mnt@Matthew:26:57 @ Then all his disciples forsook him and fled; but those who had apprehended Jesus led him away to Caiaphas, the high priest, where the scribes and the elders had assembled.
mnt@Matthew:26:58 @ Now Peter was following him, afar off, as far as the courtyard of the high priest; and when he got in, he was sitting with the officers, to see the end.
mnt@Matthew:26:59 @ And the chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were trying to get false evidence against Jesus, in order that they might have him executed;
mnt@Matthew:26:60 @ but they found none, although many false witnesses came forward.
mnt@Matthew:26:61 @ However, at last two came forward who said, "This fellow declared, I can destroy the Temple of God and build it in three days."
mnt@Matthew:26:62 @ Rising to his feet the high priest asked Jesus. "Do you make no answer? What is it that these are testifying against you?"
mnt@Matthew:26:63 @ But Jesus kept silence. Again the high priest addressed him, "I adjure you by the Living God, tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God!"
mnt@Matthew:26:64 @ "I am He," Jesus answered; "yet I tell you that from this time on you will see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming upon the clouds of heaven."
mnt@Matthew:26:65 @ Then the high priest tore his garments, saying. "He has spoken blasphemy! What further need have we of witnesses? For behold, now you have heard his blasphemy!
mnt@Matthew:26:66 @ "What is your verdict?" "He ought to die," they answered.
mnt@Matthew:26:67 @ Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him; and some struck him with the palms of their hands, and cried.
mnt@Matthew:26:68 @ "Prophesy to us, you Christ! Who is it who struck you?"
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