
rwp@Revelation:21:1 @{A new heaven and a new earth} (\ouranon kainon kai gˆn kainˆn\). This new vision (\eidon\) is the picture of the bliss of the saints. {The first heaven and the first earth} (\ho pr“tos ouranos kai hˆ pr“tˆ gˆ\) {are passed away} (\apˆlthan\, went away, second aorist active indicative of \aperchomai\). "Fled away" (\ephugen\) in strkjv@20:11|. {And the sea is no more} (\kai hˆ thalassa ouk estin eti\). The sea had given up its dead (20:13|). There were great risks on the sea (18:17ff.|). The old physical world is gone in this vision. It is not a picture of renovation of this earth, but of the disappearance of this earth and sky (not heaven where God dwells). It is a glorious picture here in strkjv@21:1-8| in sharp contrast to the lake of fire in strkjv@20:11-15|. The symbolism in neither case is to be pressed too literally, but a stern and a glorious reality exists behind it all.

rwp@Revelation:21:2 @{The holy city, new Jerusalem} (\tˆn polin tˆn hagian Ierousalˆm kainˆn\). "The New Earth must have a new metropolis, not another Babylon, but another and greater Jerusalem" (Swete), and not the old Jerusalem which was destroyed A.D. 70. It was called the Holy City in a conventional way (Matthew:4:5; strkjv@27:53|), but now in reality because it is new and fresh (\kainˆn\), this heavenly Jerusalem of hope (Hebrews:12:22|), this Jerusalem above (Galatians:4:26ff.|) where our real citizenship is (Phillipians:3:20|). {Coming down out of heaven from God} (\katabainousan ek tou ouranou apo tou theou\). Glorious picture caught by John and repeated from strkjv@3:12| and again in strkjv@21:10|. But Charles distinguishes this new city of God from that in strkjv@21:9-22:2| because there is no tree of life in this one. But one shrinks from too much manipulation of this symbolism. It is better to see the glorious picture with John and let it tell its own story. {Made ready} (\hˆtoimasmenˆn\). Perfect passive participle of \hetoimaz“\ as in strkjv@19:7|. The Wife of the Lamb made herself ready in her bridal attire. {As a bride adorned} (\h“s numphˆn kekosmˆmenˆn\). Perfect passive participle of \kosme“\, old verb (from \kosmos\ ornament like our cosmetics), as in strkjv@21:19|. Only here the figure of bride is not the people of God as in strkjv@19:7|, but the abode of the people of God (the New Jerusalem). {For her husband} (\t“i andri autˆs\). Dative case of personal interest.

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