geneva@Psalms:62:1 @ «To the chief Musician, to Jeduthun, A Psalm of David.» Truly (note:)Though Satan tempted him to murmur against God, yet he bridled his affections, and resting on God's promise.(:note) my soul waiteth upon God: from him [cometh] my salvation.
geneva@Psalms:62:2 @
geneva@Psalms:62:3 @ How long will ye imagine mischief against a (note:)He means himself, being the man whom God had appointed to the kingdom.(:note) man? ye shall be slain all of you: as a Though you seem to be in honour, yet God will suddenly destroy you. bowing wall [shall ye be, and as] a tottering fence.
geneva@Psalms:62:4 @ Yet they consult to cast him downe from his dignitie: their delight is in lies, they blesse with their mouthes, but curse with their hearts. Selah.
geneva@Psalms:62:5 @
geneva@Psalms:62:6 @ Yet is hee my strength, and my saluation, and my defence: therefore I shall not be mooued.
geneva@Psalms:62:7 @ In God [is] my salvation and my (note:)These vehement and often repetitions were necessary to strengthen his faith against the horrible assault of Satan.(:note) glory: the rock of my strength, [and] my refuge, [is] in God.
geneva@Psalms:62:8 @ Trust in him at all times; [ye] people, (note:)He admonishes us of our wicked nature, which would rather hide our sorrow and bite the bridle, than utter our grief to God to obtain remedy.(:note) pour out your heart before him: God [is] a refuge for us. Selah.
geneva@Psalms:62:9 @ Yet the children of men are vanitie, the chiefe men are lies: to lay them vpon a balance they are altogether lighter then vanitie.
geneva@Psalms:62:10 @ Trust not in oppression, and (note:)Give yourselves wholly to God by putting away all things that are contrary to his law.(:note) become not vain in robbery: if riches increase, set not your heart [upon them].
geneva@Psalms:62:11 @ God hath spoken (note:)He has plainly born witness to his power, so that no one needs to doubt it.(:note) once; twice have I heard this; that power [belongeth] unto God.
geneva@Psalms:62:12 @ Also unto thee, O Lord, [belongeth] mercy: for thou (note:)So that the wicked will feel your power, and the godly your mercy.(:note) renderest to every man according to his work.
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