
rwp@Luke:18:35 @{Unto Jericho} (\eis Iereich“\). See on ¯Matthew:20:29; strkjv@Mark:10:46|, for discussion of the two Jerichos in Mark and Matt. (the old and the new as here). {Begging} (\epait“n\). Asking for something. He probably was by the wayside between the old Jericho and the new Roman Jericho. Mark gives his name Bartimaeus (10:46|). strkjv@Matthew:20:30| mentions two.

rwp@Luke:18:36 @{Inquired} (\epunthaneto\). Imperfect middle. Repeatedly inquired as he heard the tramp of the passing crowd going by (\diaporeuomenou\). {What this meant} (\Ti eiˆ touto\). Literally, What it was. Without \an\ the optative is due to indirect discourse, changed from \estin\. With \an\ (margin of Westcott and Hort) the potential optative of the direct discourse is simply retained.

rwp@Luke:18:37 @{Passeth by} (\parerchetai\). Present middle indicative retained in indirect discourse as \paragei\ is in strkjv@Matthew:20:30|. No reason for differences of English tenses in the two passages (was passing by, passeth by).

rwp@Luke:18:38 @{He cried} (\eboˆsen\). Old verb, \boa“\, to shout, as in strkjv@9:38|. {Son of David} (\huie Daueid\). Shows that he recognizes Jesus as the Messiah.

rwp@Luke:18:39 @{That he should hold his peace} (\hina sigˆsˆi\). Ingressive aorist subjunctive. That he should become silent; as with \hina si“pˆsˆi\ in strkjv@Mark:10:48|. {The more a great deal} (\poll“i mƒllon\). By much more as in strkjv@Mark:10:48|.

rwp@Luke:18:40 @{Stood} (\statheis\). First aorist passive where strkjv@Mark:10:49; strkjv@Matthew:20:32| have \stas\ (second aorist active) translated "stood still." One is as "still" as the other. The first is that Jesus " stopped." {Be brought} (\achthˆnai\). First aorist infinitive in indirect command.

rwp@Luke:18:41 @{What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?} (\Ti soi theleis poiˆs“;\). Same idiom in strkjv@Mark:10:51; strkjv@Matthew:20:32| which see, the use of \thel“\ without \hina\ with aorist subjunctive (or future indicative). See same references also for \hina anableps“\ "that I may see again" without verb before \hina\. Three uses of \anablep“\ here (verses 41,42,43|).

rwp@Luke:18:43 @{Followed} (\ˆkolouthei\). Imperfect active as in strkjv@Mark:10:52|. Either inchoative he began to follow, or descriptive, he was following.

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