orthjbc@James:5:1 @ Come now, you who have osher (note:)riches(:note), weep, howling over your miseries coming upon you. [Yeshayah strkjv@13:6; Yechezkel strkjv@30:2]
orthjbc@James:5:2 @ The osher of you has rotted and your malbush has become moth-eaten. [Iyov strkjv@13:28; Tehillim strkjv@39:11; Yeshayah strkjv@50:9]
orthjbc@James:5:3 @ The gold of you and the silver has been corroded and the corrosion of them will be for a solemn eidus (note:)witness(:note) against you, and will eat the basar of you as aish. You stored up otsar treasure in the Acharit Hayamim.
orthjbc@James:5:4 @ Hinei! The wages of the po'alim (note:)workers(:note) who cut your fields, the wages you fraudulently withheld, those wages cry out, and the cries of the harvesting po'alim have reached the ears of Adonoi Tz'vaot. [Vayikra strkjv@19:13; Yirmeyah strkjv@22:13; Malachi strkjv@3:5; Devarim strkjv@24:15]
orthjbc@James:5:5 @ You lived in indulgence upon ha'aretz and lolled in a life of luxury, you fattened your levavot as in a Yom Tivchah (note:)"Day of Slaughter," Yeshayah strkjv@53:7(:note). [Yechezkel strkjv@16:49; Amos strkjv@6:1; Yirmeyah strkjv@12:3; strkjv@25:34]
orthjbc@James:5:6 @ You condemned, you killed the tzaddik. He does not resist you. ZITZFLEISHCH (note:)PATIENCE(:note) AND TEFILLAH
orthjbc@James:5:7 @ Have zitzfleishch, therefore, Achim b'Moshiach until the Bias HaMoshiach, the Coming of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu. Hinei! The ikar (note:)farmer(:note) awaits the precious p'ri haAdamah fruit of the earth, having zitzfleishch patience for it until it receives the Yoreh first Autumn rain and the Malkosh Spring rain. [Devarim strkjv@11:14; Yirmeyah strkjv@5:24; Yoel strkjv@2:23]
orthjbc@James:5:8 @ You must also have zitzfleishch. Strengthen your levavot, because the Bias HaMoshiach, the Coming of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu, has drawn near.
orthjbc@James:5:9 @ Do not murmur, Achim b'Moshiach, against one another, lest you be judged. Hinei! HaShofet is standing before the delet! [Shemot strkjv@15:24; strkjv@16:2; strkjv@17:3; Bamidbar strkjv@14:2,29; strkjv@16:41; Tehillim strkjv@94:2]
orthjbc@James:5:10 @ Take as an example, Achim b'Moshiach, of innuyim (note:)suffering(:note) evil and of zitzfleisch the Nevi'im who spoke in the name of Hashem.
orthjbc@James:5:11 @ Hinei! We call blessed the ones having endured: the savlanut (note:)long-suffering(:note) of Iyov you heard of and the toitzaa outcome from Hashem you saw, that Hashem is full of rachamim and channun. [Iyov strkjv@1:21,22; strkjv@2:10; strkjv@42:10,12-17; Shemot strkjv@34:6; Bamidbar strkjv@14:18; Tehillim strkjv@103:8]
orthjbc@James:5:12 @ But, above all, my Achim b'Moshiach, do not swear shevuot (note:)oaths(:note) neither by Shomayim nor by ha'aretz nor any other shevu'ah but let be your "ken" be "ken," and your "lo" be "lo," for fear that you fall under HaDin.
orthjbc@James:5:13 @ If anyone is suffering among you, let him daven. If anyone has simcha, let his sing niggunim. [Tehillim strkjv@50:15]
orthjbc@James:5:14 @ Are there any cholim (note:)sick ones(:note) among you? Let him summon [for Bikkur Cholim visiting the sick] the ziknei haKehillah and let them daven tefillos over him, having applied the shemen mishchah anointing oil, b'Shem Adoneinu. [Tehillim strkjv@23:5; Yeshayah strkjv@1:6]
orthjbc@James:5:15 @ And the tefillah of emunah will deliver the choleh (note:)sick person(:note), and Hashem will raise him up. And if he may have been committing pesha'im, he will be given selicha forgiveness.
orthjbc@James:5:16 @ Therefore, make vidduy (note:)confession(:note) to one another, and daven tefillos on behalf of one another, so that you may have refuah sheleimah complete healing. The tefillah of a tzaddik is powerful and effective.
orthjbc@James:5:17 @ Eliyahu [Hanavi] was a man of like nature to us, and with tefillah he davened for it not to rain, and it did not rain upon ha'aretz for shalosh shanim (note:)three years(:note) and shishah chodashim six months; [Melachim Alef strkjv@17:1]
orthjbc@James:5:18 @ and again Eliyahu davened, and Shomayim gave geshem (note:)rain(:note) and ha'aretz caused its p'ri of it to sprout. [Melachim Alef strkjv@18:41-45]
orthjbc@James:5:19 @ My Achim b'Moshiach, if anyone among you wanders vait (note:)astray(:note) from HaEmes and someone turns a choteh sinner to make teshuva
orthjbc@James:5:20 @ you should have da'as that the one having helped a choteh (note:)sinner(:note) to make teshuvah from the toyus of his derech, from setiyah HaDerech Hashem turning aside from the Way of Hashem will save the neshamah of him from mavet and will cover a multitude of chatta'im.
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