wmth@Acts:21:27 @ But, when the seven days were nearly over, the Jews from the province of Asia, having seen Paul in the Temple, set about rousing the fury of all the people against him.
wmth@Acts:21:28 @ They laid hands on him, crying out, »Men of Israel, help! help! This is the man who goes everywhere preaching to everybody against the Jewish people and the Law and this place. And besides, he has even brought Gentiles into the Temple and has desecrated this holy place.«
wmth@Acts:21:29 @ (For they had previously seen Trophimus the Ephesian with him in the city, and imagined that Paul had brought him into the Temple.)
wmth@Acts:21:30 @ The excitement spread through the whole city, and the people rushed in crowds to the Temple, and there laid hold of Paul and began to drag him out; and the Temple gates were immediately closed.
wmth@Acts:21:31 @ But while they were trying to kill Paul, word was taken up to the Tribune in command of the battalion, that all Jerusalem was in a ferment.
wmth@Acts:21:32 @ He instantly sent for a few soldiers and their officers, and came down among the people with all speed. At the sight of the Tribune and the troops they ceased beating Paul.
wmth@Acts:21:33 @ Then the Tribune, making his way to him, arrested him, and, having ordered him to be secured with two chains, proceeded to ask who he was and what he had been doing.
wmth@Acts:21:34 @ Some of the crowd shouted one accusation against Paul and some another, until, as the uproar made it impossible for the truth to be ascertained with certainty, the Tribune ordered him to be brought into the barracks.
wmth@Acts:21:35 @ When Paul was going up the steps, he had to be carried by the soldiers because of the violence of the mob;
wmth@Acts:21:36 @ for the whole mass of the people pressed on in the rear, shouting, »Away with him!«
wmth@Acts:21:37 @ When he was about to be taken into the barracks, Paul said to the Tribune, »May I speak to you?«»Do you know Greek?« the Tribune asked.
wmth@Acts:21:38 @ »Are you not the Egyptian who some years ago excited the riot of the 4,000 cut-throats, and led them out into the Desert?«
wmth@Acts:21:39 @ »I am a Jew,« replied Paul, »belonging to Tarsus in Cilicia, and am a citizen of no unimportant city. Give me leave, I pray you, to speak to the people.«
wmth@Acts:21:40 @ So with his permission Paul stood on the steps and motioned with his hand to the people to be quiet; and when there was perfect silence he addressed them in Hebrew.
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