ylt@Psalms:31:1 @To the Overseer. -- A Psalm of David. In Thee, O Jehovah, I have trusted, Let me not be ashamed to the age, In Thy righteousness deliver me.
ylt@Psalms:31:2 @Incline unto me Thine ear hastily, deliver me, Be to me for a strong rock, For a house of bulwarks to save me.
ylt@Psalms:31:3 @For my rock and my bulwark [art] Thou, For Thy name's sake lead me and tend me.
ylt@Psalms:31:4 @Bring me out from the net that they hid for me, For Thou [art] my strength.
ylt@Psalms:31:5 @Into Thy hand I commit my spirit, Thou hast redeemed me, Jehovah God of truth.
ylt@Psalms:31:6 @I have hated the observers of lying vanities, And I toward Jehovah have been confident.
ylt@Psalms:31:7 @I rejoice, and am glad in Thy kindness, In that Thou hast seen mine affliction, Thou hast known in adversities my soul.
ylt@Psalms:31:8 @And Thou hast not shut me up, Into the hand of an enemy, Thou hast caused my feet to stand in a broad place.
ylt@Psalms:31:9 @Favour me, O Jehovah, for distress [is] to me, Mine eye, my soul, and my body Have become old by provocation.
ylt@Psalms:31:10 @For my life hath been consumed in sorrow And my years in sighing. Feeble because of mine iniquity hath been my strength, And my bones have become old.
ylt@Psalms:31:11 @Among all mine adversaries I have been a reproach, And to my neighbours exceedingly, And a fear to mine acquaintances, Those seeing me without -- fled from me.
ylt@Psalms:31:12 @I have been forgotten as dead out of mind, I have been as a perishing vessel.
ylt@Psalms:31:13 @For I have heard an evil account of many, Fear [is] round about. In their being united against me, To take my life they have devised,
ylt@Psalms:31:14 @And I on Thee -- I have trusted, O Jehovah, I have said, 'Thou [art] my God.'
ylt@Psalms:31:15 @In Thy hand [are] my times, Deliver me from the hand of my enemies, And from my pursuers.
ylt@Psalms:31:16 @Cause Thy face to shine on Thy servant, Save me in Thy kindness.
ylt@Psalms:31:17 @O Jehovah, let me not be ashamed, For I have called Thee, let the wicked be ashamed, Let them become silent to Sheol.
ylt@Psalms:31:18 @Let lips of falsehood become dumb, That are speaking against the righteous, Ancient sayings, in pride and contempt.
ylt@Psalms:31:19 @How abundant is Thy goodness, That Thou hast laid up for those fearing Thee,
ylt@Psalms:31:20 @Thou hast wrought for those trusting in Thee, Before sons of men. Thou hidest them in the secret place of Thy presence, From artifices of man, Thou concealest them in a tabernacle, From the strife of tongues.
ylt@Psalms:31:21 @Blessed [is] Jehovah, For He hath made marvellous His kindness To me in a city of bulwarks.
ylt@Psalms:31:22 @And I -- I have said in my haste, 'I have been cut off from before Thine eyes,' But Thou hast heard the voice of my supplications, In my crying unto Thee.
ylt@Psalms:31:23 @Love Jehovah, all ye His saints, Jehovah is keeping the faithful, And recompensing abundantly a proud doer.
ylt@Psalms:31:24 @Be strong, and He strengtheneth your heart, All ye who are waiting for Jehovah!
ylt@Psalms:32:1 @By David. -- An Instruction. O the happiness of him whose transgression [is] forgiven, Whose sin is covered.
ylt@Psalms:32:2 @O the happiness of a man, To whom Jehovah imputeth not iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit.
ylt@Psalms:32:3 @When I have kept silence, become old have my bones, Through my roaring all the day.
ylt@Psalms:32:4 @When by day and by night Thy hand is heavy upon me, My moisture hath been changed Into the droughts of summer. Selah.
ylt@Psalms:32:5 @My sin I cause Thee to know, And mine iniquity I have not covered. I have said, 'I confess concerning My transgressions to Jehovah,' And Thou -- Thou hast taken away, The iniquity of my sin. Selah.
ylt@Psalms:32:6 @For this doth every saintly one pray to Thee, As the time to find. Surely at an overflowing of many waters, Unto him they come not.
ylt@Psalms:32:7 @Thou [art] a hiding-place for me, From distress Thou dost keep me, [With] songs of deliverance dost compass me. Selah.
ylt@Psalms:32:8 @I cause thee to act wisely, And direct thee in the way that thou goest, I cause mine eye to take counsel concerning thee.
ylt@Psalms:32:9 @Be ye not as a horse -- as a mule, Without understanding, With bridle and bit, its ornaments, to curb, Not to come near unto thee.
ylt@Psalms:32:10 @Many [are] the pains of the wicked; As to him who is trusting in Jehovah, Kindness doth compass him.
ylt@Psalms:32:11 @Be glad in Jehovah, and rejoice, ye righteous, And sing, all ye upright of heart!
ylt@Psalms:33:1 @Sing, ye righteous, in Jehovah, For upright ones praise [is] comely.
ylt@Psalms:33:2 @Give ye thanks to Jehovah with a harp, With psaltery of ten strings sing praise to Him,
ylt@Psalms:33:3 @Sing ye to Him a new song, Play skilfully with shouting.
ylt@Psalms:33:4 @For upright [is] the word of Jehovah, And all His work [is] in faithfulness.
ylt@Psalms:33:5 @Loving righteousness and judgment, Of the kindness of Jehovah is the earth full.
ylt@Psalms:33:6 @By the word of Jehovah The heavens have been made, And by the breath of His mouth all their host.
ylt@Psalms:33:7 @Gathering as a heap the waters of the sea, Putting in treasuries the depths.
ylt@Psalms:33:8 @Afraid of Jehovah are all the earth, Of Him are all the inhabitants of the world afraid.
ylt@Psalms:33:9 @For He hath said, and it is, He hath commanded, and it standeth.
ylt@Psalms:33:10 @Jehovah made void the counsel of nations, He disallowed the thoughts of the peoples.
ylt@Psalms:33:11 @The counsel of Jehovah to the age standeth, The thoughts of His heart to all generations.
ylt@Psalms:33:12 @O the happiness of the nation whose God [is] Jehovah, Of the people He did choose, For an inheritance to Him.
ylt@Psalms:33:13 @From the heavens hath Jehovah looked, He hath seen all the sons of men.
ylt@Psalms:33:14 @From the fixed place of His dwelling, He looked unto all inhabitants of the earth;
ylt@Psalms:33:15 @Who is forming their hearts together, Who is attending unto all their works.
ylt@Psalms:33:16 @The king is not saved by the multitude of a force. A mighty man is not delivered, By abundance of power.
ylt@Psalms:33:17 @A false thing [is] the horse for safety, And by the abundance of his strength He doth not deliver.
ylt@Psalms:33:18 @Lo, the eye of Jehovah [is] to those fearing Him, To those waiting for His kindness,
ylt@Psalms:33:19 @To deliver from death their soul, And to keep them alive in famine.
ylt@Psalms:33:20 @Our soul hath waited for Jehovah, Our help and our shield [is] He,
ylt@Psalms:33:21 @For in Him doth our heart rejoice, For in His holy name we have trusted.
ylt@Psalms:33:22 @Let Thy kindness, O Jehovah, be upon us, As we have waited for Thee!
ylt@Psalms:34:1 @By David, in his changing his behaviour before Abimelech, and he driveth him away, and he goeth. I do bless Jehovah at all times, Continually His praise [is] in my mouth.
ylt@Psalms:34:2 @In Jehovah doth my soul boast herself, Hear do the humble and rejoice.
ylt@Psalms:34:3 @Ascribe ye greatness to Jehovah with me, And we exalt His name together.
ylt@Psalms:34:4 @I sought Jehovah, and He answered me, And from all my fears did deliver me.
ylt@Psalms:34:5 @They looked expectingly unto Him, And they became bright, And their faces are not ashamed.
ylt@Psalms:34:6 @This poor [one] called, and Jehovah heard, And from all his distresses saved him.
ylt@Psalms:34:7 @A messenger of Jehovah is encamping, Round about those who fear Him, And He armeth them.
ylt@Psalms:34:8 @Taste ye and see that Jehovah [is] good, O the happiness of the man who trusteth in Him.
ylt@Psalms:34:9 @Fear Jehovah, ye His holy ones, For there is no lack to those fearing Him.
ylt@Psalms:34:10 @Young lions have lacked and been hungry, And those seeking Jehovah lack not any good,
ylt@Psalms:34:11 @Come ye, children, hearken to me, The fear of Jehovah I do teach you.
ylt@Psalms:34:12 @Who [is] the man that is desiring life? Loving days to see good?
ylt@Psalms:34:13 @Keep thy tongue from evil, And thy lips from speaking deceit.
ylt@Psalms:34:14 @Turn aside from evil and do good, Seek peace and pursue it.
ylt@Psalms:34:15 @The eyes of Jehovah [are] unto the righteous, And His ears unto their cry.
ylt@Psalms:34:16 @(The face of Jehovah [is] on doers of evil, To cut off from earth their memorial.)
ylt@Psalms:34:17 @They cried, and Jehovah heard, And from all their distresses delivered them.
ylt@Psalms:34:18 @Near [is] Jehovah to the broken of heart, And the bruised of spirit He saveth.
ylt@Psalms:34:19 @Many [are] the evils of the righteous, Out of them all doth Jehovah deliver him.
ylt@Psalms:34:20 @He is keeping all his bones, One of them hath not been broken.
ylt@Psalms:34:21 @Evil doth put to death the wicked, And those hating the righteous are desolate.
ylt@Psalms:34:22 @Jehovah redeemeth the soul of His servants, And none trusting in Him are desolate!
ylt@Psalms:35:1 @By David. Strive, Jehovah, with my strivers, fight with my fighters,
ylt@Psalms:35:2 @Take hold of shield and buckler, and rise for my help,
ylt@Psalms:35:3 @And draw out spear and lance, To meet my pursuers. Say to my soul, 'Thy salvation I [am].'
ylt@Psalms:35:4 @They are ashamed and blush, those seeking my soul, Turned backward and confounded, Those devising my evil.
ylt@Psalms:35:5 @They are as chaff before wind, And a messenger of Jehovah driving away.
ylt@Psalms:35:6 @Their way is darkness and slipperiness, And a messenger of Jehovah their pursuer.
ylt@Psalms:35:7 @For without cause they hid for me their netpit, Without cause they digged for my soul.
ylt@Psalms:35:8 @Meet him doth desolation -- he knoweth not, And his net that he hid catcheth him, For desolation he falleth into it.
ylt@Psalms:35:9 @And my soul is joyful in Jehovah, It rejoiceth in His salvation.
ylt@Psalms:35:10 @All my bones say, 'Jehovah, who is like Thee, Delivering the poor from the stronger than he, And the poor and needy from his plunderer.'
ylt@Psalms:35:11 @Violent witnesses rise up, That which I have not known they ask me.
ylt@Psalms:35:12 @They pay me evil for good, bereaving my soul,
ylt@Psalms:35:13 @And I -- in their sickness my clothing [is] sackcloth, I have humbled with fastings my soul, And my prayer unto my bosom returneth.
ylt@Psalms:35:14 @As [if] a friend, as [if] my brother, I walked habitually, As a mourner for a mother, Mourning I have bowed down.
ylt@Psalms:35:15 @And -- in my halting they have rejoiced, And have been gathered together, Gathered against me were the smiters, And I have not known, They have rent, and they have not ceased;
ylt@Psalms:35:16 @With profane ones, mockers in feasts, Gnashing against me their teeth.
ylt@Psalms:35:17 @Lord, how long dost thou behold? Keep back my soul from their desolations, From young lions my only one.
ylt@Psalms:35:18 @I thank Thee in a great assembly, Among a mighty people I praise Thee.
ylt@Psalms:35:19 @Mine enemies rejoice not over me [with] falsehood, Those hating me without cause wink the eye.
ylt@Psalms:35:20 @For they speak not peace, And against the quiet of the land, Deceitful words they devise,
ylt@Psalms:35:21 @And they enlarge against me their mouth, They said, 'Aha, aha, our eye hath seen.'
ylt@Psalms:35:22 @Thou hast seen, O Jehovah, Be not silent, O Lord -- be not far from me,
ylt@Psalms:35:23 @Stir up, and wake to my judgment, My God, and my Lord, to my plea.
ylt@Psalms:35:24 @Judge me according to Thy righteousness, O Jehovah my God, And they do not rejoice over me.
ylt@Psalms:35:25 @They do not say in their heart, 'Aha, our desire.' They do not say, 'We swallowed him up.'
ylt@Psalms:35:26 @They are ashamed and confounded together, Who are rejoicing at my evil. They put on shame and confusion, Who are magnifying themselves against me.
ylt@Psalms:35:27 @They sing and rejoice, who are desiring my righteousness, And they say continually, 'Jehovah is magnified, Who is desiring the peace of His servant.'
ylt@Psalms:35:28 @And my tongue uttereth Thy righteousness, All the day Thy praise!
ylt@Psalms:36:1 @To the Overseer. -- By a servant of Jehovah, by David. The transgression of the wicked Is affirming within my heart, 'Fear of God is not before his eyes,
ylt@Psalms:36:2 @For he made [it] smooth to himself in his eyes, To find his iniquity to be hated.
ylt@Psalms:36:3 @The words of his mouth [are] iniquity and deceit, He ceased to act prudently -- to do good.
ylt@Psalms:36:4 @Iniquity he deviseth on his bed, He stationeth himself on a way not good, Evil he doth not refuse.'
ylt@Psalms:36:5 @O Jehovah, in the heavens [is] Thy kindness, Thy faithfulness [is] unto the clouds.
ylt@Psalms:36:6 @Thy righteousness [is] as mountains of God, Thy judgments [are] a great deep. Man and beast Thou savest, O Jehovah.
ylt@Psalms:36:7 @How precious [is] Thy kindness, O God, And the sons of men In the shadow of Thy wings do trust.
ylt@Psalms:36:8 @They are filled from the fatness of Thy house, And the stream of Thy delights Thou dost cause them to drink.
ylt@Psalms:36:9 @For with Thee [is] a fountain of life, In Thy light we see light.
ylt@Psalms:36:10 @Draw out Thy kindness to those knowing Thee, And Thy righteousness to the upright of heart.
ylt@Psalms:36:11 @Let not a foot of pride meet me, And a hand of the wicked let not move me.
ylt@Psalms:36:12 @There have workers of iniquity fallen, They have been overthrown, And have not been able to arise!
ylt@Psalms:37:1 @By David. Do not fret because of evil doers, Be not envious against doers of iniquity,
ylt@Psalms:37:2 @For as grass speedily they are cut off, And as the greenness of the tender grass do fade.
ylt@Psalms:37:3 @Trust in Jehovah, and do good, Dwell [in] the land, and enjoy faithfulness,
ylt@Psalms:37:4 @And delight thyself on Jehovah, And He giveth to thee the petitions of thy heart.
ylt@Psalms:37:5 @Roll on Jehovah thy way, And trust upon Him, and He worketh,
ylt@Psalms:37:6 @And hath brought out as light thy righteousness, And thy judgment as noon-day.
ylt@Psalms:37:7 @Be silent for Jehovah, and stay thyself for Him, Do not fret because of him Who is making prosperous his way, Because of a man doing wicked devices.
ylt@Psalms:37:8 @Desist from anger, and forsake fury, Fret not thyself only to do evil.
ylt@Psalms:37:9 @For evil doers are cut off, As to those waiting on Jehovah, they possess the land.
ylt@Psalms:37:10 @And yet a little, and the wicked is not, And thou hast considered his place, and it is not.
ylt@Psalms:37:11 @And the humble do possess the land, And they have delighted themselves In the abundance of peace.
ylt@Psalms:37:12 @The wicked is devising against the righteous, And gnashing against him his teeth.
ylt@Psalms:37:13 @The Lord doth laugh at him, For He hath seen that his day cometh.
ylt@Psalms:37:14 @A sword have the wicked opened, And they have trodden their bow, To cause to fall the poor and needy, To slaughter the upright of the way.
ylt@Psalms:37:15 @Their sword doth enter into their own heart, And their bows are shivered.
ylt@Psalms:37:16 @Better [is] the little of the righteous, Than the store of many wicked.
ylt@Psalms:37:17 @For the arms of the wicked are shivered, And Jehovah is sustaining the righteous.
ylt@Psalms:37:18 @Jehovah knoweth the days of the perfect, And their inheritance is -- to the age.
ylt@Psalms:37:19 @They are not ashamed in a time of evil, And in days of famine they are satisfied.
ylt@Psalms:37:20 @But the wicked perish, and the enemies of Jehovah, As the preciousness of lambs, Have been consumed, In smoke they have been consumed.
ylt@Psalms:37:21 @The wicked is borrowing and repayeth not, And the righteous is gracious and giving.
ylt@Psalms:37:22 @For His blessed ones do possess the land, And His reviled ones are cut off.
ylt@Psalms:37:23 @From Jehovah [are] the steps of a man, They have been prepared, And his way he desireth.
ylt@Psalms:37:24 @When he falleth, he is not cast down, For Jehovah is sustaining his hand.
ylt@Psalms:37:25 @Young I have been, I have also become old, And I have not seen the righteous forsaken, And his seed seeking bread.
ylt@Psalms:37:26 @All the day he is gracious and lending, And his seed [is] for a blessing.
ylt@Psalms:37:27 @Turn aside from evil, and do good, and dwell to the age.
ylt@Psalms:37:28 @For Jehovah is loving judgment, And He doth not forsake His saintly ones, To the age they have been kept, And the seed of the wicked is cut off.
ylt@Psalms:37:29 @The righteous possess the land, And they dwell for ever on it.
ylt@Psalms:37:30 @The mouth of the righteous uttereth wisdom, And his tongue speaketh judgment.
ylt@Psalms:37:31 @The law of his God [is] his heart, His steps do not slide.
ylt@Psalms:37:32 @The wicked is watching for the righteous, And is seeking to put him to death.
ylt@Psalms:37:33 @Jehovah doth not leave him in his hand, Nor condemn him in his being judged.
ylt@Psalms:37:34 @Look unto Jehovah, and keep His way, And He doth exalt thee to possess the land, In the wicked being cut off -- thou seest!
ylt@Psalms:37:35 @I have seen the wicked terrible, And spreading as a green native plant,
ylt@Psalms:37:36 @And he passeth away, and lo, he is not, And I seek him, and he is not found!
ylt@Psalms:37:37 @Observe the perfect, and see the upright, For the latter end of each [is] peace.
ylt@Psalms:37:38 @And transgressors were destroyed together, The latter end of the wicked was cut off.
ylt@Psalms:37:39 @And the salvation of the righteous [is] from Jehovah, Their strong place in a time of adversity.
ylt@Psalms:37:40 @And Jehovah doth help them and deliver them, He delivereth them from the wicked, And saveth them, Because they trusted in Him!
ylt@Psalms:38:1 @A Psalm of David, 'To cause to remember.' Jehovah, in Thy wrath reprove me not, Nor in Thy fury chastise me.
ylt@Psalms:38:2 @For Thine arrows have come down on me, And Thou lettest down upon me Thy hand.
ylt@Psalms:38:3 @Soundness is not in my flesh, Because of Thine indignation, Peace is not in my bones because of my sin.
ylt@Psalms:38:4 @For mine iniquities have passed over my head, As a heavy burden -- too heavy for me.
ylt@Psalms:38:5 @Stunk -- become corrupt have my wounds, Because of my folly.
ylt@Psalms:38:6 @I have been bent down, I have been bowed down -- unto excess, All the day I have gone mourning.
ylt@Psalms:38:7 @For my flanks have been full of drought, And soundness is not in my flesh.
ylt@Psalms:38:8 @I have been feeble and smitten -- unto excess, I have roared from disquietude of heart.
ylt@Psalms:38:9 @Lord, before Thee [is] all my desire, And my sighing from Thee hath not been hid.
ylt@Psalms:38:10 @My heart [is] panting, my power hath forsaken me, And the light of mine eyes, Even they are not with me.
ylt@Psalms:38:11 @My lovers and my friends over-against my plague stand. And my neighbours afar off have stood.
ylt@Psalms:38:12 @And those seeking my soul lay a snare, And those seeking my evil Have spoken mischievous things, And they do deceits meditate all the day.
ylt@Psalms:38:13 @And I, as deaf, hear not. And as a dumb one who openeth not his mouth.
ylt@Psalms:38:14 @Yea, I am as a man who heareth not, And in his mouth are no reproofs.
ylt@Psalms:38:15 @Because for Thee, O Jehovah, I have waited, Thou dost answer, O Lord my God.
ylt@Psalms:38:16 @When I said, 'Lest they rejoice over me, In the slipping of my foot against me they magnified themselves.
ylt@Psalms:38:17 @For I am ready to halt, And my pain [is] before me continually.
ylt@Psalms:38:18 @For mine iniquity I declare, I am sorry for my sin.
ylt@Psalms:38:19 @And mine enemies [are] lively, They have been strong, and those hating me without cause, Have been multiplied.
ylt@Psalms:38:20 @And those paying evil for good accuse me, Because of my pursuing good.
ylt@Psalms:38:21 @Do not forsake me, O Jehovah, My God, be not far from me,
ylt@Psalms:38:22 @Haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation!
ylt@Psalms:39:1 @To the Overseer, to Jeduthun. -- A Psalm of David. I have said, 'I observe my ways, Against sinning with my tongue, I keep for my mouth a curb, while the wicked [is] before me.'
ylt@Psalms:39:2 @I was dumb [with] silence, I kept silent from good, and my pain is excited.
ylt@Psalms:39:3 @Hot [is] my heart within me, In my meditating doth the fire burn, I have spoken with my tongue.
ylt@Psalms:39:4 @'Cause me to know, O Jehovah, mine end, And the measure of my days -- what it [is],' I know how frail I [am].
ylt@Psalms:39:5 @Lo, handbreadths Thou hast made my days, And mine age [is] as nothing before Thee, Only, all vanity [is] every man set up. Selah.
ylt@Psalms:39:6 @Only, in an image doth each walk habitually, Only, [in] vain, they are disquieted, He heapeth up and knoweth not who gathereth them.
ylt@Psalms:39:7 @And, now, what have I expected? O Lord, my hope -- it [is] of Thee.
ylt@Psalms:39:8 @From all my transgressions deliver me, A reproach of the fool make me not.
ylt@Psalms:39:9 @I have been dumb, I open not my mouth, Because Thou -- Thou hast done [it].
ylt@Psalms:39:10 @Turn aside from off me Thy stroke, From the striving of Thy hand I have been consumed.
ylt@Psalms:39:11 @With reproofs against iniquity, Thou hast corrected man, And dost waste as a moth his desirableness, Only, vanity [is] every man. Selah.
ylt@Psalms:39:12 @Hear my prayer, O Jehovah, And [to] my cry give ear, Unto my tear be not silent, For a sojourner I [am] with Thee, A settler like all my fathers.
ylt@Psalms:39:13 @Look from me, and I brighten up before I go and am not!
ylt@Psalms:40:1 @To the Overseer. -- A Psalm of David. I have diligently expected Jehovah, And He inclineth to me, and heareth my cry,
ylt@Psalms:40:2 @And He doth cause me to come up From a pit of desolation -- from mire of mud, And He raiseth up on a rock my feet, He is establishing my steps.
ylt@Psalms:40:3 @And He putteth in my mouth a new song, 'Praise to our God.' Many do see and fear, and trust in Jehovah.
ylt@Psalms:40:4 @O the happiness of the man Who hath made Jehovah his trust, And hath not turned unto the proud, And those turning aside to lies.
ylt@Psalms:40:5 @Much hast Thou done, Jehovah my God; Thy wonders and Thy thoughts toward us, There is none to arrange unto Thee, I declare and speak: They have been more than to be numbered.
ylt@Psalms:40:6 @Sacrifice and present Thou hast not desired, Ears Thou hast prepared for me, Burnt and sin-offering Thou hast not asked.
ylt@Psalms:40:7 @Then said I, 'Lo, I have come,' In the roll of the book it is written of me,
ylt@Psalms:40:8 @To do Thy pleasure, my God, I have delighted, And Thy law [is] within my heart.
ylt@Psalms:40:9 @I have proclaimed tidings of righteousness In the great assembly, lo, my lips I restrain not, O Jehovah, Thou hast known.
ylt@Psalms:40:10 @Thy righteousness I have not concealed In the midst of my heart, Thy faithfulness and Thy salvation I have told, I have not hidden Thy kindness and Thy truth, To the great assembly.
ylt@Psalms:40:11 @Thou, O Jehovah, restrainest not Thy mercies from me, Thy kindness and Thy truth do continually keep me.
ylt@Psalms:40:12 @For compassed me have evils innumerable, Overtaken me have mine iniquities, And I have not been able to see; They have been more than the hairs of my head, And my heart hath forsaken me.
ylt@Psalms:40:13 @Be pleased, O Jehovah, to deliver me, O Jehovah, for my help make haste.
ylt@Psalms:40:14 @They are ashamed and confounded together, Who are seeking my soul to destroy it, They are turned backward, And are ashamed, who are desiring my evil.
ylt@Psalms:40:15 @They are desolate because of their shame, Who are saying to me, 'Aha, aha.'
ylt@Psalms:40:16 @All seeking Thee rejoice and are glad in Thee, Those loving Thy salvation say continually, 'Jehovah is magnified.'
ylt@Psalms:40:17 @And I [am] poor and needy, The Lord doth devise for me. My help and my deliverer [art] Thou, O my God, tarry Thou not.
ylt@Psalms:41:1 @To the Overseer. -- A Psalm of David. O the happiness of him Who is acting wisely unto the poor, In a day of evil doth Jehovah deliver him.
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