rwp@Luke:12:4 @{Unto you my friends} (\humin tois philois\). As opposed to the Pharisees and lawyers in strkjv@11:43,46,53|. {Be not afraid of} (\mˆ phobˆthˆte apo\). First aorist passive subjunctive with \mˆ\, ingressive aorist, do not become afraid of, with \apo\ and the ablative like the Hebrew _min_ and the English "be afraid of," a translation Hebraism as in strkjv@Matthew:10:28| (Moulton, _Prolegomena_, p. 102). {Have no more that they can do} (\mˆ echont“n perissoteron ti poiˆsai\). Luke often uses the infinitive thus with \ech“\, a classic idiom (7:40,42; strkjv@12:4,50; strkjv@14:14; strkjv@Acts:4:14|, etc.).
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