lesserot@1Samuel:4:1 @ And the word of Samuel became known to all Israel. Now Israel went out against the Philistines to battle, and encamped beside Eben–ha’ezer; and the Philistines encamped in Aphek.
lesserot@1Samuel:4:2 @ And the Philistines put themselves in battle–array against Israel; and the battle became general, and Israel was smitten before the Philistines: and they slew on the battle–ground, in the field, about four thousand men.
lesserot@1Samuel:4:3 @ And when the people were come back into the camp, the elders of Israel said, Wherefore hath the Lord smitten us this day before the Philistines? Let us bring over to us out of Shiloh the ark of the covenant of the Lord, that it may come in the midst of us, and deliver us out of the hand of our enemies.
lesserot@1Samuel:4:4 @ So the people sent to Shiloh, and they brought away from there the ark of the covenant of the Lord of hosts, who dwelleth over the cherubim: and the two sons of ‘Eli, Chophni and Phinehas, were there with the ark of the covenant of God.
lesserot@1Samuel:4:5 @ And it happened when the ark of the covenant of the Lord came into the camp, that all Israel set up a great shout, so that the earth trembled.
lesserot@1Samuel:4:6 @ And when the Philistines heard the noise of the shouting, they said, What meaneth the noise of this great shouting in the camp of the Hebrews? And they understood that the ark of the Lord was come into the camp.
lesserot@1Samuel:4:7 @ And the Philistines were afraid; for they said, God is come into the camp. And they said, Woe unto us! for the like of this hath not been, yesterday or the day before.
lesserot@1Samuel:4:8 @ Woe unto us! who shall deliver us out of the hand of these mighty Gods? these are the Gods that smote the Egyptians with every plague in the wilderness.
lesserot@1Samuel:4:9 @ Be strong, and act like men, O Philistines, so that ye become not servants unto the Hebrews, as they have been servants to you: therefore act like men, and fight.
lesserot@1Samuel:4:10 @ And the Philistines fought, and the Israelites were smitten, and they fled every man unto his tent: and the defeat was very great; and there fell of Israel thirty thousand men on foot.
lesserot@1Samuel:4:11 @ And the ark of God was taken; and the two sons of ‘Eli, Chophni and Phinehas, died also.
lesserot@1Samuel:4:12 @ And there ran a man of Benjamin from the battlefield, and came to Shiloh on the same day, with his clothes rent, and earth upon his head.
lesserot@1Samuel:4:13 @ And when he came, lo, ‘Eli was sitting upon a chair by the wayside watching; for his heart was anxious for the ark of God. And when the man came to tell it in the city, all the city cried out.
lesserot@1Samuel:4:14 @ And when ‘Eli heard the noise of the crying, he said, What meaneth the noise of this multitude? And the man came in hastily, and told it to ‘Eli.
lesserot@1Samuel:4:15 @ Now ‘Eli was ninety and eight years old; and his eyes were fixed, so that he could not see.
lesserot@1Samuel:4:16 @ And the man said unto ‘Eli, I am the person that came from the battlefield, and I myself fled from the battlefield today. And he said, What was it that took place, my son?
lesserot@1Samuel:4:17 @ And the messenger answered and said, Israel is fled before the Philistines, and there hath also been a great slaughter among the people, and also thy two sons, Chophni and Phinehas, are dead, and the ark of God hath been taken.
lesserot@1Samuel:4:18 @ And it came to pass, when he mentioned the ark of God, that he fell from off the chair backward by the side of the gate, and his neck was broken, and he died; for the man was old, and heavy. And he had judged Israel forty years.
lesserot@1Samuel:4:19 @ And his daughter–in–law, the wife of Phinehas, was with child, near to be delivered: and when she heard the tidings concerning that the ark of God had been taken, and that her father–in–law and her husband were dead, she sank down and gave birth; for her pains came suddenly upon her.
lesserot@1Samuel:4:20 @ And at the moment of her dying, the women that stood around her spoke, Fear not; for a son hast thou born. But she answered not, nor did she take it to heart.
lesserot@1Samuel:4:21 @ And she named the child I–chabod, saying, Glory is departed from Israel; because of the taking away of the ark of God, and because of her father–in–law and her husband.
lesserot@1Samuel:4:22 @ And she said, Glory is departed from Israel; for the ark of God hath been taken away.
lesserot@1Samuel:5:1 @ And the Philistines took the ark of God, and brought it from Eben–ha’ezer unto Ashdod.
lesserot@1Samuel:5:2 @ And the Philistines took the ark of God, and brought it into the house of Dagon, and set it by Dagon.
lesserot@1Samuel:5:3 @ And when the people of Ashdod arose early on the morrow, behold, Dagon was lying upon his face on the earth before the ark of the Lord. And they took Dagon, and set him again in his place.
lesserot@1Samuel:5:4 @ And when they arose early on the morning of the following day, behold, Dagon was lying upon his face on the ground before the ark of the Lord; and the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold; only the fish portion was left on him.
lesserot@1Samuel:5:5 @ Therefore do the priests of Dagon, and all that come into Dagon’s house, not step on the threshold of Dagon in Ashdod even until this day.
lesserot@1Samuel:5:6 @ And the hand of the Lord became heavy upon the people of Ashdod, and he destroyed them, and smote them with hemorrhoids, even Ashdod and its territory.
lesserot@1Samuel:5:7 @ And when the men of Ashdod saw that it was so, they said, The ark of the God of Israel shall not remain with us; for his hand is sore upon us, and upon Dagon our God.
lesserot@1Samuel:5:8 @ And they sent and gathered together all the lords of the Philistines unto them, and said, What shall we do with the ark of the God of Israel? And they answered, Let the ark of the God of Israel be removed unto Gath. And they removed the ark of the God of Israel thither.
lesserot@1Samuel:5:9 @ And it happened, after they had removed it, that the hand of the Lord was against the city with a very great confusion; and he smote the men of the city, both small and great, and they had hemorrhoids in their secret parts.
lesserot@1Samuel:5:10 @ And they sent away the ark of God to ‘Ekron. And it came to pass, as the ark of God came to ‘Ekron, that the ‘Ekronites cried out, saying, They have removed to us the ark of the God of Israel, to slay us and our people.
lesserot@1Samuel:5:11 @ So they sent and gathered together all the lords of the Philistines, and said, Send away the ark of the God of Israel, that it may return to its own place, so that it may not slay us, and our people; for there was a confusion of death throughout all the city; the hand of God was very heavy there.
lesserot@1Samuel:5:12 @ And the people that did not die were smitten with the hemorrhoids; and the lamentation of the city went up to heaven.
lesserot@1Samuel:6:1 @ And the ark of the Lord was in the fields of the Philistines seven months.
lesserot@1Samuel:6:2 @ And the Philistines called for the priests and the diviners, saying, What shall we do with the ark of the Lord? let us know wherewith we shall send off it to its place.
lesserot@1Samuel:6:3 @ And they said, If ye send away the ark of the God of Israel, send it not away empty; but ye must to a certainty return him a trespass–offering: then will ye be healed, and it will be known to you why his hand is not removed from you.
lesserot@1Samuel:6:4 @ And they said, What shall be the trespass–offering that we shall return to him? And they answered, According to the number of the lords of the Philistines, five golden hemorrhoids, and five golden mice; for one plague affected them all, and your lords.
lesserot@1Samuel:6:5 @ Therefore make images of your hemorrhoids, and images of your mice that devastate the land; and give glory unto the God of Israel: perhaps he will lighten his hand from off you, and from off your gods, and from off your land.
lesserot@1Samuel:6:6 @ And why will ye harden your heart, just as the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their heart? Did not they, when he had wrought wonderful deeds among them, dismiss them, and they departed?
lesserot@1Samuel:6:7 @ And now make a new wagon, and take two milch–cows, on which there hath come no yoke, and harness the cows to the wagon, and bring their calves home away from them:
lesserot@1Samuel:6:8 @ And take the ark of the Lord, and place it into the wagon; and the articles of gold, which ye return him as a trespass–offering, ye must put in a casket alongside of it; and then send it away, that it may go.
lesserot@1Samuel:6:9 @ And then see, if it go up by the way to its own boundary, to Beth–shemesh, then hath he done us this great evil; but if not, then shall we know that not his hand hath smitten us; it is a chance which hath happened to us.
lesserot@1Samuel:6:10 @ And the men did so; and they took two milch–cows, and harnessed them to the wagon, and their calves they shut up at home:
lesserot@1Samuel:6:11 @ And they placed the ark of the Lord in the wagon, and the casket with the mice of gold and images of their hemorrhoids.
lesserot@1Samuel:6:12 @ And the cows went straight forward on the way on the road to Beth–shemesh: on one highway they did go along, lowing as they went, and turned not aside to the right or to the left; and the lords of the Philistines went after them as far as the border of Beth–shemesh.
lesserot@1Samuel:6:13 @ And they of Beth–shemesh were reaping their wheat harvest in the valley; and when they lifted up their eyes, and saw the ark, they rejoiced to see it.
lesserot@1Samuel:6:14 @ And the wagon came to the field of Joshua, the Beth–shemite, and stood still there; and there was a great stone; and they split the wood of the wagon, and the cows they offered as a burnt–offering unto the Lord.
lesserot@1Samuel:6:15 @ And the Levites took down the ark of the Lord, and the casket that was with it, wherein were the articles of gold, and put them on the great stone; and the men of Beth–shemesh offered bunt–offerings and sacrificed sacrifices on the same day unto the Lord.
lesserot@1Samuel:6:16 @ And when the five lords of the Philistines had seen it, they returned to ‘Ekron on the same day.
lesserot@1Samuel:6:17 @ And these are the golden hemorrhoids which the Philistines returned as a trespass–offering unto the Lord: For Ashdod one, for Gazzah one, for Ashkelon one, for Gath one, for ‘Ekron one.
lesserot@1Samuel:6:18 @ And the golden mice were according to the number of all the cities of the Philistines under the five lords, from the fortified city, down to the open village, even unto the great stone whereon they had set down the ark of the Lord, and which is unto this day in the field of Joshua, the Beth–shemite.
lesserot@1Samuel:6:19 @ And he smote among the men of Beth–shemesh, because they had looked into the ark of the Lord, namely, he smote among the people seventy men and fifty thousand men: and the people mourned because the Lord had caused among the people a great slaughter.
lesserot@1Samuel:6:20 @ And the men of Beth–shemesh said, Who is able to stand before the Lord, this holy God? and to whom shall it go up away from us?
lesserot@1Samuel:6:21 @ And they sent messengers to the inhabitants of Kiryath–ye’arim, saying, The Philistines have brought back the ark of the Lord: come ye down, and fetch it up to you.
lesserot@1Samuel:7:1 @ And the men of Kiryath–ye’arim came, and fetched up the ark of the Lord, and brought it unto the house of Abinadab on the hill, and Elazar his son they sanctified to guard the ark of the Lord.
lesserot@1Samuel:7:2 @ And it came to pass, from the time the ark remained in Kiryath–ye’arim, and the time was long, and it was twenty years: that all the house of Israel followed anxiously after the Lord.
lesserot@1Samuel:7:3 @ And Samuel said unto all the house of Israel, as followeth, If with all your heart ye do return unto the Lord, then put away the gods of the stranger and the ‘Ashtaroth from your midst, and direct your heart unto the Lord, and serve him alone: and then will he deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines.
lesserot@1Samuel:7:4 @ Then did the children of Israel put away the Be’alim and the ‘Ashtaroth, and served the Lord alone.
lesserot@1Samuel:7:5 @ And Samuel said, Assemble all Israel together at Mizpah, and I will pray in your behalf unto the Lord.
lesserot@1Samuel:7:6 @ And they assembled themselves together at Mizpah, and drew water, and poured it out before the Lord, and fasted on that day, and said there, We have sinned against the Lord. And Samuel judged the children of Israel in Mizpah.
lesserot@1Samuel:7:7 @ And when the Philistines heard that the children of Israel had assembled themselves at Mizpah, the lords of the Philistines went up against Israel. And when the children of Israel heard it, they were afraid of the Philistines.
lesserot@1Samuel:7:8 @ And the children of Israel said to Samuel, Do not abstain, so as not to cry for us unto the Lord our God, that he may help us out of the hand of the Philistines.
lesserot@1Samuel:7:9 @ And Samuel took one sucking lamb, and offered it for an entire burnt–offering unto the Lord: and Samuel cried unto the Lord in behalf of Israel; and the Lord answered him.
lesserot@1Samuel:7:10 @ And as Samuel was offering up the burnt–offering, the Philistines drew near to battle against Israel; but the Lord thundered with a loud noise on that day over the Philistines, and brought them into confusion, and they were smitten before Israel.
lesserot@1Samuel:7:11 @ And the men of Israel went out of Mizpah, and pursued the Philistines, and smote them, as far as below Beth–car.
lesserot@1Samuel:7:12 @ And Samuel took one stone, and set it between Mizpah and Shen, and called its name Eben–ha’ezer, saying, As far as this hath the Lord helped us.
lesserot@1Samuel:7:13 @ So were the Philistines humbled, and they came no more into the territory of Israel; and the hand of the Lord was against the Philistines all the days of Samuel.
lesserot@1Samuel:7:14 @ And the cities which the Philistines had taken from Israel came again to Israel, from ‘Ekron even unto Gath, and their territory did Israel deliver out of the hand of the Philistines. And there was peace between Israel and the Emorites.
lesserot@1Samuel:7:15 @ And Samuel judged Israel all the days of his life.
lesserot@1Samuel:7:16 @ And he went from year to year and traveled in circuit to Beth–el, and Gilgal, and Mizpah, and judged Israel in all these places.
lesserot@1Samuel:7:17 @ And his return was to Ramah; for there was his house; and there he judged Israel: and he built there an altar unto the Lord.
lesserot@1Samuel:8:1 @ And it came to pass, when Samuel was old, that he appointed his sons judges over Israel.
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