
rwp@Mark:7:24 @{Into the borders of Tyre and Sidon} (\eis ta horia Turou kai Sid“nos\). The departure from Capernaum was a withdrawal from Galilee, the second of the four withdrawals from Galilee. The first had been to the region of Bethsaida Julias in the territory of Herod Philip. This is into distinctly heathen land. It was not merely the edge of Phoenicia, but into the parts of Tyre and Sidon (Matthew:15:21|). There was too much excitement among the people, too much bitterness among the Pharisees, too much suspicion on the part of Herod Antipas, too much dulness on the part of the disciples for Jesus to remain in Galilee. {And he could not be hid} (\kai ouk ˆdunasthˆ lathein\). Jesus wanted to be alone in the house after all the strain in Galilee. He craved a little privacy and rest. This was his purpose in going into Phoenicia. Note the adversative sense of \kai\ here= "but."

rwp@Mark:7:25 @{Whose little daughter} (\hˆs to thugatrion autˆs\). Diminutive with tender touch. Note "whose" and "her" like vernacular today. {Having heard of him} (\akousasa peri autou\). Even in this heathen territory the fame of Jesus was known. When the Sermon on the Mount was preached people were there from "the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon" (Luke:6:17|).

rwp@Mark:7:26 @{A Greek, a Syro-Phoenician by race} (\Hellˆnis, Surophoinikissa t“i genei\). "A Greek in religion, a Syrian in tongue, a Phoenician in race" (Bruce), from Euthymius Zigabenus. She was not a Phoenician of Carthage. {She besought} (\ˆr“ta\). Imperfect tense. She kept at it. This verb, as in late Greek, is here used for a request, not a mere question. Abundant examples in the papyri in this sense.

rwp@Mark:7:27 @{Let the children first be filled} (\aphes pr“ton chortasthˆnai ta paidia\). The Jews had the first claim. See the command of Jesus in the third tour of Galilee to avoid the Gentiles and the Samaritans (Matthew:10:5|). Paul was the Apostle to the Gentiles, but he gave the Jew the first opportunity (Romans:2:9f.|). See on ¯Matthew:15:24f|.

rwp@Mark:7:28 @{Even the dogs under the table} (\kai ta kunaria hupokat“ tˆs trapezˆs\). A delightful picture. Even the little dogs (\kunaria\) under the table {eat of the children's crumbs} (\esthiousin apo t“n psichi“n t“n paidi“n\). Little dogs, little scraps of bread (\psichion\, diminutive of \psichos\, _morsel_), little children (\paidia\, diminutive of \pais\). Probably the little children purposely dropped a few little crumbs for the little dogs. These household dogs, pets of and loved by the children. _Braid Scots_ has it: "Yet the wee dowgs aneath the table eat o' the moole o' the bairns." "A unique combination of faith and wit" (Gould). Instead of resenting Christ's words about giving the children's bread to the dogs (Gentiles) in verse 27|, she instantly turned it to the advantage of her plea for her little daughter.

rwp@Mark:7:29 @{For this saying} (\dia touton ton logon\). She had faith, great faith as strkjv@Matthew:15:28| shows, but it was her quick and bright repartee that pleased Jesus. He had missed his rest, but it was worth it to answer a call like this.

rwp@Mark:7:30 @{And the demon gone out} (\kai to daimonion exelˆluthos\). This was her crumb from the children's table. The perfect active participle expresses the state of completion. The demon was gone for good and all.

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