nsb@Matthew:15:1 @ Pharisees and scribes from Jerusalem came to Jesus.
nsb@Matthew:15:2 @ They questioned him: »Why do your disciples go against the teaching of the fathers? They eat food with unwashed hands.«
nsb@Matthew:15:3 @ His answer to them was in the form of a question: »Why do you go against the word of God in favor of your tradition?
nsb@Matthew:15:4 @ »God said, ‘Honor your father and mother.’ ‘He who says evil of father or mother will be put to death.’
nsb@Matthew:15:5 @ »You teach that a man should tell his father or mother that what he has that could help them, is given to God.
nsb@Matthew:15:6 @ »You say there is no need for him to give honor to his father. You have invalidated the word of God because of your tradition!
nsb@Matthew:15:7 @ »You hypocrites! Isaiah’s prophecy was right about you.
nsb@Matthew:15:8 @ »‘These people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
nsb@Matthew:15:9 @ »‘But their worship is to no purpose, while they give as their teaching the rules of men.’«
nsb@Matthew:15:10 @ He got the people together and said to them: »Listen, and let my words be clear to you.
nsb@Matthew:15:11 @ »That which comes out of the mouth makes a man unclean, not that which goes into the mouth.«
nsb@Matthew:15:12 @ The disciples told him the Pharisees were upset by what he said.
nsb@Matthew:15:13 @ In answer he replied: »Every plant my Father in heaven has not planted in the earth will be pulled out by the roots.
nsb@Matthew:15:14 @ »Let them be. They are blind guides. If a blind man guides another blind man, they will fall in a hole together.«
nsb@Matthew:15:15 @ Then Peter said to him: »Make the story clear to us.«
nsb@Matthew:15:16 @ He replied: »Are you, like them, without wisdom?
nsb@Matthew:15:17 @ »Do you not see, that which goes into the mouth, goes into the stomach and is sent out as waste?
nsb@Matthew:15:18 @ »That which comes out of the mouth, comes from the heart and makes a man unclean.
nsb@Matthew:15:19 @ »Evil thoughts come from the heart! Thoughts about murder, adultery, fornication, theft, lying, and slander come from the heart!
nsb@Matthew:15:20 @ »These things make a man unclean. Eating food with unwashed hands does not make a man unclean.«
nsb@Matthew:15:21 @ Jesus went away from there into the country of Tyre and Sidon.
nsb@Matthew:15:22 @ A woman of Canaan came crying and saying: »Have pity on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is greatly troubled with an unclean spirit.«
nsb@Matthew:15:23 @ He did not answer her. His disciples said to him: »Send her away; she keeps shouting at us.«
nsb@Matthew:15:24 @ He answered: »I was sent only to the wandering sheep of the house of Israel.«
nsb@Matthew:15:25 @ She bowed down before him and asked for help.
nsb@Matthew:15:26 @ He said: »It is not right to take the children’s bread and give it to the dogs.«
nsb@Matthew:15:27 @ She said: »Yes, Lord; but even the dogs take the scraps from under their masters’ table.«
nsb@Matthew:15:28 @ »O woman,« Jesus replied, »your faith is great! Let your desire be done.« And her daughter was made well from that hour.
nsb@Matthew:15:29 @ Jesus went from there to the Sea of Galilee. He went up into the mountain and sat down.
nsb@Matthew:15:30 @ Many people came to him. They brought those who were lame, crippled, blind, mute, and many other people. They laid them down at his feet and he healed them.
nsb@Matthew:15:31 @ The people marveled as they saw the mute speak, the crippled and lame walk, and the blind see. They glorified the God of Israel.
nsb@Matthew:15:32 @ Jesus called his disciples and said: »I feel compassion for the people, because they have remained with me now three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, for they might faint on the way.«
nsb@Matthew:15:33 @ The disciples replied: »Where would we get so many loaves in this desolate place to satisfy such a large crowd?«
nsb@Matthew:15:34 @ Jesus asked: »How many loaves do you have?« They said: »Seven, and a few small fish.«
nsb@Matthew:15:35 @ He told the people to sit down on the ground.
nsb@Matthew:15:36 @ He took the seven loaves and the fish and offered a prayer of thanksgiving. Then he broke them and gave them to the disciples. The disciples gave them to the people.
nsb@Matthew:15:37 @ They all ate and were satisfied. When they picked up what was left over of the broken pieces, there were seven large baskets full.
nsb@Matthew:15:38 @ Four thousand men, besides women and children were fed.
nsb@Matthew:15:39 @ After dismissing the crowds, Jesus took a boat to the region of Magadan.
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