CONCORD deceived

ylt@Genesis:29:25 @And it cometh to pass in the morning, that lo, it [is] Leah; and he saith unto Laban, 'What [is]...and why hast thou deceived... me?'

ylt@Genesis:31:39 @the torn I have not brought in unto thee -- I, I repay it --...and I have been deceived by...

ylt@Joshua:9:22 @...saying, 'Why have ye deceived us,...

ylt@1Samuel:19:17 @...'Why thus hast thou deceived me...-- that thou dost send away mine enemy, and he is escaped?' and Michal saith unto Saul, 'He said unto me, Send me away: why do I put thee to death?'

ylt@1Samuel:28:12 @...saying, 'Why hast thou deceived me...-- and thou Saul?'

ylt@2Samuel:19:26 @...O king, my servant deceived me,...[is] lame;

ylt@Job:6:15 @My brethren have deceived as a brook, As a stream of brooks they pass away.

ylt@Job:12:16 @With Him [are]...and wisdom, His the deceived and...

ylt@Proverbs:26:19 @So hath a man deceived his neighbour, And hath said, 'Am not I playing?'

ylt@Jeremiah:3:20 @But -- a woman hath deceived her friend, So ye have dealt treacherously with Me, O house of Israel, an affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Lamentations:1:19 @I called for my lovers, they -- they have deceived me, My priests and my elders in the city have expired; When they have sought food for themselves, Then they give back their soul.

ylt@Malachi:3:8 @...'In what have we deceived Thee?'...-offering!

ylt@Matthew:2:16 @...seen that he was deceived by...-Lehem, and in all its borders, from two years and under, according to the time that he inquired exactly from the mages.

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