bwe@Info @ DESCRIPTION: The Bible in Worldwide English (BWE)\par This New Testament was originally prepared by Annie Cressman, who died in 1993. She was a Canadian Bible teacher in Liberia in West Africa. Whilst teaching students in a Bible School where the language used was English, she found that she was spending more time explaining the meaning of the English than she was teaching the Bible itself. So she decided to write this simple version in easy English so that her students could easily understand.\par\par In 1959 the Full Gospel Publishing House in Toronto, Canada, printed a trial edition of the Gospel of Mark. A further edition was published in 1962 by the American Bible Society. The whole New Testament was first published by SOON Publications in India in 1969 in hardback form. This was assisted by Operation Mobilisation (OM) and was reprinted in 1971.\par\par The vision to reprint a new edition of the whole New Testament has now been carried out by SOON in conjunction with EPH and OM. Where a change to more modern words has been made, this has been kept in line with the the Authorised Version.
bwe@Matthew:1:19 @ Joseph, the man she was to marry, was a good man. He did not want her to be made ashamed. So he planned to leave her without telling people about it.
bwe@Matthew:1:20 be your wife. Her baby...
bwe@Matthew:1:25 @ But he did not make love with her until her first son had been born. He named him Jesus.
bwe@Matthew:2:18 @ He said, A voice could be heard in the town of Ramah. Rachel was crying for her children. She would not let anyone comfort her because her children were dead.
bwe@Matthew:5:28 @ But I tell you that if a man looks at a woman and he wants her, then he has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
bwe@Matthew:5:31 @ The law said, "Any man who does not want to keep his wife must give her a paper to tell others she is no longer his wife."
bwe@Matthew:5:32 @ But I tell you, no man may send away his wife unless she has committed adultery. If he does send her away, he is making her commit adultery. And if a man marries a woman who has been sent away from her husband, he commits adultery.
bwe@Matthew:8:15 @ Jesus took hold of her hand and the fever left her. She got up and began to do things for Jesus.
bwe@Matthew:9:22 @ Jesus turned around. He saw her and said, Daughter, be glad. You were healed because you believed. And right away the woman was healed.
bwe@Matthew:10:35 @ I came to take away peace between a man and his father. I came to take away peace between a daughter and her mother. I came to take away peace between a mans wife and his mother.
bwe@Matthew:14:4 @...John had said to Herod, It...
bwe@Matthew:14:7 @ He was so pleased that he promised to give her anything she asked for.
bwe@Matthew:14:8 @ The girls mother told her what to ask for. So she said, Give me here, on a plate, the head of John the Baptizer.
bwe@Matthew:14:11 @ Johns head was brought on a plate. It was given to the girl. And she took it to her mother.
bwe@Matthew:15:22 @ Jesus did not answer her. His disciples came to him and said, Send her away. She keeps calling after us.
bwe@Matthew:15:27 @ Then Jesus answered, Woman, you believe very much. The thing you want me to do will be done. And her daughter was healed at that very time.
bwe@Matthew:19:7 @ They said to Jesus, Then why did Moses make this law? He said that a man may give his wife a paper to show that he does not want her any more. Then he may send her away.
bwe@Matthew:19:9 @ But I tell you this. No man may send his wife away unless she has committed adultery. If he does, and if he marries another woman, he commits adultery. And if a man marries a woman who has been sent away by her husband, he commits adultery.
bwe@Matthew:20:20 @ Then Zebedees wife came with her sons to Jesus. She bowed down in front of him and asked him to do something for her.
bwe@Matthew:21:2 @ He said to them, Go into the village in front of you. As soon as you go in, you will find a donkey for riding, and her young one. They are tied there. Untie them and bring them to me.
bwe@Matthew:21:7 @ They brought the donkey and her young one. They put their coats on them. Then Jesus got on to ride.
bwe@Matthew:22:28 @ Now then, when people rise from death, which of the seven brothers will have her for his wife? They all married her.
bwe@Matthew:23:37 @ Jerusalem! Jerusalem! You kill the prophets. You throw stones to kill the men who are sent to you! How often I have wanted to gather your people together, as a mother hen gathers her little ones under her wings. But you would not come!
bwe@Matthew:26:13 @ I tell you the truth. Any place in the whole world where people tell the good news, people will also tell what she has done. People will remember her because of it.
bwe@Mark:1:31 @ Jesus went to her. He took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her right away, and she began to do things to help them.
bwe@Mark:5:23 @ He said, My little daughter is dying. I beg you, come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live.
bwe@Mark:5:29 @ The bleeding stopped right away. She could feel that she was healed of her trouble.
bwe@Mark:5:41 @ He took her hand and said, Talitha cumi! That means, Little girl, I tell you, get up!
bwe@Mark:6:24 @...shall I ask for? Her mother...
bwe@Mark:6:28 @ He brought the head on a plate and gave it to the girl. She gave it to her mother.
bwe@Mark:7:24 @...kneeled down before him. Her daughter...
bwe@Mark:7:25 @ The woman was not a Jew and had been born in the country of Phoenicia in Syria. She begged Jesus to drive the bad spirit out of her daughter.
bwe@Mark:7:29 @...bad spirit had left. Her daughter...
bwe@Mark:10:4 @ They said, Moses allowed a man to write a paper to show that he does not want her any more. Then he may send her away.
bwe@Mark:10:12 @ If a woman sends away her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.
bwe@Mark:14:9 @ I tell you the truth. Any place in the whole world where people tell the good news, people will also tell what she has done. People will remember her because of it.
bwe@Luke:1:26 @ Elizabeth was now in her sixth month. God sent the angel Gabriel to the town of Nazareth in Galilee.
bwe@Luke:1:27 @...a young woman there. Her name...
bwe@Luke:1:41 @ When Elizabeth heard Marys greeting, the baby in her moved. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
bwe@Luke:1:45 @ She who has believed what was told her is blessed. What the Lord said to her will come true.
bwe@Luke:1:58 @ When her neighbours and family heard that the Lord had been so kind to her, they were glad, too.
bwe@Luke:2:6 @ While they were there, the time came for her baby to be born.
bwe@Luke:2:7 @ This was her first child, a son. She wrapped him in a cloth and laid him in a box where cows feed. There was no room for them in the house for strangers.
bwe@Luke:2:36 @...God, was there too. Her fathers...
bwe@Luke:2:37 @ Then her husband died. Now she had been alone for eighty-four years. She did not leave the temple, but worshipped day and night. She talked with God and fasted <FI>did not eat food for a time<Fi>.
bwe@Luke:7:12 @ He came near the gate of the town. There he met people carrying out a man who had died. He was the only son of his mother. And her husband was dead too. Many people from the city were with her.
bwe@Luke:7:13 @ The Lord saw her. He shared in her sorrows and troubles. He said to her, Do not cry.
bwe@Luke:7:38 @ She stood behind Jesus by his feet, and she was crying. She began to wash his feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. Then she kissed his feet and put oil on them.
bwe@Luke:7:44 @ Then he turned towards the woman. He said to Simon, Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me water to wash my feet. But she has washed my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.
bwe@Luke:8:43 @ A woman among them had a sickness for twelve years. She was bleeding all the time. She had given all her money to the doctors, but no one had been able to heal her.
bwe@Luke:8:54 @ He took her hand and called out, Little girl, get up.
bwe@Luke:8:55 @ Her life came back and she got up right away. He told them to give her something to eat.
bwe@Luke:8:56 @ Her parents were very much surprised. Jesus said, Do not tell anyone what has happened.
bwe@Luke:10:38 @ Jesus and his disciples went on their way. They came to a town. A woman named Martha took him into her home.
bwe@Luke:10:40 @ But Martha was very busy doing many things for Jesus. She came to Jesus and said, Lord, my sister has left me to do all the work. Do you not care? Tell her to come and help me.
bwe@Luke:12:53 @ A father will be against his son, and the son will be against his father. The mother will be against her daughter, and the daughter will be against her mother. A mans mother will be against his wife, and his wife will be against his mother.
bwe@Luke:13:11 @ A woman was there who had a spirit that had made her sick for eighteen years. She had to bend down all the time and could not stand up straight.
bwe@Luke:13:12 @ Jesus saw her and called her to come to him. Then he said, Woman, you are healed. You are not sick any longer.
bwe@Luke:13:16 @ This woman belongs to Abrahams family. Satan has tied her for eighteen years. Is it not right that she should be set free on the Sabbath day?
bwe@Luke:13:34 @ O Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You kill the prophets of God. You throw stones to kill men who are sent to you. How often I have wanted to gather your people together as a mother hen gathers her little ones under her wings. But you would not come!
bwe@Luke:15:9 @ When she has found it, she calls her friends and neighbours to come. She says, "Be glad with me! I have found the piece of money I lost."
bwe@Luke:16:18 @ If a man sends away his wife and marries another woman, he commits adultery. And if the man marries a woman who has been sent away by her husband, he commits adultery.
bwe@Luke:18:5 @ But this woman is troubling me. So I will save her from her enemy. If I do not, she will keep coming until I am tired."
bwe@John:4:27 @ The woman left her water-pot and went back to the town.
bwe@John:8:3 @ The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman to Jesus. They had caught her having sex with a man who was not her husband. They made the woman stand in front of them.
bwe@John:11:1 @ A man named Lazarus was sick. He lived at Bethany, the home of Mary and her sister Martha.
bwe@John:11:2 @ Mary was the same woman that put oil on the Lord and wiped his feet with her hair. It was her brother Lazarus who was sick.
bwe@John:11:5 @ Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.
bwe@John:11:28 @ When she had said this, she went back to call her sister. She said quietly, Mary, the Master has come. He is calling you.
bwe@John:11:31 @ The Jews who were in the house to comfort Mary saw her get up quickly and go out. They went after her. They said, She is going to the grave to cry.
bwe@John:11:33 @ Jesus saw her crying. He saw the Jews who came with her crying also. Then his heart was troubled very much.
bwe@John:12:3 @ Mary had a jar of oil. It smelled very nice and cost much money. She put some of it on Jesus feet. Then she wiped his feet with her hair. The smell of oil went all through the house.
bwe@John:12:7 @ Then Jesus said, Leave her alone. She has kept this oil for the time when they will bury me.
bwe@John:16:21 @ Any woman is sad just before her baby is born. She has much pain because the time has come for the baby to be born. But as soon as the baby is born, she forgets the pain she had. She is very glad because a person has been born into the world.
bwe@John:19:27 @ And he said to the disciple, See your mother! From that time on, that disciple took her to live in his own home.
bwe@Acts:5:10 @ And she fell down at Peters feet and died. The young men came in and saw that she was dead. They carried her out and buried her beside her husband.
bwe@Acts:7:21 @ When he was put outside to die, Pharaohs daughter took him. She raised him as her own son.
bwe@Acts:8:27 @ So Philip went. He saw a man from the country of Ethiopia. This man was a servant of Candace, the queen of the Ethiopian people. She gave this servant much power. He took care of her money. He had gone to Jerusalem to worship.
bwe@Acts:9:36 @...there was a disciple. Her name...
bwe@Acts:9:37 @ She became sick and died. They bathed her body and put her in a room upstairs.
bwe@Acts:9:40 @ Peter put them all out. He kneeled down and talked to God. He turned to the body and said, Tabitha, get up. She opened her eyes. When she saw Peter, she sat up.
bwe@Acts:9:41 @ He took her hand and helped her get up. Then he called in Gods people and the women, and he gave her back to them alive.
bwe@Acts:16:14 @ One woman named Lydia listened to us. She was from the city of Thyatira, and she sold red cloth. She worshipped God. He worked in her heart and she believed what Paul said.
bwe@Acts:16:15 @ She and all the people in her house were baptised. Then she begged us and said, If you really feel that I believe in the Lord, come and stay at my house. And she would not allow us to say no.
bwe@Acts:16:16 @...was going to happen. Her masters...
bwe@Acts:16:19 @ Her masters saw that they had lost this way of getting money. They caught Paul and Silas and took them by force to the rulers in the court.
bwe@Acts:19:27 @ This will spoil our work. Not only that, but people will not respect the house of the great idol goddess Diana any more. All the people in Asia and in the whole world worship her now. But they will despise her!
bwe@Romans:7:2 @ A married woman belongs to her husband by law as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free from the law that made her belong to her husband.
bwe@Romans:7:3 @ So if she belongs to another man while her husband is living, she commits adultery. But if her husband dies, she is free from that law. Then if she belongs to another man, she does not commit adultery.
bwe@Romans:9:24 @ In the book written long ago by the prophet Hosea, God says They were not my people. But I will call them "my people". I did not love her, but I will call her "the one I love."
bwe@Romans:16:2 @ I want you to take her in because she is a Christian. That is what Gods people should do. Help her in any way she needs help. She has helped many people and has helped me too.
bwe@1Corinthians:7:2 @ But wrong sex is always a danger to us. So it is better for each man to have his own wife and each woman to have her own husband.
bwe@1Corinthians:7:3 @ The husband should give his wife what is right. So also, the wife should give her husband what is right.
bwe@1Corinthians:7:4 @ The wife does not have full right over her own body. But her husband has a right to it. In the same way, the husband does not have full right over his own body. But his wife has a right to it.
bwe@1Corinthians:7:10 @ And here is what I say to those who are married. (And yet it is not what I say. It is what the Lord has said.) The wife may not leave her husband.
bwe@1Corinthians:7:11 @ But if she does leave him, she must not marry again, or she must come back to her husband again. And the husband may not send away his wife.
bwe@1Corinthians:7:12 @ Here is what I say to other people. (This is my word, not the Lords.) Perhaps a Christian brother has a wife who is not a Christian. If she wants to stay with him, then he should not send her away.
bwe@1Corinthians:7:34 @ In the same way, there is a difference between the woman who is married and the one who is not. The woman who is not married thinks about the things of the Lord. She wants her body and her spirit to be holy. But the married woman thinks about the things of this life. She tries to please her husband.
bwe@1Corinthians:7:36 @ And if a man feels that he is doing the right thing for the woman he is to marry, then let him marry her. That is, if she is no longer young, and if he wants her very much. Then he must do as he thinks best. It is not wrong for him to do it.
bwe@1Corinthians:7:38 @ So the man who marries his woman will do what is good. But the man who does not marry her will do better.
bwe@1Corinthians:7:39 @ A wife may not leave her husband as long as he is living. But if he dies, she is free to marry any man she wants. Only this, he must be a Christian.
bwe@1Corinthians:11:5 @ But any woman who talks to God or speaks words from God with her head not covered brings shame on her head. She is just the same as a woman who has cut off all her hair.
bwe@1Corinthians:11:6 @ If a woman does not cover her head, she might as well cut off her hair. But if it is a shame for a woman to cut off her hair, or to shave her head, then she should have her head covered.
bwe@1Corinthians:11:10 @ She should show this by having her head covered, because of the angels.
bwe@1Corinthians:11:13 @ What do you think? Does it look right for a woman to talk to God in public with her head not covered?
bwe@1Corinthians:11:15 be proud of. Her hair...
bwe@Galatians:4:19 @ My dear children, I feel pain for you again, like a mother when her child is being born. I will feel pain until Christ lives in your heart.
bwe@Galatians:4:25 @ So Hagar means Mount Sinai in the country of Arabia. She is like the city of Jerusalem today, because Jerusalem is a slave and her children are too.
bwe@Galatians:4:30 @ But what does the holy writings say? They says, Put away the slave woman and her son. The son of the slave woman will have nothing when the father dies. The son of the free woman will have everything.
bwe@Ephesians:5:33 @ However, each one of you should love his wife as he loves himself. And the wife should respect her husband.
bwe@Colossians:4:15 @ Give my greetings to the brothers at Laodicea, and also to Nympha and the church people who meet in her house.
bwe@1Thessalonians:2:7 @ But we were kind when we were with you. We were like a woman taking care of her own children.
bwe@1Timothy:5:6 @ But a woman who spends her time in pleasing herself is really dead, even while she still lives.
bwe@1Timothy:5:10 @ People must speak well of the good works she has done. Has she brought up children? Has she been kind to strangers and cared for them in her house? Has she washed the feet of Gods people? Has she helped people who were in trouble? Has she done every kind of good thing to help people?
bwe@Hebrews:11:31 @ Rahab was a woman who used her body wrongly for sex to get money. But she believed in God, so she did not die with the people who did not believe in God. This was when the men came to spy out her country. She took them into her house in peace.
bwe@James:2:25 @ Rahab was a bad woman. But in the same way God called her a good woman because of something she did. She took the men into her house and then let them go out another way.
bwe@1Peter:3:6 @ Sarah obeyed Abraham. She called him her master. You are her children if you do what is right and are not afraid of trouble.
bwe@1Peter:3:7 @ Husbands, also live with your wife the way you know is right. Respect her because she is a woman. She is not as strong as a man. Also respect her because God has given her, as well as you, the blessing of life. In this way, you will not stop God from doing what you ask him to do.
bwe@2John:1:1 @ From the leader of the church people. I send greetings to the lady whom God has chosen, and to her children. I love you all because you have the truth about Christ. I am not the only one who loves you. All those who know the truth, love you also.
bwe@Revelation:2:21 @ I gave her time to stop, but she will not stop her wrong sexual ways and turn back to God.
bwe@Revelation:2:22 @ Look, I will make her very sick, and also those who love her. I will do it if they do not stop what they are doing with her.
bwe@Revelation:2:23 @ I will kill her children. Then all the churches will know that I find out what is in a persons mind and heart. I will pay each one of you for the good or wrong things you have done.
bwe@Revelation:12:1 @ I saw a wonderful thing in the sky. A woman was wearing the sun like a dress. She stood on the moon. On her head she had twelve stars in a big ring like a crown. She was going to have a baby.
bwe@Revelation:12:4 @ His tail struck a third part of the stars from the sky to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who would soon have a baby. He wanted to eat her baby when it was born.
bwe@Revelation:12:5 @...with an iron stick. Her child...
bwe@Revelation:12:14 @ But the woman was given two wings like a big eagles wings. With them she could fly away from the dragon into the wilderness to her place where she would have food for three and a half periods of time.
bwe@Revelation:12:15 @ The dragon poured water like a river out of his mouth after her. He wanted the water to carry her away.
bwe@Revelation:17:2 @ The kings on earth have been with her and copied her. And the people on earth gladly copy her wrong ways.
bwe@Revelation:17:4 @ The woman was wearing blue and red clothes. She was shining with gold, fine stones, and pearls. In her hand she held a gold cup. It was full of the wrong things she did and of her dirty ways of using sex.
bwe@Revelation:17:5 @ A name was written on her forehead. It has a secret meaning. The name is Great Babylon, the mother of all people who give their bodies for wrong ways of using sex. The mother of all things done on earth too bad to talk about.
bwe@Revelation:17:16 @ You saw the ten horns and the animal. They will hate the bad woman. They will take away everything she has and her fine clothes. They will eat her body and burn her up in a fire.
bwe@Revelation:18:7 @ It is proud of itself and has done wrong things. Give it that much trouble and crying. It says in its heart, "I am like a queen. I am not like a woman who has lost her husband. I will never know sorrow."
bwe@Revelation:19:2 @ The way God punishes is true and right. He has punished the bad woman who spoiled the earth with her wrong ways. He has made her pay for the killing of his servants.
bwe@Revelation:21:2 @ I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. It was all ready and waiting, like a woman dressed for her wedding and ready to meet her husband.
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