
vw@Exodus:21:2 @ If you buy a Hebrew servant, he shall serve six years; and in the seventh he shall go out free without payment.

vw@Exodus:21:3 @ If he comes in by himself, he shall go out by himself; if he was the husband of a wife, then his wife shall go out with him.

vw@Exodus:21:4 @ If his master gives him a wife, and she has borne him sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall be her master’s, and he shall go out by himself.

vw@Exodus:21:5 @ But if the servant answers to say, I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free,

vw@Exodus:21:6 @ then his master shall bring him to God. He shall also bring him to the door, or to the doorpost, and his master shall pierce his ear with an awl; and he shall serve him always.

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