
rwp@Mark:8:22 @{Unto Bethsaida} (\eis Bˆthsaidan\). On the Eastern side not far from the place of the feeding of the five thousand, Bethsaida Julias. Note dramatic presents {they come} (\erchontai\), {they bring} (\pherousin\). This incident in Mark alone (verses 22-26|).

rwp@Mark:8:23 @{Brought him out of the village} (\exˆnegken auton ex“ tˆs k“mˆs\). It had been a village, but Philip had enlarged it and made it a town or city (\polis\), though still called a village (verses 23,26|). As in the case of the deaf and dumb demoniac given also alone by Mark (Mark:7:31-37|), so here Jesus observes the utmost secrecy in performing the miracle for reasons not given by Mark. It was the season of retirement and Jesus is making the fourth withdrawal from Galilee. That fact may explain it. The various touches here are of interest also. Jesus led him out by the hand, put spittle on his eyes (using the poetical and _Koin‚_ papyri word \ommata\ instead of the usual \opthalmous\), and laid his hands upon him, perhaps all this to help the man's faith.

rwp@Mark:8:24 @{I see men, for I behold them as trees walking} (\Blep“ tous anthr“pous hoti h“s dendra hor“ peripatountas\). A vivid description of dawning sight. His vision was incomplete though he could tell that they were men because they were walking. This is the single case of a gradual cure in the healings wrought by Jesus. The reason for this method in this case is not given.

rwp@Mark:8:25 @{He looked steadfastly} (\dieblepsen\). He saw thoroughly now, effective aorist (\dieblepsen\), he was completely restored (\apekatestˆ\, second aorist, double compound and double augment), and kept on seeing (\eneblepen\, imperfect, continued action) all things clearly or at a distance (\tˆlaug“s\, common Greek word from \tˆle\, afar, and \augˆ\, radiance, far-shining). Some manuscripts (margin in Westcott and Hort) read \dˆlaug“s\, from \dˆlos\, plain, and \augˆ\, radiance.

rwp@Mark:8:26 @{To his home} (\eis oikon autou\). A joyful homecoming that. He was not allowed to enter the village and create excitement before Jesus moved on to Caesarea Philippi.

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