mhcc@Genesis:25:29-34 @ Verse 29-34 - We have here the bargain made between Jacob and Esau about the right, which was Esau's by birth, but Jacob's by promise. It was for a spiritual privilege; and we see Jacob's desire of the birth-...all things; unbelieving Esau despised them....-right, we ought carefully to avoid all guile, in seeking to obtain even the greatest advantages. Jacob's pottage pleased Esau's eye. "Give me some of that red;" for this he was called Edom, or Red. Gratifying the sensual appetite ruins thousands of precious souls. When men's hearts walk after their own eyes, Job strkjv@31:7,. and when they serve their own bellies, they are sure to be punished. If we use ourselves to deny ourselves, we break the force of most temptations. It cannot be supposed that Esau was dying of hunger in Isaac's house. The words signify, I am going towards death; he seems to mean, I shall never live to inherit Canaan, or any of those future supposed blessings; and what signifies it who has them when I am dead and gone. This would be the language of profaneness, with which the apostle brands him, Hebrews strkjv@12:16. and this contempt of the birth-right is blamed, ver.34. It is the greatest folly to part with our interest in God, and Christ, and heaven, for the riches, honours, and pleasures of this world; it is as bad a bargain as his who sold a birth-...had made. Thus Esau despised his...-right. By his neglect and contempt afterwards, and by justifying himself in what he had done, he put the bargain past recall. People are ruined, not so much by doing what is amiss, as by doing it and not repenting of it. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****
mhcc@Genesis:27:18-29 @ Verse 18-29 -...ignorant how Esau had despised the...
mhcc@Leviticus:24:10-23 @ Verse 10-23 -...mouth. If he that despised Moses'...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****
mhcc@1Samuel:10:17-27 @ Verse 17-27 is Divine. Others despised him...._1__11 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _
mhcc@1Samuel:11:12-15 @ Verse 12-15 -...him slain. The once despised Saviour...-seat, he receives the submission of rebels, and even pleads their cause; but shortly, from his righteous tribunal, he will condemn all who persist in opposing him. Henry'_1__12 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _
mhcc@1Samuel:17:31-39 @ Verse 31-39 -...the feeblest and most despised means...
mhcc@1Samuel:28:7-19 @ Verse 7-19 -...unexpected appearance. Saul had despised Samuel's...
mhcc@1Kings:1:32-53 @ Verse 32-53 - The people expressed great joy and satisfaction in the elevation of Solomon. Every true Israelite rejoices in the exaltation of the Son of David. Combinations formed upon evil principles will soon be dissolved, when self-...good tidings? Adonijah had despised Solomon,..._1__2 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _
mhcc@1Kings:20:12-21 @ Verse 12-21 -...were beaten, and the despised Israelites...
mhcc@Ezra:3:8-13 @ Verse 8-13 -...the common joys. They despised the...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****
mhcc@Nehemiah:4:1-6 @ Verse 1-6 -...have often been a despised people,...
mhcc@Esther:10 @ ****** Esther 10 ****** *** Outline of Esther 10 *** Greatness of Ahasuerus-Mordecai's advancement. -...The concerns of the despised worshippers...__Outline Henry'__1 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****
mhcc@Job:12:1-5 @ Verse 1-5 be, that they despised him...
mhcc@Psalms:74:1-11 @ Verse 1-11 -...future harvest, and the despised church...
mhcc@Proverbs:3:27-35 @ Verse 27-35 -...These truths may be despised by...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****
mhcc@Proverbs:18:4. @ Verse 4. -. The well-...that Judge whom they despised as...12. After the heart has been lifted up with pride, a fall comes. But honour shall be the reward of humility.13. Eagerness, with self-conceit, will expose to shame.14. Firmness of mind supports under many pains and trials. But when the conscience is tortured with remorse, no human fortitude can bear the misery; what then will hell be?15. We must get knowledge, not only into our heads, but into our hearts.16. Blessed be the Lord, who makes us welcome to come to his throne, without money and without price. May his gifts make room for him in our souls.
mhcc@Song:of @ Solomon strkjv@8:1-4 Verse 1-4 -...and not fear being despised for...
mhcc@Isaiah:19:1-17 @ Verse 1-17 -...those whom they have despised and...
mhcc@Isaiah:30:8-18 @ Verse 8-18 -...things. But as they despised the...
mhcc@Isaiah:41:10-20 @ Verse 10-20 -...little, so weak, so despised and...7:38,39. When God sets up his church in the Gentile wilderness, there shall be a great change, as if thorns and briers were turned into cedars, and fir-trees, and myrtles. These blessings are kept for the poor in spirit, who long for Divine enlightening, pardon, and holiness. And God will render their barren souls fruitful in the grace of his Spirit, that all who behold may consider it.
mhcc@Isaiah:53:1-3 @ Verse 1-3 -...many is he still despised in...
mhcc@Amos:1 @ ****** Amos 1 ****** *** General Notes on the Book of Amos *** Amos was a herdsman, and engaged in agriculture. But the same Divine Spirit influenced Isaiah and Daniel in the court, and Amos in the sheep-folds, giving to each the powers and eloquence needful for them. He assures the twelve tribes of the destruction of the neighbouring nations; and as they at that time gave themselves up to wickedness and idolatry, he reproves the Jewish nation with severity; but describes the restoration of the church by the Messiah, extending to the latter days. *** Outline of Amos 1 *** Judgments against the Syrians, Philistines, Tyrians, Edomites, and Ammonites. -...ought not to be despised for...__Outline Henry'__2 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****
mhcc@Amos:2:1-8 @ Verse 1-8 -...done to God. Judah despised the...
mhcc@Zechariah:7:8-14 @ Verse 8-14 - God's judgements upon Israel of old for their sins, were written to warn Christians. The duties required are, not keeping fasts and offering sacrifices, but doing justly and loving mercy, which tend to the public welfare and peace. The law of God lays restraint upon the heart. But they filled their minds with prejudices against the word of God. Nothing is harder than the heart of a presumptuous sinner. See the fatal consequences of this to their fathers. Great sins against the Lord of hosts, bring great wrath from his power, which cannot be resisted. Sin, if regarded in the heart, will certainly spoil the success of prayer. The Lord always hears the cry of the broken-...which while here they despised and...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****
mhcc@Malachi:1:6-14 @ Verse 6-14 -...Lord is contemptible. They despised God's...-work of it, we bring the lame; and if we suffer vain thoughts and distractions to lodge within us, we bring the torn. And is not this evil? Is it not a great affront to God, and a great wrong and injury to our own souls? In order to the acceptance of our actions with God, it is not enough to do that which, for the matter of it, is good; but we must do it from a right principle, in a right manner, and for a right end. Our constant mercies from God, make worse our slothfulness and niggardliness, in our returns of duty to God. A spiritual worship shall be established. Incense shall be offered to God's name, which signifies prayer and praise. And it shall be a pure offering. When the hour came, in which the true worshippers worshipped the Father in Spirit and in truth, then this incense was offered, even this pure offering. We may rely on God's mercy for pardon as to the past, but not for indulgence to sin in future. If there be a willing mind, it will be accepted, though defective; but if any be a deceiver, devoting his best to Satan and to his lusts, he is under a curse. Men now, though in a different way, profane the name of the Lord, pollute his table, and show contempt for his worship. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****
mhcc@Matthew:9:10-13 @ Verse 10-13 -...with the Pharisees; they despised Christ,...
mhcc@Matthew:13:53-58 @ Verse 53-58 -...themselves, but therefore they despised him....**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****
mhcc@Matthew:16:1-4 @ Verse 1-4 -...their own choosing: they despised those...
mhcc@Matthew:21:33-46 @ Verse 33-46 follow him, though despised and...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****
mhcc@Matthew:23:13-33 @ Verse 13-33 -...we should not have despised and...
mhcc@Mark:5:21-34 @ Verse 21-34 - A despised gospel will go where it will be better received. One of the rulers of a synagogue earnestly besought Christ for a little daughter, about twelve years old, who was dying. Another cure was wrought by the way. We should do good, not only when in the house, but when we walk by the way, Deuteronomy strkjv@6:7. It is common with people not to apply to Christ till they have tried in vain all other helpers, and find them, as certainly they will, physicians of no value. Some run to diversions and gay company; others plunge into business, or even into intemperance; others go about to establish their own righteousness, or torment themselves by vain superstitions. Many perish in these ways; but none will ever find rest to the soul by such devices; while those whom Christ heals of the disease of sin, find in themselves an entire change for the better. As secret acts of sin, so secret acts of faith, are known to the Lord Jesus. The woman told all the truth. It is the will of Christ that his people should be comforted, and he has power to command comfort to troubled spirits. The more simply we depend on Him, and expect great things from him, the more we shall find in ourselves that he is become our salvation. Those who, by faith, are healed of their spiritual diseases, have reason to go in peace.
mhcc@Mark:6 @ ****** Mark 6 ****** *** Outline of Mark 6 *** Christ despised in his own country. (_1-6.) The apostles sent forth. (_7-13.) John the Baptist put to death. (_14-29.) The apostles return, Five thousand fed by a miracle. (_30-44.) Christ walks on the sea, He heals those that touch him. (_45-56.) *** Commentary ***
mhcc@Luke:10:25-37 @ Verse 25-37 -...which the Jews most despised and...
mhcc@Luke:11:27,28 @ Verse 27,28 -...the scribes and Pharisees despised and...
mhcc@Luke:18:9-14 @ Verse 9-14 -...they were righteous, and despised others....-condemned, and not the self-righteous, are justified before God.
mhcc@John:6:1-14 @ Verse 1-14 -...great Prophet. The Pharisees despised them...
mhcc@John:17:1-5 @ Verse 1-5 -...endured the cross and despised the...
mhcc@Acts:16:25-34 @ Verse 25-34 -...those whom they before despised and...
mhcc@Acts:17:32-34 @ Verse 32-34 -...places; but none more despised his...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****
mhcc@Acts:25:13-27 @ Verse 13-27 -...of instruction, and have despised them,...-day; to have nothing certain laid to our charge. And God makes even the enemies of his people to do them right. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****
mhcc@Acts:26:24-32 @ Verse 24-32 -...gospel often have been despised as...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****
mhcc@Acts:28:1-10 @ Verse 1-10 -...distress. Those who are despised for...
mhcc@1Corinthians:1:17-25 @ Verse 17-25 - Paul had been bred up in Jewish learning; but the plain preaching of a crucified Jesus, was more powerful than all the oratory and philosophy of the heathen world. This is the sum and substance of the gospel. Christ crucified is the foundation of all our hopes, the fountain of all our joys. And by his death we live. The preaching of salvation for lost sinners by the sufferings and death of the Son of God, if explained and faithfully applied, appears foolishness to those in the way to destruction. The sensual, the covetous, the proud, and ambitious, alike see that the gospel opposes their favourite pursuits. But those who receive the gospel, and are enlightened by the Spirit of God, see more of God's wisdom and power in the doctrine of Christ crucified, than in all his other works. God left a great part of the world to follow the dictates of man's boasted reason, and the event has shown that human wisdom is folly, and is unable to find or retain the knowledge of God as the Creator. It pleased him, by the foolishness of preaching, to save them that believe. By the foolishness of preaching; not by what could justly be called foolish preaching. But the thing preached was foolishness to wordly-...are travelling. But the despised doctrine...
mhcc@1Corinthians:4:7-13 @ Verse 7-13 -...better to be rejected, despised, and...
mhcc@1Corinthians:11:17-22 @ Verse 17-22 - The apostle rebukes the disorders in their partaking of the Lord's supper. The ordinances of Christ, if they do not make us better, will be apt to make us worse. If the use of them does not mend, it will harden. Upon coming together, they fell into divisions, schisms. Christians may separate from each other's communion, yet be charitable one towards another; they may continue in the same communion, yet be uncharitable. This last is schism, rather than the former. There is a careless and irregular eating of the Lord's supper, which adds to guilt. Many rich Corinthians seem to have acted very wrong at the Lord's table, or at the love-...the supper. The rich despised the...-righteous pride, or a cloak for hypocrisy? Let us never rest in the outward forms of worship; but look to our hearts.
mhcc@2Corinthians:7:1-4 @ Verse 1-4 -...the gospel itself be despised also;...
mhcc@2Corinthians:10:7-11 @ Verse 7-11 -...Paul was mean and despised in...
mhcc@2Timothy:2:8-13 @ Verse 8-13 -...him, endured the cross, despised the...
mhcc@Hebrews:11:8-19 @ Verse 8-19, how much soever despised in...22:2. There, every word shows a trial. It is our duty to reason down our doubts and fears, by looking, as Abraham did, to the Almighty power of God. The best way to enjoy our comforts is, to give them up to God; he will then again give them as shall be the best for us. Let us look how far our faith has caused the like obedience, when we have been called to lesser acts of self-denial, or to make smaller sacrifices to our duty. Have we given up what was called for, fully believing that the Lord would make up all our losses, and even bless us by the most afflicting dispensations?
mhcc@1Peter:3:14-22 @ Verse 14-22 - We sanctify God before others, when our conduct invites and encourages them to glorify and honour him. What was the ground and reason of their hope? We should be able to defend our religion with meekness, in the fear of God. There is no room for any other fears where this great fear is; it disturbs not. The conscience is good, when it does its office well. That person is in a sad condition on whom sin and suffering meet: sin makes suffering extreme, comfortless, and destructive. Surely it is better to suffer for well-doing than for evil-...hell, where those that despised Noah's..._1__4 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _
mhcc@1John:3:1-2 @ Verse 1,2 -...that these poor, humble, despised ones,...
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