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diaglotnt@Matthew:1:24 @ Being aroused and the Joseph from the sleep, he did as commanded to him the messenger of a Lord, and took the wife of him,

diaglotnt@Matthew:2:11 @ and being come into the house, they saw the infant with Mary the mother of it, and falling down did homage to it, and opening the treasuries of them, they offered to it gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:3 @ He but said to them: Not have you known, what did David, when he was hungry, and those with him?

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:4 @ how he entered in the house of the God, and the loaves of the presence did eat, which not lawful was to him to eat, neither to those with him, except the priests alone?

diaglotnt@Matthew:13:27 @ Coming and the slaves of the householder, said to him: O lord, not good seed didst thou sow in the thy field? whence then has it darnel?

diaglotnt@Matthew:13:58 @ And not he did do there mighty works many, because of the unbelief of them.

diaglotnt@Matthew:14:31 @ Immediately and the Jesus stretching out the hand, took hold of him, and says to him: O distrustful man, for why didst thou doubt?

diaglotnt@Matthew:16:12 @ Then they understood, that not he did say beware of the leaven of the bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

diaglotnt@Matthew:17:24 @ Having arrived and of them at Capernaum, came those the didrachmas receiving to the Peter, and said: The teacher of you not pays the didrachmas?

diaglotnt@Matthew:19:7 @ They say to him: Why then Moses did enjoin to give a scroll of separation, and to release her?

diaglotnt@Matthew:20:5 @ Again going out about sixth and ninth hour, he did in like manner.

diaglotnt@Matthew:20:13 @ He but answering said to one of them: Friend, not I wrong thee; not of a denarius didst thou agree to me?

diaglotnt@Matthew:20:31 @ The and crowd reproved them, that they might be silent. They but more did cry out, saying: Pity us, O lord, son of David.

diaglotnt@Matthew:21:9 @ The and crowds those going before and those following did cry, saying: Hosanna to the son of David; worthy of blessing he coming in name of Lord; hosanna in the highest.

diaglotnt@Matthew:21:15 @ Having seen but the high–priests and the scribes the wonders, which he did, and the boys crying in the temple, and saying: Hosanna to the son of David; they were angry,

diaglotnt@Matthew:21:25 @ the dipping of John whence was? from heaven, or from men? They and reasoned among themselves, saying: If we should say, from heaven; he will say to us: Why then not did you believe to him?

diaglotnt@Matthew:21:31 @ Who of the two did the will of the father? They say to him: The first. Says to them the Jesus: Indeed I say to you, that the tax–gatherers and the harlots go before you in the kingdom of the God.

diaglotnt@Matthew:21:36 @ Again he sent other slaves, greater the first; and they did to them in like manner.

diaglotnt@Matthew:22:12 @ and he says to him: Friend, how didst thou enter here, not having a garment of marriage? He but was struck speechless.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:5 @ Delaying and the bridegroom, nodded all, and did sleep.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:26 @ Answering and the lord of him said to him: O wicked slave and slothful, didst thou know, that I reap where not I sowed, and gather whence not I scattered?

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:40 @ And answering the king will say to them: Indeed I say to you, in whatever you did, to one of these of the brothers of me of the least, to me you did.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:45 @ Then he will answer them, saying: Indeed I say to you, in as much not you did to one of these of the least, neither to me you did.

diaglotnt@Matthew:26:12 @ Having cast for she the balsam this upon the body of me, to the to prepare for burial me she did.

diaglotnt@Matthew:26:13 @ Indeed I say to you, wherever may be published the glad tidings this, in whole the world, shall be spoken also what did she, for a memorial of her.

diaglotnt@Matthew:26:16 @ And from then he did seek opportunity, that him he might deliver up.

diaglotnt@Matthew:26:19 @ And did the disciples as commanded to them the Jesus; and they prepared the passover.

diaglotnt@Matthew:26:26 @ Eating and of them, having taken the Jesus the loaf and having blessed, broke, and did give to the disciples, and said: Take you, eat you; This is the body of me.

diaglotnt@Matthew:26:55 @ In that the hour said the Jesus to the crowds: As upon a robber came you out with swords and clubs, to take me; every day with you I did sit teaching in the temple, and not you seized me.

diaglotnt@Matthew:28:15 @ They and having received the pieces of silver, did as they were taught. And is spread abroad the word this among Jews till the day.

diaglotnt@Mark:2:25 @ And he said to them: Never have you known, what did David, when need he had, and was hungry, he and those with him?

diaglotnt@Mark:2:26 @ How he went into the house of the God, to Abiathar of the high–priest, and the loaves of the presence did eat, which not is lawful to eat if not the priests, and he gave also to those with him being?

diaglotnt@Mark:3:8 @ and from the Idumea, and beyond the Jordan, and those about Tyre and Sidon, a multitude great, having heard what things he did, came to him.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:20 @ The for Herod feared the John, knowing him a man just and holy; and protected him; and hearing him, many things he did, and gladly him he heard.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:30 @ And were assembled the apostles to the Jesus, and reported to him all, and what they did, and what they taught.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:32 @ They but did not understand the word, and were afraid him to ask.

diaglotnt@Mark:10:3 @ He and answering said to them: What to you did enjoin Moses?

diaglotnt@Mark:11:9 @ And those going before and those following did cry, saying: Hosanna; worthy of blessing be coming in name of Lord;

diaglotnt@Mark:11:21 @ And remembering the Peter, says to him: Rabbi, lo, the fig–tree, which thou didst curse, has been withered.

diaglotnt@Mark:11:31 @ And they reasoned among themselves, saying: If we should say: From heaven, he will say: Why then not did you believe him?

diaglotnt@Mark:14:9 @ Indeed I say to you, wherever may be published the glad tidings this in whole the world, also what she did this shall be spoken, for a memorial of her.

diaglotnt@Mark:15:8 @ And crying out the crowd began to demand, as always he did to them.

diaglotnt@Mark:15:19 @ And they struck of him the head with a reed, and spit upon him, and placing the knees did homage to him.

diaglotnt@Mark:16:11 @ And those having heard that he was alive and had been seen by her, they did not believe.

diaglotnt@Mark:16:13 @ And those having gone brought back word to the rest; neither to them did they give credit.

diaglotnt@Luke:2:49 @ And he said to them: Why for did you seek me? not know you, that in the of the father of me must to be me?

diaglotnt@Luke:6:3 @ And answering to them said the Jesus: Not even this have you read, what did David, when he was hungry he and those with him being?

diaglotnt@Luke:6:10 @ And looking around on all them, he said to him: Stretch out the hand of thee. He and did; and was restored the hand of him as the other.

diaglotnt@Luke:6:23 @ Rejoice you in that the day, and leap you for joy; lo for, the reward of you great in the heaven; according to these for did to the prophets the fathers of them.

diaglotnt@Luke:6:26 @ Woe, when well you may speak the men; according to these for did to the false–prophets the fathers of them.

diaglotnt@Luke:7:46 @ With oil the head of me not thou didst anoint; she but with balsam anointed the feet of me.

diaglotnt@Luke:9:15 @ And they did so, and they made recline all.

diaglotnt@Luke:9:43 @ Were amazed and all at the majesty of the God. All and were wondering on all which did the Jesus, he said to the disciples of himself:

diaglotnt@Luke:9:54 @ Seeing and the disciples of him, James and John, said: O Lord, wilt thou we speak fire to come down from the heaven, and to consume them, as even Elias did?

diaglotnt@Luke:14:22 @ And said the slave: O lord, it is done as thou didst order, and still room is.

diaglotnt@Luke:16:25 @ Said and Abraham: O child, remember, that thou didst receive the things good of thee in the life of the, and Lazarus in like manner the things bad; now but this is comforted, thou and art in pain.

diaglotnt@Luke:17:9 @ Not favor has the slave that, because he did the things having been commanded? No I think.

diaglotnt@Luke:19:21 @ I feared for thee, because a man harsh thou art; thou takest up, what not thou didst lay down, and thou reapest, what not thou didst sow.

diaglotnt@Luke:20:5 @ They and reasoned among themselves, saying: That if we would say: From heaven he will say: Why then not did you believe him?

diaglotnt@Luke:22:53 @ every day being of me with you in the temple, not you did stretch out the hands on me; but this of you it is the hour, and the authority of the darkness.

diaglotnt@Luke:23:11 @ Having despised and him the Herod with the soldiers of himself, and having mocked, casting around him a robe splendid, sent again him to the Pilate.

diaglotnt@John:2:11 @ This did the beginning of the signs the Jesus in Cana of the Galilee, and manifested the glory of himself; and believed into him the disciples of him.

diaglotnt@John:2:23 @ When and was in the Jerusalem at the passover at the feast, many believed into the name of him, beholding of him the signs which he did.

diaglotnt@John:4:17 @ Answered the woman and said: Not I have a husband. Says to her the Jesus: Rightly thou didst say: That a husband not I have.

diaglotnt@John:4:29 @ Come you, see a man, who told me all what I did; not this is the Anointed?

diaglotnt@John:4:39 @ Out of and the city that many believed into him of the Samaritans, through the word of the woman, testifying: That he told me all what I did.

diaglotnt@John:4:45 @ When therefore he came into the Galilee, received him the Galileans, all having seen what he did in Jerusalem at the feast; also themselves for came to the feast.

diaglotnt@John:4:54 @ This again a second sign did the Jesus, having come out of the Judea into the Galilee.

diaglotnt@John:5:16 @ And through this persecuted the Jesus the Jews, because these he did in a sabbath.

diaglotnt@John:6:14 @ The therefore men seeing what did a sign the Jesus, said: That this is truly the prophet, he coming into the world.

diaglotnt@John:6:25 @ And finding him beyond the sea, they said to him: Rabbi, when here didst thou come?

diaglotnt@John:7:21 @ Answered the Jesus and said to them: One work I did, and all you wonder because of this.

diaglotnt@John:7:26 @ and lo, boldly he is talking, and nothing to him they say; not truly did know the rulers, that this is the Anointed?

diaglotnt@John:7:31 @ Many and out of the crowd believed into him, and said: That the Anointed when he may come, not more signs of these will do, which he did?

diaglotnt@John:7:45 @ Came therefore the officers to the high–priests and Pharisees. And said to them these: Why not did you bring him?

diaglotnt@John:8:40 @ Now but you seek me to kill, a man, who the truth to you has spoken, which I have heard from the God; this Abraham not did. You do the works of the father of you.

diaglotnt@John:9:26 @ They said and to him again: What did he to thee? how opened of thee the eyes?

diaglotnt@John:9:27 @ He answered them: I said to you already, and not you did hear; why again do you wish to hear? not also you wish of him disciples to be?

diaglotnt@John:10:41 @ And many came to him, and said: That John indeed a sign did not one; all but what things said John concerning this, true was.

diaglotnt@John:11:41 @ They took away then the stone. The but Jesus lifted up the eyes above, and said: O Father, I give thanks to thee, that thou didst hear me.

diaglotnt@John:11:45 @ Many therefore of the Jews, those having come to the Mary, and having gazed upon what he did, believed into him.

diaglotnt@John:11:46 @ Some but of them went to the Pharisees, and told them what did the Jesus.

diaglotnt@John:12:16 @ These things now not knew the disciples of him the first; but when was glorified the Jesus, then they remembered, that these things was about him having been written, and these things they did to him.

diaglotnt@John:12:37 @ So many but of him signs having been done in presence of them not they did believe into him;

diaglotnt@John:12:42 @ Nevertheless truly and of the rulers many believed into him; but on account of the Pharisees not did confess, so that not from synagogues they might be;

diaglotnt@John:13:15 @ An example for I gave to you, that as I did to you, also you should do.

diaglotnt@John:15:16 @ Not you me did choose, but I chose you, and appointed you, that you might go and fruit might bear, and the fruit of you might abide; so that whatever you may ask the Father in the name of me, he may give to you.

diaglotnt@John:16:30 @ Now we know, that thou knowest all things, and no need has, that any one thee should ask; in this we believe, that from God thou didst come out.

diaglotnt@John:17:8 @ because the words which thou hast given me, I have given to them; and they received, and knew truly, that thou thee I came out, and believed, that thou me didst send.

diaglotnt@John:17:18 @ As me thou didst send into the world, also I sent them into the world.

diaglotnt@John:17:21 @ That all one may be; as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee, that also they in us one may be; that the world may believe, that thou me didst send.

diaglotnt@John:17:23 @ (I in them, and thou in me); that they may be perfected into one, and that may know the world, that thou me didst send, and thou didst love them, as me thou didst love.

diaglotnt@John:17:24 @ O Father, whom thou given to me, I wish, that where am I, also they may be with me; that they may behold the glory the mine, which thou didst give to me, because thou didst love me before a laying down of a world.

diaglotnt@John:17:25 @ O Father righteous, and the world thee not knew; I but thee knew, and these knew that thou me didst send.

diaglotnt@John:17:26 @ And I made known to them the name of thee, and will make known; that the love which thou didst love me, in them may be, and I in them.

diaglotnt@John:18:35 @ Answered the Pilate: Not I a Jew am? the nation the thine and high–priests delivered up thee to me; what didst thou do?

diaglotnt@John:19:24 @ they said then to each other: Not let us tear him, but we may cast lots about him, of whom it shall be. That the writing might be fulfilled that saying: They divided the mantles of me for themselves, and on the raiment of me they cast a lot. The indeed therefore soldiers these things did.

diaglotnt@John:20:15 @ Says to her the Jesus: O woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, supposing that the gardener it is, says to him: O sir, if thou didst carry off him, tell me where thou didst lay him, and I him will take away.

diaglotnt@John:20:30 @ Many indeed then and other signs did the Jesus in presence of the disciples of him, which not it is having been written in the book this.

diaglotnt@John:21:18 @ Indeed indeed I say to thee, when thou wast younger, thou didst gird thyself, and didst walk where thou didst wish; when but thou art old, thou wilt stretch out the hands of thee, and another thee will gird, and will carry where not thou wishest.

diaglotnt@John:21:25 @ Is and also other many things did the Jesus, which if they should be written every one, not even him I suppose the world to contain the being written books.

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