lont@Mark:1:1 @ The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, Son of God.
lont@Mark:1:2 @ «As it is written in Isaiah the Prophet,» 'Behold, I send my messenger before thee, who shall prepare thy way:'
lont@Mark:1:3 @ «The voice of one proclaiming in the wilderness, Prepare a way for the Lord, make for him a straight passage:»
lont@Mark:1:4 @ thus came John immersing in the wilderness, and publishing the immersion of reformation for the remission of sins.
lont@Mark:1:5 @ And all the country of Judea, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, resorted to him, and were immersed by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.
lont@Mark:1:6 @ Now John's clothing was of camel's hair, tied around his waist with a leather girdle: and he lived upon locusts and wild honey.
lont@Mark:1:7 @ And he proclaimed, saying, One mightier than I comes after me, whose shoe-latchet I am unworthy to stoop down and untie.
lont@Mark:1:8 @ I, indeed, have immersed you in water; but he will immerse you in the Holy Spirit.
lont@Mark:1:9 @ At that time Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee to the Jordan, and was immersed by John.
lont@Mark:1:10 @ As soon as he arose out of the water, he saw the sky part asunder, and the Spirit descend upon him like a dove.
lont@Mark:1:11 @ And a voice from heaven, which said, Thou art my Son, the beloved, in whom I delight.
lont@Mark:1:12 @ Immediately after this, the spirit conveyed him into the wilderness;
lont@Mark:1:13 @ and he continued in the wilderness forty days tempted by Satan; and was among the wild beasts; and the heavenly messengers ministered to him.
lont@Mark:1:14 @ But after John's imprisonment, Jesus went to Galilee, proclaiming the good tidings of the Reign of God.
lont@Mark:1:15 @ he said,
lont@Mark:1:16 @ Then walking by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon, and Andrew, Simon's brother, casting a drag net into the sea, for they were fishers.
lont@Mark:1:17 @ Jesus said to them,
lont@Mark:1:18 @ Immediately they left their nets, and followed him.
lont@Mark:1:19 @ Passing on a little, and seeing James, son of Zebedee, with John his brother, who were mending their nets in a bark,
lont@Mark:1:20 @ he immediately called them; and leaving their father Zebedee in the bark with the hired servants, they accompanied him.
lont@Mark:1:21 @ And they went to Capernaum; and on the Sabbath he repaired directly to the synagogue, and instructed the people,
lont@Mark:1:22 @ who were filled with admiration at his manner of teaching; for he taught as one having authority, and not as the scribes.
lont@Mark:1:23 @ Now there was in their synagogue a man possessed with an unclean spirit, who cried out,
lont@Mark:1:24 @ Ah! Jesus of Nazareth, what hast thou to do with us? Art thou come to destroy us? I know who thou art, the Holy One of God.
lont@Mark:1:25 @ Jesus rebuking him, said,
lont@Mark:1:26 @ Then the unclean spirit threw him into convulsions; and, raising loud cried, came out of him:
lont@Mark:1:27 @ at which they were all so amazed, that they asked one another, What does this mean? For he commands with authority even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.
lont@Mark:1:28 @ And thenceforth his fame spread through all the region of Galilee.
lont@Mark:1:29 @ As soon as they were come out of the synagogue, they went with James and John into the house of Simon and Andrew,
lont@Mark:1:30 @ where Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever, of which they immediately acquainted Jesus.
lont@Mark:1:31 @ And he came, and taking her by the hand, raised her; instantly the fever left her, and she entertained them.
lont@Mark:1:32 @ In the evening, after sunset, they brought to him all the sick, and the demoniacs;
lont@Mark:1:33 @ the whole city being assembled at the door.
lont@Mark:1:34 @ And he healed many persons affected with various diseases, and expelled many demons, whom he permitted not to speak, because they knew him.
lont@Mark:1:35 @ On the morrow, having risen before dawn, he went out, and retired to a solitary place, and prayed there.
lont@Mark:1:36 @ And Simon and his company went in quest of him,
lont@Mark:1:37 @ and having found him, said to him, Every person seeks you.
lont@Mark:1:38 @ Jesus said,
lont@Mark:1:39 @ Accordingly he proclaimed in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and expelled demons.
lont@Mark:1:40 @ And a leper came to him, and on his knees entreated him, saying, If you will, you can cleanse me.
lont@Mark:1:41 @ Jesus had compassion, and stretching out his hand and touching him, said,
lont@Mark:1:42 @ This he had no sooner uttered, than the leprosy departed from the man, and he was cleansed.
lont@Mark:1:43 @ Then Jesus strictly charging him, and dismissing him,
lont@Mark:1:44 @ said,
lont@Mark:1:45 @ But the man, as soon as he was gone, began to blaze this story, talking openly everywhere, insomuch that Jesus could no longer publicly appear in the city; but remained without in solitary places, whither the people resorted to him from all parts.
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