rotherham@Job:20:1 @ Then responded Zophar the Naamathite, and said:
rotherham@Job:20:2 @ Not so, do my thoughts answer me, and to this end, is my haste within me:
rotherham@Job:20:3 @ The correction meant to confound me, I must hear, but, the spiritout of my understanding, will give me a reply.
rotherham@Job:20:4 @ Knowest thou, thisfrom antiquity, from the placing of man upon earth:
rotherham@Job:20:5 @ That, the joy-shout of the lawless, is short, and, the rejoicing of the impious, for a moment?
rotherham@Job:20:6 @ Though his elevation mount up to the heavens, and, his head, to the clouds, doth reach,
rotherham@Job:20:7 @ Like his own stubble, shall he utterly perish, They who had seen him, shall say, Where is he?
rotherham@Job:20:8 @ Like a dream, shall he fly away, and they shall not find him, yea he shall be chased away, as a vision of the night.
rotherham@Job:20:9 @ The eye that hath scanned him, shall not do it again, neither, any more, shall his place behold him:
rotherham@Job:20:10 @ His children, shall seek the favour of the poor, and, his own hand, shall give back his wealth.
rotherham@Job:20:11 @ His bones, are full of youthful vigour, yet, with himin the dust, shall it lie down.
rotherham@Job:20:12 @ Though, a sweet taste in his mouth, be given by vice, though he hide it under his tongue;
rotherham@Job:20:13 @ Though he spare it, and will not let it go, but retain it in the midst of his mouth,
rotherham@Job:20:14 @ His food, in his stomach, is changed, the gall of adders, within him!
rotherham@Job:20:15 @ Wealth, hath he swallowed, and hath vomited the same, Out of his belly, shall, GOD, drive it forth:
rotherham@Job:20:16 @ The poison of adders, shall he suck, The tongue of the viper shall slay him;
rotherham@Job:20:17 @ Let him not see in the channels the flowings of torrents of honey and milk.
rotherham@Job:20:18 @ In vain, he toiled, he shall not swallow, like wealth to be restored, in which he cannot exult!
rotherham@Job:20:19 @ For he hath oppressedhath forsaken the poor, A house, hath he seized, which he cannot rebuild.
rotherham@Job:20:20 @ Surely he hath known no peace in his inmost mind, With his dearest thing, shall he not get away:
rotherham@Job:20:21 @ Nothing escaped his devouring greed, For this cause, shall his prosperity not continue:
rotherham@Job:20:22 @ When his abundance is gone, he shall be in straits, All the power of distress, shall come upon him.
rotherham@Job:20:23 @ It shall be that, to fill his belly, he will thrust at him the glow of his anger, and rain upon him for his punishment.
rotherham@Job:20:24 @ He shall flee from the armour of iron, There shall pierce him, a bow of bronze!
rotherham@Job:20:25 @ He hath drawn it out, and it hath come forth out of his back, yea the flashing arrow-head, out of his gall, There shall march on himterrors:
rotherham@Job:20:26 @ Every misfortune, is laid up for his treasures, There shall consume, a fire, not blown up, it shall destroy what remaineth in his tent:
rotherham@Job:20:27 @ The heavens shall reveal his iniquity, and, the earth, be rising up against him:
rotherham@Job:20:28 @ The increase of his house shall vanish, melting away in the day of his anger.
rotherham@Job:20:29 @ This, is the portion of the lawless man, from God, and the inheritance decreed him from the Mighty One.
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