ylt@Ephesians:5:22 @The wives! to your own husbands subject yourselves, as to the Lord,
ylt@Ephesians:5:23 @because the husband is head of the wife, as also the Christ [is] head of the assembly, and he is saviour of the body,
ylt@Ephesians:5:24 @but even as the assembly is subject to Christ, so also [are] the wives to their own husbands in everything.
ylt@Ephesians:5:25 @The husbands! love your own wives, as also the Christ did love the assembly, and did give himself for it,
ylt@Ephesians:5:26 @that he might sanctify it, having cleansed [it] with the bathing of the water in the saying,
ylt@Ephesians:5:27 @that he might present it to himself the assembly in glory, not having spot or wrinkle, or any of such things, but that it may be holy and unblemished;
ylt@Ephesians:5:28 @so ought the husbands to love their own wives as their own bodies: he who is loving his own wife -- himself he doth love;
ylt@Ephesians:5:29 @for no one ever his own flesh did hate, but doth nourish and cherish it, as also the Lord -- the assembly,
ylt@Ephesians:5:30 @because members we are of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones;
ylt@Ephesians:5:31 @'for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined to his wife, and they shall be -- the two -- for one flesh;'
ylt@Ephesians:5:32 @this secret is great, and I speak in regard to Christ and to the assembly;
ylt@Ephesians:5:33 @but ye also, every one in particular -- let each his own wife so love as himself, and the wife -- that she may reverence the husband.
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