strkjv 1Corinthians:11:23-29 SEEK

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* For I have received (5627 ) of the Lord that which also I delivered (5656 ) unto you , That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed (5712 ) took (5627 ) bread : * And when he had given thanks (5660 ), he brake (5656 ) it , and said (5627 ), Take (5628 ), eat (5628 ): this is (5748 ) my body , which is broken (5746 ) for you : this do (5720 ) in remembrance of me . * After the same manner also he took the cup , when he had supped (5658 ), saying (5723 ), This cup is (5748 ) the new testament in my blood : this do ye (5720 ), as oft as ye drink (5725 ) it , in remembrance of me . * For as often as ye eat (5725 ) this bread , and drink (5725 ) this cup , ye do shew (5719 ) the Lords death till he come (5632 ). * Wherefore whosoever shall eat (5725 ) this bread , and drink (5725 ) this cup of the Lord , unworthily , shall be (5704 ) guilty of the body and blood of the Lord . * But let a man examine (5720 ) himself , and so let him eat (5720 ) of that bread , and drink (5720 ) of that cup . * For he that eateth (5723 ) and drinketh (5723 ) unworthily , eateth (5719 ) and drinketh (5719 ) damnation to himself , not discerning (5723 ) the Lords body .

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