noyes@Amos:7:9 @...The high places of Isaac shall...
noyes@Matthew:1:2 @...Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat...
noyes@Matthew:8:11 @...table with Abraham and Isaac and...
noyes@Luke:13:28 see Abraham and Isaac and...
noyes@Acts:3:13 @...God of Abraham and Isaac and...
noyes@Acts:7:8 @...the eighth day; and Isaac begat...
noyes@Acts:7:32 @...God of Abraham and Isaac and...
noyes@Galatians:4:28 @...But ye, brethren, as Isaac was,...
noyes@Hebrews:11:9 @...dwelling in tents with Isaac and...
noyes@Hebrews:11:18 was said, "From Isaac shall...
noyes@Hebrews:11:20 ...By faith Isaac blessed...
noyes@James:2:21, when he offered Isaac his...
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