rwp@Luke:13:25 @{When once} (\aph' hou an\). Possibly to be connected without break with the preceding verse (so Westcott and Hort), though Bruce argues for two parables here, the former (verse 24|) about being in earnest, while this one (verses 25-30|) about not being too late. The two points are here undoubtedly. It is an awkward construction, \aph' hou = apo toutou hote\ with \an\ and the aorist subjunctive (\egerthˆi\ and \apokleisˆi\). See Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 978. {Hath shut to} (\apokleisˆi\), first aorist active subjunctive of \apoklei“\, old verb, but only here in the N.T. Note effective aorist tense and perfective use of \apo\, slammed the door fast. {And ye begin} (\kai arxˆsthe\). First aorist middle subjunctive of \archomai\ with \aph' hou an\ like \egerthˆi\ and \apokleisˆi\. {To stand} (\hestanai\). Second perfect active infinitive of \histˆmi\, intransitive tense {and to knock} (\kai krouein\). Present active infinitive, to keep on knocking. {Open to us} (\anoixon hˆmin\). First aorist active imperative, at once and urgent. {He shall say} (\erei\). Future active of \eipon\ (defective verb). This is probably the apodosis of the \aph' hou\ clause.
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