rotherham@Genesis:19:28 @...went up, like the smoke of...
rotherham@Exodus:19:18 @...went up as the smoke of...
rotherham@Deuteronomy:29:20 @...Yahweh and his jealousy smoke against...
rotherham@Joshua:8:20 @...looked, and lo! the smoke of...
rotherham@Joshua:8:21, and that the smoke of...
rotherham@Judges:20:38 @...a great cloud of smoke to...
rotherham@2Samuel:22:9 @...There went up a smoke in...
rotherham@Psalms:18:8 ...There went up smoke in...
rotherham@Psalms:68:2 ...As smoke is...
rotherham@Psalms:74:1 @...utterly? Shall thine anger smoke against...
rotherham@Proverbs:10:26 @...the teeth, and as smoke to...
rotherham@Isaiah:14:31 @...of the north, a smoke cometh...
rotherham@Isaiah:34:10 @ Neither night nor day, shall it be quenched, To times age-abiding, shall ascend the smoke thereof, From generation to generation, shall it be waste, Never, never, shall any pass through it:
rotherham@Isaiah:65:5 @...thou! These, are A smoke in...
rotherham@Hosea:13:3 @ Therefore, shall they become like the morning cloud, and like the dew early departing, like chaff storm-driven out of the threshing-floor, and like smoke out of a chimney.
rotherham@Nahum:2:13 @...I burn up in smoke her...
rotherham@Revelation:8:4 ...And the smoke of...
rotherham@Revelation:9:2 reason of the smoke of...
rotherham@Revelation:9:17 @...come forth fire and smoke and...
rotherham@Revelation:9:18 @...the fire and the smoke and...
rotherham@Revelation:14:11 ...And, the smoke of...
rotherham@Revelation:15:8 @...sanctuary was filled with smoke by...
rotherham@Revelation:18:9 they see the smoke of...
rotherham@Revelation:18:18 @...cried out, seeing the smoke of...
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