kjv Then

kjv@Genesis:3:5 @ For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

kjv@Genesis:4:26 @ And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the LORD.

kjv@Genesis:8:9 @ But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark.

kjv@Genesis:12:6 @ And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land.

kjv@Genesis:13:7 @ And there was a strife between the herdmen of Abram's cattle and the herdmen of Lot's cattle: and the Canaanite and the Perizzite dwelled then in the land.

kjv@Genesis:13:9 @ Is not the whole land before thee? separate thyself, I pray thee, from me: if thou wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left.

kjv@Genesis:13:11 ... Then Lot...

kjv@Genesis:13:16 @ And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered.

kjv@Genesis:13:18 ... Then Abram...

kjv@Genesis:17:17 ... Then Abraham...

kjv@Genesis:18:15 ... Then Sarah...

kjv@Genesis:18:26 @ And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.

kjv@Genesis:19:15 @ And when the morning arose, then the angels hastened Lot, saying, Arise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters, which are here; lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city.

kjv@Genesis:19:24 ... Then the...

kjv@Genesis:20:9 ... Then Abimelech...

kjv@Genesis:21:32 @ Thus they made a covenant at Beersheba: then Abimelech rose up, and Phichol the chief captain of his host, and they returned into the land of the Philistines.

kjv@Genesis:22:4 ... Then on...

kjv@Genesis:24:8 @ And if the woman will not be willing to follow thee, then thou shalt be clear from this my oath: only bring not my son thither again.

kjv@Genesis:24:41 ... Then shalt...

kjv@Genesis:24:50 ... Then Laban...

kjv@Genesis:25:1 ... Then again...

kjv@Genesis:25:8 ... Then Abraham...

kjv@Genesis:25:34 ... Then Jacob...

kjv@Genesis:26:12 ... Then Isaac...

kjv@Genesis:26:26 ... Then Abimelech...

kjv@Genesis:27:41 @ And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him: and Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob.

kjv@Genesis:27:45 @ Until thy brother's anger turn away from thee, and he forget that which thou hast done to him: then I will send, and fetch thee from thence: why should I be deprived also of you both in one day?

kjv@Genesis:28:9 ... Then went...

kjv@Genesis:28:21 @ So that I come again to my father's house in peace; then shall the LORD be my God:

kjv@Genesis:29:1 ... Then Jacob...

kjv@Genesis:29:8 @ And they said, We cannot, until all the flocks be gathered together, and till they roll the stone from the well's mouth; then we water the sheep.

kjv@Genesis:29:25 @ And it came to pass, that in the morning, behold, it was Leah: and he said to Laban, What is this thou hast done unto me? did not I serve with thee for Rachel? wherefore then hast thou beguiled me?

kjv@Genesis:30:14 @...unto his mother Leah. Then Rachel...

kjv@Genesis:31:8 @ If he said thus, The speckled shall be thy wages; then all the cattle bare speckled: and if he said thus, The ringstraked shall be thy hire; then bare all the cattle ringstraked.

kjv@Genesis:31:17 ... Then Jacob...

kjv@Genesis:31:25 ... Then Laban...

kjv@Genesis:31:33 @...he found them not. Then went...

kjv@Genesis:31:54 ... Then Jacob...

kjv@Genesis:32:7 ... Then Jacob...

kjv@Genesis:32:8 @ And said, If Esau come to the one company, and smite it, then the other company which is left shall escape.

kjv@Genesis:32:18 ... Then thou...

kjv@Genesis:33:6 ... Then the...

kjv@Genesis:33:10 @ And Jacob said, Nay, I pray thee, if now I have found grace in thy sight, then receive my present at my hand: for therefore I have seen thy face, as though I had seen the face of God, and thou wast pleased with me.

kjv@Genesis:34:16 ... Then will...

kjv@Genesis:34:17 @ But if ye will not hearken unto us, to be circumcised; then will we take our daughter, and we will be gone.

kjv@Genesis:35:2 ... Then Jacob...

kjv@Genesis:37:28 ... Then there...

kjv@Genesis:38:11 ... Then said...

kjv@Genesis:38:21 ... Then he...

kjv@Genesis:39:9 @ There is none greater in this house than I; neither hath he kept back any thing from me but thee, because thou art his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?

kjv@Genesis:41:9 ... Then spake...

kjv@Genesis:41:14 ... Then Pharaoh...

kjv@Genesis:42:25 ... Then Joseph...

kjv@Genesis:42:34 @ And bring your youngest brother unto me: then shall I know that ye are no spies, but that ye are true men: so will I deliver you your brother, and ye shall traffick in the land.

kjv@Genesis:42:38 @ And he said, My son shall not go down with you; for his brother is dead, and he is left alone: if mischief befall him by the way in the which ye go, then shall ye bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave.

kjv@Genesis:43:9 @ I will be surety for him; of my hand shalt thou require him: if I bring him not unto thee, and set him before thee, then let me bear the blame for ever:

kjv@Genesis:44:8 @ Behold, the money, which we found in our sacks' mouths, we brought again unto thee out of the land of Canaan: how then should we steal out of thy lord's house silver or gold?

kjv@Genesis:44:11 ... Then they...

kjv@Genesis:44:13 ... Then they...

kjv@Genesis:44:18 ... Then Judah...

kjv@Genesis:44:26 @ And we said, We cannot go down: if our youngest brother be with us, then will we go down: for we may not see the man's face, except our youngest brother be with us.

kjv@Genesis:44:32 @ For thy servant became surety for the lad unto my father, saying, If I bring him not unto thee, then I shall bear the blame to my father for ever.

kjv@Genesis:45:1 ... Then Joseph...

kjv@Genesis:47:1 ... Then Joseph...

kjv@Genesis:47:6 @ The land of Egypt is before thee; in the best of the land make thy father and brethren to dwell; in the land of Goshen let them dwell: and if thou knowest any men of activity among them, then make them rulers over my cattle.

kjv@Genesis:47:23 ... Then Joseph...

kjv@Genesis:49:4 @ Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel; because thou wentest up to thy father's bed; then defiledst thou it: he went up to my couch.

kjv@Exodus:1:16 @ And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live.

kjv@Exodus:2:7 ... Then said...

kjv@Exodus:4:25 ... Then Zipporah...

kjv@Exodus:4:26 @ So he let him go: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision.

kjv@Exodus:4:31 @ And the people believed: and when they heard that the LORD had visited the children of Israel, and that he had looked upon their affliction, then they bowed their heads and worshipped.

kjv@Exodus:5:15 ... Then the...

kjv@Exodus:6:1 ... Then the...

kjv@Exodus:6:12 @ And Moses spake before the LORD, saying, Behold, the children of Israel have not hearkened unto me; how then shall Pharaoh hear me, who am of uncircumcised lips?

kjv@Exodus:7:9 @ When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying, Shew a miracle for you: then thou shalt say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and cast it before Pharaoh, and it shall become a serpent.

kjv@Exodus:7:11 ... Then Pharaoh...

kjv@Exodus:8:8 ... Then Pharaoh...

kjv@Exodus:8:19 ... Then the...

kjv@Exodus:9:1 ... Then the...

kjv@Exodus:10:16 ... Then Pharaoh...

kjv@Exodus:12:21 ... Then Moses...

kjv@Exodus:12:44 @ But every man's servant that is bought for money, when thou hast circumcised him, then shall he eat thereof.

kjv@Exodus:12:48 @ And when a stranger shall sojourn with thee, and will keep the passover to the LORD, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and keep it; and he shall be as one that is born in the land: for no uncircumcised person shall eat thereof.

kjv@Exodus:13:13 @ And every firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb; and if thou wilt not redeem it, then thou shalt break his neck: and all the firstborn of man among thy children shalt thou redeem.

kjv@Exodus:15:1 ... Then sang...

kjv@Exodus:15:15 ... Then the...

kjv@Exodus:16:4 ... Then said...

kjv@Exodus:16:6 @ And Moses and Aaron said unto all the children of Israel, At even, then ye shall know that the LORD hath brought you out from the land of Egypt:

kjv@Exodus:16:7 @ And in the morning, then ye shall see the glory of the LORD; for that he heareth your murmurings against the LORD: and what are we, that ye murmur against us?

kjv@Exodus:17:8 ... Then came...

kjv@Exodus:18:2 ... Then Jethro,...

kjv@Exodus:18:23 @ If thou shalt do this thing, and God command thee so, then thou shalt be able to endure, and all this people shall also go to their place in peace.

kjv@Exodus:19:5 @ Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:

kjv@Exodus:21:3 @ If he came in by himself, he shall go out by himself: if he were married, then his wife shall go out with him.

kjv@Exodus:21:6 ... Then his...

kjv@Exodus:21:8 @ If she please not her master, who hath betrothed her to himself, then shall he let her be redeemed: to sell her unto a strange nation he shall have no power, seeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her.

kjv@Exodus:21:11 @ And if he do not these three unto her, then shall she go out free without money.

kjv@Exodus:21:13 @ And if a man lie not in wait, but God deliver him into his hand; then I will appoint thee a place whither he shall flee.

kjv@Exodus:21:19 @ If he rise again, and walk abroad upon his staff, then shall he that smote him be quit: only he shall pay for the loss of his time, and shall cause him to be thoroughly healed.

kjv@Exodus:21:23 @ And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life,

kjv@Exodus:21:28 @ If an ox gore a man or a woman, that they die: then the ox shall be surely stoned, and his flesh shall not be eaten; but the owner of the ox shall be quit.

kjv@Exodus:21:30 @ If there be laid on him a sum of money, then he shall give for the ransom of his life whatsoever is laid upon him.

kjv@Exodus:21:35 @ And if one man's ox hurt another's, that he die; then they shall sell the live ox, and divide the money of it; and the dead ox also they shall divide.

kjv@Exodus:22:3 @ If the sun be risen upon him, there shall be blood shed for him; for he should make full restitution; if he have nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft.

kjv@Exodus:22:8 @ If the thief be not found, then the master of the house shall be brought unto the judges, to see whether he have put his hand unto his neighbour's goods.

kjv@Exodus:22:11 ... Then shall...

kjv@Exodus:22:13 @ If it be torn in pieces, then let him bring it for witness, and he shall not make good that which was torn.

kjv@Exodus:23:22 @ But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries.

kjv@Exodus:24:9 ... Then went...

kjv@Exodus:29:7 ... Then shalt...

kjv@Exodus:29:20 ... Then shalt...

kjv@Exodus:29:34 @ And if ought of the flesh of the consecrations, or of the bread, remain unto the morning, then thou shalt burn the remainder with fire: it shall not be eaten, because it is holy.

kjv@Exodus:30:12 @ When thou takest the sum of the children of Israel after their number, then shall they give every man a ransom for his soul unto the LORD, when thou numberest them; that there be no plague among them, when thou numberest them.

kjv@Exodus:32:24 @ And I said unto them, Whosoever hath any gold, let them break it off. So they gave it me: then I cast it into the fire, and there came out this calf.

kjv@Exodus:32:26 ... Then Moses...

kjv@Exodus:34:20 @ But the firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb: and if thou redeem him not, then shalt thou break his neck. All the firstborn of thy sons thou shalt redeem. And none shall appear before me empty.

kjv@Exodus:36:1 ... Then wrought...

kjv@Exodus:40:34 ... Then a...

kjv@Exodus:40:37 @ But if the cloud were not taken up, then they journeyed not till the day that it was taken up.

kjv@Leviticus:1:14 @ And if the burnt sacrifice for his offering to the LORD be of fowls, then he shall bring his offering of turtledoves, or of young pigeons.

kjv@Leviticus:3:7 @ If he offer a lamb for his offering, then shall he offer it before the LORD.

kjv@Leviticus:3:12 @ And if his offering be a goat, then he shall offer it before the LORD.

kjv@Leviticus:4:3 @ If the priest that is anointed do sin according to the sin of the people; then let him bring for his sin, which he hath sinned, a young bullock without blemish unto the LORD for a sin offering.

kjv@Leviticus:4:14 @ When the sin, which they have sinned against it, is known, then the congregation shall offer a young bullock for the sin, and bring him before the tabernacle of the congregation.

kjv@Leviticus:4:28 @ Or if his sin, which he hath sinned, come to his knowledge: then he shall bring his offering, a kid of the goats, a female without blemish, for his sin which he hath sinned.

kjv@Leviticus:5:1 @ And if a soul sin, and hear the voice of swearing, and is a witness, whether he hath seen or known of it; if he do not utter it, then he shall bear his iniquity.

kjv@Leviticus:5:3 @ Or if he touch the uncleanness of man, whatsoever uncleanness it be that a man shall be defiled withal, and it be hid from him; when he knoweth of it, then he shall be guilty.

kjv@Leviticus:5:4 @ Or if a soul swear, pronouncing with his lips to do evil, or to do good, whatsoever it be that a man shall pronounce with an oath, and it be hid from him; when he knoweth of it, then he shall be guilty in one of these.

kjv@Leviticus:5:7 @ And if he be not able to bring a lamb, then he shall bring for his trespass, which he hath committed, two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, unto the LORD; one for a sin offering, and the other for a burnt offering.

kjv@Leviticus:5:11 @ But if he be not able to bring two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, then he that sinned shall bring for his offering the tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for a sin offering; he shall put no oil upon it, neither shall he put any frankincense thereon: for it is a sin offering.

kjv@Leviticus:5:12 ... Then shall...

kjv@Leviticus:5:15 @ If a soul commit a trespass, and sin through ignorance, in the holy things of the LORD; then he shall bring for his trespass unto the LORD a ram without blemish out of the flocks, with thy estimation by shekels of silver, after the shekel of the sanctuary, for a trespass offering:

kjv@Leviticus:6:4 ... Then it...

kjv@Leviticus:7:12 @ If he offer it for a thanksgiving, then he shall offer with the sacrifice of thanksgiving unleavened cakes mingled with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil, and cakes mingled with oil, of fine flour, fried.

kjv@Leviticus:10:3 ... Then Moses...

kjv@Leviticus:12:2 @ Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean.

kjv@Leviticus:12:4 @ And she shall then continue in the blood of her purifying three and thirty days; she shall touch no hallowed thing, nor come into the sanctuary, until the days of her purifying be fulfilled.

kjv@Leviticus:12:5 @ But if she bear a maid child, then she shall be unclean two weeks, as in her separation: and she shall continue in the blood of her purifying threescore and six days.

kjv@Leviticus:12:8 @ And if she be not able to bring a lamb, then she shall bring two turtles, or two young pigeons; the one for the burnt offering, and the other for a sin offering: and the priest shall make an atonement for her, and she shall be clean.

kjv@Leviticus:13:2 @ When a man shall have in the skin of his flesh a rising, a scab, or bright spot, and it be in the skin of his flesh like the plague of leprosy; then he shall be brought unto Aaron the priest, or unto one of his sons the priests:

kjv@Leviticus:13:4 @ If the bright spot be white in the skin of his flesh, and in sight be not deeper than the skin, and the hair thereof be not turned white; then the priest shall shut up him that hath the plague seven days:

kjv@Leviticus:13:5 @ And the priest shall look on him the seventh day: and, behold, if the plague in his sight be at a stay, and the plague spread not in the skin; then the priest shall shut him up seven days more:

kjv@Leviticus:13:8 @ And if the priest see that, behold, the scab spreadeth in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it is a leprosy.

kjv@Leviticus:13:9 @ When the plague of leprosy is in a man, then he shall be brought unto the priest;

kjv@Leviticus:13:13 ... Then the...

kjv@Leviticus:13:17 @ And the priest shall see him: and, behold, if the plague be turned into white; then the priest shall pronounce him clean that hath the plague: he is clean.

kjv@Leviticus:13:21 @ But if the priest look on it, and, behold, there be no white hairs therein, and if it be not lower than the skin, but be somewhat dark; then the priest shall shut him up seven days:

kjv@Leviticus:13:22 @ And if it spread much abroad in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it is a plague.

kjv@Leviticus:13:25 ... Then the...

kjv@Leviticus:13:26 @ But if the priest look on it, and, behold, there be no white hair in the bright spot, and it be no lower than the other skin, but be somewhat dark; then the priest shall shut him up seven days:

kjv@Leviticus:13:27 @ And the priest shall look upon him the seventh day: and if it be spread much abroad in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it is the plague of leprosy.

kjv@Leviticus:13:30 ... Then the...

kjv@Leviticus:13:31 @ And if the priest look on the plague of the scall, and, behold, it be not in sight deeper than the skin, and that there is no black hair in it; then the priest shall shut up him that hath the plague of the scall seven days:

kjv@Leviticus:13:34 @ And in the seventh day the priest shall look on the scall: and, behold, if the scall be not spread in the skin, nor be in sight deeper than the skin; then the priest shall pronounce him clean: and he shall wash his clothes, and be clean.

kjv@Leviticus:13:36 ... Then the...

kjv@Leviticus:13:39 ... Then the...

kjv@Leviticus:13:43 ... Then the...

kjv@Leviticus:13:54 ... Then the...

kjv@Leviticus:13:56 @ And if the priest look, and, behold, the plague be somewhat dark after the washing of it; then he shall rend it out of the garment, or out of the skin, or out of the warp, or out of the woof:

kjv@Leviticus:13:58 @ And the garment, either warp, or woof, or whatsoever thing of skin it be, which thou shalt wash, if the plague be departed from them, then it shall be washed the second time, and shall be clean.

kjv@Leviticus:14:4 ... Then shall...

kjv@Leviticus:14:21 @ And if he be poor, and cannot get so much; then he shall take one lamb for a trespass offering to be waved, to make an atonement for him, and one tenth deal of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering, and a log of oil;

kjv@Leviticus:14:36 ... Then the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:38 ... Then the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:40 ... Then the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:44 ... Then the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:48 @ And if the priest shall come in, and look upon it, and, behold, the plague hath not spread in the house, after the house was plaistered: then the priest shall pronounce the house clean, because the plague is healed.

kjv@Leviticus:15:8 @ And if he that hath the issue spit upon him that is clean; then he shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even.

kjv@Leviticus:15:13 @ And when he that hath an issue is cleansed of his issue; then he shall number to himself seven days for his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in running water, and shall be clean.

kjv@Leviticus:15:16 @ And if any man's seed of copulation go out from him, then he shall wash all his flesh in water, and be unclean until the even.

kjv@Leviticus:15:28 @ But if she be cleansed of her issue, then she shall number to herself seven days, and after that she shall be clean.

kjv@Leviticus:16:15 ... Then shall...

kjv@Leviticus:17:15 @ And every soul that eateth that which died of itself, or that which was torn with beasts, whether it be one of your own country, or a stranger, he shall both wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even: then shall he be clean.

kjv@Leviticus:17:16 @ But if he wash them not, nor bathe his flesh; then he shall bear his iniquity.

kjv@Leviticus:19:23 @ And when ye shall come into the land, and shall have planted all manner of trees for food, then ye shall count the fruit thereof as uncircumcised: three years shall it be as uncircumcised unto you: it shall not be eaten of.

kjv@Leviticus:20:5 ... Then I...

kjv@Leviticus:22:14 @ And if a man eat of the holy thing unwittingly, then he shall put the fifth part thereof unto it, and shall give it unto the priest with the holy thing.

kjv@Leviticus:22:27 @ When a bullock, or a sheep, or a goat, is brought forth, then it shall be seven days under the dam; and from the eighth day and thenceforth it shall be accepted for an offering made by fire unto the LORD.

kjv@Leviticus:23:10 @ Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye be come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest:

kjv@Leviticus:23:19 ... Then ye...

kjv@Leviticus:25:2 @ Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the land which I give you, then shall the land keep a sabbath unto the LORD.

kjv@Leviticus:25:9 ... Then shalt...

kjv@Leviticus:25:21 ... Then I...

kjv@Leviticus:25:25 @ If thy brother be waxen poor, and hath sold away some of his possession, and if any of his kin come to redeem it, then shall he redeem that which his brother sold.

kjv@Leviticus:25:27 ... Then let...

kjv@Leviticus:25:28 @ But if he be not able to restore it to him, then that which is sold shall remain in the hand of him that hath bought it until the year of jubile: and in the jubile it shall go out, and he shall return unto his possession.

kjv@Leviticus:25:29 @ And if a man sell a dwelling house in a walled city, then he may redeem it within a whole year after it is sold; within a full year may he redeem it.

kjv@Leviticus:25:30 @ And if it be not redeemed within the space of a full year, then the house that is in the walled city shall be established for ever to him that bought it throughout his generations: it shall not go out in the jubile.

kjv@Leviticus:25:33 @ And if a man purchase of the Levites, then the house that was sold, and the city of his possession, shall go out in the year of jubile: for the houses of the cities of the Levites are their possession among the children of Israel.

kjv@Leviticus:25:35 @ And if thy brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with thee; then thou shalt relieve him: yea, though he be a stranger, or a sojourner; that he may live with thee.

kjv@Leviticus:25:41 @ And then shall he depart from thee, both he and his children with him, and shall return unto his own family, and unto the possession of his fathers shall he return.

kjv@Leviticus:25:52 @ And if there remain but few years unto the year of jubile, then he shall count with him, and according unto his years shall he give him again the price of his redemption.

kjv@Leviticus:25:54 @ And if he be not redeemed in these years, then he shall go out in the year of jubile, both he, and his children with him.

kjv@Leviticus:26:4 ... Then I...

kjv@Leviticus:26:18 @ And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.

kjv@Leviticus:26:24 ... Then will...

kjv@Leviticus:26:28 ... Then I...

kjv@Leviticus:26:34 ... Then shall...

kjv@Leviticus:26:41 @ And that I also have walked contrary unto them, and have brought them into the land of their enemies; if then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled, and they then accept of the punishment of their iniquity:

kjv@Leviticus:26:42 ... Then will...

kjv@Leviticus:27:4 @ And if it be a female, then thy estimation shall be thirty shekels.

kjv@Leviticus:27:5 @ And if it be from five years old even unto twenty years old, then thy estimation shall be of the male twenty shekels, and for the female ten shekels.

kjv@Leviticus:27:6 @ And if it be from a month old even unto five years old, then thy estimation shall be of the male five shekels of silver, and for the female thy estimation shall be three shekels of silver.

kjv@Leviticus:27:7 @ And if it be from sixty years old and above; if it be a male, then thy estimation shall be fifteen shekels, and for the female ten shekels.

kjv@Leviticus:27:8 @ But if he be poorer than thy estimation, then he shall present himself before the priest, and the priest shall value him; according to his ability that vowed shall the priest value him.

kjv@Leviticus:27:10 @ He shall not alter it, nor change it, a good for a bad, or a bad for a good: and if he shall at all change beast for beast, then it and the exchange thereof shall be holy.

kjv@Leviticus:27:11 @ And if it be any unclean beast, of which they do not offer a sacrifice unto the LORD, then he shall present the beast before the priest:

kjv@Leviticus:27:13 @ But if he will at all redeem it, then he shall add a fifth part thereof unto thy estimation.

kjv@Leviticus:27:14 @ And when a man shall sanctify his house to be holy unto the LORD, then the priest shall estimate it, whether it be good or bad: as the priest shall estimate it, so shall it stand.

kjv@Leviticus:27:15 @ And if he that sanctified it will redeem his house, then he shall add the fifth part of the money of thy estimation unto it, and it shall be his.

kjv@Leviticus:27:16 @ And if a man shall sanctify unto the LORD some part of a field of his possession, then thy estimation shall be according to the seed thereof: an homer of barley seed shall be valued at fifty shekels of silver.

kjv@Leviticus:27:18 @ But if he sanctify his field after the jubile, then the priest shall reckon unto him the money according to the years that remain, even unto the year of the jubile, and it shall be abated from thy estimation.

kjv@Leviticus:27:19 @ And if he that sanctified the field will in any wise redeem it, then he shall add the fifth part of the money of thy estimation unto it, and it shall be assured to him.

kjv@Leviticus:27:23 ... Then the...

kjv@Leviticus:27:27 @ And if it be of an unclean beast, then he shall redeem it according to thine estimation, and shall add a fifth part of it thereto: or if it be not redeemed, then it shall be sold according to thy estimation.

kjv@Leviticus:27:33 @ He shall not search whether it be good or bad, neither shall he change it: and if he change it at all, then both it and the change thereof shall be holy; it shall not be redeemed.

kjv@Numbers:2:7 ... Then the...

kjv@Numbers:2:14 ... Then the...

kjv@Numbers:2:17 ... Then the...

kjv@Numbers:2:22 ... Then the...

kjv@Numbers:2:29 ... Then the...

kjv@Numbers:5:7 ... Then they...

kjv@Numbers:5:15 ... Then shall...

kjv@Numbers:5:21 ... Then the...

kjv@Numbers:5:25 ... Then the...

kjv@Numbers:5:27 @ And when he hath made her to drink the water, then it shall come to pass, that, if she be defiled, and have done trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be a curse among her people.

kjv@Numbers:5:28 @ And if the woman be not defiled, but be clean; then she shall be free, and shall conceive seed.

kjv@Numbers:5:31 ... Then shall...

kjv@Numbers:6:9 @ And if any man die very suddenly by him, and he hath defiled the head of his consecration; then he shall shave his head in the day of his cleansing, on the seventh day shall he shave it.

kjv@Numbers:7:89 @ And when Moses was gone into the tabernacle of the congregation to speak with him, then he heard the voice of one speaking unto him from off the mercy seat that was upon the ark of testimony, from between the two cherubims: and he spake unto him.

kjv@Numbers:8:8 ... Then let...

kjv@Numbers:9:17 @ And when the cloud was taken up from the tabernacle, then after that the children of Israel journeyed: and in the place where the cloud abode, there the children of Israel pitched their tents.

kjv@Numbers:9:19 @ And when the cloud tarried long upon the tabernacle many days, then the children of Israel kept the charge of the LORD, and journeyed not.

kjv@Numbers:9:21 @ And so it was, when the cloud abode from even unto the morning, and that the cloud was taken up in the morning, then they journeyed: whether it was by day or by night that the cloud was taken up, they journeyed.

kjv@Numbers:10:4 @ And if they blow but with one trumpet, then the princes, which are heads of the thousands of Israel, shall gather themselves unto thee.

kjv@Numbers:10:5 @ When ye blow an alarm, then the camps that lie on the east parts shall go forward.

kjv@Numbers:10:6 @ When ye blow an alarm the second time, then the camps that lie on the south side shall take their journey: they shall blow an alarm for their journeys.

kjv@Numbers:10:9 @ And if ye go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresseth you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before the LORD your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies.

kjv@Numbers:11:10 ... Then Moses...

kjv@Numbers:12:8 @ With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the LORD shall he behold: wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?

kjv@Numbers:14:5 ... Then Moses...

kjv@Numbers:14:8 @ If the LORD delight in us, then he will bring us into this land, and give it us; a land which floweth with milk and honey.

kjv@Numbers:14:13 @...said unto the LORD, Then the...(for thou broughtest up this people in thy might from among them;)

kjv@Numbers:14:15 @ Now if thou shalt kill all this people as one man, then the nations which have heard the fame of thee will speak, saying,

kjv@Numbers:14:45 ... Then the...

kjv@Numbers:15:4 ... Then shall...

kjv@Numbers:15:9 ... Then shall...

kjv@Numbers:15:19 ... Then it...

kjv@Numbers:15:24 ... Then it...

kjv@Numbers:15:27 @ And if any soul sin through ignorance, then he shall bring a she goat of the first year for a sin offering.

kjv@Numbers:16:3 @ And they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron, and said unto them, Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the LORD?

kjv@Numbers:16:29 @ If these men die the common death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; then the LORD hath not sent me.

kjv@Numbers:16:30 @ But if the LORD make a new thing, and the earth open her mouth, and swallow them up, with all that appertain unto them, and they go down quick into the pit; then ye shall understand that these men have provoked the LORD.

kjv@Numbers:18:26 @ Thus speak unto the Levites, and say unto them, When ye take of the children of Israel the tithes which I have given you from them for your inheritance, then ye shall offer up an heave offering of it for the LORD, even a tenth part of the tithe.

kjv@Numbers:18:30 @ Therefore thou shalt say unto them, When ye have heaved the best thereof from it, then it shall be counted unto the Levites as the increase of the threshingfloor, and as the increase of the winepress.

kjv@Numbers:19:7 ... Then the...

kjv@Numbers:19:12 @ He shall purify himself with it on the third day, and on the seventh day he shall be clean: but if he purify not himself the third day, then the seventh day he shall not be clean.

kjv@Numbers:20:1 ... Then came...

kjv@Numbers:20:19 @ And the children of Israel said unto him, We will go by the high way: and if I and my cattle drink of thy water, then I will pay for it: I will only, without doing any thing else, go through on my feet.

kjv@Numbers:21:1 @ And when king Arad the Canaanite, which dwelt in the south, heard tell that Israel came by the way of the spies; then he fought against Israel, and took some of them prisoners.

kjv@Numbers:21:2 @ And Israel vowed a vow unto the LORD, and said, If thou wilt indeed deliver this people into my hand, then I will utterly destroy their cities.

kjv@Numbers:21:17 ... Then Israel...

kjv@Numbers:22:31 ... Then the...

kjv@Numbers:27:1 ... Then came...

kjv@Numbers:27:8 @ And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a man die, and have no son, then ye shall cause his inheritance to pass unto his daughter.

kjv@Numbers:27:9 @ And if he have no daughter, then ye shall give his inheritance unto his brethren.

kjv@Numbers:27:10 @ And if he have no brethren, then ye shall give his inheritance unto his father's brethren.

kjv@Numbers:27:11 @ And if his father have no brethren, then ye shall give his inheritance unto his kinsman that is next to him of his family, and he shall possess it: and it shall be unto the children of Israel a statute of judgment, as the LORD commanded Moses.

kjv@Numbers:30:4 @ And her father hear her vow, and her bond wherewith she hath bound her soul, and her father shall hold his peace at her: then all her vows shall stand, and every bond wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand.

kjv@Numbers:30:7 @ And her husband heard it, and held his peace at her in the day that he heard it: then her vows shall stand, and her bonds wherewith she bound her soul shall stand.

kjv@Numbers:30:8 @ But if her husband disallowed her on the day that he heard it; then he shall make her vow which she vowed, and that which she uttered with her lips, wherewith she bound her soul, of none effect: and the LORD shall forgive her.

kjv@Numbers:30:11 @ And her husband heard it, and held his peace at her, and disallowed her not: then all her vows shall stand, and every bond wherewith she bound her soul shall stand.

kjv@Numbers:30:12 @ But if her husband hath utterly made them void on the day he heard them; then whatsoever proceeded out of her lips concerning her vows, or concerning the bond of her soul, shall not stand: her husband hath made them void; and the LORD shall forgive her.

kjv@Numbers:30:14 @ But if her husband altogether hold his peace at her from day to day; then he establisheth all her vows, or all her bonds, which are upon her: he confirmeth them, because he held his peace at her in the day that he heard them.

kjv@Numbers:30:15 @ But if he shall any ways make them void after that he hath heard them; then he shall bear her iniquity.

kjv@Numbers:32:22 @ And the land be subdued before the LORD: then afterward ye shall return, and be guiltless before the LORD, and before Israel; and this land shall be your possession before the LORD.

kjv@Numbers:32:29 @ And Moses said unto them, If the children of Gad and the children of Reuben will pass with you over Jordan, every man armed to battle, before the LORD, and the land shall be subdued before you; then ye shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession:

kjv@Numbers:33:52 ... Then ye...

kjv@Numbers:33:55 @ But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell.

kjv@Numbers:34:3 ... Then your...

kjv@Numbers:35:11 ... Then ye...

kjv@Numbers:35:24 ... Then the...

kjv@Numbers:36:3 @ And if they be married to any of the sons of the other tribes of the children of Israel, then shall their inheritance be taken from the inheritance of our fathers, and shall be put to the inheritance of the tribe whereunto they are received: so shall it be taken from the lot of our inheritance.

kjv@Numbers:36:4 @ And when the jubile of the children of Israel shall be, then shall their inheritance be put unto the inheritance of the tribe whereunto they are received: so shall their inheritance be taken away from the inheritance of the tribe of our fathers.

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:29 ... Then I...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:41 ... Then ye...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:1 ... Then we...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:32 ... Then Sihon...

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:1 ... Then we...

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:20 @ Until the LORD have given rest unto your brethren, as well as unto you, and until they also possess the land which the LORD your God hath given them beyond Jordan: and then shall ye return every man unto his possession, which I have given you.

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:41 ... Then Moses...

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:25 @ Now therefore why should we die? for this great fire will consume us: if we hear the voice of the LORD our God any more, then we shall die.

kjv@Deuteronomy:6:12 ... Then beware...

kjv@Deuteronomy:6:21 ... Then thou...

kjv@Deuteronomy:8:10 @ When thou hast eaten and art full, then thou shalt bless the LORD thy God for the good land which he hath given thee.

kjv@Deuteronomy:8:14 ... Then thine...

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:9 @ When I was gone up into the mount to receive the tables of stone, even the tables of the covenant which the LORD made with you, then I abode in the mount forty days and forty nights, I neither did eat bread nor drink water:

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:23 @ Likewise when the LORD sent you from Kadeshbarnea, saying, Go up and possess the land which I have given you; then ye rebelled against the commandment of the LORD your God, and ye believed him not, nor hearkened to his voice.

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:17 @ And then the LORD'S wrath be kindled against you, and he shut up the heaven, that there be no rain, and that the land yield not her fruit; and lest ye perish quickly from off the good land which the LORD giveth you.

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:23 ... Then will...

kjv@Deuteronomy:12:11 ... Then there...

kjv@Deuteronomy:12:21 @ If the place which the LORD thy God hath chosen to put his name there be too far from thee, then thou shalt kill of thy herd and of thy flock, which the LORD hath given thee, as I have commanded thee, and thou shalt eat in thy gates whatsoever thy soul lusteth after.

kjv@Deuteronomy:13:14 ... Then shalt...

kjv@Deuteronomy:14:25 ... Then shalt...

kjv@Deuteronomy:15:12 @ And if thy brother, an Hebrew man, or an Hebrew woman, be sold unto thee, and serve thee six years; then in the seventh year thou shalt let him go free from thee.

kjv@Deuteronomy:15:17 ... Then thou...

kjv@Deuteronomy:17:5 ... Then shalt...

kjv@Deuteronomy:17:8 @ If there arise a matter too hard for thee in judgment, between blood and blood, between plea and plea, and between stroke and stroke, being matters of controversy within thy gates: then shalt thou arise, and get thee up into the place which the LORD thy God shall choose;

kjv@Deuteronomy:18:7 ... Then he...

kjv@Deuteronomy:19:9 @ If thou shalt keep all these commandments to do them, which I command thee this day, to love the LORD thy God, and to walk ever in his ways; then shalt thou add three cities more for thee, beside these three:

kjv@Deuteronomy:19:12 ... Then the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:19:17 ... Then both...

kjv@Deuteronomy:19:19 ... Then shall...

kjv@Deuteronomy:20:10 @ When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it.

kjv@Deuteronomy:20:11 @ And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein shall be tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve thee.

kjv@Deuteronomy:20:12 @ And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it:

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:2 ... Then thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:12 ... Then thou...

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:14 @ And it shall be, if thou have no delight in her, then thou shalt let her go whither she will; but thou shalt not sell her at all for money, thou shalt not make merchandise of her, because thou hast humbled her.

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:16 ... Then it...

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:19 ... Then shall...

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:2 @ And if thy brother be not nigh unto thee, or if thou know him not, then thou shalt bring it unto thine own house, and it shall be with thee until thy brother seek after it, and thou shalt restore it to him again.

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:8 @ When thou buildest a new house, then thou shalt make a battlement for thy roof, that thou bring not blood upon thine house, if any man fall from thence.

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:15 ... Then shall...

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:21 ... Then they...

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:22 @ If a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, then they shall both of them die, both the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away evil from Israel.

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:24 ... Then ye...

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:25 @ But if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field, and the man force her, and lie with her: then the man only that lay with her shall die:

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:29 ... Then the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:23:9 @ When the host goeth forth against thine enemies, then keep thee from every wicked thing.

kjv@Deuteronomy:23:10 @ If there be among you any man, that is not clean by reason of uncleanness that chanceth him by night, then shall he go abroad out of the camp, he shall not come within the camp:

kjv@Deuteronomy:23:24 @ When thou comest into thy neighbour's vineyard, then thou mayest eat grapes thy fill at thine own pleasure; but thou shalt not put any in thy vessel.

kjv@Deuteronomy:23:25 @ When thou comest into the standing corn of thy neighbour, then thou mayest pluck the ears with thine hand; but thou shalt not move a sickle unto thy neighbour's standing corn.

kjv@Deuteronomy:24:1 @ When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house.

kjv@Deuteronomy:24:7 @ If a man be found stealing any of his brethren of the children of Israel, and maketh merchandise of him, or selleth him; then that thief shall die; and thou shalt put evil away from among you.

kjv@Deuteronomy:25:1 @ If there be a controversy between men, and they come unto judgment, that the judges may judge them; then they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked.

kjv@Deuteronomy:25:3 @ Forty stripes he may give him, and not exceed: lest, if he should exceed, and beat him above these with many stripes, then thy brother should seem vile unto thee.

kjv@Deuteronomy:25:7 @ And if the man like not to take his brother's wife, then let his brother's wife go up to the gate unto the elders, and say, My husband's brother refuseth to raise up unto his brother a name in Israel, he will not perform the duty of my husband's brother.

kjv@Deuteronomy:25:8 ... Then the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:25:9 ... Then shall...

kjv@Deuteronomy:25:12 ... Then thou...

kjv@Deuteronomy:26:13 ... Then thou...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:59 ... Then the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:20 @ The LORD will not spare him, but then the anger of the LORD and his jealousy shall smoke against that man, and all the curses that are written in this book shall lie upon him, and the LORD shall blot out his name from under heaven.

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:25 ... Then men...

kjv@Deuteronomy:30:3 @ That then the LORD thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath scattered thee.

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:17 ... Then my...

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:20 @ For when I shall have brought them into the land which I sware unto their fathers, that floweth with milk and honey; and they shall have eaten and filled themselves, and waxen fat; then will they turn unto other gods, and serve them, and provoke me, and break my covenant.

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:15 @ But Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked: thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered with fatness; then he forsook God which made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation.

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:28 @ Israel then shall dwell in safety alone: the fountain of Jacob shall be upon a land of corn and wine; also his heavens shall drop down dew.

kjv@Joshua:1:8 @ This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

kjv@Joshua:1:10 ... Then Joshua...

kjv@Joshua:1:15 @ Until the LORD have given your brethren rest, as he hath given you, and they also have possessed the land which the LORD your God giveth them: then ye shall return unto the land of your possession, and enjoy it, which Moses the LORD'S servant gave you on this side Jordan toward the sunrising.

kjv@Joshua:2:15 ... Then she...

kjv@Joshua:2:20 @ And if thou utter this our business, then we will be quit of thine oath which thou hast made us to swear.

kjv@Joshua:3:3 @ And they commanded the people, saying, When ye see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests the Levites bearing it, then ye shall remove from your place, and go after it.

kjv@Joshua:4:4 ... Then Joshua...

kjv@Joshua:4:7 ... Then ye...

kjv@Joshua:4:22 ... Then ye...

kjv@Joshua:6:10 @ And Joshua had commanded the people, saying, Ye shall not shout, nor make any noise with your voice, neither shall any word proceed out of your mouth, until the day I bid you shout; then shall ye shout.

kjv@Joshua:7:21 @ When I saw among the spoils a goodly Babylonish garment, and two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold of fifty shekels weight, then I coveted them, and took them; and, behold, they are hid in the earth in the midst of my tent, and the silver under it.

kjv@Joshua:8:7 ... Then ye...

kjv@Joshua:8:21 @ And when Joshua and all Israel saw that the ambush had taken the city, and that the smoke of the city ascended, then they turned again, and slew the men of Ai.

kjv@Joshua:8:30 ... Then Joshua...

kjv@Joshua:10:12 ... Then spake...

kjv@Joshua:10:22 ... Then said...

kjv@Joshua:10:29 ... Then Joshua...

kjv@Joshua:10:33 ... Then Horam...

kjv@Joshua:14:6 ... Then the...

kjv@Joshua:14:12 @ Now therefore give me this mountain, whereof the LORD spake in that day; for thou heardest in that day how the Anakims were there, and that the cities were great and fenced: if so be the LORD will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out, as the LORD said.

kjv@Joshua:15:1 @ This then was the lot of the tribe of the children of Judah by their families; even to the border of Edom the wilderness of Zin southward was the uttermost part of the south coast.

kjv@Joshua:17:15 @ And Joshua answered them, If thou be a great people, then get thee up to the wood country, and cut down for thyself there in the land of the Perizzites and of the giants, if mount Ephraim be too narrow for thee.

kjv@Joshua:19:12 @ And turned from Sarid eastward toward the sunrising unto the border of Chislothtabor, and then goeth out to Daberath, and goeth up to Japhia,

kjv@Joshua:19:29 @ And then the coast turneth to Ramah, and to the strong city Tyre; and the coast turneth to Hosah; and the outgoings thereof are at the sea from the coast to Achzib:

kjv@Joshua:19:34 @ And then the coast turneth westward to Aznothtabor, and goeth out from thence to Hukkok, and reacheth to Zebulun on the south side, and reacheth to Asher on the west side, and to Judah upon Jordan toward the sunrising.

kjv@Joshua:20:5 @ And if the avenger of blood pursue after him, then they shall not deliver the slayer up into his hand; because he smote his neighbour unwittingly, and hated him not beforetime.

kjv@Joshua:20:6 @ And he shall dwell in that city, until he stand before the congregation for judgment, and until the death of the high priest that shall be in those days: then shall the slayer return, and come unto his own city, and unto his own house, unto the city from whence he fled.

kjv@Joshua:21:1 ... Then came...

kjv@Joshua:22:1 ... Then Joshua...

kjv@Joshua:22:7 @ Now to the one half of the tribe of Manasseh Moses had given possession in Bashan: but unto the other half thereof gave Joshua among their brethren on this side Jordan westward. And when Joshua sent them away also unto their tents, then he blessed them,

kjv@Joshua:22:19 @ Notwithstanding, if the land of your possession be unclean, then pass ye over unto the land of the possession of the LORD, wherein the LORD'S tabernacle dwelleth, and take possession among us: but rebel not against the LORD, nor rebel against us, in building you an altar beside the altar of the LORD our God.

kjv@Joshua:22:21 ... Then the...

kjv@Joshua:23:16 @ When ye have transgressed the covenant of the LORD your God, which he commanded you, and have gone and served other gods, and bowed yourselves to them; then shall the anger of the LORD be kindled against you, and ye shall perish quickly from off the good land which he hath given unto you.

kjv@Joshua:24:9 ... Then Balak...

kjv@Joshua:24:20 @ If ye forsake the LORD, and serve strange gods, then he will turn and do you hurt, and consume you, after that he hath done you good.

kjv@Judges:2:18 @ And when the LORD raised them up judges, then the LORD was with the judge, and delivered them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge: for it repented the LORD because of their groanings by reason of them that oppressed them and vexed them.

kjv@Judges:3:23 ... Then Ehud...

kjv@Judges:4:8 @ And Barak said unto her, If thou wilt go with me, then I will go: but if thou wilt not go with me, then I will not go.

kjv@Judges:4:21 ... Then Jael...

kjv@Judges:5:1 ... Then sang...

kjv@Judges:5:8 @ They chose new gods; then was war in the gates: was there a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel?

kjv@Judges:5:11 @ They that are delivered from the noise of archers in the places of drawing water, there shall they rehearse the righteous acts of the LORD, even the righteous acts toward the inhabitants of his villages in Israel: then shall the people of the LORD go down to the gates.

kjv@Judges:5:13 ... Then he...

kjv@Judges:5:19 @ The kings came and fought, then fought the kings of Canaan in Taanach by the waters of Megiddo; they took no gain of money.

kjv@Judges:5:22 ... Then were...

kjv@Judges:6:13 @ And Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? but now the LORD hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.

kjv@Judges:6:17 @ And he said unto him, If now I have found grace in thy sight, then shew me a sign that thou talkest with me.

kjv@Judges:6:21 @...and the unleavened cakes. Then the...

kjv@Judges:6:24 ... Then Gideon...

kjv@Judges:6:27 ... Then Gideon...

kjv@Judges:6:30 ... Then the...

kjv@Judges:6:33 ... Then all...

kjv@Judges:6:37 @ Behold, I will put a fleece of wool in the floor; and if the dew be on the fleece only, and it be dry upon all the earth beside, then shall I know that thou wilt save Israel by mine hand, as thou hast said.

kjv@Judges:7:1 ... Then Jerubbaal,...

kjv@Judges:7:11 @...down unto the host. Then went...

kjv@Judges:7:18 @ When I blow with a trumpet, I and all that are with me, then blow ye the trumpets also on every side of all the camp, and say, The sword of the LORD, and of Gideon.

kjv@Judges:7:24 @...unto Bethbarah and Jordan. Then all...

kjv@Judges:8:3 @...in comparison of you? Then their...

kjv@Judges:8:7 @ And Gideon said, Therefore when the LORD hath delivered Zebah and Zalmunna into mine hand, then I will tear your flesh with the thorns of the wilderness and with briers.

kjv@Judges:8:18 ... Then said...

kjv@Judges:8:21 ... Then Zebah...

kjv@Judges:8:22 ... Then the...

kjv@Judges:9:12 ... Then said...

kjv@Judges:9:14 ... Then said...

kjv@Judges:9:15 @ And the bramble said unto the trees, If in truth ye anoint me king over you, then come and put your trust in my shadow: and if not, let fire come out of the bramble, and devour the cedars of Lebanon.

kjv@Judges:9:19 @ If ye then have dealt truly and sincerely with Jerubbaal and with his house this day, then rejoice ye in Abimelech, and let him also rejoice in you:

kjv@Judges:9:23 ... Then God...

kjv@Judges:9:29 @ And would to God this people were under my hand! then would I remove Abimelech. And he said to Abimelech, Increase thine army, and come out.

kjv@Judges:9:33 @ And it shall be, that in the morning, as soon as the sun is up, thou shalt rise early, and set upon the city: and, behold, when he and the people that is with him come out against thee, then mayest thou do to them as thou shalt find occasion.

kjv@Judges:9:38 ... Then said...

kjv@Judges:9:50 ... Then went...

kjv@Judges:9:54 ... Then he...

kjv@Judges:10:17 ... Then the...

kjv@Judges:11:3 ... Then Jephthah...

kjv@Judges:11:11 ... Then Jephthah...

kjv@Judges:11:17 ... Then Israel...

kjv@Judges:11:18 ... Then they...

kjv@Judges:11:29 ... Then the...

kjv@Judges:11:31 ... Then it...

kjv@Judges:12:3 @ And when I saw that ye delivered me not, I put my life in my hands, and passed over against the children of Ammon, and the LORD delivered them into my hand: wherefore then are ye come up unto me this day, to fight against me?

kjv@Judges:12:4 ... Then Jephthah...

kjv@Judges:12:6 @...to pronounce it right. Then they...

kjv@Judges:12:7 @...judged Israel six years. Then died...

kjv@Judges:12:10 ... Then died...

kjv@Judges:13:6 ... Then the...

kjv@Judges:13:8 ... Then Manoah...

kjv@Judges:13:21 @...and to his wife. Then Manoah...

kjv@Judges:14:3 ... Then his...

kjv@Judges:14:5 ... Then went...

kjv@Judges:14:12 @ And Samson said unto them, I will now put forth a riddle unto you: if ye can certainly declare it me within the seven days of the feast, and find it out, then I will give you thirty sheets and thirty change of garments:

kjv@Judges:14:13 @ But if ye cannot declare it me, then shall ye give me thirty sheets and thirty change of garments. And they said unto him, Put forth thy riddle, that we may hear it.

kjv@Judges:15:6 ... Then the...

kjv@Judges:15:9 ... Then the...

kjv@Judges:15:11 ... Then three...

kjv@Judges:16:1 ... Then went...

kjv@Judges:16:7 @ And Samson said unto her, If they bind me with seven green withs that were never dried, then shall I be weak, and be as another man.

kjv@Judges:16:8 ... Then the...

kjv@Judges:16:11 @ And he said unto her, If they bind me fast with new ropes that never were occupied, then shall I be weak, and be as another man.

kjv@Judges:16:17 @ That he told her all his heart, and said unto her, There hath not come a razor upon mine head; for I have been a Nazarite unto God from my mother's womb: if I be shaven, then my strength will go from me, and I shall become weak, and be like any other man.

kjv@Judges:16:18 @...me all his heart. Then the...

kjv@Judges:16:23 ... Then the...

kjv@Judges:16:31 ... Then his...

kjv@Judges:17:13 ... Then said...

kjv@Judges:18:7 ... Then the...

kjv@Judges:18:14 ... Then answered...

kjv@Judges:18:18 @...and the molten image. Then said...

kjv@Judges:19:26 ... Then came...

kjv@Judges:19:28 @...going. But none answered. Then the...

kjv@Judges:20:1 ... Then all...

kjv@Judges:20:3 @ (Now the children of Benjamin heard that the children of Israel were gone up to Mizpeh.) Then said the children of Israel, Tell us, how was this wickedness?

kjv@Judges:20:26 ... Then all...

kjv@Judges:21:16 ... Then the...

kjv@Judges:21:19 ... Then they...

kjv@Judges:21:21 @ And see, and, behold, if the daughters of Shiloh come out to dance in dances, then come ye out of the vineyards, and catch you every man his wife of the daughters of Shiloh, and go to the land of Benjamin.

kjv@Ruth:1:6 ... Then she...

kjv@Ruth:1:9 @...house of her husband. Then she...

kjv@Ruth:1:18 @ When she saw that she was stedfastly minded to go with her, then she left speaking unto her.

kjv@Ruth:1:21 @ I went out full, and the LORD hath brought me home again empty: why then call ye me Naomi, seeing the LORD hath testified against me, and the Almighty hath afflicted me?

kjv@Ruth:2:5 ... Then said...

kjv@Ruth:2:8 ... Then said...

kjv@Ruth:2:10 ... Then she...

kjv@Ruth:2:13 ... Then she...

kjv@Ruth:3:1 ... Then Naomi...

kjv@Ruth:3:13 @ Tarry this night, and it shall be in the morning, that if he will perform unto thee the part of a kinsman, well; let him do the kinsman's part: but if he will not do the part of a kinsman to thee, then will I do the part of a kinsman to thee, as the LORD liveth: lie down until the morning.

kjv@Ruth:3:18 ... Then said...

kjv@Ruth:4:1 ... Then went...

kjv@Ruth:4:4 @ And I thought to advertise thee, saying, Buy it before the inhabitants, and before the elders of my people. If thou wilt redeem it, redeem it: but if thou wilt not redeem it, then tell me, that I may know: for there is none to redeem it beside thee; and I am after thee. And he said, I will redeem it.

kjv@Ruth:4:5 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:1:8 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:1:11 @ And she vowed a vow, and said, O LORD of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the LORD all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head.

kjv@1Samuel:1:17 ... Then Eli...

kjv@1Samuel:1:22 @ But Hannah went not up; for she said unto her husband, I will not go up until the child be weaned, and then I will bring him, that he may appear before the LORD, and there abide for ever.

kjv@1Samuel:2:16 @ And if any man said unto him, Let them not fail to burn the fat presently, and then take as much as thy soul desireth; then he would answer him, Nay; but thou shalt give it me now: and if not, I will take it by force.

kjv@1Samuel:3:10 @...other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel...

kjv@1Samuel:3:16 ... Then Eli...

kjv@1Samuel:6:3 @ And they said, If ye send away the ark of the God of Israel, send it not empty; but in any wise return him a trespass offering: then ye shall be healed, and it shall be known to you why his hand is not removed from you.

kjv@1Samuel:6:4 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:6:6 @ Wherefore then do ye harden your hearts, as the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their hearts? when he had wrought wonderfully among them, did they not let the people go, and they departed?

kjv@1Samuel:6:9 @ And see, if it goeth up by the way of his own coast to Bethshemesh, then he hath done us this great evil: but if not, then we shall know that it is not his hand that smote us: it was a chance that happened to us.

kjv@1Samuel:7:3 @ And Samuel spake unto all the house of Israel, saying, If ye do return unto the LORD with all your hearts, then put away the strange gods and Ashtaroth from among you, and prepare your hearts unto the LORD, and serve him only: and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines.

kjv@1Samuel:7:4 ... Then the...

kjv@1Samuel:7:12 ... Then Samuel...

kjv@1Samuel:8:4 ... Then all...

kjv@1Samuel:9:4 @ And he passed through mount Ephraim, and passed through the land of Shalisha, but they found them not: then they passed through the land of Shalim, and there they were not: and he passed through the land of the Benjamites, but they found them not.

kjv@1Samuel:9:7 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:9:10 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:9:18 ... Then Saul...

kjv@1Samuel:9:21 @ And Saul answered and said, Am not I a Benjamite, of the smallest of the tribes of Israel? and my family the least of all the families of the tribe of Benjamin? wherefore then speakest thou so to me?

kjv@1Samuel:10:1 ... Then Samuel...

kjv@1Samuel:10:2 @ When thou art departed from me to day, then thou shalt find two men by Rachel's sepulchre in the border of Benjamin at Zelzah; and they will say unto thee, The asses which thou wentest to seek are found: and, lo, thy father hath left the care of the asses, and sorroweth for you, saying, What shall I do for my son?

kjv@1Samuel:10:3 ... Then shalt...

kjv@1Samuel:10:11 @ And it came to pass, when all that knew him beforetime saw that, behold, he prophesied among the prophets, then the people said one to another, What is this that is come unto the son of Kish? Is Saul also among the prophets?

kjv@1Samuel:10:25 ... Then Samuel...

kjv@1Samuel:11:1 ... Then Nahash...

kjv@1Samuel:11:4 ... Then came...

kjv@1Samuel:11:14 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:12:8 @ When Jacob was come into Egypt, and your fathers cried unto the LORD, then the LORD sent Moses and Aaron, which brought forth your fathers out of Egypt, and made them dwell in this place.

kjv@1Samuel:12:14 @ If ye will fear the LORD, and serve him, and obey his voice, and not rebel against the commandment of the LORD, then shall both ye and also the king that reigneth over you continue following the LORD your God:

kjv@1Samuel:12:15 @ But if ye will not obey the voice of the LORD, but rebel against the commandment of the LORD, then shall the hand of the LORD be against you, as it was against your fathers.

kjv@1Samuel:12:21 @ And turn ye not aside: for then should ye go after vain things, which cannot profit nor deliver; for they are vain.

kjv@1Samuel:13:6 @ When the men of Israel saw that they were in a strait, (for the people were distressed,) then the people did hide themselves in caves, and in thickets, and in rocks, and in high places, and in pits.

kjv@1Samuel:14:8 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:14:9 @ If they say thus unto us, Tarry until we come to you; then we will stand still in our place, and will not go up unto them.

kjv@1Samuel:14:10 @ But if they say thus, Come up unto us; then we will go up: for the LORD hath delivered them into our hand: and this shall be a sign unto us.

kjv@1Samuel:14:17 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:14:28 ... Then answered...

kjv@1Samuel:14:29 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:14:33 ... Then they...

kjv@1Samuel:14:36 @...seemeth good unto thee. Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:14:40 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:14:43 ... Then Saul...

kjv@1Samuel:14:46 ... Then Saul...

kjv@1Samuel:15:10 ... Then came...

kjv@1Samuel:15:14 @ And Samuel said, What meaneth then this bleating of the sheep in mine ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?

kjv@1Samuel:15:16 ... Then Samuel...

kjv@1Samuel:15:19 @ Wherefore then didst thou not obey the voice of the LORD, but didst fly upon the spoil, and didst evil in the sight of the LORD?

kjv@1Samuel:15:30 ... Then he...

kjv@1Samuel:15:32 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:15:34 ... Then Samuel...

kjv@1Samuel:16:8 ... Then Jesse...

kjv@1Samuel:16:9 ... Then Jesse...

kjv@1Samuel:16:13 ... Then Samuel...

kjv@1Samuel:16:18 ... Then answered...

kjv@1Samuel:17:9 @ If he be able to fight with me, and to kill me, then will we be your servants: but if I prevail against him, and kill him, then shall ye be our servants, and serve us.

kjv@1Samuel:17:45 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:18:3 ... Then Jonathan...

kjv@1Samuel:18:30 ... Then the...

kjv@1Samuel:19:5 @ For he did put his life in his hand, and slew the Philistine, and the LORD wrought a great salvation for all Israel: thou sawest it, and didst rejoice: wherefore then wilt thou sin against innocent blood, to slay David without a cause?

kjv@1Samuel:19:22 ... Then went...

kjv@1Samuel:20:4 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:20:6 @ If thy father at all miss me, then say, David earnestly asked leave of me that he might run to Bethlehem his city: for there is a yearly sacrifice there for all the family.

kjv@1Samuel:20:7 @ If he say thus, It is well; thy servant shall have peace: but if he be very wroth, then be sure that evil is determined by him.

kjv@1Samuel:20:9 @ And Jonathan said, Far be it from thee: for if I knew certainly that evil were determined by my father to come upon thee, then would not I tell it thee?

kjv@1Samuel:20:10 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:20:12 @ And Jonathan said unto David, O LORD God of Israel, when I have sounded my father about to morrow any time, or the third day, and, behold, if there be good toward David, and I then send not unto thee, and shew it thee;

kjv@1Samuel:20:13 @ The LORD do so and much more to Jonathan: but if it please my father to do thee evil, then I will shew it thee, and send thee away, that thou mayest go in peace: and the LORD be with thee, as he hath been with my father.

kjv@1Samuel:20:18 ... Then Jonathan...

kjv@1Samuel:20:19 @ And when thou hast stayed three days, then thou shalt go down quickly, and come to the place where thou didst hide thyself when the business was in hand, and shalt remain by the stone Ezel.

kjv@1Samuel:20:21 @ And, behold, I will send a lad, saying, Go, find out the arrows. If I expressly say unto the lad, Behold, the arrows are on this side of thee, take them; then come thou: for there is peace to thee, and no hurt; as the LORD liveth.

kjv@1Samuel:20:30 ... Then Saul's...

kjv@1Samuel:21:1 ... Then came...

kjv@1Samuel:21:14 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:22:5 @...the land of Judah. Then David...

kjv@1Samuel:22:7 ... Then Saul...

kjv@1Samuel:22:9 ... Then answered...

kjv@1Samuel:22:11 ... Then the...

kjv@1Samuel:22:14 ... Then Ahimelech...

kjv@1Samuel:22:15 @ Did I then begin to enquire of God for him? be it far from me: let not the king impute any thing unto his servant, nor to all the house of my father: for thy servant knew nothing of all this, less or more.

kjv@1Samuel:23:1 ... Then they...

kjv@1Samuel:23:3 @ And David's men said unto him, Behold, we be afraid here in Judah: how much more then if we come to Keilah against the armies of the Philistines?

kjv@1Samuel:23:4 ... Then David...

kjv@1Samuel:23:10 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:23:12 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:23:13 ... Then David...

kjv@1Samuel:23:19 ... Then came...

kjv@1Samuel:24:2 ... Then Saul...

kjv@1Samuel:24:4 @...seem good unto thee. Then David...

kjv@1Samuel:25:11 @ Shall I then take my bread, and my water, and my flesh that I have killed for my shearers, and give it unto men, whom I know not whence they be?

kjv@1Samuel:25:18 ... Then Abigail...

kjv@1Samuel:25:31 @ That this shall be no grief unto thee, nor offence of heart unto my lord, either that thou hast shed blood causeless, or that my lord hath avenged himself: but when the LORD shall have dealt well with my lord, then remember thine handmaid.

kjv@1Samuel:26:2 ... Then Saul...

kjv@1Samuel:26:6 ... Then answered...

kjv@1Samuel:26:8 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:26:13 ... Then David...

kjv@1Samuel:26:14 @...Answerest thou not, Abner? Then Abner...

kjv@1Samuel:26:15 @ And David said to Abner, Art not thou a valiant man? and who is like to thee in Israel? wherefore then hast thou not kept thy lord the king? for there came one of the people in to destroy the king thy lord.

kjv@1Samuel:26:21 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:26:25 ... Then Saul...

kjv@1Samuel:27:6 ... Then Achish...

kjv@1Samuel:28:7 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:28:9 @ And the woman said unto him, Behold, thou knowest what Saul hath done, how he hath cut off those that have familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land: wherefore then layest thou a snare for my life, to cause me to die?

kjv@1Samuel:28:11 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:28:16 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:28:20 ... Then Saul...

kjv@1Samuel:28:25 @...and they did eat. Then they...

kjv@1Samuel:29:3 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:29:6 ... Then Achish...

kjv@1Samuel:30:4 ... Then David...

kjv@1Samuel:30:22 ... Then answered...

kjv@1Samuel:30:23 ... Then said...

kjv@1Samuel:31:4 ... Then said...

kjv@2Samuel:1:11 ... Then David...

kjv@2Samuel:2:15 ... Then there...

kjv@2Samuel:2:20 ... Then Abner...

kjv@2Samuel:2:22 @ And Abner said again to Asahel, Turn thee aside from following me: wherefore should I smite thee to the ground? how then should I hold up my face to Joab thy brother?

kjv@2Samuel:2:26 ... Then Abner...

kjv@2Samuel:2:27 @ And Joab said, As God liveth, unless thou hadst spoken, surely then in the morning the people had gone up every one from following his brother.

kjv@2Samuel:3:8 ... Then was...

kjv@2Samuel:3:16 @...behind her to Bahurim. Then said...

kjv@2Samuel:3:18 @ Now then do it: for the LORD hath spoken of David, saying, By the hand of my servant David I will save my people Israel out of the hand of the Philistines, and out of the hand of all their enemies.

kjv@2Samuel:3:24 ... Then Joab...

kjv@2Samuel:5:1 ... Then came...

kjv@2Samuel:5:24 @ And let it be, when thou hearest the sound of a going in the tops of the mulberry trees, that then thou shalt bestir thyself: for then shall the LORD go out before thee, to smite the host of the Philistines.

kjv@2Samuel:6:20 ... Then David...

kjv@2Samuel:7:18 ... Then went...

kjv@2Samuel:8:6 ... Then David...

kjv@2Samuel:8:10 ... Then Toi...

kjv@2Samuel:9:5 ... Then king...

kjv@2Samuel:9:9 ... Then the...

kjv@2Samuel:9:11 ... Then said...

kjv@2Samuel:10:2 ... Then said...

kjv@2Samuel:10:5 @ When they told it unto David, he sent to meet them, because the men were greatly ashamed: and the king said, Tarry at Jericho until your beards be grown, and then return.

kjv@2Samuel:10:11 @ And he said, If the Syrians be too strong for me, then thou shalt help me: but if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee, then I will come and help thee.

kjv@2Samuel:10:14 @ And when the children of Ammon saw that the Syrians were fled, then fled they also before Abishai, and entered into the city. So Joab returned from the children of Ammon, and came to Jerusalem.

kjv@2Samuel:11:10 @ And when they had told David, saying, Uriah went not down unto his house, David said unto Uriah, Camest thou not from thy journey? why then didst thou not go down unto thine house?

kjv@2Samuel:11:11 @ And Uriah said unto David, The ark, and Israel, and Judah, abide in tents; and my lord Joab, and the servants of my lord, are encamped in the open fields; shall I then go into mine house, to eat and to drink, and to lie with my wife? as thou livest, and as thy soul liveth, I will not do this thing.

kjv@2Samuel:11:18 ... Then Joab...

kjv@2Samuel:11:21 @ Who smote Abimelech the son of Jerubbesheth? did not a woman cast a piece of a millstone upon him from the wall, that he died in Thebez? why went ye nigh the wall? then say thou, Thy servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also.

kjv@2Samuel:11:25 ... Then David...

kjv@2Samuel:12:18 @ And it came to pass on the seventh day, that the child died. And the servants of David feared to tell him that the child was dead: for they said, Behold, while the child was yet alive, we spake unto him, and he would not hearken unto our voice: how will he then vex himself, if we tell him that the child is dead?

kjv@2Samuel:12:20 ... Then David...

kjv@2Samuel:12:21 ... Then said...

kjv@2Samuel:13:7 ... Then David...

kjv@2Samuel:13:15 ... Then Amnon...

kjv@2Samuel:13:17 ... Then he...

kjv@2Samuel:13:18 @...that were virgins apparelled. Then his...

kjv@2Samuel:13:26 ... Then said...

kjv@2Samuel:13:28 @ Now Absalom had commanded his servants, saying, Mark ye now when Amnon's heart is merry with wine, and when I say unto you, Smite Amnon; then kill him, fear not: have not I commanded you? be courageous, and be valiant.

kjv@2Samuel:13:29 @...as Absalom had commanded. Then all...

kjv@2Samuel:13:31 ... Then the...

kjv@2Samuel:14:11 ... Then said...

kjv@2Samuel:14:12 ... Then the...

kjv@2Samuel:14:13 @ And the woman said, Wherefore then hast thou thought such a thing against the people of God? for the king doth speak this thing as one which is faulty, in that the king doth not fetch home again his banished.

kjv@2Samuel:14:17 ... Then thine...

kjv@2Samuel:14:18 ... Then the...

kjv@2Samuel:14:31 ... Then Joab...

kjv@2Samuel:15:2 @ And Absalom rose up early, and stood beside the way of the gate: and it was so, that when any man that had a controversy came to the king for judgment, then Absalom called unto him, and said, Of what city art thou? And he said, Thy servant is of one of the tribes of Israel.

kjv@2Samuel:15:8 @ For thy servant vowed a vow while I abode at Geshur in Syria, saying, If the LORD shall bring me again indeed to Jerusalem, then I will serve the LORD.

kjv@2Samuel:15:10 @ But Absalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, As soon as ye hear the sound of the trumpet, then ye shall say, Absalom reigneth in Hebron.

kjv@2Samuel:15:19 ... Then said...

kjv@2Samuel:15:33 @ Unto whom David said, If thou passest on with me, then thou shalt be a burden unto me:

kjv@2Samuel:15:34 @ But if thou return to the city, and say unto Absalom, I will be thy servant, O king; as I have been thy father's servant hitherto, so will I now also be thy servant: then mayest thou for me defeat the counsel of Ahithophel.

kjv@2Samuel:16:4 ... Then said...

kjv@2Samuel:16:9 ... Then said...

kjv@2Samuel:16:10 @ And the king said, What have I to do with you, ye sons of Zeruiah? so let him curse, because the LORD hath said unto him, Curse David. Who shall then say, Wherefore hast thou done so?

kjv@2Samuel:16:20 ... Then said...

kjv@2Samuel:16:21 @ And Ahithophel said unto Absalom, Go in unto thy father's concubines, which he hath left to keep the house; and all Israel shall hear that thou art abhorred of thy father: then shall the hands of all that are with thee be strong.

kjv@2Samuel:17:5 ... Then said...

kjv@2Samuel:17:13 @ Moreover, if he be gotten into a city, then shall all Israel bring ropes to that city, and we will draw it into the river, until there be not one small stone found there.

kjv@2Samuel:17:15 ... Then said...

kjv@2Samuel:17:22 ... Then David...

kjv@2Samuel:17:24 ... Then David...

kjv@2Samuel:18:14 ... Then said...

kjv@2Samuel:18:19 ... Then said...

kjv@2Samuel:18:21 ... Then said...

kjv@2Samuel:18:22 ... Then said...

kjv@2Samuel:18:23 @...said unto him, Run. Then Ahimaaz...

kjv@2Samuel:19:6 @ In that thou lovest thine enemies, and hatest thy friends. For thou hast declared this day, that thou regardest neither princes nor servants: for this day I perceive, that if Absalom had lived, and all we had died this day, then it had pleased thee well.

kjv@2Samuel:19:8 ... Then the...

kjv@2Samuel:19:12 @ Ye are my brethren, ye are my bones and my flesh: wherefore then are ye the last to bring back the king?

kjv@2Samuel:19:35 @ I am this day fourscore years old: and can I discern between good and evil? can thy servant taste what I eat or what I drink? can I hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women? wherefore then should thy servant be yet a burden unto my lord the king?

kjv@2Samuel:19:40 ... Then the...

kjv@2Samuel:19:42 @ And all the men of Judah answered the men of Israel, Because the king is near of kin to us: wherefore then be ye angry for this matter? have we eaten at all of the king's cost? or hath he given us any gift?

kjv@2Samuel:19:43 @ And the men of Israel answered the men of Judah, and said, We have ten parts in the king, and we have also more right in David than ye: why then did ye despise us, that our advice should not be first had in bringing back our king? And the words of the men of Judah were fiercer than the words of the men of Israel.

kjv@2Samuel:20:4 ... Then said...

kjv@2Samuel:20:16 ... Then cried...

kjv@2Samuel:20:17 @...answered, I am he. Then she...

kjv@2Samuel:20:18 ... Then she...

kjv@2Samuel:20:22 ... Then the...

kjv@2Samuel:21:1 ... Then there...

kjv@2Samuel:21:17 @...Philistine, and killed him. Then the...

kjv@2Samuel:21:18 @ And it came to pass after this, that there was again a battle with the Philistines at Gob: then Sibbechai the Hushathite slew Saph, which was of the sons of the giant.

kjv@2Samuel:22:8 ... Then the...

kjv@2Samuel:22:43 ... Then did...

kjv@2Samuel:23:14 @ And David was then in an hold, and the garrison of the Philistines was then in Bethlehem.

kjv@2Samuel:24:6 ... Then they...

kjv@1Kings:1:5 ... Then Adonijah...

kjv@1Kings:1:13 @ Go and get thee in unto king David, and say unto him, Didst not thou, my lord, O king, swear unto thine handmaid, saying, Assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne? why then doth Adonijah reign?

kjv@1Kings:1:28 ... Then king...

kjv@1Kings:1:31 ... Then Bathsheba...

kjv@1Kings:1:35 ... Then ye...

kjv@1Kings:2:12 ... Then sat...

kjv@1Kings:2:20 ... Then she...

kjv@1Kings:2:23 ... Then king...

kjv@1Kings:2:28 ... Then tidings...

kjv@1Kings:2:29 @...is by the altar. Then Solomon...

kjv@1Kings:2:43 @ Why then hast thou not kept the oath of the LORD, and the commandment that I have charged thee with?

kjv@1Kings:3:14 @ And if thou wilt walk in my ways, to keep my statutes and my commandments, as thy father David did walk, then I will lengthen thy days.

kjv@1Kings:3:16 ... Then came...

kjv@1Kings:3:23 ... Then said...

kjv@1Kings:3:26 ... Then spake...

kjv@1Kings:3:27 ... Then the...

kjv@1Kings:6:10 @ And then he built chambers against all the house, five cubits high: and they rested on the house with timber of cedar.

kjv@1Kings:6:12 @ Concerning this house which thou art in building, if thou wilt walk in my statutes, and execute my judgments, and keep all my commandments to walk in them; then will I perform my word with thee, which I spake unto David thy father:

kjv@1Kings:7:7 ... Then he...

kjv@1Kings:7:38 ... Then made...

kjv@1Kings:8:1 ... Then Solomon...

kjv@1Kings:8:12 ... Then spake...

kjv@1Kings:8:32 ... Then hear...

kjv@1Kings:8:34 ... Then hear...

kjv@1Kings:8:36 ... Then hear...

kjv@1Kings:8:39 ... Then hear...(for thou, even thou only, knowest the hearts of all the children of men;)

kjv@1Kings:8:45 ... Then hear...

kjv@1Kings:8:49 ... Then hear...

kjv@1Kings:9:5 ... Then I...

kjv@1Kings:9:7 ... Then will...

kjv@1Kings:9:11 @ (Now Hiram the king of Tyre had furnished Solomon with cedar trees and fir trees, and with gold, according to all his desire,) that then king Solomon gave Hiram twenty cities in the land of Galilee.

kjv@1Kings:9:24 @ But Pharaoh's daughter came up out of the city of David unto her house which Solomon had built for her: then did he build Millo.

kjv@1Kings:11:7 ... Then did...

kjv@1Kings:11:22 ... Then Pharaoh...

kjv@1Kings:12:5 @ And he said unto them, Depart yet for three days, then come again to me. And the people departed.

kjv@1Kings:12:7 @ And they spake unto him, saying, If thou wilt be a servant unto this people this day, and wilt serve them, and answer them, and speak good words to them, then they will be thy servants for ever.

kjv@1Kings:12:18 ... Then king...

kjv@1Kings:12:25 ... Then Jeroboam...

kjv@1Kings:12:27 @ If this people go up to do sacrifice in the house of the LORD at Jerusalem, then shall the heart of this people turn again unto their lord, even unto Rehoboam king of Judah, and they shall kill me, and go again to Rehoboam king of Judah.

kjv@1Kings:13:15 ... Then he...

kjv@1Kings:13:31 @ And it came to pass, after he had buried him, that he spake to his sons, saying, When I am dead, then bury me in the sepulchre wherein the man of God is buried; lay my bones beside his bones:

kjv@1Kings:15:18 ... Then Asa...

kjv@1Kings:15:22 ... Then king...

kjv@1Kings:16:1 ... Then the...

kjv@1Kings:16:21 ... Then were...

kjv@1Kings:18:21 @ And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.

kjv@1Kings:18:22 ... Then said...

kjv@1Kings:18:38 ... Then the...

kjv@1Kings:19:2 ... Then Jezebel...

kjv@1Kings:19:5 @ And as he lay and slept under a juniper tree, behold, then an angel touched him, and said unto him, Arise and eat.

kjv@1Kings:19:20 @ And he left the oxen, and ran after Elijah, and said, Let me, I pray thee, kiss my father and my mother, and then I will follow thee. And he said unto him, Go back again: for what have I done to thee?

kjv@1Kings:19:21 @...and they did eat. Then he...

kjv@1Kings:20:7 ... Then the...

kjv@1Kings:20:14 @...princes of the provinces. Then he...

kjv@1Kings:20:15 ... Then he...

kjv@1Kings:20:33 @...Go ye, bring him. Then Benhadad...

kjv@1Kings:20:34 @...father made in Samaria. Then said...

kjv@1Kings:20:36 ... Then said...

kjv@1Kings:20:37 ... Then he...

kjv@1Kings:20:39 @ And as the king passed by, he cried unto the king: and he said, Thy servant went out into the midst of the battle; and, behold, a man turned aside, and brought a man unto me, and said, Keep this man: if by any means he be missing, then shall thy life be for his life, or else thou shalt pay a talent of silver.

kjv@1Kings:21:10 @ And set two men, sons of Belial, before him, to bear witness against him, saying, Thou didst blaspheme God and the king. And then carry him out, and stone him, that he may die.

kjv@1Kings:21:13 @...God and the king. Then they...

kjv@1Kings:21:14 ... Then they...

kjv@1Kings:22:6 ... Then the...

kjv@1Kings:22:9 ... Then the...

kjv@1Kings:22:47 @ There was then no king in Edom: a deputy was king.

kjv@1Kings:22:49 ... Then said...

kjv@2Kings:1:1 ... Then Moab...

kjv@2Kings:1:9 ... Then the...

kjv@2Kings:1:10 @ And Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, If I be a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And there came down fire from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.

kjv@2Kings:3:27 ... Then he...

kjv@2Kings:4:3 ... Then he...

kjv@2Kings:4:7 ... Then she...

kjv@2Kings:4:14 @ And he said, What then is to be done for her? And Gehazi answered, Verily she hath no child, and her husband is old.

kjv@2Kings:4:20 @ And when he had taken him, and brought him to his mother, he sat on her knees till noon, and then died.

kjv@2Kings:4:24 ... Then she...

kjv@2Kings:4:28 ... Then she...

kjv@2Kings:4:29 ... Then he...

kjv@2Kings:4:35 ... Then he...

kjv@2Kings:4:37 ... Then she...

kjv@2Kings:4:41 @... But he said, Then bring...

kjv@2Kings:5:14 ... Then went...

kjv@2Kings:6:8 ... Then the...

kjv@2Kings:6:31 ... Then he...

kjv@2Kings:7:1 ... Then Elisha...

kjv@2Kings:7:2 ... Then a...

kjv@2Kings:7:4 @ If we say, We will enter into the city, then the famine is in the city, and we shall die there: and if we sit still here, we die also. Now therefore come, and let us fall unto the host of the Syrians: if they save us alive, we shall live; and if they kill us, we shall but die.

kjv@2Kings:7:9 ... Then they...

kjv@2Kings:8:1 ... Then spake...

kjv@2Kings:8:16 @ And in the fifth year of Joram the son of Ahab king of Israel, Jehoshaphat being then king of Judah, Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah began to reign.

kjv@2Kings:8:22 @...Judah unto this day. Then Libnah...

kjv@2Kings:9:3 @...thee king over Israel. Then open...

kjv@2Kings:9:11 ... Then Jehu...

kjv@2Kings:9:13 ... Then they...

kjv@2Kings:9:15 @ But king Joram was returned to be healed in Jezreel of the wounds which the Syrians had given him, when he fought with Hazael king of Syria.) And Jehu said, If it be your minds, then let none go forth nor escape out of the city to go to tell it in Jezreel.

kjv@2Kings:9:19 ... Then he...

kjv@2Kings:9:25 ... Then said...

kjv@2Kings:10:4 @ But they were exceedingly afraid, and said, Behold, two kings stood not before him: how then shall we stand?

kjv@2Kings:10:6 ... Then he...

kjv@2Kings:12:7 ... Then king...

kjv@2Kings:12:17 ... Then Hazael...

kjv@2Kings:13:17 @...And he opened it. Then Elisha...

kjv@2Kings:13:19 @ And the man of God was wroth with him, and said, Thou shouldest have smitten five or six times; then hadst thou smitten Syria till thou hadst consumed it: whereas now thou shalt smite Syria but thrice.

kjv@2Kings:14:8 ... Then Amaziah...

kjv@2Kings:15:16 ... Then Menahem...

kjv@2Kings:16:5 ... Then Rezin...

kjv@2Kings:17:5 ... Then the...

kjv@2Kings:17:27 ... Then the...

kjv@2Kings:17:28 ... Then one...

kjv@2Kings:18:24 @ How then wilt thou turn away the face of one captain of the least of my master's servants, and put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen?

kjv@2Kings:18:26 ... Then said...

kjv@2Kings:18:28 ... Then Rabshakeh...

kjv@2Kings:18:31 @ Hearken not to Hezekiah: for thus saith the king of Assyria, Make an agreement with me by a present, and come out to me, and then eat ye every man of his own vine, and every one of his fig tree, and drink ye every one the waters of his cistern:

kjv@2Kings:18:37 ... Then came...

kjv@2Kings:19:20 ... Then Isaiah...

kjv@2Kings:20:2 ... Then he...

kjv@2Kings:20:14 ... Then came...

kjv@2Kings:20:19 ... Then said...

kjv@2Kings:23:17 ... Then he...

kjv@2Kings:24:1 @ In his days Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up, and Jehoiakim became his servant three years: then he turned and rebelled against him.

kjv@1Chronicles:1:29 @ These are their generations: The firstborn of Ishmael, Nebaioth; then Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam,

kjv@1Chronicles:2:24 @ And after that Hezron was dead in Calebephratah, then Abiah Hezron's wife bare him Ashur the father of Tekoa.

kjv@1Chronicles:6:32 @ And they ministered before the dwelling place of the tabernacle of the congregation with singing, until Solomon had built the house of the LORD in Jerusalem: and then they waited on their office according to their order.

kjv@1Chronicles:9:36 @ And his firstborn son Abdon, then Zur, and Kish, and Baal, and Ner, and Nadab,

kjv@1Chronicles:10:4 ... Then said...

kjv@1Chronicles:10:7 @ And when all the men of Israel that were in the valley saw that they fled, and that Saul and his sons were dead, then they forsook their cities, and fled: and the Philistines came and dwelt in them.

kjv@1Chronicles:11:1 ... Then all...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:16 @ And David was then in the hold, and the Philistines' garrison was then at Bethlehem.

kjv@1Chronicles:12:3 @ The chief was Ahiezer, then Joash, the sons of Shemaah the Gibeathite; and Jeziel, and Pelet, the sons of Azmaveth; and Berachah, and Jehu the Antothite,

kjv@1Chronicles:12:18 @...thy God helpeth thee. Then David...

kjv@1Chronicles:14:11 @...David smote them there. Then David...

kjv@1Chronicles:14:15 @ And it shall be, when thou shalt hear a sound of going in the tops of the mulberry trees, that then thou shalt go out to battle: for God is gone forth before thee to smite the host of the Philistines.

kjv@1Chronicles:15:2 ... Then David...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:7 ... Then on...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:33 ... Then shall...

kjv@1Chronicles:17:2 ... Then Nathan...

kjv@1Chronicles:18:6 ... Then David...

kjv@1Chronicles:19:5 ... Then there...

kjv@1Chronicles:19:12 @ And he said, If the Syrians be too strong for me, then thou shalt help me: but if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee, then I will help thee.

kjv@1Chronicles:19:15 @...entered into the city. Then Joab...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:3 @ And Joab answered, The LORD make his people an hundred times so many more as they be: but, my lord the king, are they not all my lord's servants? why then doth my lord require this thing? why will he be a cause of trespass to Israel?

kjv@1Chronicles:21:16 @...stretched out over Jerusalem. Then David...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:18 ... Then the...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:22 ... Then David...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:28 @ At that time when David saw that the LORD had answered him in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite, then he sacrificed there.

kjv@1Chronicles:22:1 ... Then David...

kjv@1Chronicles:22:6 ... Then he...

kjv@1Chronicles:22:13 ... Then shalt...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:14 @...eastward fell to Shelemiah. Then for...

kjv@1Chronicles:28:2 ... Then David...

kjv@1Chronicles:28:11 ... Then David...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:5 @ The gold for things of gold, and the silver for things of silver, and for all manner of work to be made by the hands of artificers. And who then is willing to consecrate his service this day unto the LORD?

kjv@1Chronicles:29:6 ... Then the...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:9 ... Then the...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:23 ... Then Solomon...

kjv@2Chronicles:1:2 ... Then Solomon...

kjv@2Chronicles:1:13 ... Then Solomon...

kjv@2Chronicles:2:11 ... Then Huram...

kjv@2Chronicles:3:1 ... Then Solomon...

kjv@2Chronicles:5:2 ... Then Solomon...

kjv@2Chronicles:5:11 @ And it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy place: (for all the priests that were present were sanctified, and did not then wait by course:

kjv@2Chronicles:5:13 @ It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of musick, and praised the LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the LORD;

kjv@2Chronicles:6:1 ... Then said...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:23 ... Then hear...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:25 ... Then hear...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:27 ... Then hear...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:29 ... Then what...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:30 ... Then hear...(for thou only knowest the hearts of the children of men:)

kjv@2Chronicles:6:33 ... Then hear...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:35 ... Then hear...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:39 ... Then hear...

kjv@2Chronicles:7:4 ... Then the...

kjv@2Chronicles:7:14 @ If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

kjv@2Chronicles:7:18 ... Then will...

kjv@2Chronicles:7:20 ... Then will...

kjv@2Chronicles:8:12 ... Then Solomon...

kjv@2Chronicles:8:17 ... Then went...

kjv@2Chronicles:10:18 ... Then king...

kjv@2Chronicles:12:5 ... Then came...

kjv@2Chronicles:13:15 ... Then the...

kjv@2Chronicles:14:10 ... Then Asa...

kjv@2Chronicles:16:2 ... Then Asa...

kjv@2Chronicles:16:6 ... Then Asa...

kjv@2Chronicles:16:10 ... Then Asa...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:16 ... Then he...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:20 ... Then there...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:23 ... Then Zedekiah...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:25 ... Then the...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:27 @ And Micaiah said, If thou certainly return in peace, then hath not the LORD spoken by me. And he said, Hearken, all ye people.

kjv@2Chronicles:20:2 ... Then there...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:9 @ If, when evil cometh upon us, as the sword, judgment, or pestilence, or famine, we stand before this house, and in thy presence, (for thy name is in this house,) and cry unto thee in our affliction, then thou wilt hear and help.

kjv@2Chronicles:20:14 ... Then upon...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:27 ... Then they...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:37 ... Then Eliezer...

kjv@2Chronicles:21:9 ... Then Jehoram...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:11 ... Then they...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:13 @...taught to sing praise. Then Athaliah...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:14 ... Then Jehoiada...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:17 ... Then all...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:17 @...obeisance to the king. Then the...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:10 ... Then Amaziah...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:16 @...shouldest thou be smitten? Then the...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:17 ... Then Amaziah...

kjv@2Chronicles:26:1 ... Then all...

kjv@2Chronicles:26:19 ... Then Uzziah...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:12 ... Then certain...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:15 @ And the men which were expressed by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them upon asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brethren: then they returned to Samaria.

kjv@2Chronicles:29:12 ... Then the...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:18 ... Then they...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:20 ... Then Hezekiah...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:31 ... Then Hezekiah...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:15 ... Then they...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:27 ... Then the...

kjv@2Chronicles:31:1 @...utterly destroyed them all. Then all...

kjv@2Chronicles:31:9 ... Then Hezekiah...

kjv@2Chronicles:31:11 ... Then Hezekiah...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:18 ... Then they...

kjv@2Chronicles:33:13 @...Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:18 ... Then Shaphan...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:29 ... Then the...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:1 ... Then the...

kjv@Ezra:1:5 ... Then rose...

kjv@Ezra:3:2 ... Then stood...

kjv@Ezra:3:9 ... Then stood...

kjv@Ezra:4:2 ... Then they...

kjv@Ezra:4:4 ... Then the...

kjv@Ezra:4:9 ... Then wrote...

kjv@Ezra:4:13 @ Be it known now unto the king, that, if this city be builded, and the walls set up again, then will they not pay toll, tribute, and custom, and so thou shalt endamage the revenue of the kings.

kjv@Ezra:4:17 ... Then sent...

kjv@Ezra:4:24 ... Then ceased...

kjv@Ezra:5:1 ... Then the...

kjv@Ezra:5:2 ... Then rose...

kjv@Ezra:5:4 ... Then said...

kjv@Ezra:5:5 @ But the eye of their God was upon the elders of the Jews, that they could not cause them to cease, till the matter came to Darius: and then they returned answer by letter concerning this matter.

kjv@Ezra:5:9 ... Then asked...

kjv@Ezra:5:16 ... Then came...

kjv@Ezra:6:1 ... Then Darius...

kjv@Ezra:6:13 ... Then Tatnai,...

kjv@Ezra:8:16 ... Then sent...

kjv@Ezra:8:21 ... Then I...

kjv@Ezra:8:24 ... Then I...

kjv@Ezra:8:31 ... Then we...

kjv@Ezra:9:4 ... Then were...

kjv@Ezra:10:5 ... Then arose...

kjv@Ezra:10:6 ... Then Ezra...

kjv@Ezra:10:9 ... Then all...

kjv@Ezra:10:12 ... Then all...

kjv@Nehemiah:2:2 @...but sorrow of heart. Then I...

kjv@Nehemiah:2:4 ... Then the...

kjv@Nehemiah:2:9 ... Then I...

kjv@Nehemiah:2:14 ... Then I...

kjv@Nehemiah:2:15 ... Then went...

kjv@Nehemiah:2:17 ... Then said...

kjv@Nehemiah:2:18 ... Then I...

kjv@Nehemiah:2:20 ... Then answered...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:1 ... Then Eliashib...

kjv@Nehemiah:4:7 @ But it came to pass, that when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and the Arabians, and the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites, heard that the walls of Jerusalem were made up, and that the breaches began to be stopped, then they were very wroth,

kjv@Nehemiah:5:7 ... Then I...

kjv@Nehemiah:5:8 @...be sold unto us? Then held...

kjv@Nehemiah:5:12 @...do as thou sayest. Then I...

kjv@Nehemiah:6:5 ... Then sent...

kjv@Nehemiah:6:8 ... Then I...

kjv@Nehemiah:8:10 ... Then he...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:4 ... Then stood...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:5 ... Then the...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:31 ... Then I...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:9 ... Then I...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:11 ... Then contended...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:12 ... Then brought...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:17 ... Then I...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:21 ... Then I...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:27 @ Shall we then hearken unto you to do all this great evil, to transgress against our God in marrying strange wives?

kjv@Esther:1:13 ... Then the...(for so was the king's manner toward all that knew law and judgment:

kjv@Esther:2:2 ... Then said...

kjv@Esther:2:13 ... Then thus...

kjv@Esther:2:18 ... Then the...

kjv@Esther:2:19 @ And when the virgins were gathered together the second time, then Mordecai sat in the king's gate.

kjv@Esther:3:3 ... Then the...

kjv@Esther:3:5 @ And when Haman saw that Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence, then was Haman full of wrath.

kjv@Esther:3:12 ... Then were...

kjv@Esther:4:4 @...and told it her. Then was...

kjv@Esther:4:5 ... Then called...

kjv@Esther:4:13 ... Then Mordecai...

kjv@Esther:4:14 @ For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

kjv@Esther:4:15 ... Then Esther...

kjv@Esther:5:3 ... Then said...

kjv@Esther:5:5 ... Then the...

kjv@Esther:5:7 ... Then answered...

kjv@Esther:5:9 ... Then went...

kjv@Esther:5:14 ... Then said...

kjv@Esther:6:3 @...to Mordecai for this? Then said...

kjv@Esther:6:10 ... Then the...

kjv@Esther:6:11 ... Then took...

kjv@Esther:6:13 @...that had befallen him. Then said...

kjv@Esther:7:3 ... Then Esther...

kjv@Esther:7:5 ... Then the...

kjv@Esther:7:6 @...is this wicked Haman. Then Haman...

kjv@Esther:7:8 @...bed whereon Esther was. Then said...

kjv@Esther:7:9 @...the house of Haman. Then the...

kjv@Esther:7:10 @...had prepared for Mordecai. Then was...

kjv@Esther:8:4 ... Then the...

kjv@Esther:8:7 ... Then the...

kjv@Esther:8:9 ... Then were...

kjv@Esther:9:13 ... Then said...

kjv@Esther:9:29 ... Then Esther...

kjv@Job:1:7 @...Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan...

kjv@Job:1:9 ... Then Satan...

kjv@Job:1:20 ... Then Job...

kjv@Job:2:9 ... Then said...

kjv@Job:3:13 @ For now should I have lain still and been quiet, I should have slept: then had I been at rest,

kjv@Job:4:1 ... Then Eliphaz...

kjv@Job:4:15 ... Then a...

kjv@Job:6:10 ... Then should...

kjv@Job:7:14 ... Then thou...

kjv@Job:8:1 ... Then answered...

kjv@Job:8:18 @ If he destroy him from his place, then it shall deny him, saying, I have not seen thee.

kjv@Job:9:1 ... Then Job...

kjv@Job:9:29 @ If I be wicked, why then labour I in vain?

kjv@Job:9:35 ... Then would...

kjv@Job:10:14 @ If I sin, then thou markest me, and thou wilt not acquit me from mine iniquity.

kjv@Job:10:18 @ Wherefore then hast thou brought me forth out of the womb? Oh that I had given up the ghost, and no eye had seen me!

kjv@Job:11:1 ... Then answered...

kjv@Job:11:10 @ If he cut off, and shut up, or gather together, then who can hinder him?

kjv@Job:11:11 @ For he knoweth vain men: he seeth wickedness also; will he not then consider it?

kjv@Job:11:15 @ For then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot; yea, thou shalt be stedfast, and shalt not fear:

kjv@Job:13:20 @ Only do not two things unto me: then will I not hide myself from thee.

kjv@Job:13:22 ... Then call...

kjv@Job:15:1 ... Then answered...

kjv@Job:16:1 ... Then Job...

kjv@Job:16:22 @ When a few years are come, then I shall go the way whence I shall not return.

kjv@Job:18:1 ... Then answered...

kjv@Job:19:1 ... Then Job...

kjv@Job:20:1 ... Then answered...

kjv@Job:21:34 @ How then comfort ye me in vain, seeing in your answers there remaineth falsehood?

kjv@Job:22:1 ... Then Eliphaz...

kjv@Job:22:24 ... Then shalt...

kjv@Job:22:26 @ For then shalt thou have thy delight in the Almighty, and shalt lift up thy face unto God.

kjv@Job:22:29 @ When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person.

kjv@Job:23:1 ... Then Job...

kjv@Job:25:1 ... Then answered...

kjv@Job:25:4 @ How then can man be justified with God? or how can he be clean that is born of a woman?

kjv@Job:27:12 @ Behold, all ye yourselves have seen it; why then are ye thus altogether vain?

kjv@Job:28:20 @ Whence then cometh wisdom? and where is the place of understanding?

kjv@Job:28:27 ... Then did...

kjv@Job:29:11 @ When the ear heard me, then it blessed me; and when the eye saw me, it gave witness to me:

kjv@Job:29:18 ... Then I...

kjv@Job:30:26 @ When I looked for good, then evil came unto me: and when I waited for light, there came darkness.

kjv@Job:31:1 @ I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?

kjv@Job:31:8 ... Then let...

kjv@Job:31:10 ... Then let...

kjv@Job:31:14 @ What then shall I do when God riseth up? and when he visiteth, what shall I answer him?

kjv@Job:31:22 ... Then let...

kjv@Job:32:2 ... Then was...

kjv@Job:32:5 @ When Elihu saw that there was no answer in the mouth of these three men, then his wrath was kindled.

kjv@Job:33:16 ... Then he...

kjv@Job:33:24 ... Then he...

kjv@Job:34:29 @ When he giveth quietness, who then can make trouble? and when he hideth his face, who then can behold him? whether it be done against a nation, or against a man only:

kjv@Job:36:9 ... Then he...

kjv@Job:36:18 @ Because there is wrath, beware lest he take thee away with his stroke: then a great ransom cannot deliver thee.

kjv@Job:37:8 ... Then the...

kjv@Job:38:1 ... Then the...

kjv@Job:38:21 @ Knowest thou it, because thou wast then born? or because the number of thy days is great?

kjv@Job:40:3 ... Then Job...

kjv@Job:40:6 ... Then answered...

kjv@Job:40:14 ... Then will...

kjv@Job:41:10 @ None is so fierce that dare stir him up: who then is able to stand before me?

kjv@Job:42:1 ... Then Job...

kjv@Job:42:11 ... Then came...

kjv@Psalms:2:5 ... Then shall...

kjv@Psalms:18:7 ... Then the...

kjv@Psalms:18:15 ... Then the...

kjv@Psalms:18:42 ... Then did...

kjv@Psalms:19:13 @ Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.

kjv@Psalms:27:10 @ When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.

kjv@Psalms:39:3 @ My heart was hot within me, while I was musing the fire burned: then spake I with my tongue,

kjv@Psalms:40:7 ... Then said...

kjv@Psalms:43:4 ... Then will...

kjv@Psalms:50:18 @ When thou sawest a thief, then thou consentedst with him, and hast been partaker with adulterers.

kjv@Psalms:51:13 ... Then will...

kjv@Psalms:51:19 ... Then shalt...

kjv@Psalms:55:6 @ And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest.

kjv@Psalms:55:7 @ Lo, then would I wander far off, and remain in the wilderness. Selah.

kjv@Psalms:55:12 @ For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him:

kjv@Psalms:56:9 @ When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me.

kjv@Psalms:67:6 ... Then shall...

kjv@Psalms:69:4 @ They that hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of mine head: they that would destroy me, being mine enemies wrongfully, are mighty: then I restored that which I took not away.

kjv@Psalms:73:17 @ Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end.

kjv@Psalms:78:34 @ When he slew them, then they sought him: and they returned and enquired early after God.

kjv@Psalms:78:65 ... Then the...

kjv@Psalms:80:12 @ Why hast thou then broken down her hedges, so that all they which pass by the way do pluck her?

kjv@Psalms:89:19 ... Then thou...

kjv@Psalms:89:32 ... Then will...

kjv@Psalms:96:12 @ Let the field be joyful, and all that is therein: then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice

kjv@Psalms:106:12 ... Then believed...

kjv@Psalms:106:30 ... Then stood...

kjv@Psalms:107:6 ... Then they...

kjv@Psalms:107:13 ... Then they...

kjv@Psalms:107:19 ... Then they...

kjv@Psalms:107:28 ... Then they...

kjv@Psalms:107:30 ... Then are...

kjv@Psalms:116:4 ... Then called...

kjv@Psalms:119:6 ... Then shall...

kjv@Psalms:119:92 @ Unless thy law had been my delights, I should then have perished in mine affliction.

kjv@Psalms:124:3 ... Then they...

kjv@Psalms:124:4 ... Then the...

kjv@Psalms:124:5 ... Then the...

kjv@Psalms:126:2 ... Then was...

kjv@Psalms:142:3 @ When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then thou knewest my path. In the way wherein I walked have they privily laid a snare for me.

kjv@Proverbs:1:28 ... Then shall...

kjv@Proverbs:2:5 ... Then shalt...

kjv@Proverbs:2:9 ... Then shalt...

kjv@Proverbs:3:23 ... Then shalt...

kjv@Proverbs:8:30 ... Then I...

kjv@Proverbs:11:2 @ When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.

kjv@Proverbs:15:11 @ Hell and destruction are before the LORD: how much more then the hearts of the children of men?

kjv@Proverbs:18:3 @ When the wicked cometh, then cometh also contempt, and with ignominy reproach.

kjv@Proverbs:20:14 @ It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer: but when he is gone his way, then he boasteth.

kjv@Proverbs:20:24 @ Man's goings are of the LORD; how can a man then understand his own way?

kjv@Proverbs:24:14 @ So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: when thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off.

kjv@Proverbs:24:32 ... Then I...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:11 ... Then I...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:13 ... Then I...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:15 @...I then more wise? Then I...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:4:7 ... Then I...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:4:11 @ Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone?

kjv@Ecclesiastes:8:15 ... Then I...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:8:17 ... Then I...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:9:16 ... Then said...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:10:10 @ If the iron be blunt, and he do not whet the edge, then must he put to more strength: but wisdom is profitable to direct.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:7 ... Then shall...

kjv@Songs:8:10 @ I am a wall, and my breasts like towers: then was I in his eyes as one that found favour.

kjv@Isaiah:5:17 ... Then shall...

kjv@Isaiah:6:5 ... Then said...

kjv@Isaiah:6:6 ... Then flew...

kjv@Isaiah:6:8 @...will go for us? Then said...

kjv@Isaiah:6:11 ... Then said...

kjv@Isaiah:7:3 ... Then said...

kjv@Isaiah:8:3 @...and bare a son. Then said...

kjv@Isaiah:14:25 @ That I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot: then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders.

kjv@Isaiah:14:32 @ What shall one then answer the messengers of the nation? That the LORD hath founded Zion, and the poor of his people shall trust in it.

kjv@Isaiah:24:23 ... Then the...

kjv@Isaiah:28:18 @ And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.

kjv@Isaiah:30:23 ... Then shall...

kjv@Isaiah:31:8 ... Then shall...

kjv@Isaiah:32:16 ... Then judgment...

kjv@Isaiah:33:23 @ Thy tacklings are loosed; they could not well strengthen their mast, they could not spread the sail: then is the prey of a great spoil divided; the lame take the prey.

kjv@Isaiah:35:5 ... Then the...

kjv@Isaiah:35:6 ... Then shall...

kjv@Isaiah:36:3 ... Then came...

kjv@Isaiah:36:9 @ How then wilt thou turn away the face of one captain of the least of my master's servants, and put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen?

kjv@Isaiah:36:11 ... Then said...

kjv@Isaiah:36:13 ... Then Rabshakeh...

kjv@Isaiah:36:22 ... Then came...

kjv@Isaiah:37:21 ... Then Isaiah...

kjv@Isaiah:37:36 ... Then the...

kjv@Isaiah:38:2 ... Then Hezekiah...

kjv@Isaiah:38:4 ... Then came...

kjv@Isaiah:39:3 ... Then came...

kjv@Isaiah:39:4 ... Then said...

kjv@Isaiah:39:5 ... Then said...

kjv@Isaiah:39:8 ... Then said...

kjv@Isaiah:40:18 @ To whom then will ye liken God? or what likeness will ye compare unto him?

kjv@Isaiah:40:25 @ To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One.

kjv@Isaiah:41:1 @ Keep silence before me, O islands; and let the people renew their strength: let them come near; then let them speak: let us come near together to judgment.

kjv@Isaiah:44:15 ... Then shall...

kjv@Isaiah:48:18 @ O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments! then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea:

kjv@Isaiah:49:4 ... Then I...

kjv@Isaiah:49:21 ... Then shalt...

kjv@Isaiah:58:8 ... Then shall...

kjv@Isaiah:58:9 ... Then shalt...

kjv@Isaiah:58:10 @ And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday:

kjv@Isaiah:58:14 ... Then shalt...

kjv@Isaiah:60:5 ... Then thou...

kjv@Isaiah:63:11 ... Then he...

kjv@Isaiah:66:12 @ For thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream: then shall ye suck, ye shall be borne upon her sides, and be dandled upon her knees.

kjv@Jeremiah:1:4 ... Then the...

kjv@Jeremiah:1:6 ... Then said...

kjv@Jeremiah:1:9 ... Then the...

kjv@Jeremiah:1:12 ... Then said...

kjv@Jeremiah:1:14 ... Then the...

kjv@Jeremiah:2:21 @ Yet I had planted thee a noble vine, wholly a right seed: how then art thou turned into the degenerate plant of a strange vine unto me?

kjv@Jeremiah:4:1 @ If thou wilt return, O Israel, saith the LORD, return unto me: and if thou wilt put away thine abominations out of my sight, then shalt thou not remove.

kjv@Jeremiah:4:10 ... Then said...

kjv@Jeremiah:5:7 @ How shall I pardon thee for this? thy children have forsaken me, and sworn by them that are no gods: when I had fed them to the full, they then committed adultery, and assembled themselves by troops in the harlots' houses.

kjv@Jeremiah:5:19 @ And it shall come to pass, when ye shall say, Wherefore doeth the LORD our God all these things unto us? then shalt thou answer them, Like as ye have forsaken me, and served strange gods in your land, so shall ye serve strangers in a land that is not yours.

kjv@Jeremiah:7:7 ... Then will...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:34 ... Then will...

kjv@Jeremiah:8:5 @ Why then is this people of Jerusalem slidden back by a perpetual backsliding? they hold fast deceit, they refuse to return.

kjv@Jeremiah:8:22 @ Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?

kjv@Jeremiah:11:5 @...it is this day. Then answered...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:6 ... Then the...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:12 ... Then shall...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:15 @ What hath my beloved to do in mine house, seeing she hath wrought lewdness with many, and the holy flesh is passed from thee? when thou doest evil, then thou rejoicest.

kjv@Jeremiah:11:18 @ And the LORD hath given me knowledge of it, and I know it: then thou shewedst me their doings.

kjv@Jeremiah:12:5 @ If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?

kjv@Jeremiah:12:16 @ And it shall come to pass, if they will diligently learn the ways of my people, to swear by my name, The LORD liveth; as they taught my people to swear by Baal; then shall they be built in the midst of my people.

kjv@Jeremiah:13:7 ... Then I...

kjv@Jeremiah:13:8 ... Then the...

kjv@Jeremiah:13:13 ... Then shalt...

kjv@Jeremiah:13:23 @ Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.

kjv@Jeremiah:14:11 ... Then said...

kjv@Jeremiah:14:13 ... Then said...

kjv@Jeremiah:14:14 ... Then the...

kjv@Jeremiah:14:18 @ If I go forth into the field, then behold the slain with the sword! and if I enter into the city, then behold them that are sick with famine! yea, both the prophet and the priest go about into a land that they know not.

kjv@Jeremiah:15:1 ... Then said...

kjv@Jeremiah:15:2 @ And it shall come to pass, if they say unto thee, Whither shall we go forth? then thou shalt tell them, Thus saith the LORD; Such as are for death, to death; and such as are for the sword, to the sword; and such as are for the famine, to the famine; and such as are for the captivity, to the captivity.

kjv@Jeremiah:15:19 @ Therefore thus saith the LORD, If thou return, then will I bring thee again, and thou shalt stand before me: and if thou take forth the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth: let them return unto thee; but return not thou unto them.

kjv@Jeremiah:16:11 ... Then shalt...

kjv@Jeremiah:17:25 ... Then shall...

kjv@Jeremiah:17:27 @ But if ye will not hearken unto me to hallow the sabbath day, and not to bear a burden, even entering in at the gates of Jerusalem on the sabbath day; then will I kindle a fire in the gates thereof, and it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem, and it shall not be quenched.

kjv@Jeremiah:18:3 ... Then I...

kjv@Jeremiah:18:5 ... Then the...

kjv@Jeremiah:18:10 @ If it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them.

kjv@Jeremiah:18:18 ... Then said...

kjv@Jeremiah:19:10 ... Then shalt...

kjv@Jeremiah:19:14 ... Then came...

kjv@Jeremiah:20:2 ... Then Pashur...

kjv@Jeremiah:20:3 @...out of the stocks. Then said...

kjv@Jeremiah:20:9 ... Then I...

kjv@Jeremiah:21:3 ... Then said...

kjv@Jeremiah:22:4 @ For if ye do this thing indeed, then shall there enter in by the gates of this house kings sitting upon the throne of David, riding in chariots and on horses, he, and his servants, and his people.

kjv@Jeremiah:22:9 ... Then they...

kjv@Jeremiah:22:15 @ Shalt thou reign, because thou closest thyself in cedar? did not thy father eat and drink, and do judgment and justice, and then it was well with him?

kjv@Jeremiah:22:16 @ He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well with him: was not this to know me? saith the LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:22:22 @ The wind shall eat up all thy pastors, and thy lovers shall go into captivity: surely then shalt thou be ashamed and confounded for all thy wickedness.

kjv@Jeremiah:23:22 @ But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.

kjv@Jeremiah:23:33 @ And when this people, or the prophet, or a priest, shall ask thee, saying, What is the burden of the LORD? thou shalt then say unto them, What burden? I will even forsake you, saith the LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:24:3 ... Then said...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:17 ... Then took...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:28 @ And it shall be, if they refuse to take the cup at thine hand to drink, then shalt thou say unto them, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Ye shall certainly drink.

kjv@Jeremiah:26:6 ... Then will...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:10 @ When the princes of Judah heard these things, then they came up from the king's house unto the house of the LORD, and sat down in the entry of the new gate of the LORD'S house.

kjv@Jeremiah:26:11 ... Then spake...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:12 ... Then spake...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:16 ... Then said...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:17 ... Then rose...

kjv@Jeremiah:27:7 @ And all nations shall serve him, and his son, and his son's son, until the very time of his land come: and then many nations and great kings shall serve themselves of him.

kjv@Jeremiah:27:22 @ They shall be carried to Babylon, and there shall they be until the day that I visit them, saith the LORD; then will I bring them up, and restore them to this place.

kjv@Jeremiah:28:5 ... Then the...

kjv@Jeremiah:28:9 @ The prophet which prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the LORD hath truly sent him.

kjv@Jeremiah:28:10 ... Then Hananiah...

kjv@Jeremiah:28:12 ... Then the...

kjv@Jeremiah:28:15 ... Then said...

kjv@Jeremiah:29:12 ... Then shall...

kjv@Jeremiah:29:30 ... Then came...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:13 ... Then shall...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:36 @ If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever.

kjv@Jeremiah:32:2 @ For then the king of Babylon's army besieged Jerusalem: and Jeremiah the prophet was shut up in the court of the prison, which was in the king of Judah's house.

kjv@Jeremiah:32:8 @...buy it for thyself. Then I...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:26 ... Then came...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:21 ... Then may...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:26 ... Then will...

kjv@Jeremiah:34:6 ... Then Jeremiah...

kjv@Jeremiah:34:10 @ Now when all the princes, and all the people, which had entered into the covenant, heard that every one should let his manservant, and every one his maidservant, go free, that none should serve themselves of them any more, then they obeyed, and let them go.

kjv@Jeremiah:35:3 ... Then I...

kjv@Jeremiah:35:12 ... Then came...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:4 ... Then Jeremiah...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:10 ... Then read...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:12 ... Then he...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:13 ... Then Michaiah...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:18 ... Then Baruch...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:19 ... Then said...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:27 ... Then the...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:32 ... Then took...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:5 ... Then Pharaoh's...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:6 ... Then came...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:12 ... Then Jeremiah...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:14 ... Then said...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:17 ... Then Zedekiah...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:21 ... Then Zedekiah...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:1 ... Then Shephatiah...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:5 ... Then Zedekiah...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:6 ... Then took...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:7 @ Now when Ebedmelech the Ethiopian, one of the eunuchs which was in the king's house, heard that they had put Jeremiah in the dungeon; the king then sitting in the gate of Benjamin;

kjv@Jeremiah:38:10 ... Then the...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:14 ... Then Zedekiah...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:15 ... Then Jeremiah...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:17 ... Then said...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:18 @ But if thou wilt not go forth to the king of Babylon's princes, then shall this city be given into the hand of the Chaldeans, and they shall burn it with fire, and thou shalt not escape out of their hand.

kjv@Jeremiah:38:24 ... Then said...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:26 ... Then thou...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:27 ... Then came...

kjv@Jeremiah:39:4 @ And it came to pass, that when Zedekiah the king of Judah saw them, and all the men of war, then they fled, and went forth out of the city by night, by the way of the king's garden, by the gate betwixt the two walls: and he went out the way of the plain.

kjv@Jeremiah:39:6 ... Then the...

kjv@Jeremiah:39:9 ... Then Nebuzaradan...

kjv@Jeremiah:40:6 ... Then went...

kjv@Jeremiah:40:8 ... Then they...

kjv@Jeremiah:40:15 ... Then Johanan...

kjv@Jeremiah:41:2 ... Then arose...

kjv@Jeremiah:41:10 ... Then Ishmael...

kjv@Jeremiah:41:12 ... Then they...

kjv@Jeremiah:41:13 @ Now it came to pass, that when all the people which were with Ishmael saw Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the captains of the forces that were with him, then they were glad.

kjv@Jeremiah:41:16 ... Then took...

kjv@Jeremiah:42:1 ... Then all...

kjv@Jeremiah:42:4 ... Then Jeremiah...

kjv@Jeremiah:42:5 ... Then they...

kjv@Jeremiah:42:8 ... Then called...

kjv@Jeremiah:42:10 @ If ye will still abide in this land, then will I build you, and not pull you down, and I will plant you, and not pluck you up: for I repent me of the evil that I have done unto you.

kjv@Jeremiah:42:16 ... Then it...

kjv@Jeremiah:43:2 ... Then spake...

kjv@Jeremiah:43:8 ... Then came...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:15 ... Then all...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:17 @ But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for then had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil.

kjv@Jeremiah:44:20 ... Then Jeremiah...

kjv@Jeremiah:47:2 @ Thus saith the LORD; Behold, waters rise up out of the north, and shall be an overflowing flood, and shall overflow the land, and all that is therein; the city, and them that dwell therein: then the men shall cry, and all the inhabitants of the land shall howl.

kjv@Jeremiah:49:1 @ Concerning the Ammonites, thus saith the LORD; Hath Israel no sons? hath he no heir? why then doth their king inherit Gad, and his people dwell in his cities?

kjv@Jeremiah:49:2 @ Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will cause an alarm of war to be heard in Rabbah of the Ammonites; and it shall be a desolate heap, and her daughters shall be burned with fire: then shall Israel be heir unto them that were his heirs, saith the LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:51:48 ... Then the...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:62 ... Then shalt...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:7 ... Then the...(now the Chaldeans were by the city round about:) and they went by the way of the plain.

kjv@Jeremiah:52:9 ... Then they...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:11 ... Then he...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:15 ... Then Nebuzaradan...

kjv@Lamentations:3:54 @ Waters flowed over mine head; then I said, I am cut off.

kjv@Ezekiel:3:3 @...that I give thee. Then did...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:12 ... Then the...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:15 ... Then I...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:23 ... Then I...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:24 ... Then the...

kjv@Ezekiel:4:14 ... Then said...

kjv@Ezekiel:4:15 ... Then he...

kjv@Ezekiel:5:1 @ And thou, son of man, take thee a sharp knife, take thee a barber's razor, and cause it to pass upon thine head and upon thy beard: then take thee balances to weigh, and divide the hair.

kjv@Ezekiel:5:4 ... Then take...

kjv@Ezekiel:6:13 ... Then shall...

kjv@Ezekiel:7:26 @ Mischief shall come upon mischief, and rumour shall be upon rumour; then shall they seek a vision of the prophet; but the law shall perish from the priest, and counsel from the ancients.

kjv@Ezekiel:8:2 ... Then I...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:5 ... Then said...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:8 ... Then said...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:12 ... Then said...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:14 ... Then he...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:15 ... Then said...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:17 ... Then he...

kjv@Ezekiel:9:6 @...begin at my sanctuary. Then they...

kjv@Ezekiel:9:9 ... Then said...

kjv@Ezekiel:10:1 ... Then I...

kjv@Ezekiel:10:4 ... Then the...

kjv@Ezekiel:10:6 @ And it came to pass, that when he had commanded the man clothed with linen, saying, Take fire from between the wheels, from between the cherubims; then he went in, and stood beside the wheels.

kjv@Ezekiel:10:18 ... Then the...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:2 ... Then said...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:13 @...son of Benaiah died. Then fell...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:22 ... Then did...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:25 ... Then I...

kjv@Ezekiel:12:4 ... Then shalt...

kjv@Ezekiel:14:1 ... Then came...

kjv@Ezekiel:14:13 @ Son of man, when the land sinneth against me by trespassing grievously, then will I stretch out mine hand upon it, and will break the staff of the bread thereof, and will send famine upon it, and will cut off man and beast from it:

kjv@Ezekiel:16:9 ... Then washed...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:53 @ When I shall bring again their captivity, the captivity of Sodom and her daughters, and the captivity of Samaria and her daughters, then will I bring again the captivity of thy captives in the midst of them:

kjv@Ezekiel:16:55 @ When thy sisters, Sodom and her daughters, shall return to their former estate, and Samaria and her daughters shall return to their former estate, then thou and thy daughters shall return to your former estate.

kjv@Ezekiel:16:61 ... Then thou...

kjv@Ezekiel:18:13 @ Hath given forth upon usury, and hath taken increase: shall he then live? he shall not live: he hath done all these abominations; he shall surely die; his blood shall be upon him.

kjv@Ezekiel:19:5 @ Now when she saw that she had waited, and her hope was lost, then she took another of her whelps, and made him a young lion.

kjv@Ezekiel:19:8 ... Then the...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:2 ... Then came...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:7 ... Then said...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:8 @ But they rebelled against me, and would not hearken unto me: they did not every man cast away the abominations of their eyes, neither did they forsake the idols of Egypt: then I said, I will pour out my fury upon them, to accomplish my anger against them in the midst of the land of Egypt.

kjv@Ezekiel:20:13 @ But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness: they walked not in my statutes, and they despised my judgments, which if a man do, he shall even live in them; and my sabbaths they greatly polluted: then I said, I would pour out my fury upon them in the wilderness, to consume them.

kjv@Ezekiel:20:21 @ Notwithstanding the children rebelled against me: they walked not in my statutes, neither kept my judgments to do them, which if a man do, he shall even live in them; they polluted my sabbaths: then I said, I would pour out my fury upon them, to accomplish my anger against them in the wilderness.

kjv@Ezekiel:20:28 @ For when I had brought them into the land, for the which I lifted up mine hand to give it to them, then they saw every high hill, and all the thick trees, and they offered there their sacrifices, and there they presented the provocation of their offering: there also they made their sweet savour, and poured out there their drink offerings.

kjv@Ezekiel:20:29 ... Then I...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:49 ... Then said...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:4 @ Seeing then that I will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked, therefore shall my sword go forth out of his sheath against all flesh from the south to the north:

kjv@Ezekiel:21:10 @ It is sharpened to make a sore slaughter; it is furbished that it may glitter: should we then make mirth? it contemneth the rod of my son, as every tree.

kjv@Ezekiel:22:3 ... Then say...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:13 ... Then I...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:18 @ So she discovered her whoredoms, and discovered her nakedness: then my mind was alienated from her, like as my mind was alienated from her sister.

kjv@Ezekiel:23:39 @ For when they had slain their children to their idols, then they came the same day into my sanctuary to profane it; and, lo, thus have they done in the midst of mine house.

kjv@Ezekiel:23:43 ... Then said...

kjv@Ezekiel:24:11 ... Then set...

kjv@Ezekiel:24:20 ... Then I...

kjv@Ezekiel:26:16 ... Then all...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:25 @ Thus saith the Lord GOD; When I shall have gathered the house of Israel from the people among whom they are scattered, and shall be sanctified in them in the sight of the heathen, then shall they dwell in their land that I have given to my servant Jacob.

kjv@Ezekiel:32:4 ... Then will...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:14 ... Then will...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:15 @ When I shall make the land of Egypt desolate, and the country shall be destitute of that whereof it was full, when I shall smite all them that dwell therein, then shall they know that I am the LORD.

kjv@Ezekiel:33:4 ... Then whosoever...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:10 @ Therefore, O thou son of man, speak unto the house of Israel; Thus ye speak, saying, If our transgressions and our sins be upon us, and we pine away in them, how should we then live?

kjv@Ezekiel:33:23 ... Then the...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:29 ... Then shall...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:33 @ And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,) then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them.

kjv@Ezekiel:36:25 ... Then will...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:31 ... Then shall...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:36 ... Then the...

kjv@Ezekiel:37:9 ... Then said...

kjv@Ezekiel:37:11 ... Then he...

kjv@Ezekiel:37:14 @ And shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the LORD have spoken it, and performed it, saith the LORD.

kjv@Ezekiel:37:16 @ Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions: then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions:

kjv@Ezekiel:39:15 @ And the passengers that pass through the land, when any seeth a man's bone, then shall he set up a sign by it, till the buriers have buried it in the valley of Hamongog.

kjv@Ezekiel:39:28 ... Then shall...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:6 ... Then came...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:9 ... Then measured...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:13 @ He measured then the gate from the roof of one little chamber to the roof of another: the breadth was five and twenty cubits, door against door.

kjv@Ezekiel:40:17 ... Then brought...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:19 ... Then he...

kjv@Ezekiel:41:3 ... Then went...

kjv@Ezekiel:42:1 ... Then he...

kjv@Ezekiel:42:13 ... Then said...

kjv@Ezekiel:42:14 @ When the priests enter therein, then shall they not go out of the holy place into the utter court, but there they shall lay their garments wherein they minister; for they are holy; and shall put on other garments, and shall approach to those things which are for the people.

kjv@Ezekiel:44:1 ... Then he...

kjv@Ezekiel:44:2 ... Then said...

kjv@Ezekiel:44:4 ... Then brought...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:2 @ And the prince shall enter by the way of the porch of that gate without, and shall stand by the post of the gate, and the priests shall prepare his burnt offering and his peace offerings, and he shall worship at the threshold of the gate: then he shall go forth; but the gate shall not be shut until the evening.

kjv@Ezekiel:46:12 @ Now when the prince shall prepare a voluntary burnt offering or peace offerings voluntarily unto the LORD, one shall then open him the gate that looketh toward the east, and he shall prepare his burnt offering and his peace offerings, as he did on the sabbath day: then he shall go forth; and after his going forth one shall shut the gate.

kjv@Ezekiel:46:17 @ But if he give a gift of his inheritance to one of his servants, then it shall be his to the year of liberty; after it shall return to the prince: but his inheritance shall be his sons' for them.

kjv@Ezekiel:46:20 ... Then said...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:21 ... Then he...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:24 ... Then said...

kjv@Ezekiel:47:2 ... Then brought...

kjv@Ezekiel:47:6 @...hast thou seen this? Then he...

kjv@Ezekiel:47:8 ... Then said...

kjv@Daniel:1:10 @ And the prince of the eunuchs said unto Daniel, I fear my lord the king, who hath appointed your meat and your drink: for why should he see your faces worse liking than the children which are of your sort? then shall ye make me endanger my head to the king.

kjv@Daniel:1:11 ... Then said...

kjv@Daniel:1:13 ... Then let...

kjv@Daniel:1:18 @ Now at the end of the days that the king had said he should bring them in, then the prince of the eunuchs brought them in before Nebuchadnezzar.

kjv@Daniel:2:2 ... Then the...

kjv@Daniel:2:4 ... Then spake...

kjv@Daniel:2:14 ... Then Daniel...

kjv@Daniel:2:15 @...hasty from the king? Then Arioch...

kjv@Daniel:2:16 ... Then Daniel...

kjv@Daniel:2:17 ... Then Daniel...

kjv@Daniel:2:19 @...in a night vision. Then Daniel...

kjv@Daniel:2:25 ... Then Arioch...

kjv@Daniel:2:35 ... Then was...

kjv@Daniel:2:46 ... Then the...

kjv@Daniel:2:48 ... Then the...

kjv@Daniel:2:49 ... Then Daniel...

kjv@Daniel:3:2 ... Then Nebuchadnezzar...

kjv@Daniel:3:3 ... Then the...

kjv@Daniel:3:4 ... Then an...

kjv@Daniel:3:13 @...Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Then they...

kjv@Daniel:3:19 ... Then was...

kjv@Daniel:3:21 ... Then these...

kjv@Daniel:3:24 ... Then Nebuchadnezzar...

kjv@Daniel:3:26 @...forth, and come hither. Then Shadrach,...

kjv@Daniel:3:28 ... Then Nebuchadnezzar...

kjv@Daniel:3:30 ... Then the...

kjv@Daniel:4:7 ... Then came...

kjv@Daniel:4:19 ... Then Daniel,...

kjv@Daniel:5:3 ... Then they...

kjv@Daniel:5:6 ... Then the...

kjv@Daniel:5:8 ... Then came...

kjv@Daniel:5:9 ... Then was...

kjv@Daniel:5:13 ... Then was...

kjv@Daniel:5:17 ... Then Daniel...

kjv@Daniel:5:24 ... Then was...

kjv@Daniel:5:29 ... Then commanded...

kjv@Daniel:6:3 ... Then this...

kjv@Daniel:6:4 ... Then the...

kjv@Daniel:6:5 ... Then said...

kjv@Daniel:6:6 ... Then these...

kjv@Daniel:6:11 ... Then these...

kjv@Daniel:6:12 ... Then they...

kjv@Daniel:6:13 ... Then answered...

kjv@Daniel:6:14 ... Then the...

kjv@Daniel:6:15 ... Then these...

kjv@Daniel:6:16 ... Then the...

kjv@Daniel:6:18 ... Then the...

kjv@Daniel:6:19 ... Then the...

kjv@Daniel:6:21 ... Then said...

kjv@Daniel:6:23 ... Then was...

kjv@Daniel:6:25 ... Then king...

kjv@Daniel:7:1 @ In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon Daniel had a dream and visions of his head upon his bed: then he wrote the dream, and told the sum of the matters.

kjv@Daniel:7:11 @ I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake: I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame.

kjv@Daniel:7:19 ... Then I...

kjv@Daniel:8:3 ... Then I...

kjv@Daniel:8:13 ... Then I...

kjv@Daniel:8:14 @ And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.

kjv@Daniel:10:5 ... Then I...

kjv@Daniel:10:9 @ Yet heard I the voice of his words: and when I heard the voice of his words, then was I in a deep sleep on my face, and my face toward the ground.

kjv@Daniel:10:12 ... Then said...

kjv@Daniel:10:16 @ And, behold, one like the similitude of the sons of men touched my lips: then I opened my mouth, and spake, and said unto him that stood before me, O my lord, by the vision my sorrows are turned upon me, and I have retained no strength.

kjv@Daniel:10:18 ... Then there...

kjv@Daniel:10:20 ... Then said...

kjv@Daniel:11:10 @ But his sons shall be stirred up, and shall assemble a multitude of great forces: and one shall certainly come, and overflow, and pass through: then shall he return, and be stirred up, even to his fortress.

kjv@Daniel:11:19 ... Then he...

kjv@Daniel:11:20 ... Then shall...

kjv@Daniel:11:28 ... Then shall...

kjv@Daniel:12:5 ... Then I...

kjv@Daniel:12:8 @ And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?

kjv@Hosea:1:9 ... Then said...

kjv@Hosea:1:11 ... Then shall...

kjv@Hosea:2:7 @ And she shall follow after her lovers, but she shall not overtake them; and she shall seek them, but shall not find them: then shall she say, I will go and return to my first husband; for then was it better with me than now.

kjv@Hosea:3:1 ... Then said...

kjv@Hosea:5:13 @ When Ephraim saw his sickness, and Judah saw his wound, then went Ephraim to the Assyrian, and sent to king Jareb: yet could he not heal you, nor cure you of your wound.

kjv@Hosea:6:3 ... Then shall...

kjv@Hosea:7:1 @ When I would have healed Israel, then the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered, and the wickedness of Samaria: for they commit falsehood; and the thief cometh in, and the troop of robbers spoileth without.

kjv@Hosea:10:3 @ For now they shall say, We have no king, because we feared not the LORD; what then should a king do to us?

kjv@Hosea:11:1 @ When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt.

kjv@Hosea:11:10 @ They shall walk after the LORD: he shall roar like a lion: when he shall roar, then the children shall tremble from the west.

kjv@Joel:2:18 ... Then will...

kjv@Joel:3:17 @ So shall ye know that I am the LORD your God dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no strangers pass through her any more.

kjv@Amos:6:2 @ Pass ye unto Calneh, and see; and from thence go ye to Hamath the great: then go down to Gath of the Philistines: be they better than these kingdoms? or their border greater than your border?

kjv@Amos:6:10 @...he shall say, No. Then shall...

kjv@Amos:7:2 @ And it came to pass, that when they had made an end of eating the grass of the land, then I said, O Lord GOD, forgive, I beseech thee: by whom shall Jacob arise? for he is small.

kjv@Amos:7:5 ... Then said...

kjv@Amos:7:8 @...I said, A plumbline. Then said...

kjv@Amos:7:10 ... Then Amaziah...

kjv@Amos:7:14 ... Then answered...

kjv@Amos:8:2 @...basket of summer fruit. Then said...

kjv@Jonah:1:5 ... Then the...

kjv@Jonah:1:8 ... Then said...

kjv@Jonah:1:10 ... Then were...

kjv@Jonah:1:11 ... Then said...

kjv@Jonah:1:16 ... Then the...

kjv@Jonah:2:1 ... Then Jonah...

kjv@Jonah:2:4 ... Then I...

kjv@Jonah:4:4 ... Then said...

kjv@Jonah:4:10 ... Then said...

kjv@Micah:3:4 ... Then shall...

kjv@Micah:3:7 ... Then shall...

kjv@Micah:5:3 @ Therefore will he give them up, until the time that she which travaileth hath brought forth: then the remnant of his brethren shall return unto the children of Israel.

kjv@Micah:5:5 @ And this man shall be the peace, when the Assyrian shall come into our land: and when he shall tread in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seven shepherds, and eight principal men.

kjv@Micah:7:10 ... Then she...

kjv@Habakkuk:1:11 ... Then shall...

kjv@Zephaniah:3:9 @ For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.

kjv@Zephaniah:3:11 @ In that day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doings, wherein thou hast transgressed against me: for then I will take away out of the midst of thee them that rejoice in thy pride, and thou shalt no more be haughty because of my holy mountain.

kjv@Haggai:1:3 ... Then came...

kjv@Haggai:1:12 ... Then Zerubbabel...

kjv@Haggai:1:13 ... Then spake...

kjv@Haggai:2:13 ... Then said...

kjv@Haggai:2:14 ... Then answered...

kjv@Zechariah:1:9 ... Then said...

kjv@Zechariah:1:12 ... Then the...

kjv@Zechariah:1:18 ... Then lifted...

kjv@Zechariah:1:21 ... Then said...

kjv@Zechariah:2:2 ... Then said...

kjv@Zechariah:3:7 @ Thus saith the LORD of hosts; If thou wilt walk in my ways, and if thou wilt keep my charge, then thou shalt also judge my house, and shalt also keep my courts, and I will give thee places to walk among these that stand by.

kjv@Zechariah:4:5 ... Then the...

kjv@Zechariah:4:6 ... Then he...

kjv@Zechariah:4:11 ... Then answered...

kjv@Zechariah:4:14 ... Then said...

kjv@Zechariah:5:1 ... Then I...

kjv@Zechariah:5:3 ... Then said...

kjv@Zechariah:5:5 ... Then the...

kjv@Zechariah:5:9 ... Then lifted...

kjv@Zechariah:5:10 ... Then said...

kjv@Zechariah:6:4 ... Then I...

kjv@Zechariah:6:8 ... Then cried...

kjv@Zechariah:6:11 ... Then take...

kjv@Zechariah:7:4 ... Then came...

kjv@Zechariah:11:9 ... Then said...

kjv@Zechariah:11:14 ... Then I...

kjv@Zechariah:13:3 @ And it shall come to pass, that when any shall yet prophesy, then his father and his mother that begat him shall say unto him, Thou shalt not live; for thou speakest lies in the name of the LORD: and his father and his mother that begat him shall thrust him through when he prophesieth.

kjv@Zechariah:13:6 @...wounds in thine hands? Then he...

kjv@Zechariah:14:3 ... Then shall...

kjv@Malachi:1:6 @ A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the LORD of hosts unto you, O priests, that despise my name. And ye say, Wherein have we despised thy name?

kjv@Malachi:3:4 ... Then shall...

kjv@Malachi:3:16 ... Then they...

kjv@Malachi:3:18 ... Then shall...

kjv@Matthew:1:19 ... Then Joseph...

kjv@Matthew:1:24 ... Then Joseph...

kjv@Matthew:2:7 ... Then Herod,...

kjv@Matthew:2:16 ... Then Herod,...

kjv@Matthew:2:17 ... Then was...

kjv@Matthew:3:5 ... Then went...

kjv@Matthew:3:13 ... Then cometh...

kjv@Matthew:3:15 @...to fulfil all righteousness. Then he...

kjv@Matthew:4:1 ... Then was...

kjv@Matthew:4:5 ... Then the...

kjv@Matthew:4:10 ... Then saith...

kjv@Matthew:4:11 ... Then the...

kjv@Matthew:5:24 @ Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.

kjv@Matthew:7:5 @ Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

kjv@Matthew:7:23 @ And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

kjv@Matthew:8:26 @...ye of little faith? Then he...

kjv@Matthew:9:14 ... Then came...

kjv@Matthew:9:15 @ And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast.

kjv@Matthew:9:29 ... Then touched...

kjv@Matthew:9:37 ... Then saith...

kjv@Matthew:11:20 ... Then began...

kjv@Matthew:12:12 @ How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.

kjv@Matthew:12:13 ... Then saith...

kjv@Matthew:12:14 ... Then the...

kjv@Matthew:12:22 ... Then was...

kjv@Matthew:12:26 @ And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?

kjv@Matthew:12:28 @ But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.

kjv@Matthew:12:29 @ Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house.

kjv@Matthew:12:38 ... Then certain...

kjv@Matthew:12:44 ... Then he...

kjv@Matthew:12:45 ... Then goeth...

kjv@Matthew:12:47 ... Then one...

kjv@Matthew:13:19 @ When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.

kjv@Matthew:13:26 @ But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.

kjv@Matthew:13:27 @ So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?

kjv@Matthew:13:28 @ He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?

kjv@Matthew:13:36 ... Then Jesus...

kjv@Matthew:13:43 ... Then shall...

kjv@Matthew:13:52 ... Then said...

kjv@Matthew:13:56 @ And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things?

kjv@Matthew:14:33 ... Then they...

kjv@Matthew:15:1 ... Then came...

kjv@Matthew:15:12 ... Then came...

kjv@Matthew:15:15 ... Then answered...

kjv@Matthew:15:21 ... Then Jesus...

kjv@Matthew:15:25 ... Then came...

kjv@Matthew:15:28 ... Then Jesus...

kjv@Matthew:15:32 ... Then Jesus...

kjv@Matthew:16:6 ... Then Jesus...

kjv@Matthew:16:12 ... Then understood...

kjv@Matthew:16:20 ... Then charged...

kjv@Matthew:16:22 ... Then Peter...

kjv@Matthew:16:24 ... Then said...

kjv@Matthew:16:27 @ For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.

kjv@Matthew:17:4 ... Then answered...

kjv@Matthew:17:10 @ And his disciples asked him, saying, Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come?

kjv@Matthew:17:13 ... Then the...

kjv@Matthew:17:17 ... Then Jesus...

kjv@Matthew:17:19 ... Then came...

kjv@Matthew:17:26 @...Jesus saith unto him, Then are...

kjv@Matthew:18:16 @ But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

kjv@Matthew:18:21 ... Then came...

kjv@Matthew:18:27 ... Then the...

kjv@Matthew:18:32 ... Then his...

kjv@Matthew:19:7 @ They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away?

kjv@Matthew:19:13 ... Then were...

kjv@Matthew:19:23 ... Then said...

kjv@Matthew:19:25 @ When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved?

kjv@Matthew:19:27 ... Then answered...

kjv@Matthew:20:20 ... Then came...

kjv@Matthew:21:1 @ And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives, then sent Jesus two disciples,

kjv@Matthew:21:25 @ The baptism of John, whence was it? from heaven, or of men? And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven; he will say unto us, Why did ye not then believe him?

kjv@Matthew:22:8 ... Then saith...

kjv@Matthew:22:13 ... Then said...

kjv@Matthew:22:15 ... Then went...

kjv@Matthew:22:21 @...say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith...

kjv@Matthew:22:35 ... Then one...

kjv@Matthew:22:43 @ He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying,

kjv@Matthew:22:45 @ If David then call him Lord, how is he his son?

kjv@Matthew:23:1 ... Then spake...

kjv@Matthew:23:32 @ Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.

kjv@Matthew:24:9 ... Then shall...

kjv@Matthew:24:10 @ And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

kjv@Matthew:24:14 @ And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

kjv@Matthew:24:16 ... Then let...

kjv@Matthew:24:21 @ For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

kjv@Matthew:24:23 ... Then if...

kjv@Matthew:24:30 @ And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

kjv@Matthew:24:40 ... Then shall...

kjv@Matthew:24:45 @ Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?

kjv@Matthew:25:1 ... Then shall...

kjv@Matthew:25:7 ... Then all...

kjv@Matthew:25:16 ... Then he...

kjv@Matthew:25:24 ... Then he...

kjv@Matthew:25:27 @ Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.

kjv@Matthew:25:31 @ When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

kjv@Matthew:25:34 ... Then shall...

kjv@Matthew:25:37 ... Then shall...

kjv@Matthew:25:41 ... Then shall...

kjv@Matthew:25:44 ... Then shall...

kjv@Matthew:25:45 ... Then shall...

kjv@Matthew:26:3 ... Then assembled...

kjv@Matthew:26:14 ... Then one...

kjv@Matthew:26:25 ... Then Judas,...

kjv@Matthew:26:31 ... Then saith...

kjv@Matthew:26:36 ... Then cometh...

kjv@Matthew:26:38 ... Then saith...

kjv@Matthew:26:45 ... Then cometh...

kjv@Matthew:26:50 @...wherefore art thou come? Then came...

kjv@Matthew:26:52 ... Then said...

kjv@Matthew:26:54 @ But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?

kjv@Matthew:26:56 @...prophets might be fulfilled. Then all...

kjv@Matthew:26:65 ... Then the...

kjv@Matthew:26:67 ... Then did...

kjv@Matthew:26:74 ... Then began...

kjv@Matthew:27:3 ... Then Judas,...

kjv@Matthew:27:9 ... Then was...

kjv@Matthew:27:13 ... Then said...

kjv@Matthew:27:16 @ And they had then a notable prisoner, called Barabbas.

kjv@Matthew:27:22 @ Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified.

kjv@Matthew:27:25 ... Then answered...

kjv@Matthew:27:26 ... Then released...

kjv@Matthew:27:27 ... Then the...

kjv@Matthew:27:38 ... Then were...

kjv@Matthew:27:58 @...the body of Jesus. Then Pilate...

kjv@Matthew:28:10 ... Then said...

kjv@Matthew:28:16 ... Then the...

kjv@Mark:2:20 @ But the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast in those days.

kjv@Mark:3:27 @ No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.

kjv@Mark:3:31 @ There came then his brethren and his mother, and, standing without, sent unto him, calling him.

kjv@Mark:4:13 @ And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?

kjv@Mark:4:28 @ For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.

kjv@Mark:7:1 ... Then came...

kjv@Mark:7:5 ... Then the...

kjv@Mark:10:8 @ And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.

kjv@Mark:10:21 ... Then Jesus...

kjv@Mark:10:26 @ And they were astonished out of measure, saying among themselves, Who then can be saved?

kjv@Mark:10:28 ... Then Peter...

kjv@Mark:11:31 @ And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven; he will say, Why then did ye not believe him?

kjv@Mark:12:18 ... Then come...

kjv@Mark:12:37 @ David therefore himself calleth him Lord; and whence is he then his son? And the common people heard him gladly.

kjv@Mark:13:14 @ But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:

kjv@Mark:13:21 @ And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not:

kjv@Mark:13:26 @ And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.

kjv@Mark:13:27 @ And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.

kjv@Mark:14:63 ... Then the...

kjv@Mark:15:12 @ And Pilate answered and said again unto them, What will ye then that I shall do unto him whom ye call the King of the Jews?

kjv@Mark:15:14 ... Then Pilate...

kjv@Mark:16:19 @ So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.

kjv@Luke:1:34 ... Then said...

kjv@Luke:2:28 ... Then took...

kjv@Luke:3:7 ... Then said...

kjv@Luke:3:12 ... Then came...

kjv@Luke:5:35 @ But the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast in those days.

kjv@Luke:5:36 @ And he spake also a parable unto them; No man putteth a piece of a new garment upon an old; if otherwise, then both the new maketh a rent, and the piece that was taken out of the new agreeth not with the old.

kjv@Luke:6:9 ... Then said...

kjv@Luke:6:42 @ Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye.

kjv@Luke:7:6 ... Then Jesus...

kjv@Luke:7:22 ... Then Jesus...

kjv@Luke:7:31 @ And the Lord said, Whereunto then shall I liken the men of this generation? and to what are they like?

kjv@Luke:8:12 @ Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.

kjv@Luke:8:19 ... Then came...

kjv@Luke:8:24 @...Master, master, we perish. Then he...

kjv@Luke:8:33 ... Then went...

kjv@Luke:8:35 ... Then they...

kjv@Luke:8:37 ... Then the...

kjv@Luke:9:1 ... Then he...

kjv@Luke:9:12 @ And when the day began to wear away, then came the twelve, and said unto him, Send the multitude away, that they may go into the towns and country round about, and lodge, and get victuals: for we are here in a desert place.

kjv@Luke:9:16 ... Then he...

kjv@Luke:9:46 ... Then there...

kjv@Luke:10:37 @...shewed mercy on him. Then said...

kjv@Luke:11:26 ... Then goeth...

kjv@Luke:11:45 ... Then answered...

kjv@Luke:12:20 @ But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?

kjv@Luke:12:26 @ If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thought for the rest?

kjv@Luke:12:28 @ If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith?

kjv@Luke:12:41 ... Then Peter...

kjv@Luke:12:42 @ And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season?

kjv@Luke:13:7 ... Then said...

kjv@Luke:13:9 @ And if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down.

kjv@Luke:13:15 @ The Lord then answered him, and said, Thou hypocrite, doth not each one of you on the sabbath loose his ox or his ass from the stall, and lead him away to watering?

kjv@Luke:13:18 ... Then said...

kjv@Luke:13:23 ... Then said...

kjv@Luke:13:26 ... Then shall...

kjv@Luke:14:10 @ But when thou art bidden, go and sit down in the lowest room; that when he that bade thee cometh, he may say unto thee, Friend, go up higher: then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee.

kjv@Luke:14:12 ... Then said...

kjv@Luke:14:16 ... Then said...

kjv@Luke:14:21 @...his lord these things. Then the...

kjv@Luke:15:1 ... Then drew...

kjv@Luke:16:3 ... Then the...

kjv@Luke:16:7 ... Then said...

kjv@Luke:16:27 ... Then he...

kjv@Luke:17:1 ... Then said...

kjv@Luke:18:26 @ And they that heard it said, Who then can be saved?

kjv@Luke:18:28 ... Then Peter...

kjv@Luke:18:31 ... Then he...

kjv@Luke:19:15 @ And it came to pass, that when he was returned, having received the kingdom, then he commanded these servants to be called unto him, to whom he had given the money, that he might know how much every man had gained by trading.

kjv@Luke:19:16 ... Then came...

kjv@Luke:19:23 @ Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank, that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury?

kjv@Luke:20:5 @ And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven; he will say, Why then believed ye him not?

kjv@Luke:20:9 ... Then began...

kjv@Luke:20:13 ... Then said...

kjv@Luke:20:17 @ And he beheld them, and said, What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner?

kjv@Luke:20:27 ... Then came...

kjv@Luke:20:39 ... Then certain...

kjv@Luke:20:44 @ David therefore calleth him Lord, how is he then his son?

kjv@Luke:20:45 ... Then in...

kjv@Luke:21:10 ... Then said...

kjv@Luke:21:20 @ And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.

kjv@Luke:21:21 ... Then let...

kjv@Luke:21:27 @ And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

kjv@Luke:21:28 @ And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

kjv@Luke:22:3 ... Then entered...

kjv@Luke:22:7 ... Then came...

kjv@Luke:22:36 ... Then said...

kjv@Luke:22:52 ... Then Jesus...

kjv@Luke:22:54 ... Then took...

kjv@Luke:22:70 ... Then said...

kjv@Luke:23:4 ... Then said...

kjv@Luke:23:9 ... Then he...

kjv@Luke:23:30 ... Then shall...

kjv@Luke:23:34 ... Then said...

kjv@Luke:24:12 ... Then arose...

kjv@Luke:24:25 ... Then he...

kjv@Luke:24:45 ... Then opened...

kjv@John:1:22 ... Then said...

kjv@John:1:38 ... Then Jesus...(which is to say, being interpreted, Master,) where dwellest thou?

kjv@John:2:10 @ And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now.

kjv@John:2:18 ... Then answered...

kjv@John:2:20 ... Then said...

kjv@John:3:25 ... Then there...

kjv@John:4:5 ... Then cometh...

kjv@John:4:9 ... Then saith...

kjv@John:4:11 @ The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?

kjv@John:4:28 @ The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men,

kjv@John:4:30 ... Then they...

kjv@John:4:35 @ Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.

kjv@John:4:45 ... Then when...

kjv@John:4:48 ... Then said...

kjv@John:4:52 ... Then enquired...

kjv@John:5:4 @ For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.

kjv@John:5:12 ... Then asked...

kjv@John:5:19 ... Then answered...

kjv@John:6:5 @ When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come unto him, he saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat?

kjv@John:6:14 ... Then those...

kjv@John:6:21 ... Then they...

kjv@John:6:28 ... Then said...

kjv@John:6:32 ... Then Jesus...

kjv@John:6:34 ... Then said...

kjv@John:6:41 @ The Jews then murmured at him, because he said, I am the bread which came down from heaven.

kjv@John:6:42 @ And they said, Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? how is it then that he saith, I came down from heaven?

kjv@John:6:53 ... Then Jesus...

kjv@John:6:67 ... Then said...

kjv@John:6:68 ... Then Simon...

kjv@John:7:6 ... Then Jesus...

kjv@John:7:10 @ But when his brethren were gone up, then went he also up unto the feast, not openly, but as it were in secret.

kjv@John:7:11 ... Then the...

kjv@John:7:25 ... Then said...

kjv@John:7:28 ... Then cried...

kjv@John:7:30 ... Then they...

kjv@John:7:33 ... Then said...

kjv@John:7:35 ... Then said...

kjv@John:7:45 ... Then came...

kjv@John:7:47 ... Then answered...

kjv@John:8:12 ... Then spake...

kjv@John:8:19 ... Then said...

kjv@John:8:21 ... Then said...

kjv@John:8:22 ... Then said...

kjv@John:8:25 ... Then said...

kjv@John:8:28 ... Then said...

kjv@John:8:31 ... Then said...

kjv@John:8:41 @...deeds of your father. Then said...

kjv@John:8:48 ... Then answered...

kjv@John:8:52 ... Then said...

kjv@John:8:57 ... Then said...

kjv@John:8:59 ... Then took...

kjv@John:9:12 ... Then said...

kjv@John:9:15 ... Then again...

kjv@John:9:19 @ And they asked them, saying, Is this your son, who ye say was born blind? how then doth he now see?

kjv@John:9:24 ... Then again...

kjv@John:9:26 ... Then said...

kjv@John:9:28 ... Then they...

kjv@John:10:7 ... Then said...

kjv@John:10:24 ... Then came...

kjv@John:10:31 ... Then the...

kjv@John:11:7 ... Then after...

kjv@John:11:12 ... Then said...

kjv@John:11:14 ... Then said...

kjv@John:11:16 ... Then said...

kjv@John:11:17 ... Then when...

kjv@John:11:20 ... Then Martha,...

kjv@John:11:21 ... Then said...

kjv@John:11:31 @ The Jews then which were with her in the house, and comforted her, when they saw Mary, that she rose up hastily and went out, followed her, saying, She goeth unto the grave to weep there.

kjv@John:11:32 ... Then when...

kjv@John:11:36 ... Then said...

kjv@John:11:41 ... Then they...

kjv@John:11:45 ... Then many...

kjv@John:11:47 ... Then gathered...

kjv@John:11:53 ... Then from...

kjv@John:11:56 ... Then sought...

kjv@John:12:1 ... Then Jesus...

kjv@John:12:3 ... Then took...

kjv@John:12:4 ... Then saith...

kjv@John:12:7 ... Then said...

kjv@John:12:16 @ These things understood not his disciples at the first: but when Jesus was glorified, then remembered they that these things were written of him, and that they had done these things unto him.

kjv@John:12:28 @...Father, glorify thy name. Then came...

kjv@John:12:35 ... Then Jesus...

kjv@John:13:6 ... Then cometh...

kjv@John:13:22 ... Then the...

kjv@John:13:25 @ He then lying on Jesus' breast saith unto him, Lord, who is it?

kjv@John:13:27 @...Satan entered into him. Then said...

kjv@John:13:30 @ He then having received the sop went immediately out: and it was night.

kjv@John:16:17 ... Then said...

kjv@John:18:6 @ As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground.

kjv@John:18:7 ... Then asked...

kjv@John:18:10 ... Then Simon...

kjv@John:18:11 ... Then said...

kjv@John:18:12 ... Then the...

kjv@John:18:16 @...at the door without. Then went...

kjv@John:18:17 ... Then saith...

kjv@John:18:19 @ The high priest then asked Jesus of his disciples, and of his doctrine.

kjv@John:18:27 @ Peter then denied again: and immediately the cock crew.

kjv@John:18:28 ... Then led...

kjv@John:18:29 @ Pilate then went out unto them, and said, What accusation bring ye against this man?

kjv@John:18:31 ... Then said...

kjv@John:18:33 ... Then Pilate...

kjv@John:18:36 @ Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

kjv@John:18:40 ... Then cried...

kjv@John:19:1 ... Then Pilate...

kjv@John:19:5 ... Then came...

kjv@John:19:10 ... Then saith...

kjv@John:19:16 ... Then delivered...

kjv@John:19:20 @ This title then read many of the Jews: for the place where Jesus was crucified was nigh to the city: and it was written in Hebrew, and Greek, and Latin.

kjv@John:19:21 ... Then said...

kjv@John:19:23 ... Then the...

kjv@John:19:27 ... Then saith...

kjv@John:19:32 ... Then came...

kjv@John:19:40 ... Then took...

kjv@John:20:2 ... Then she...

kjv@John:20:6 ... Then cometh...

kjv@John:20:8 ... Then went...

kjv@John:20:10 ... Then the...

kjv@John:20:19 ... Then the...

kjv@John:20:20 @...hands and his side. Then were...

kjv@John:20:21 ... Then said...

kjv@John:20:26 @ And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.

kjv@John:20:27 ... Then saith...

kjv@John:21:5 ... Then Jesus...

kjv@John:21:9 @ As soon then as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread.

kjv@John:21:13 @ Jesus then cometh, and taketh bread, and giveth them, and fish likewise.

kjv@John:21:20 ... Then Peter,...

kjv@John:21:23 ... Then went...

kjv@Acts:1:12 ... Then returned...

kjv@Acts:2:38 ... Then Peter...

kjv@Acts:2:41 ... Then they...

kjv@Acts:3:6 ... Then Peter...

kjv@Acts:4:8 ... Then Peter,...

kjv@Acts:5:9 ... Then Peter...

kjv@Acts:5:10 ... Then fell...

kjv@Acts:5:17 ... Then the...(which is the sect of the Sadducees,) and were filled with indignation,

kjv@Acts:5:25 ... Then came...

kjv@Acts:5:26 ... Then went...

kjv@Acts:5:29 ... Then Peter...

kjv@Acts:5:34 ... Then stood...

kjv@Acts:6:2 ... Then the...

kjv@Acts:6:9 ... Then there...

kjv@Acts:6:11 ... Then they...

kjv@Acts:7:1 ... Then said...

kjv@Acts:7:4 ... Then came...

kjv@Acts:7:14 ... Then sent...

kjv@Acts:7:29 ... Then fled...

kjv@Acts:7:32 @...the God of Jacob. Then Moses...

kjv@Acts:7:33 ... Then said...

kjv@Acts:7:42 ... Then God...

kjv@Acts:7:57 ... Then they...

kjv@Acts:8:5 ... Then Philip...

kjv@Acts:8:13 ... Then Simon...

kjv@Acts:8:17 ... Then laid...

kjv@Acts:8:24 ... Then answered...

kjv@Acts:8:29 ... Then the...

kjv@Acts:8:35 ... Then Philip...

kjv@Acts:9:13 ... Then Ananias...

kjv@Acts:9:19 @...meat, he was strengthened. Then was...

kjv@Acts:9:25 ... Then the...

kjv@Acts:9:31 ... Then had...

kjv@Acts:9:39 ... Then Peter...

kjv@Acts:10:21 ... Then Peter...

kjv@Acts:10:23 ... Then called...

kjv@Acts:10:34 ... Then Peter...

kjv@Acts:10:46 @...tongues, and magnify God. Then answered...

kjv@Acts:10:48 @...name of the Lord. Then prayed...

kjv@Acts:11:16 ... Then remembered...

kjv@Acts:11:17 @ Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; what was I, that I could withstand God?

kjv@Acts:11:18 @...and glorified God, saying, Then hath...

kjv@Acts:11:22 ... Then tidings...

kjv@Acts:11:25 ... Then departed...

kjv@Acts:11:29 ... Then the...

kjv@Acts:12:15 @...it was even so. Then said...

kjv@Acts:13:9 ... Then Saul,...(who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him,

kjv@Acts:13:12 ... Then the...

kjv@Acts:13:16 ... Then Paul...

kjv@Acts:13:46 ... Then Paul...

kjv@Acts:14:13 ... Then the...

kjv@Acts:15:12 ... Then all...

kjv@Acts:15:22 ... Then pleased...

kjv@Acts:16:1 ... Then came...

kjv@Acts:16:29 ... Then he...

kjv@Acts:17:14 @ And then immediately the brethren sent away Paul to go as it were to the sea: but Silas and Timotheus abode there still.

kjv@Acts:17:18 ... Then certain...

kjv@Acts:17:22 ... Then Paul...

kjv@Acts:17:29 @ Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device.

kjv@Acts:18:9 ... Then spake...

kjv@Acts:18:17 ... Then all...

kjv@Acts:18:18 @ And Paul after this tarried there yet a good while, and then took his leave of the brethren, and sailed thence into Syria, and with him Priscilla and Aquila; having shorn his head in Cenchrea: for he had a vow.

kjv@Acts:19:3 @ And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism.

kjv@Acts:19:4 ... Then said...

kjv@Acts:19:13 ... Then certain...

kjv@Acts:19:36 @ Seeing then that these things cannot be spoken against, ye ought to be quiet, and to do nothing rashly.

kjv@Acts:21:13 ... Then Paul...

kjv@Acts:21:26 ... Then Paul...

kjv@Acts:21:33 ... Then the...

kjv@Acts:22:22 @ And they gave him audience unto this word, and then lifted up their voices, and said, Away with such a fellow from the earth: for it is not fit that he should live.

kjv@Acts:22:27 ... Then the...

kjv@Acts:22:29 ... Then straightway...

kjv@Acts:23:3 ... Then said...

kjv@Acts:23:5 ... Then said...

kjv@Acts:23:17 ... Then Paul...

kjv@Acts:23:19 ... Then the...

kjv@Acts:23:22 @ So the chief captain then let the young man depart, and charged him, See thou tell no man that thou hast shewed these things to me.

kjv@Acts:23:27 @ This man was taken of the Jews, and should have been killed of them: then came I with an army, and rescued him, having understood that he was a Roman.

kjv@Acts:23:31 ... Then the...

kjv@Acts:24:10 ... Then Paul,...

kjv@Acts:25:2 ... Then the...

kjv@Acts:25:10 ... Then said...

kjv@Acts:25:12 ... Then Festus,...

kjv@Acts:25:22 ... Then Agrippa...

kjv@Acts:26:1 @...to speak for thyself. Then Paul...

kjv@Acts:26:20 @ But shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance.

kjv@Acts:26:28 ... Then Agrippa...

kjv@Acts:26:32 ... Then said...

kjv@Acts:27:20 @ And when neither sun nor stars in many days appeared, and no small tempest lay on us, all hope that we should be saved was then taken away.

kjv@Acts:27:29 ... Then fearing...

kjv@Acts:27:32 ... Then the...

kjv@Acts:27:36 ... Then were...

kjv@Acts:28:1 @ And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita.

kjv@Romans:3:1 @ What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision?

kjv@Romans:3:6 @ God forbid: for then how shall God judge the world?

kjv@Romans:3:31 @ Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.

kjv@Romans:4:1 @ What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found?

kjv@Romans:4:9 @ Cometh this blessedness then upon the circumcision only, or upon the uncircumcision also? for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness.

kjv@Romans:4:10 @ How was it then reckoned? when he was in circumcision, or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision.

kjv@Romans:6:18 @ Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.

kjv@Romans:6:21 @ What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death.

kjv@Romans:7:3 @ So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man.

kjv@Romans:7:13 @ Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good; that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.

kjv@Romans:7:16 @ If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good.

kjv@Romans:7:17 @ Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

kjv@Romans:7:21 @ I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.

kjv@Romans:7:25 @ I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.

kjv@Romans:8:8 @ So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

kjv@Romans:8:17 @ And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

kjv@Romans:8:25 @ But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

kjv@Romans:8:31 @ What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

kjv@Romans:9:16 @ So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.

kjv@Romans:9:19 @ Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?

kjv@Romans:10:14 @ How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

kjv@Romans:10:17 @ So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

kjv@Romans:11:5 @ Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.

kjv@Romans:11:6 @ And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.

kjv@Romans:12:6 @ Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith;

kjv@Romans:13:3 @ For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:

kjv@Romans:14:12 @ So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

kjv@Romans:14:16 @ Let not then your good be evil spoken of:

kjv@Romans:15:1 @ We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.

kjv@1Corinthians:3:5 @ Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?

kjv@1Corinthians:3:7 @ So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.

kjv@1Corinthians:4:5 @ Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.

kjv@1Corinthians:5:10 @ Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world.

kjv@1Corinthians:6:4 @ If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church.

kjv@1Corinthians:6:15 @ Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.

kjv@1Corinthians:7:38 @ So then he that giveth her in marriage doeth well; but he that giveth her not in marriage doeth better.

kjv@1Corinthians:12:28 @ And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.

kjv@1Corinthians:13:10 @ But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

kjv@1Corinthians:13:12 @ For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

kjv@1Corinthians:15:5 @ And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve:

kjv@1Corinthians:15:7 @ After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles.

kjv@1Corinthians:15:13 @ But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen:

kjv@1Corinthians:15:14 @ And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.

kjv@1Corinthians:15:16 @ For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised:

kjv@1Corinthians:15:18 ... Then they...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:24 ... Then cometh...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:28 @ And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.

kjv@1Corinthians:15:29 @ Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?

kjv@1Corinthians:15:54 @ So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

kjv@2Corinthians:2:2 @ For if I make you sorry, who is he then that maketh me glad, but the same which is made sorry by me?

kjv@2Corinthians:3:12 @ Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech:

kjv@2Corinthians:4:12 @ So then death worketh in us, but life in you.

kjv@2Corinthians:5:14 @ For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead:

kjv@2Corinthians:5:20 @ Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.

kjv@2Corinthians:12:10 @ Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

kjv@Galatians:1:18 ... Then after...

kjv@Galatians:2:1 ... Then fourteen...

kjv@Galatians:2:21 @ I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.

kjv@Galatians:3:9 @ So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.

kjv@Galatians:3:19 @ Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.

kjv@Galatians:3:21 @ Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law.

kjv@Galatians:3:29 @ And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

kjv@Galatians:4:7 @ Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

kjv@Galatians:4:15 @ Where is then the blessedness ye spake of? for I bear you record, that, if it had been possible, ye would have plucked out your own eyes, and have given them to me.

kjv@Galatians:4:29 @ But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.

kjv@Galatians:5:11 @ And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? then is the offence of the cross ceased.

kjv@Galatians:6:4 @ But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.

kjv@Ephesians:5:15 @ See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,

kjv@Colossians:3:1 @ If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

kjv@Colossians:3:4 @ When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

kjv@1Thessalonians:4:1 @ Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more.

kjv@1Thessalonians:4:17 ... Then we...

kjv@1Thessalonians:5:3 @ For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

kjv@2Thessalonians:2:8 @ And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

kjv@1Timothy:2:13 @ For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

kjv@1Timothy:3:2 @ A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;

kjv@1Timothy:3:10 @ And let these also first be proved; then let them use the office of a deacon, being found blameless.

kjv@Hebrews:2:14 @ Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;

kjv@Hebrews:4:8 @ For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.

kjv@Hebrews:4:14 @ Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.

kjv@Hebrews:7:27 @ Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people's: for this he did once, when he offered up himself.

kjv@Hebrews:8:7 @ For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second.

kjv@Hebrews:9:1 ... Then verily...

kjv@Hebrews:9:9 @ Which was a figure for the time then present, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, that could not make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience;

kjv@Hebrews:9:26 @ For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.

kjv@Hebrews:10:2 @ For then would they not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins.

kjv@Hebrews:10:7 ... Then said...(in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.

kjv@Hebrews:10:9 ... Then said...

kjv@Hebrews:12:8 @ But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.

kjv@Hebrews:12:26 @ Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.

kjv@James:1:15 ... Then when...

kjv@James:2:4 @ Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts?

kjv@James:2:24 @ Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.

kjv@James:3:17 @ But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

kjv@James:4:14 @ Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

kjv@1Peter:4:1 @ Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin;

kjv@2Peter:3:6 @ Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

kjv@2Peter:3:11 @ Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,

kjv@1John:1:5 @ This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

kjv@1John:3:21 @ Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.

kjv@Revelation:3:16 @ So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

kjv@Revelation:22:9 ... Then saith...

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