ylt@Luke:18:1 @And he spake also a simile to them, that it behoveth [us] always to pray, and not to faint,
ylt@Luke:18:2 @saying, 'A certain judge was in a certain city -- God he is not fearing, and man he is not regarding --
ylt@Luke:18:3 @and a widow was in that city, and she was coming unto him, saying, Do me justice on my opponent,
ylt@Luke:18:4 @and he would not for a time, but after these things he said in himself, Even if God I do not fear, and man do not regard,
ylt@Luke:18:5 @yet because this widow doth give me trouble, I will do her justice, lest, perpetually coming, she may plague me.'
ylt@Luke:18:6 @And the Lord said, 'Hear ye what the unrighteous judge saith:
ylt@Luke:18:7 @and shall not God execute the justice to His choice ones, who are crying unto Him day and night -- bearing long in regard to them?
ylt@Luke:18:8 @I say to you, that He will execute the justice to them quickly; but the Son of Man having come, shall he find the faith upon the earth?'
ylt@Luke:18:9 @And he spake also unto certain who have been trusting in themselves that they were righteous, and have been despising the rest, this simile:
ylt@Luke:18:10 @'Two men went up to the temple to pray, the one a Pharisee, and the other a tax-gatherer;
ylt@Luke:18:11 @the Pharisee having stood by himself, thus prayed: God, I thank Thee that I am not as the rest of men, rapacious, unrighteous, adulterers, or even as this tax-gatherer;
ylt@Luke:18:12 @I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all things -- as many as I possess.
ylt@Luke:18:13 @'And the tax-gatherer, having stood afar off, would not even the eyes lift up to the heaven, but was smiting on his breast, saying, God be propitious to me -- the sinner!
ylt@Luke:18:14 @I say to you, this one went down declared righteous, to his house, rather than that one: for every one who is exalting himself shall be humbled, and he who is humbling himself shall be exalted.'
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