strkjv Leviticus:25:23-40 SEEK

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* The land shall not be sold for ever : for the land is mine ; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me . * And in all the land of your possession ye shall grant a redemption for the land . * If thy brother be waxen poor , and hath sold away some of his possession , and if any of his kin come to redeem it , then shall he redeem that which his brother sold . * And if the man have none to redeem it , and himself be able day # to redeem it ; * Then let him count the years of the sale thereof , and restore the overplus unto the man to whom he sold it ; that he may return unto his possession . * But if he be not able to restore it to him , then that which is sold shall remain in the hand of him that hath bought it until the year of jubile : and in the jubile it shall go out , and he shall return unto his possession . * And if a man sell a dwelling house in a walled city , then he may redeem it within a whole year after it is sold ; within a full year may he redeem it . * And if it be not redeemed within the space of a full year , then the house that is in the walled city shall be established for ever to him that bought it throughout his generations : it shall not go out in the jubile . * But the houses of the villages which have no wall round about them shall be counted as the fields of the country : they may be redeemed , and they shall go out in the jubile . * Notwithstanding the cities of the Levites , and the houses of the cities of their possession , may the Levites redeem at any time . * And if a man purchase of the Levites , then the house that was sold , and the city of his possession , shall go out in the year of jubile : for the houses of the cities of the Levites are their possession among the children of Israel Yisra #el #. * But the field of the suburbs of their cities may not be sold ; for it is their perpetual possession . * And if thy brother be waxen poor , and fallen in decay with thee ; then thou shalt relieve him : yea , though he be a stranger , or a sojourner ; that he may live with thee . * Take thou no usury of him , or increase : but fear thy God ; that thy brother may live with thee . * Thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury , nor lend him thy victuals for increase . * I am the LORD your God , which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt , to give you the land of Canaan K @na #an #, and to be your God . * And if thy brother that dwelleth by thee be waxen poor , and be sold unto thee ; thou shalt not compel him to serve as a bondservant : * But as an hired servant , and as a sojourner , he shall be with thee , and shall serve thee unto the year of jubile :

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