rwp@Luke:12:45 @{Shall say} (\eipˆi\). Second aorist subjunctive, with \ean\, condition of the third class, undetermined, but with prospect of being determined. {Delayeth} (\chronizei\). From \chronos\, time, spends time, lingers. {Shall begin} (\arxˆtai\). First aorist middle subjunctive with \ean\ and the same condition as \eipˆi\, above. {The menservants} (\tous paidas\) {and the maidservants} (\kai tas paidiskas\). \Paidiskˆ\ is a diminutive of \pais\ for a young female slave and occurs in the papyri, orginally just a damsel. Here \pais\ can mean slave also though strictly just a boy.
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