORD of hosts: "Now, ask the priests concerning the law, saying,
nkjv@Zechariah:7:3 @ and to ask the priests who were in the house of the LORD of hosts, and the prophets, saying, "Should I weep in the fifth month and fast as I have done for so many years?"
nkjv@Zechariah:10:1 @ Ask the LORD for rain In the time of the latter rain. The LORD will make flashing clouds; He will give them showers of rain, Grass in the field for everyone.
nkjv@Matthew:6:8 @ "Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.
nkjv@Matthew:7:11 @ If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!
nkjv@Matthew:21:22 @ And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."
nkjv@Matthew:21:24 @ But Jesus answered and said to them, "I also will ask you one thing, which if you tell Me, I likewise will tell you by what authority I do these things:
nkjv@Matthew:27:20 @ But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus.
nkjv@Mark:6:23 @ He also swore to her, "Whatever you ask me, I will give you, up to half my kingdom."
nkjv@Mark:9:32 @ But they did not understand this saying, and were afraid to ask Him.
nkjv@Mark:11:24 @ Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.
nkjv@Mark:11:29 @ But Jesus answered and said to them, "I also will ask you one question; then answer Me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things:
nkjv@Mark:15:8 @ Then the multitude, crying aloud, began to ask him to do just as he had always done for them.
nkjv@Luke:6:9 @ Then Jesus said to them, "I will ask you one thing: Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil, to save life or to destroy?"
nkjv@Luke:6:30 @ Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back.
nkjv@Luke:9:45 @ But they did not understand this saying, and it was hidden from them so that they did not perceive it; and they were afraid to ask Him about this saying.
nkjv@Luke:11:13 @ If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!"
nkjv@Luke:12:48 @ But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.
nkjv@Luke:14:12 @ Then He also said to him who invited Him, "When you give a dinner or a supper, do not ask your friends, your brothers, your relatives, nor rich neighbors, lest they also invite you back, and you be repaid.
nkjv@Luke:14:18 @ But they all with one accord began to make excuses. The first said to him, "I have bought a piece of ground, and I must go and see it. I ask you to have me excused.'
nkjv@Luke:14:19 @ And another said, "I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I am going to test them. I ask you to have me excused.'
nkjv@Luke:20:3 @ But He answered and said to them, "I also will ask you one thing, and answer Me:
nkjv@Luke:22:68 @ And if I also ask you, you will by no means answer Me or let Me go.
nkjv@John:1:19 @ Now this is the testimony of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, "Who are you?"
nkjv@John:4:9 @ Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, "How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?" For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.
nkjv@John:9:21 @ but by what means he now sees we do not know, or who opened his eyes we do not know. He is of age; ask him. He will speak for himself."
nkjv@John:9:23 @ Therefore his parents said, "He is of age; ask him."
nkjv@John:11:22 @ But even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You."
nkjv@John:13:24 @ Simon Peter therefore motioned to him to ask who it was of whom He spoke.
nkjv@John:14:13 @ And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
nkjv@John:14:14 @ If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.
nkjv@John:15:7 @ If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.
nkjv@John:15:16 @ You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.
nkjv@John:16:19 @ Now Jesus knew that they desired to ask Him, and He said to them, "Are you inquiring among yourselves about what I said, "A little while, and you will not see Me; and again a little while, and you will see Me'?
nkjv@John:16:23 @ "And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you.
nkjv@John:16:26 @ In that day you will ask in My name, and I do not say to you that I shall pray the Father for you;
nkjv@John:18:21 @...do you ask Me? Ask those...
nkjv@John:21:12 @ Jesus said to them, "Come and eat breakfast." Yet none of the disciples dared ask Him, "Who are You?"--knowing that it was the Lord.
nkjv@Acts:3:2 @ And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms from those who entered the temple;
nkjv@Acts:8:34 @ So the eunuch answered Philip and said, "I ask you, of whom does the prophet say this, of himself or of some other man?"
nkjv@Acts:23:20 @ And he said, "The Jews have agreed to ask that you bring Paul down to the council tomorrow, as though they were going to inquire more fully about him.
nkjv@Romans:10:20 @ But Isaiah is very bold and says: "I was found by those who did not seek Me; I was made manifest to those who did not ask for Me."
nkjv@1Corinthians:14:35 @ And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church.
nkjv@Ephesians:3:13 @ Therefore I ask that you do not lose heart at my tribulations for you, which is your glory.
nkjv@Ephesians:3:20 @ Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,
nkjv@Colossians:1:9 @ For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;
nkjv@2Thessalonians:2:1 @ Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you,
nkjv@James:1:5 @ If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
nkjv@James:1:6 @ But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.
nkjv@James:4:3 @ You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.
nkjv@1John:3:22 @ And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.
nkjv@1John:5:14 @ Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.
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