kjv@Genesis:1:1 ... In the beginning God...
kjv@Genesis:10:10 ... And the beginning of...
kjv@Genesis:49:3 @...my might, and the beginning of...
kjv@Exodus:12:2 @...be unto you the beginning of...
kjv@Deuteronomy:11:12 @...upon it, from the beginning of...
kjv@Deuteronomy:21:17 @...for he is the beginning of...
kjv@Deuteronomy:32:42 @...the captives, from the beginning of...
kjv@Judges:7:19 @...the camp in the beginning of...
kjv@Ruth:1:22 @...to Bethlehem in the beginning of...
kjv@2Samuel:21:9 @...first days, in the beginning of...
kjv@2Samuel:21:10 @...the rock, from the beginning of...
kjv@2Kings:17:25 @...it was at the beginning of...
kjv@Ezra:4:6 @...of Ahasuerus, in the beginning of...
kjv@Job:8:7 ... Though thy beginning was...
kjv@Psalms:111:10 @...the LORD is the beginning of...
kjv@Proverbs:1:7 @...the LORD is the beginning of...
kjv@Proverbs:8:22 @...possessed me in the beginning of...
kjv@Proverbs:9:10 @...the LORD is the beginning of...
kjv@Proverbs:17:14 ... The beginning of...
kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:11 @...God maketh from the beginning to...
kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:8 @...a thing than the beginning thereof:...
kjv@Ecclesiastes:10:13 ... The beginning of...
kjv@Isaiah:18:2 @...people terrible from their beginning hitherto;...
kjv@Isaiah:18:7 @...people terrible from their beginning hitherto;...
kjv@Isaiah:48:5 @...have even from the beginning declared...
kjv@Isaiah:64:4 @... For since the beginning of...
kjv@Jeremiah:17:12 @...high throne from the beginning is...
kjv@Jeremiah:26:1 ... In the beginning of...
kjv@Jeremiah:27:1 ... In the beginning of...
kjv@Jeremiah:28:1 @...same year, in the beginning of...
kjv@Jeremiah:49:34 @...against Elam in the beginning of...
kjv@Lamentations:2:19 @...the night: in the beginning of...
kjv@Ezekiel:40:1 @...our captivity, in the beginning of...
kjv@Daniel:9:23 ... At the beginning of...
kjv@Hosea:1:2 ... The beginning of...
kjv@Amos:7:1 @...formed grasshoppers in the beginning of...
kjv@Micah:1:13 @...beast: she is the beginning of...
kjv@Matthew:14:30 @...he was afraid; and beginning to...
kjv@Matthew:19:4 @...made them at the beginning made...
kjv@Matthew:19:8 @...wives: but from the beginning it...
kjv@Matthew:20:8 @...give them their hire, beginning from...
kjv@Matthew:24:8 @...All these are the beginning of...
kjv@Matthew:24:21 @...was not since the beginning of...
kjv@Mark:1:1 ... The beginning of...
kjv@Mark:10:6 @... But from the beginning of...
kjv@Mark:13:19 @...was not from the beginning of...
kjv@Luke:1:2 @...us, which from the beginning were...
kjv@Luke:23:5 @...teaching throughout all Jewry, beginning from...
kjv@Luke:24:27 ... And beginning at...
kjv@Luke:24:47 @...name among all nations, beginning at...
kjv@John:1:1 ... In the beginning was...
kjv@John:1:2 @...same was in the beginning with...
kjv@John:2:10 @...Every man at the beginning doth...
kjv@John:2:11 ... This beginning of...
kjv@John:6:64 @...Jesus knew from the beginning who...
kjv@John:8:9 @...out one by one, beginning at...
kjv@Acts:1:22 @ Beginning from the baptism of John, unto that same day that he was taken up from us, must one be ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection.
kjv@Acts:15:18 @...his works from the beginning of...
kjv@Ephesians:3:9 @...mystery, which from the beginning of...
kjv@Philippians:4:15 @...also, that in the beginning of...
kjv@2Thessalonians:2:13 @...God hath from the beginning chosen...
kjv@Hebrews:1:10 @...Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast...
kjv@Hebrews:3:14 @...if we hold the beginning of...
kjv@Hebrews:7:3 @...without descent, having neither beginning of...
kjv@2Peter:3:4 @...they were from the beginning of...
kjv@1John:2:24 @...have heard from the beginning shall...
kjv@Revelation:1:8 @...Alpha and Omega, the beginning and...
kjv@Revelation:3:14 @...and true witness, the beginning of...
kjv@Revelation:21:6 @...Alpha and Omega, the beginning and...
kjv@Revelation:22:13 @...Alpha and Omega, the beginning and...
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