rwp@Acts:18:23 @{Having spent some time} (\poiˆsas chronon tina\). Literally, having done some time. How long we do not know, probably not long. There are those who place the visit of Peter here to which Paul alludes in strkjv@Galatians:2:11ff.| and which we have located while Paul was here the last time (Acts:15:35|). {He departed} (\exˆlthen\). Thus simply and alone Paul began the third mission tour without a Barnabas or a Silas. {Went through} (\dierchomenos\). Present middle participle, going through. {The region of Galatia and Phrygia} (\ten Galatikˆn ch“ran kai Phrygian\). See on ¯Acts:16:6| for discussion of this phrase, here in reverse order, passing through the Galatic region and then Phrygia. Does Luke mean Lycaonia (Derbe and Lystra) and Phrygia (Iconium and Pisidian Antioch)? Or does he mean the route west through the old Galatia and the old Phrygia on west into Asia? The same conflict exists here over the South Galatian and the North Galatian theories. Phrygia is apparently distinguished from the Galatic region here. It is apparently A.D. 52 when Paul set out on this tour. {In order} (\kathexˆs\). In succession as in strkjv@11:4|, though the names of the cities are not given. {Stablishing} (\stˆriz“n\). As he did in the second tour (15:41|, \epistˆriz“n\, compound of this same verb) which see.
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