rwp@Revelation:7:1 @{After this} (\meta touto\). Instead of the seventh seal (8:1|) being opened, two other episodes or preliminary visions occupy chapter 7 (the sealing of the servants of God strkjv@7:1-8| and the vision of the redeemed before the throne strkjv@7:9-17|). {Standing} (\hest“tas\). Second perfect predicate participle of \histˆmi\, intransitive and followed by \epi\ and the accusative case \g“nias\ as already in strkjv@3:20| (\epi thurian\) and often again (8:3| some MSS., others genitive; strkjv@11:11; strkjv@12:18; strkjv@14:1; strkjv@15:2|), but note \epi\ with genitive \thalassˆs\ in the next clause, like \epi kephalˆs\ in strkjv@12:1; strkjv@7:3|. {Corners} (\g“nias\). Old word for angle (Matthew:6:5|), also in strkjv@20:8|. {Holding} (\kratountas\). Present active participle of \krate“\, to hold fast (Mark:7:3; strkjv@John:20:23|). The four winds (cf. strkjv@Matthew:24:31|) are held prisoner by angels at each of the four corners. Some Jews held the winds from due north, south, east, west to be favourable, while those from the angles (see strkjv@Acts:27:14|) were unfavourable (Charles). There is an angel of the fire (14:18|) and an angel of the waters (16:5|). {That no wind should blow} (\hina mˆ pneˆi anemos\). Negative purpose clause with \hina mˆ\ and the present active subjunctive, "lest a wind keep on blowing." {Upon any tree} (\epi pan dendron\). Accusative case here with \epi\ rather than the preceding genitives (\gˆs, thalassˆs\), "upon the land or upon the sea," but "against any tree" (picture of attack on the tree like a tornado's path).
rwp@Revelation:7:2 @{Ascend} (\anabainonta\). Present active participle of \anabain“\, "ascending," "going up," picturing the process. {From the sun-rising} (\apo anatolˆs hˆliou\). Same phrase in strkjv@16:12|. From the east, though why is not told. Swete suggests it is because Palestine is east of Patmos. The plural \apo anatol“n\ occurs in strkjv@Matthew:2:1| without \hˆliou\ (sun). {The seal of the living God} (\sphragida theou z“ntos\). Here the signet ring, like that used by an Oriental monarch, to give validity to the official documents. The use of \z“ntos\ with \theou\ accents the eternal life of God (1:18; strkjv@10:6; strkjv@15:7|) as opposed to the ephemeral pagan gods. {To whom it was given} (\hois edothˆ autois\). For \edothˆ\ see on ¯6:2,4|, etc. The repetition of \autois\ in addition to \hois\ (both dative) is a redundant Hebraism (in vernacular _Koin‚_ to some extent) often in the Apocalypse (3:8|). The angels are here identified with the winds as the angels of the churches with the churches (1:20|). {To hurt} (\adikˆsai\). First aorist active infinitive of \adike“\, subject of \edothˆ\, common use of \adike“\ in this sense of to hurt in the Apocalypse (2:11; strkjv@6:6| already), in strkjv@Luke:10:19| also. The injury is to come by letting loose the winds, not by withholding them.
rwp@Revelation:7:3 @{Hurt not} (\mˆ adikˆsˆte\). Prohibition with \mˆ\ and the ingressive aorist active subjunctive of \adike“\, not to begin to hurt. {Till we shall have sealed} (\achri sphragis“men\). Temporal clause of indefinite action for the future with \achri\ (sometimes \achris hou\ or \achris hou an\) and the aorist subjunctive as in strkjv@15:8; strkjv@20:3,5| or the future indicative (17:7|), usually with the notion of ascent (up to) rather than extent like \mechri\. {An} (modal) sometimes occurs, but it is not necessary. But there is no _futurum exactum_ idea in the aorist subjunctive, simply "till we seal," not "till we shall have sealed." {Upon their foreheads} (\epi t“n met“p“n\). From strkjv@Ezekiel:9:4|. Old word (\meta, “ps\, after the eye, above the eye, the space above or between the eyes), in N.T. only in the Apocalypse (7:3; strkjv@9:4; strkjv@13:16; strkjv@14:1,9; strkjv@17:5; strkjv@20:4; strkjv@22:4|). For "the servants of God" (\tous doulous tou theou\) who are to be thus marked linked with angels in the service of God see strkjv@Revelation:1:1; strkjv@2:20; strkjv@19:2,5; strkjv@22:3,6|.
rwp@Revelation:7:4 @{The number of the sealed} (\ton arithmon t“n esphragismen“n\). Accusative case object of \ˆkousa\ and genitive of the perfect passive articular participle of \sphragiz“\. He did not see the sealing or count them himself, but only heard. {A hundred and forty and four thousand} (\hekaton tesserakonta tessares chiliades\). Symbolical, of course, and not meant to be a complete number of the sealed (or saved) even in that generation, let alone for all time. The number connotes perfection (Alford), 12x12x1000 = a hundred and forty-four thousands (\chiliades\, strkjv@5:11|). Nominative absolute, not agreeing in case either with \arithmon\ (accusative) or \esphragismen“n\ (genitive). Songs:as to the case of \esphragismenoi\. {Out of every tribe of the children of Israel} (\ek pƒsˆs phulˆs hui“n Israˆl\). There are two opposite views here, one taking the sealed as referring only to Jews (either actual Jews as a remnant or just Jewish Christians), the other including Gentiles as well as Jewish Christians, that is the true Israel as in strkjv@2:9; strkjv@3:9ff.| and like Paul in Galatians and Romans. This is the more probable view and it takes the twelve tribes in a spiritual sense. But in either view there remains the difficulty about names of the tribes. The list is not geographical, since Levi is included, but Dan is omitted and Manasseh put in his place, though he as the son of Joseph is included in Joseph. Irenaeus suggested that Antichrist was expected to come from the tribe of Dan and hence the omission here. There are various lists of the tribes in the O.T. (Genesis:35:22f.; strkjv@46:8ff.,49; strkjv@Exodus:1:1ff.; strkjv@Numbers:1:2; strkjv@13:4ff; strkjv@26:34; strkjv@Deuteronomy:27:11f.; strkjv@33:6ff.; strkjv@Joshua:13-22; strkjv@Judges:5; strkjv@1Chronicles:2-8; strkjv@12:24ff.; strkjv@27:16ff.; strkjv@Ezekiel:48|) and given in various orders. In strkjv@1Chronicles:7:12| both Dan and Zebulon are omitted. Joseph is given here in place of Ephraim. The distribution is equal (12,000) to each tribe.
rwp@Revelation:7:9 @{Which no man could number} (\hon arithmˆsai auton oudeis edunato\). Redundant repetition of the pronoun \auton\ after the relative \hon\ as in strkjv@7:5; strkjv@3:8|. \Edunato\ imperfect indicative and \arithmˆsai\ first aorist active infinitive of \arithme“\, old verb, in N.T. only here, strkjv@Matthew:10:30; strkjv@Luke:12:7|. See strkjv@5:9| (also strkjv@11:9; strkjv@13:7; strkjv@14:10; strkjv@17:15|) for the list of words after \ek\ (the spiritual Israel carried on all over the world), "a polyglott cosmopolitan crowd" (Swete). {Standing} (\hest“tes\). Same form in strkjv@7:1|, only nominative masculine plural referring to \ochlos\ (masculine singular), construction according to sense like the plural \legont“n\ with \ochlou\ in strkjv@19:1|. {Arrayed} (\peribeblˆmenous\). Perfect passive participle of \periball“\, but in the accusative plural (not nominative like \hest“tes\), a common variation in this book when preceded by \eidon\ and \idou\ as in strkjv@4:4| (\thronoi, presbuterous\). Charles regards this as a mere slip which would have been changed to \peribeblˆmenoi\ if John had read the MS. over. {In white robes} (\stolas leukas\). Predicate accusative retained with this passive verb of clothing as in strkjv@7:13; strkjv@10:1; strkjv@11:3; strkjv@12:1; strkjv@17:4; strkjv@18:16; strkjv@19:13|. {Palms} (\phoinikes\). Nominative again, back to construction with \idou\, not \eidon\. Old word, in N.T. only here for palm branches and strkjv@John:12:13| for palm trees. Both these and the white robes are signs of victory and joy.
rwp@Revelation:7:10 @{They cry} (\krazousi\). Vivid dramatic present. {With a great voice} (\ph“nˆi megalˆi\). As in strkjv@6:10; strkjv@7:2|. "The polyglott multitude shouts its praises as with one voice" (Swete). {Salvation} (\hˆ s“tˆria\). As in strkjv@12:10; strkjv@19:1|. Nominative absolute. Salvation here is regarded as an accomplished act on the part of those coming out of the great tribulation (verse 14|) and the praise for it is given to God (\t“i the“i\, dative case) and to the Lamb (\t“i arni“i\, dative also). Both God and Christ are thus called \s“tˆr\ as in the Pastoral Epistles, as to God (1Timothy:1:1; strkjv@2:3; strkjv@Titus:1:3; strkjv@3:4|) and to Christ (Titus:1:4; strkjv@2:13; strkjv@3:6|). For \hˆ s“tˆria\ see strkjv@John:4:22; strkjv@Acts:4:12; strkjv@Jude:1:3|.
rwp@Revelation:7:11 @{Were standing} (\histˆkeisan\). Past perfect active of \histˆmi\ intransitive and used like an imperfect as in strkjv@John:19:25|. {Round about} (\kukl“i\). Preposition (in a circle) with genitive as in strkjv@4:6; strkjv@5:11|. The angels here rejoice in the salvation of men (Luke:15:7,10; strkjv@1Peter:1:12|). {Upon their faces} (\epi ta pros“pa aut“n\). In reverential worship of God as in strkjv@11:16|. For this worship (fell and worshipped) see also strkjv@4:10; strkjv@5:14; strkjv@11:16; strkjv@19:4,10; strkjv@22:8|. The dative \t“i the“i\ (God) with \proskune“\ (to worship) is the usual construction for that meaning. When it means merely to do homage the accusative case is usual in this book (Charles). But in the Fourth Gospel the reverse order is true as to the cases with \proskune“\ (Abbott, _Joh. Vocab_. pp. 138-142).
rwp@Revelation:7:12 @Note \amˆn\ at the beginning and the close of the doxology. Note also separate feminine article with each of the seven attributes given God, as in strkjv@4:11; strkjv@5:12,13|.
rwp@Revelation:7:13 @{Answered} (\apekrithˆ\). First aorist passive (deponent) of \apokrinomai\ with \leg“n\ (saying), a common (only here in the Apocalypse) Hebrew redundancy in the Gospels (Mark:9:5|). An elder intervenes, though no question has been asked to interpret the vision (Swete). {These} (\houtoi\). Prophetic predicate nominative put before \tines eisin\ (who are they). Note article repeated with \stolas\ pointing to verse 9|, and accusative also retained after \peribeblˆmenoi\ as there. Both "who" and "whence" as in strkjv@Joshua:9:8|.
rwp@Revelation:7:14 @{I say} (\eirˆka\). Perfect active indicative of \eipon\, "I have said." "To the Seer's mind the whole scene was still fresh and vivid" (Swete) like \kekragen\ in strkjv@John:1:15| and \eilˆphen\ in strkjv@Revelation:5:7|, not the so-called "aoristic perfect" which even Moulton (_Prol_. p. 145) is disposed to admit. {My lord} (\Kurie mou\). "An address of reverence to a heavenly being" (Vincent), not an act of worship on John's part. {Thou knowest} (\su oidas\). "At once a confession of ignorance, and an appeal for information" (Swete), not of full confidence like \su oidas\ in strkjv@John:21:15ff|. {They which come out of the great tribulation} (\hoi erchomenoi ek tˆs thlipse“s tˆs megalˆs\). Present middle participle with the idea of continued repetition. "The martyrs are still arriving from the scene of the great tribulation" (Charles). Apparently some great crisis is contemplated (Matthew:13:19ff.; strkjv@24:21; strkjv@Mark:13:10|), though the whole series may be in mind and so may anticipate final judgment. {And they washed} (\kai eplunan\). First aorist active indicative of \plun“\, old verb, to wash, in N.T. only strkjv@Luke:5:2; strkjv@Revelation:7:14; strkjv@22:14|. This change of construction after \hoi erchomenoi\ from \hoi plunˆsantes\ to \kai eplunan\ is common in the Apocalypse, one of Charles's Hebraisms, like \kai epoiˆsen\ in strkjv@1:6| and \kai planƒi\ in strkjv@2:20|. {Made them white} (\eleukanan\). First aorist active indicative of \leukain“\, to whiten, old verb from \leukos\ (verse 13|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Mark:9:3|. "Milligan remarks that _robes_ are the expression of character and compares the word _habit_ used of dress" (Vincent). The language here comes partly from strkjv@Genesis:49:11| and partly from strkjv@Exodus:19:10,14|. For the cleansing power of Christ's blood see also strkjv@Romans:3:25; strkjv@5:9; strkjv@Colossians:1:20: strkjv@Ephesians:1:7; strkjv@1Peter:1:2; strkjv@Hebrews:9:14; strkjv@1John:1:7; strkjv@Revelation:1:5; strkjv@5:9; strkjv@22:14|. "The aorists look back to the life on earth when the cleansing was effected" (Swete). See strkjv@Phillipians:2:12f.| for both divine and human aspects of salvation. {In the blood of the Lamb} (\en t“i haimati tou arniou\). There is power alone in the blood of Christ to cleanse from sin (1John:1:7|), not in the blood of the martyrs themselves. The result is "white," not "red," as one might imagine.
rwp@Revelation:7:15 @{Therefore} (\dia touto\). Because of the washing described in verse 14|. {They serve him} (\latreuousin aut“i\). Dative case with \latreu“\ (present active indicative, old verb, originally to serve for hire \latron\, then service in general, then religious service to God, strkjv@Matthew:4:10|, then in particular ritual worship of the priests, strkjv@Hebrews:8:5|). All the redeemed are priests (Revelation:16:5,10|) in the heavenly temple (6:9|) as here. But this service is that of spiritual worship, not of external rites (Romans:12:1; strkjv@Phillipians:3:3|). {Day and night} (\hˆmeras kai nuktos\). Genitive of time, "by day and night," as in strkjv@4:8| of the praise of the four living creatures. {Shall spread his tabernacle over them} (\skˆn“sei ep' autous\). Future (change of tense from present in \latreuousin\) active of \skˆno“\, old verb from \skˆnos\ (tent, tabernacle), used in strkjv@John:1:14| of the earthly life of Christ, elsewhere in N.T. only in Rev. (7:14; strkjv@12:12; strkjv@13:6; strkjv@21:3|). In strkjv@12:12; strkjv@13:6| of those who dwell in tents, here of God spreading his tent "over" (\ep' autous\) the redeemed in heaven, in strkjv@21:3| of God tabernacling "with" (\met' aut“n\) the redeemed, in both instances a picture of sacred fellowship, and "the further idea of God's Presence as a protection from all fear of evil" (Swete) like the overshadowing of Israel by the Shekinah and a possible allusion also to the tents (\skˆnai\) of the feast of tabernacles and to the tent of meeting where God met Moses (Exodus:33:7-11|).
rwp@Revelation:7:16 @{They shall hunger no more} (\ou peinasousin eti\). Future tense of \peina“\, old verb with late form instead of \peinˆsousin\ like strkjv@Luke:6:25|. It is a free translation of strkjv@Isaiah:49:10| (not quotation from the LXX). {Neither thirst any more} (\oude dipsˆsousin eti\). Future tense of \dipsa“\, the two strong human appetites will be gone, a clear refutation of a gross materialistic or sensual conception of the future life. Cf. strkjv@John:6:35|. {Neither shall strike} (\oude mˆ pesˆi\). Strong double negative \oude mˆ\ with second aorist active subjunctive of \pipt“\, to fall. They will no longer be under the rays of the sun as upon earth. {Nor any heat} (\oude pƒn kauma\). Old word from \kai“\, to burn, painful and burning heat, in N.T. only here and strkjv@16:9| (picture of the opposite condition). The use of the negative with \pƒn\ (all) for "not any" is common in N.T. Cf. strkjv@Psalms:121:6|.
rwp@Revelation:7:17 @{In the midst} (\ana meson\). In strkjv@5:6| we have \en mes“i tou thronou\ as the position of the Lamb, and so that is apparently the sense of \ana meson\ here as in strkjv@Matthew:13:25|, though it can mean "between," as clearly so in strkjv@1Corinthians:6:5|. {Shall be their shepherd} (\paimanei autous\). "Shall shepherd them," future active of \poimain“\ (from \poimˆn\, shepherd), in strkjv@John:21:16; strkjv@Acts:20:28; strkjv@1Peter:5:2; strkjv@Revelation:2:27; strkjv@7:17; strkjv@12:5; strkjv@19:15|. Jesus is still the Good Shepherd of his sheep (John:10:11,14ff.|). Cf. strkjv@Psalms:23:1|. {Shall guide them} (\hodˆ gˆsei autous\). Future active of \hodˆge“\, old word (from \hodˆgos\, guide, strkjv@Matthew:15:14|), used of God's guidance of Israel (Exodus:15:13|), of God's guidance of individual lives (Psalms:5:9|), of the guidance of the Holy Spirit (John:16:13|), of Christ's own guidance here (cf. strkjv@John:14:4; strkjv@Revelation:14:4|). {Unto fountains of waters of life} (\epi z“ˆs pˆgas hudat“n\). The language is like that in strkjv@Isaiah:49:10; strkjv@Jeremiah:2:13|. Note the order, "to life's water springs" (Swete) like the Vulgate _ad vitae fontes aquarum_, with emphasis on \z“ˆs\ (life's). For this idea see also strkjv@John:4:12,14; strkjv@7:38f.; strkjv@Revelation:21:6; strkjv@22:1,17|. No special emphasis on the plural here or in strkjv@8:10; strkjv@14:7; strkjv@16:4|. {And God shall wipe away} (\kai exaleipsei ho theos\). Repeated in strkjv@21:4| from strkjv@Isaiah:25:8|. Future active of \exaleiph“\, old compound, to wipe out (\ex\), off, away, already in strkjv@3:5| for erasing a name and in strkjv@Acts:3:19| for removing the stain (guilt) of sin. {Every tear} (\pƒn dakruon\). Old word, with other form, \dakru\, in strkjv@Luke:7:38,44|. Note repetition of \ek\ with \ophthalm“n\ (out of their eyes). "Words like these of vv. 15-17| must sound as a divine music in the ears of the persecuted. God will comfort as a mother comforts" (Baljon).
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