tsk@Genesis:47:18 @ *1 When that year was ended, they came unto him the second year, and said unto him, We will not hide it from my lord, how that our money is spent; my lord also hath our herds of cattle; there is not ought left in the sight of my lord, but our bodies, and our lands: strkjv@2Kings:6:26; strkjv@Jeremiah:38:9
tsk@Isaiah:49:4 @ *1 I have laboured strkjv@Isaiah:65:2; strkjv@Ezekiel:3:19; strkjv@Matthew:17:17; strkjv@Matthew:23:37; strkjv@John:1:11; strkjv@Romans:10:21; strkjv@Galatians:4:11 *2 spent strkjv@Leviticus:26:20; strkjv@2Corinthians:12:15 *3 yet strkjv@Isaiah:53:10-12; strkjv@Psalms:22:22-31; strkjv@Luke:24:26; strkjv@John:17:4-5; strkjv@2Corinthians:2:15; strkjv@Philippians:2:9-10; strkjv@Hebrews:12:2 *4 work strkjv@Isaiah:40:10; strkjv@Isaiah:62:11
tsk@Mark:6:35 @ *1 And when the day was now far spent, his disciples came unto him, and said, This is a desert place, and now the time is far passed: strkjv@Matthew:14:15-21; strkjv@Luke:9:12-17; strkjv@John:6:5-15
tsk@Luke:24:29 @ *1 But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. And he went in to tarry with them. strkjv@Luke:14:23; strkjv@Genesis:19:3; strkjv@2Kings:4:8; strkjv@Acts:16:14
tsk@Acts:17:21 @ *1 spent strkjv@Ephesians:5:16; strkjv@Colossians:4:5; strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:11-12; strkjv@1Timothy:5:13; strkjv@2Timothy:2:16-17
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