bwe@Acts:1:1 @ Theophilus, in the first book I wrote to you, I wrote about all the things Jesus began to do and to teach.
bwe@Acts:1:2 @ He did those things until the day he was taken up to heaven. Before he went up, he gave orders by the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen.
bwe@Acts:1:3 @ In many ways he proved to them that he was living again after his terrible death. For forty days they often saw him. Then he told them things about Gods kingdom.
bwe@Acts:1:4 @ One day when he was eating with them, he told them not to leave Jerusalem. He said, Wait here for what the Father promised you. I have told you about that promise already.
bwe@Acts:1:5 @ John baptised with water. But you will be baptised with the Holy Spirit when a few days have passed.
bwe@Acts:1:6 @ When they had come together, the apostles asked Jesus, Lord, are you now going to set up the kingdom of Israel?
bwe@Acts:1:7 @ He answered them, You will not know the days or the months which the Father has chosen.
bwe@Acts:1:8 @ But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power. You will speak of me in Jerusalem and all around in Judea and Samaria and everywhere in the world.
bwe@Acts:1:9 @ When Jesus had said this, he went up. They watched him going. Then a cloud hid him, and they did not see him any more.
bwe@Acts:1:10 @ While they were looking at the sky as he went up, two men stood by them in white clothes.
bwe@Acts:1:11 @ They said, You men from Galilee, why do you stand there looking at the sky? Jesus has gone up into heaven. In the same way that you saw him go up, he will come again.
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