orthjbc@James:1:1 @ Ya'akov, eved (note:)servant(:note) of Hashem and of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua; To the Shneym Asar haShevatim Twelve Tribes in the Golus, Shalom! [Devarim strkjv@32:26] EMUNAH AND CHOCHMAH
orthjbc@James:1:2 @ Consider it all simcha, my Achim b'Moshiach, whenever you fall into various nisayonot (note:)tests, trials(:note).
orthjbc@James:1:3 @ because you have da'as that the emunah you have, when it is tested, produces savlanut (note:)patient endurance(:note).
orthjbc@James:1:4 @ And let savlanut be shleimah in its po'al (note:)work(:note) al menat in order that you may be mevugarim mature, grown up and complete, lacking in nothing.
orthjbc@James:1:5 @ But if anyone of you is lacking chochmah (note:)wisdom(:note), let him direct tefillah prayer and techinotot petitions to Hashem, the One whose matanot gifts are given generously and without grudging. And chochmah will be given to him. [Melachim Alef strkjv@3:9,10; Mishle strkjv@2:3-6; Tehillim strkjv@51:6; Daniel strkjv@1:17; strkjv@2:21]
orthjbc@James:1:6 @ But let the tefillah be offered with much bittachon in emunah (note:)faith(:note), in no way doubting. AD MATAY ATEM POSKHIM AL SHTEY HAS'IFIM? [MELACHIM ALEF strkjv@18:21] For the doubtful man, wavering in emunah, is like a wave of the yam sea being tossed by the wind.
orthjbc@James:1:7 @ Let not such a one presume that he will receive anything from Adoneinu.
orthjbc@James:1:8 @ He is an ish (note:)man(:note) of double mind, in all his drakhim ways, mesupak uncertain and unstable. [Tehillim strkjv@119:113] ONI POVERTY AND OSHER RICHES
orthjbc@James:1:9 @ But let the Ach b'Moshiach of shiflut (note:)lowliness(:note) glory in the da'as that Hashem will exalt him.
orthjbc@James:1:10 @ And let the Ach b'Moshiach who has osher (note:)riches(:note) glory in his bizyoinos humiliation, in the da'as that Hashem will bring him low, because KOL HABASAR KHATZIR "All flesh is grass," Yeshayah strkjv@40:6,7 and so he likewise will vanish. [Iyov strkjv@14:2; Tehillim strkjv@103:15,16]
orthjbc@James:1:11 @ For the shemesh (note:)sun(:note) rises with its burning heat and dried the grass and its TZITZ NAVEL "flower blossom falls"--Yeshayah strkjv@40:6-8 and the beauty of its appearance perished, so also the ashir rich in his goings will fade away. [Tehillim strkjv@102:4,11] STANDING FIRM IN THE SHA'AT HANISAYON HOUR OF TRIAL WITH THE DA'AS THAT HASHEM IS NOT THE TEMPTER OF ANYONE TO EVIL
orthjbc@James:1:12 @ Ashrey is the one who stands up under nisayon (note:)trial(:note), because, having become approved, that one will be given the ateret haChayyim crown of Life, which Hashem gave as a havtachah promise to those having Ahavas Hashem. [Bereshis strkjv@22:1]
orthjbc@James:1:13 @ However, let no one say, when he is tempted, "from Hashem I am being tempted," for Hashem cannot be tempted to crave ra'ah (note:)evil(:note), and he himself trips up no one with nisayon temptation.
orthjbc@James:1:14 @ But each one is tempted by his own ta'avah (note:)lust(:note), being dragged off by it and being allured. [Mishle strkjv@19:3]
orthjbc@James:1:15 @ Then after her conception Ta'avah gives birth to Averah (note:)Transgression(:note) and Averah, once she has fully developed, gives birth to Mavet. [Bereshis strkjv@3:6; Iyov strkjv@15:35; Tehillim strkjv@7:14; Yeshayah strkjv@59:4] THE IMMUTABILITY OF HASHEM
orthjbc@James:1:16 @ Do not fall under a delusion, my beloved Achim b'Moshiach.
orthjbc@James:1:17 @ Every good endowment and every matanah shleimah (note:)complete gift(:note) is from above, coming down from Avi HaOhrot the Father of Lights with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. [Tehillim strkjv@85:12; Bereshis strkjv@1:16; Tehillim strkjv@136:7; Daniel strkjv@2:22; Bamidbar strkjv@23:19; Tehillim strkjv@102:27; Malachi strkjv@3:6]
orthjbc@James:1:18 @ Birtzon Hashem (note:)by the will of G-d(:note), he gave birth to us and brought us alive by the Dvar HaEmes, that we might be a kind of bikkurim firstfruits of his yetzurim creatures. [Yirmeyah strkjv@2:3] THE SHOMEI HATORAH HEARERS OF THE LAW OF MOSHE RABBEINU AND THE SHOMREI HATORAH KEEPERS OF THE LAW OF MOSHE RABBEINU
orthjbc@James:1:19 @ Have da'as of this, my beloved Achim b'Moshiach. Let every man be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to ka'as (note:)anger(:note).[Mishle strkjv@10:19]
orthjbc@James:1:20 @ For the ka'as haBnei Adam does not accomplish the Tzikat Hashem.
orthjbc@James:1:21 @ Therefore, having put away all filthiness and what remains of resha (note:)wickedness(:note) in shiflut lowliness and meekness receive the implanted Dvar Hashem being able to save your nefashot
orthjbc@James:1:22 @ Now be Shomrei HaDavar Hashem and not Shomei HaDavar only, thereby causing yourselves to fall under remiyah (note:)deceit, deception(:note).
orthjbc@James:1:23 @ Because if anyone is Shomei HaDavar and not Shomrei HaDavar, this one is like a man looking at his ponum in a mirror,
orthjbc@James:1:24 @ for he observed himself and has gone away and immediately forgot what he looked like.
orthjbc@James:1:25 @ But the one having peered into the Torah haShleimah, the Torah HaCherut, and there remaining entranced, not as a forgetful listener but one who is shomer mitzvot and goes into action--this one will have a beracha on his head in all his acts. [Tehillim strkjv@19:7]
orthjbc@James:1:26 @ If anyone considers himself to be one of the Charedim (note:)Orthodox, G-d-fearing Jewish religious ones(:note), yet has lashon hora and does not bridle his tongue but instead causes his lev to fall under remiyah deceit, this one's piety is worthless. [Tehillim strkjv@34:13; strkjv@39:1; strkjv@141:3]
orthjbc@James:1:27 @ Avodas Kodesh that is tehorah (note:)pure(:note) and tamimah unblemished before Elohim HaAv is this: to visit yetomim orphans and almanot widows in their tzoros and to be shomer against the defilement of the Olam Hazeh. [Devarim strkjv@14:29; Iyov strkjv@31:16,17,21; Tehillim strkjv@146:9; Yeshayah strkjv@1:17,23]
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