ylt@John:18:1 @These things having said, Jesus went forth with his disciples beyond the brook of Kedron, where was a garden, into which he entered, himself and his disciples,
ylt@John:18:2 @and Judas also, who delivered him up, had known the place, because many times did Jesus assemble there with his disciples.
ylt@John:18:3 @Judas, therefore, having taken the band and officers out of the chief priests and Pharisees, doth come thither with torches and lamps, and weapons;
ylt@John:18:4 @Jesus, therefore, knowing all things that are coming upon him, having gone forth, said to them, 'Whom do ye seek?'
ylt@John:18:5 @they answered him, 'Jesus the Nazarene;' Jesus saith to them, 'I am [he];' -- and Judas who delivered him up was standing with them; --
ylt@John:18:6 @when, therefore, he said to them -- 'I am [he],' they went away backward, and fell to the ground.
ylt@John:18:7 @Again, therefore, he questioned them, 'Whom do ye seek?' and they said, 'Jesus the Nazarene;'
ylt@John:18:8 @Jesus answered, 'I said to you that I am [he]; if, then, me ye seek, suffer these to go away;'
ylt@John:18:9 @that the word might be fulfilled that he said -- 'Those whom Thou hast given to me, I did not lose of them even one.'
ylt@John:18:10 @Simon Peter, therefore, having a sword, drew it, and struck the chief priest's servant, and cut off his right ear -- and the name of the servant was Malchus --
ylt@John:18:11 @Jesus, therefore, said to Peter, 'Put the sword into the sheath; the cup that the Father hath given to me, may I not drink it?'
ylt@John:18:12 @The band, therefore, and the captain, and the officers of the Jews, took hold on Jesus, and bound him,
ylt@John:18:13 @and they led him away to Annas first, for he was father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was chief priest of that year,
ylt@John:18:14 @and Caiaphas was he who gave counsel to the Jews, that it is good for one man to perish for the people.
ylt@John:18:15 @And following Jesus was Simon Peter, and the other disciple, and that disciple was known to the chief priest, and he entered with Jesus to the hall of the chief priest,
ylt@John:18:16 @and Peter was standing at the door without, therefore went forth the other disciple who was known to the chief priest, and he spake to the female keeping the door, and he brought in Peter.
ylt@John:18:17 @Then said the maid keeping the door to Peter, 'Art thou also of the disciples of this man?' he saith, 'I am not;'
ylt@John:18:18 @and the servants and the officers were standing, having made a fire of coals, because it was cold, and they were warming themselves, and Peter was standing with them, and warming himself.
ylt@John:18:19 @The chief priests, therefore, questioned Jesus concerning his disciples, and concerning his teaching;
ylt@John:18:20 @Jesus answered him, 'I spake freely to the world, I did always teach in a synagogue, and in the temple, where the Jews do always come together; and in secret I spake nothing;
ylt@John:18:21 @why me dost thou question? question those having heard what I spake to them; lo, these have known what I said.'
ylt@John:18:22 @And he having said these things, one of the officers standing by did give Jesus a slap, saying, 'Thus dost thou answer the chief priest?'
ylt@John:18:23 @Jesus answered him, 'If I spake ill, testify concerning the ill; and if well, why me dost thou smite?'
ylt@John:18:24 @Annas then sent him bound to Caiaphas the chief priest.
ylt@John:18:25 @And Simon Peter was standing and warming himself, they said then to him, 'Art thou also of his disciples?' he denied, and said, 'I am not.'
ylt@John:18:26 @One of the servants of the chief priest, being kinsman of him whose ear Peter cut off, saith, 'Did not I see thee in the garden with him?'
ylt@John:18:27 @again, therefore, Peter denied, and immediately a cock crew.
ylt@John:18:28 @They led, therefore, Jesus from Caiaphas to the praetorium, and it was early, and they themselves did not enter into the praetorium, that they might not be defiled, but that they might eat the passover;
ylt@John:18:29 @Pilate, therefore, went forth unto them, and said, 'What accusation do ye bring against this man?'
ylt@John:18:30 @they answered and said to him, 'If he were not an evil doer, we had not delivered him to thee.'
ylt@John:18:31 @Pilate, therefore, said to them, 'Take ye him -- ye -- and according to your law judge him;' the Jews, therefore, said to him, 'It is not lawful to us to put any one to death;'
ylt@John:18:32 @that the word of Jesus might be fulfilled which he said, signifying by what death he was about to die.
ylt@John:18:33 @Pilate, therefore, entered into the praetorium again, and called Jesus, and said to him, 'Thou art the King of the Jews?'
ylt@John:18:34 @Jesus answered him, 'From thyself dost thou say this? or did others say it to thee about me?'
ylt@John:18:35 @Pilate answered, 'Am I a Jew? thy nation, and the chief priests did deliver thee up to me; what didst thou?'
ylt@John:18:36 @Jesus answered, 'My kingdom is not of this world; if my kingdom were of this world, my officers had struggled that I might not be delivered up to Jews; but now my kingdom is not from hence.'
ylt@John:18:37 @Pilate, therefore, said to him, 'Art thou then a king?' Jesus answered, 'Thou dost say [it]; because a king I am, I for this have been born, and for this I have come to the world, that I may testify to the truth; every one who is of the truth, doth hear my voice.'
ylt@John:18:38 @Pilate saith to him, 'What is truth?' and this having said, again he went forth unto the Jews, and saith to them, 'I do find no fault in him;
ylt@John:18:39 @and ye have a custom that I shall release to you one in the passover; will ye, therefore, [that] I shall release to you the king of the Jews?'
ylt@John:18:40 @therefore they all cried out again, saying, 'Not this one -- but Barabbas;' and Barabbas was a robber.
ylt@John:19:1 @Then, therefore, did Pilate take Jesus and scourge [him],
ylt@John:19:2 @and the soldiers having plaited a crown of thorns, did place [it] on his head, and a purple garment they put around him,
ylt@John:19:3 @and said, 'Hail! the king of the Jews;' and they were giving him slaps.
ylt@John:19:4 @Pilate, therefore, again went forth without, and saith to them, 'Lo, I do bring him to you without, that ye may know that in him I find no fault;'
ylt@John:19:5 @Jesus, therefore, came forth without, bearing the thorny crown and the purple garment; and he saith to them, 'Lo, the man!'
ylt@John:19:6 @When, therefore, the chief priests and the officers did see him, they cried out, saying, 'Crucify, crucify;' Pilate saith to them, 'Take ye him -- ye, and crucify; for I find no fault in him;'
ylt@John:19:7 @the Jews answered him, 'We have a law, and according to our law he ought to die, for he made himself Son of God.'
ylt@John:19:8 @When, therefore, Pilate heard this word, he was the more afraid,
ylt@John:19:9 @and entered again to the praetorium, and saith to Jesus, 'Whence art thou?' and Jesus gave him no answer.
ylt@John:19:10 @Pilate, therefore, saith to him, 'To me dost thou not speak? hast thou not known that I have authority to crucify thee, and I have authority to release thee?'
ylt@John:19:11 @Jesus answered, 'Thou wouldst have no authority against me, if it were not having been given thee from above; because of this, he who is delivering me up to thee hath greater sin.'
ylt@John:19:12 @From this [time] was Pilate seeking to release him, and the Jews were crying out, saying, 'If this one thou mayest release, thou art not a friend of Caesar; every one making himself a king, doth speak against Caesar.'
ylt@John:19:13 @Pilate, therefore, having heard this word, brought Jesus without -- and he sat down upon the tribunal -- to a place called, 'Pavement,' and in Hebrew, Gabbatha;
ylt@John:19:14 @and it was the preparation of the passover, and as it were the sixth hour, and he saith to the Jews, 'Lo, your king!'
ylt@John:19:15 @and they cried out, 'Take away, take away, crucify him;' Pilate saith to them, 'Your king shall I crucify?' the chief priests answered, 'We have no king except Caesar.'
ylt@John:19:16 @Then, therefore, he delivered him up to them, that he may be crucified, and they took Jesus and led [him] away,
ylt@John:19:17 @and bearing his cross, he went forth to the place called [Place] of a Skull, which is called in Hebrew Golgotha;
ylt@John:19:18 @where they crucified him, and with him two others, on this side, and on that side, and Jesus in the midst.
ylt@John:19:19 @And Pilate also wrote a title, and put [it] on the cross, and it was written, 'Jesus the Nazarene, the king of the Jews;'
ylt@John:19:20 @this title, therefore, read many of the Jews, because the place was nigh to the city where Jesus was crucified, and it was having been written in Hebrew, in Greek, in Roman.
ylt@John:19:21 @The chief priests of the Jews said, therefore, to Pilate, 'Write not -- The king of the Jews, but that one said, I am king of the Jews;'
ylt@John:19:22 @Pilate answered, 'What I have written, I have written.'
ylt@John:19:23 @The soldiers, therefore, when they did crucify Jesus, took his garments, and made four parts, to each soldier a part, also the coat, and the coat was seamless, from the top woven throughout,
ylt@John:19:24 @they said, therefore, to one another, 'We may not rend it, but cast a lot for it, whose it shall be;' that the Writing might be fulfilled, that is saying, 'They divided my garments to themselves, and upon my raiment they did cast a lot;' the soldiers, therefore, indeed, did these things.
ylt@John:19:25 @And there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary of Cleopas, and Mary the Magdalene;
ylt@John:19:26 @Jesus, therefore, having seen [his] mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he was loving, he saith to his mother, 'Woman, lo, thy son;'
ylt@John:19:27 @afterward he saith to the disciple, 'Lo, thy mother;' and from that hour the disciple took her to his own [home].
ylt@John:19:28 @After this, Jesus knowing that all things now have been finished, that the Writing may be fulfilled, saith, 'I thirst;'
ylt@John:19:29 @a vessel, therefore, was placed full of vinegar, and they having filled a sponge with vinegar, and having put [it] around a hyssop stalk, did put [it] to his mouth;
ylt@John:19:30 @when, therefore, Jesus received the vinegar, he said, 'It hath been finished;' and having bowed the head, gave up the spirit.
ylt@John:19:31 @The Jews, therefore, that the bodies might not remain on the cross on the sabbath, since it was the preparation, (for that sabbath day was a great one,) asked of Pilate that their legs may be broken, and they taken away.
ylt@John:19:32 @The soldiers, therefore, came, and of the first indeed they did break the legs, and of the other who was crucified with him,
ylt@John:19:33 @and having come to Jesus, when they saw him already having been dead, they did not break his legs;
ylt@John:19:34 @but one of the soldiers with a spear did pierce his side, and immediately there came forth blood and water;
ylt@John:19:35 @and he who hath seen hath testified, and his testimony is true, and that one hath known that true things he speaketh, that ye also may believe.
ylt@John:19:36 @For these things came to pass, that the Writing may be fulfilled, 'A bone of him shall not be broken;'
ylt@John:19:37 @and again another Writing saith, 'They shall look to him whom they did pierce.'
ylt@John:19:38 @And after these things did Joseph of Arimathea -- being a disciple of Jesus, but concealed, through the fear of the Jews -- ask of Pilate, that he may take away the body of Jesus, and Pilate gave leave; he came, therefore, and took away the body of Jesus,
ylt@John:19:39 @and Nicodemus also came -- who came unto Jesus by night at the first -- bearing a mixture of myrrh and aloes, as it were, a hundred pounds.
ylt@John:19:40 @They took, therefore, the body of Jesus, and bound it with linen clothes with the spices, according as it was the custom of the Jews to prepare for burial;
ylt@John:19:41 @and there was in the place where he was crucified a garden, and in the garden a new tomb, in which no one was yet laid;
ylt@John:19:42 @there, therefore, because of the preparation of the Jews, because the tomb was nigh, they laid Jesus.
ylt@John:20:1 @And on the first of the sabbaths, Mary the Magdalene doth come early (there being yet darkness) to the tomb, and she seeth the stone having been taken away out of the tomb,
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