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ylt @Joshua:10:29 @And Joshua passeth over , and all Israel with him , from Makkedah [to ] Libnah , and fighteth with Libnah ; ylt @Joshua:10:30 @and Jehovah giveth also it into the hand of Israel , and its king , and it smiteth it by the mouth of the sword , and every person who [is ] in it -- it left not in it a remnant ; and it doth to its king as it did to the king of Jericho . ylt @Joshua:10:31 @And Joshua passeth over , and all Israel with him , from Libnah to Lachish , and encampeth against it , and fighteth against it ; ylt @Joshua:10:32 @And Jehovah giveth Lachish into the hand of Israel , and it captureth it on the second day , and smiteth it by the mouth of the sword , and every person who [is ] in it , according to all that it did to Libnah . ylt @Joshua:10:33 @Than hath Horam king of Gezer come up to help Lachish , and Joshua smiteth him and his people , till he hath not left to him a remnant . ylt @Joshua:10:34 @And Joshua passeth over , and all Israel with him , from Lachish to Eglon , and they encamp against it , and fight against it , ylt @Joshua:10:35 @and capture it on that day , and smite it by the mouth of the sword , and every person who [is ] in it on that day he hath devoted , according to all that he did to Lachish . ylt @Joshua:10:36 @And Joshua goeth up , and all Israel with him , from Eglon to Hebron , and they fight against it , ylt @Joshua:10:37 @and capture it , and smite it by the mouth of the sword , and its king , and all its cities , and every person who [is ] in it -- he hath not left a remnant -- according to all that he did to Eglon -- and doth devote it , and every person who [is ] in it . ylt @Joshua:10:38 @And Joshua turneth back , and all Israel with him , to Debir , and fighteth against it , ylt @Joshua:10:39 @and captureth it , and its king , and all its cities , and they smite them by the mouth of the sword , and devote every person who [is ] in it -- he hath not left a remnant ; as he did to Hebron so he did to Debir , and to its king , and as he did to Libnah , and to its king . ylt @Joshua:10:40 @And Joshua smiteth all the land of the hill-country , and of the south , and of the low-country , and of the springs , and all their kings -- he hath not left a remnant , and all that doth breathe he hath devoted , as Jehovah , God of Israel , commanded . ylt @Joshua:10:41 @And Joshua smiteth them from Kadesh-Barnea , even unto Gaza , and all the land of Goshen , even unto Gibeon ; ylt @Joshua:10:42 @and all these kings and their land hath Joshua captured [at ] one time , for Jehovah , God of Israel , is fighting for Israel . ylt @Joshua:10:43 @and Joshua turneth back , and all Israel with him , unto the camp at Gilgal .

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[BookofJoshua] [Joshua:9] [Joshua:10] [Joshua:11] [Discuss] Tag Joshua:10:29-43 [Audio][Presentation]