Numbers 10

bbe@Numbers:10:1 @And the Lord said to Moses,

bbe@Numbers:10:2 @Make two silver horns of hammered work, to be used for getting the people together and to give the sign for the moving of the tents.

bbe@Numbers:10:3 @When they are sounded, all the people are to come together to you at the door of the Tent of meeting.

bbe@Numbers:10:4 @If only one of them is sounded, then the chiefs, the heads of the thousands of Israel, are to come to you.

bbe@Numbers:10:5 @When a loud note is sounded, the tents placed on the east side are to go forward.

bbe@Numbers:10:6 @At the sound of a second loud note, the tents on the south side are to go forward: the loud note will be the sign to go forward.

bbe@Numbers:10:7 @But when all the people are to come together, the horn is to be sounded but not loudly.

bbe@Numbers:10:8 @The horns are to be sounded by the sons of Aaron, the priests; this is to be a law for you for ever, from generation to generation.

bbe@Numbers:10:9 @And if you go to war in your land against any who do you wrong, then let the loud note of the horn be sounded; and the Lord your God will keep you in mind and give you salvation from those who are against you

bbe@Numbers:10:10 @And on days of joy and on your regular feasts and on the first day of every month, let the horns be sounded over your burned offerings and your peace-offerings; and they will put the Lord in mind of you: I am the Lord your God.

bbe@Numbers:10:11 @Now in the second year, on the twentieth day of the second month, the cloud was taken up from over the Tent of witness.

bbe@Numbers:10:12 @And the children of Israel went on their journey out of the waste land of Sinai; and the cloud came to rest in the waste land of Paran.

bbe@Numbers:10:13 @They went forward for the first time on their journey as the Lord had given orders by the hand of Moses.

bbe@Numbers:10:14 @First the flag of the children of Judah went forward with their armies: and at the head of his army was Nahshon, the son of Amminadab.

bbe@Numbers:10:15 @And at the head of the army of the children of Issachar was Nethanel, the son of Zuar.

bbe@Numbers:10:16 @And at the head of the army of the children of Zebulun was Eliab, the son of Helon.

bbe@Numbers:10:17 @Then the House was taken down; and the sons of Gershon and the sons of Merari, who were responsible for moving the House, went forward.

bbe@Numbers:10:18 @Then the flag of the children of Reuben went forward with their armies: and at the head of his army was Elizur, the son of Shedeur.

bbe@Numbers:10:19 @And at the head of the army of the children of Simeon was Shelumiel, the son of Zurishaddai.

bbe@Numbers:10:20 @At the head of the army of the children of Gad was Eliasaph, the son of Reuel.

bbe@Numbers:10:21 @Then the Kohathites went forward with the holy place; the others put up the House ready for their coming.

bbe@Numbers:10:22 @Then the flag of the children of Ephraim went forward with their armies: and at the head of his army was Elishama, the son of Ammihud.

bbe@Numbers:10:23 @At the head of the army of the children of Manasseh was Gamaliel, the son of Pedahzur.

bbe@Numbers:10:24 @At the head of the army of the children of Benjamin was Abidan, the son of Gideoni.

bbe@Numbers:10:25 @And the flag of the children of Dan, whose tents were moved last of all, went forward with their armies: and at the head of his army was Ahiezer, the son of Ammishaddai.

bbe@Numbers:10:26 @At the head of the army of the children of Asher was Pagiel, the son of Ochran.

bbe@Numbers:10:27 @And at the head of the army of the children of Naphtali was Ahira, the son of Enan.

bbe@Numbers:10:28 @This was the order in which the children of Israel were journeying by armies; so they went forward.

bbe@Numbers:10:29 @Then Moses said to Hobab, the son of his father-in-law Reuel the Midianite, We are journeying to that place of which the Lord has said, I will give it to you: so come with us, and it will be for your profit: for the Lord has good things in store for Israel.

bbe@Numbers:10:30 @But he said, I will not go with you, I will go back to the land of my birth and to my relations.

bbe@Numbers:10:31 @And he said, Do not go from us; for you will be eyes for us, guiding us to the right places in the waste land to put up our tents.

bbe@Numbers:10:32 @And if you come with us, we will give you a part in whatever good the Lord does for us.

bbe@Numbers:10:33 @So they went forward three days' journey from the mountain of the Lord; and the ark of the Lord's agreement went three days' journey before them, looking for a resting-place for them;

bbe@Numbers:10:34 @And by day the cloud of the Lord went over them, when they went forward from the place where they had put up their tents.

bbe@Numbers:10:35 @And when the ark went forward Moses said, Come up, O Lord, and let the armies of those who are against you be broken, and let your haters go in flight before you.

bbe@Numbers:10:36 @And when it came to rest, he said, Take rest, O Lord, and give a blessing to the families of Israel.

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