rwp@Ephesians:5:4 @{Filthiness} (\aischrotˆs\). Old word from \aischros\ (base), here alone in N.T. {Foolish talking} (\m“rologia\). Late word from \m“rologos\ (\m“ros, logos\), only here in N.T. {Jesting} (\eutrapelia\). Old word from \eutrapelos\ (\eu, trep“\, to turn) nimbleness of wit, quickness in making repartee (so in Plato and Plutarch), but in low sense as here ribaldry, scurrility, only here in N.T. All of these disapproved vices are \hapax legomena\ in the N.T. {Which are not befitting} (\ha ouk anˆken\). Same idiom (imperfect with word of propriety about the present) in strkjv@Colossians:3:18|. Late MSS. read \ta ouk anˆkonta\ like \ta mˆ kathˆkonta\ in strkjv@Romans:1:28|.
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