
rwp@1Peter:4:12 @{Think it not strange} (\mˆ xenizesthe\). Prohibition with \mˆ\ and the present passive imperative of \xeniz“\, for which verb see strkjv@4:4|. "Be not amazed." {Concerning the fiery trial among you} (\tei en humin pur“sei\). Instrumental case, "by the among you burning," metaphorical sense of old word (since Aristotle), from \puro“\, to burn (\pur\ fire). See strkjv@1:7| for the metaphor. See strkjv@Revelation:18:9,18| only other N.T. examples. It occurs in strkjv@Proverbs:27:21| for the smelting of gold and silver and so in strkjv@Psalms:56:10| (LXX strkjv@65:10): "Thou didst smelt us as silver is smelted" (\epur“sas hˆmƒs h“s puroutai to argurion\). {Which cometh upon you} (\humin ginomenˆi\). Present middle participle of \ginomai\ (already coming) with dative case \humin\. {To prove you} (\pros peirasmon\). "For testing." {As though a strange thing happened unto you} (\h“s xenou humin sumbainontos\). Genitive absolute with \h“s\, giving the alleged reason, and \humin\, dative case with \sumbainontos\ (present active participle of \sumbain“\, to go together, to happen (Mark:10:32|), agreeing with \xenou\ (strange, strkjv@Hebrews:13:9|).

rwp@1Peter:4:13 @{Inasmuch} (\katho\). "In so far forth as" ("according to which thing"), old conjunction, in N.T. only here and strkjv@2Corinthians:8:12; strkjv@Romans:8:26|. {Ye are partakers of} (\koin“neite\). Present active indicative of \koin“ne“\, old verb (from \koin“nos\, partner), to share in either with genitive (Hebrews:2:14|) or dative as here (\pathˆmasin\). {That ye may rejoice with exceeding joy} (\hina charˆte agalli“menoi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and second aorist passive subjunctive of \chair“\, with the present middle participle of \agallia“\ to exult (1:8|), "that ye may rejoice exulting." See strkjv@1:6-8| for this same idea associated with the second coming of Christ as here.

rwp@1Peter:4:14 @{If ye are reproached} (\ei oneidizesthe\). Condition of first class assumed as true with \ei\ and present passive indicative of \oneidiz“\, for which verb see strkjv@James:1:5|. {For the name of Christ} (\en onomati Christou\). "In the matter of the name of Christ." For the idea see strkjv@Matthew:5:11f.; strkjv@19:29; strkjv@Acts:5:41; strkjv@9:16; strkjv@21:13|. This is the only N.T. example of just \onoma Christou\, here used because of the use of \Christianos\ in verse 16|. For the beatitude \makarioi\ see strkjv@Matthew:5:11f|. {The Spirit of glory and the Spirit of God} (\to tˆs doxˆs kai to tou theou pneuma\). Note repetition of the article (\to\) though \pneuma\ only once. The reference is to the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Glory and of God. {Resteth upon you} (\eph' hˆmas anapauetai\). Quotation from strkjv@Isaiah:11:2|. Present middle indicative of \anapau“\, to give rest, refresh (Matthew:11:28|). "He rests upon the Christian as the Shechinah rested upon the tabernacle" (Bigg). Cf. strkjv@1:8; strkjv@Matthew:3:16|.

rwp@1Peter:4:15 @{Let no one of you suffer} (\mˆ tis hum“n paschet“\). Prohibition with \mˆ\ and present active imperative (habit prohibited). {As} (\h“s\). Charged as and being so. Two specific crimes (murderer, thief) and one general phrase (\kakopoios\, evildoer, strkjv@1Peter:2:12,14|), and one unusual term \allotriepiscopos\ (a meddler in other men's matters). Note \ˆ h“s\ (or as) = or "also only as" (Wohlenberg). The word was apparently coined by Peter (occurring elsewhere only in Dionys. Areop. and late eccles. writers) from \allotrios\ (belonging to another, strkjv@2Corinthians:10:15|) and \episkopos\, overseer, inspector, strkjv@1Peter:2:25|). The idea is apparently one who spies out the affairs of other men. Deissmann (_Bible Studies_, p. 224) gives a second-century papyrus with \allotri“n epithumˆtˆs\ a _speculator alienorum_. Epictetus has a like idea (iii. 22. 97). Biggs takes it to refer to "things forbidden." Clement of Alexandria tells of a disciple of the Apostle John who became a bandit chief. Ramsay (_Church in the Roman Empire_, pp. 293, 348) thinks the word refers to breaking up family relationships. Hart refers us to the gadders-about in strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:11; strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:11| and women as gossipers in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:13|. It is interesting to note also that \episkopos\ here is the word for "bishop" and so suggests also preachers meddling in the work of other preachers.

rwp@1Peter:4:16 @{But if as a Christian} (\ei de h“s Christianos\). Supply the verb \paschei\ (condition of first class, "if one suffer as a Christian"). This word occurs only three times in the N.T. (Acts:11:26; strkjv@26:28; strkjv@1Peter:4:16|). It is word of Latin formation coined to distinguish followers of Christ from Jews and Gentiles (Acts:11:26|). Each instance bears that idea. It is not the usual term at first like \mathˆtai\ (disciples), saints (\hagioi\), believers (\pisteuontes\), etc. The Jews used \Naz“raioi\ (Nazarenes) as a nickname for Christians (Acts:24:5|). By A.D. 64 the name Christian was in common use in Rome (Tacitus, Ann. XV. 44). Owing to itacism it was sometimes spelled \Chrˆstianoi\ (\i, ei\ and \ˆ\ pronounced alike). {Let him not be ashamed} (\mˆ aischunesth“\). Prohibition with \mˆ\ and present passive imperative of \aischun“\. Peter had once been ashamed to suffer reproach or even a sneer for being a disciple of Christ (Mark:14:68|). See the words of Jesus in strkjv@Mark:8:38| and Paul's in strkjv@2Timothy:1:12|. Peter is not ashamed now. In this name (\en t“i onomati tout“i\). Of Christian as in strkjv@Mark:9:41|, "because ye are Christ's."

rwp@1Peter:4:17 @{For the time is come} (\hoti ho kairos\). No predicate, probably \estin\ (is) to be supplied. The phrase that follows comes from the vision of Ezekiel (chapter strkjv@Ezekiel:9|). The construction is unusual with \tou arxasthai\ (genitive articular aorist middle infinitive of \arch“\), not exactly purpose or result, and almost in apposition (epexegetic), but note \tou elthein\ used as subject in strkjv@Luke:17:1|. The persecution on hand (1:7|) was a foretaste of more to come. By "house of God" he can mean the same as the "spiritual house" of strkjv@2:5| or a local church. Biggs even takes it to refer to the family. {And if it begin first at us} (\ei de pr“ton aph'hˆm“n\). Condition of first class again, with the verb \archetai\ understood. "From us" (\aph' hˆm“n\) more exactly. {End} (\telos\). Final fate. {Of them that obey not the gospel of God} (\t“n apeithount“n t“i tou theou euaggeli“i\). "Of those disobeying the gospel of God." See the same idea in strkjv@Romans:2:8|. See strkjv@Mark:1:14| for believing in the gospel.

rwp@1Peter:4:18 @{And if the righteous is scarcely saved} (\kai ei ho dikaios molis s“zetai\). First-class condition again with \ei\ and present passive indicative of \s“z“\. Quotation from strkjv@Proverbs:11:31|. See strkjv@3:12,14; strkjv@Matthew:5:20|. But the Christian is not saved by his own righteousness (Phillipians:3:9; strkjv@Revelation:7:14|). For \molis\ see strkjv@Acts:14:18| and for \asebˆs\ (ungodly, without reverence) see strkjv@Romans:4:5; strkjv@2Peter:2:5|. {Will appear} (\phaneitai\). Future middle of \phain“\, to show. For the question see strkjv@Mark:10:24-26|.

rwp@1Peter:4:19 @{Wherefore} (\h“ste\). Picking up the thread of consolation again (Bigg). {Commit their souls} (\paratithesth“san tas psuchas\). Present (continuous) middle imperative third plural of \paratithˆmi\, old word, a banking figure, to deposit, as in strkjv@1Timothy:1:18; strkjv@2Timothy:2:2|, the word used by Jesus as he died (Luke:23:46|). {In well-doing} (\en agathopoiiƒi\). Late and rare word, only here in N.T., from \agathopoie“\ (1Peter:2:15,20|).

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