NT-GOSPEL.filter - strkjv shew:

strkjv@Matthew:4:8 @ Again, the devil taketh him up (5719) into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth (5719) him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

strkjv@Matthew:8:4 @ And Jesus saith (5719) unto him, See (5720) thou tell (5632) no man; but go thy way (5720), shew (5657) thyself to the priest, and offer (5628) the gift that Moses commanded (5656), for a testimony unto them.

strkjv@Matthew:11:4 @ Jesus answered (5679) and said (5627) unto them, Go (5679) and shew John again (5657) those things which ye do hear (5719) and see (5719):

strkjv@Matthew:12:4 @ How he entered into (5627) the house of God, and did eat (5627) the shewbread , which was (5713) not lawful (5752) for him to eat (5629), neither for them which were with him, but only for the priests?

strkjv@Matthew:12:18 @ Behold (5628) my servant, whom I have chosen (5656); my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased (5656): I will put (5692) my spirit upon him, and he shall shew (5692) judgment to the Gentiles.

strkjv@Matthew:14:2 @ And said (5627) unto his servants, This is (5748) John the Baptist; he is risen (5681) from the dead; and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves (5719) in him.

strkjv@Matthew:16:1 @ The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came (5631), and tempting (5723) desired (5656) him that he would shew (5658) them a sign from heaven.

strkjv@Matthew:16:21 @ From that time forth began (5662) Jesus to shew (5721) unto his disciples, how that he must (5748) go (5629) unto Jerusalem, and suffer (5629) many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed (5683), and be raised again (5683) the third day.

strkjv@Matthew:22:19 @ Shew (5657) me the tribute money. And they brought (5656) unto him a penny.

strkjv@Matthew:24:1 @ And Jesus went out (5631), and departed (5711) from the temple: and his disciples came (5656) to him for to shew (5658) him the buildings of the temple.

strkjv@Matthew:24:24 @ For there shall arise (5701) false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew (5692) great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive (5658) the very elect.

strkjv@Matthew:28:11 @ Now when they were going (5740), behold (5628), some of the watch came (5631) into the city, and shewed (5656) unto the chief priests all the things that were done (5637).

strkjv@Mark:1:44 @ And saith (5719) unto him, See (5720) thou say (5632) nothing to any man: but go thy way (5720), shew (5657) thyself to the priest, and offer (5628) for thy cleansing those things which Moses commanded (5656), for a testimony unto them.

strkjv@Mark:2:26 @ How he went (5627) into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest, and did eat (5627) the shewbread , which is not lawful (5748) to eat (5629) but for the priests, and gave (5656) also to them which were (5752) with him?

strkjv@Mark:6:14 @ And king Herod heard (5656) of him; (for his name was (5633) spread abroad:) and he said (5707), That John the Baptist (5723) was risen (5681) from the dead, and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves (5719) in him.

strkjv@Mark:13:22 @ For false Christs and false prophets shall rise (5701), and shall shew (5692) signs and wonders, to seduce (5721), if it were possible, even the elect.

strkjv@Mark:14:15 @ And he will shew (5692) you a large upper room furnished (5772) and prepared: there make ready (5657) for us.

strkjv@Luke:1:19 @ And the angel answering (5679) said (5627) unto him, I am (5748) Gabriel, that stand (5761) in the presence of God; and am sent (5648) to speak (5658) unto thee, and to shew thee these glad tidings (5670).

strkjv@Luke:1:51 @ He hath shewed (5656) strength with his arm; he hath scattered (5656) the proud in the imagination of their hearts.

strkjv@Luke:1:58 @ And her neighbours and her cousins heard (5656) how the Lord had shewed great (5707) mercy upon her; and they rejoiced (5707) with her.

strkjv@Luke:1:80 @ And the child grew (5707), and waxed strong (5712) in spirit, and was (5713) in the deserts till the day of his shewing unto Israel.

strkjv@Luke:4:5 @ And the devil, taking him up (5631) into an high mountain, shewed (5656) unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

strkjv@Luke:5:14 @ And he charged (5656) him to tell (5629) no man: but go (5631), and shew (5657) thyself to the priest, and offer (5628) for thy cleansing, according as Moses commanded (5656), for a testimony unto them.

strkjv@Luke:6:4 @ How he went (5627) into the house of God, and did take (5627) and eat (5627) the shewbread , and gave (5656) also to them that were with him; which it is not lawful (5748) to eat (5629) but for the priests alone?

strkjv@Luke:6:47 @ Whosoever cometh (5740) to me, and heareth (5723) my sayings, and doeth (5723) them, I will shew (5692) you to whom he is (5748) like:

strkjv@Luke:7:18 @ And the disciples of John shewed (5656) him of all these things.

strkjv@Luke:8:1 @ And it came to pass (5633) afterward , that he went (5707) throughout every city and village, preaching (5723) and shewing the glad tidings (5734) of the kingdom of God: and the twelve were with him,

strkjv@Luke:8:39 @ Return (5720) to thine own house, and shew (5737) how great things God hath done (5656) unto thee. And he went his way (5627), and published (5723) throughout the whole city how great things Jesus had done (5656) unto him.

strkjv@Luke:10:37 @ And he said (5627), He that shewed (5660) mercy on him. Then said (5627) Jesus unto him, Go (5737), and do (5720) thou likewise.

strkjv@Luke:14:21 @ So that servant came (5637), and shewed (5656) his lord these things. Then the master of the house being angry (5685) said (5627) to his servant, Go out (5628) quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in (5628) hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind.

strkjv@Luke:17:14 @ And when he saw (5631) them, he said (5627) unto them, Go (5679) shew (5657) yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass (5633), that, as they went (5721), they were cleansed (5681).

strkjv@Luke:20:24 @ Shew (5657) me a penny. Whose image and superscription hath it (5719)? They answered (5679) and said (5627), Caesars.

strkjv@Luke:20:37 @ Now that the dead are raised (5743), even Moses shewed (5656) at the bush, when he calleth (5719) the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.

strkjv@Luke:20:47 @ Which devour (5719) widows houses, and for a shew make long prayers (5736): the same shall receive (5695) greater damnation.

strkjv@Luke:22:12 @ And he shall shew (5692) you a large upper room furnished (5772): there make ready (5657).

strkjv@Luke:24:40 @ And when he had thus spoken (5631), he shewed (5656) them his hands and his feet.

strkjv@John:2:18 @ Then answered (5662) the Jews and said (5627) unto him, What sign shewest thou (5719) unto us, seeing that thou doest (5719) these things?

strkjv@John:5:20 @ For the Father loveth (5719) the Son, and sheweth (5719) him all things that himself doeth (5719): and he will shew (5692) him greater works than these, that ye may marvel (5725).

strkjv@John:6:30 @ They said (5627) therefore unto him, What sign shewest (5719) thou then, that we may see (5632), and believe (5661) thee? what dost thou work (5736)?

strkjv@John:7:4 @ For there is no man that doeth (5719) any thing in secret, and he himself seeketh (5719) to be (5750) known openly . If thou do (5719) these things, shew (5657) thyself to the world.

strkjv@John:10:32 @ Jesus answered (5662) them, Many good works have I shewed (5656) you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone (5719) me?

strkjv@John:11:57 @ Now both the chief priests and the Pharisees had given (5715) a commandment, that, if any man knew (5632) where he were (5748), he should shew (5661) it, that they might take (5661) him.

strkjv@John:14:8 @ Philip saith (5719) unto him, Lord, shew (5657) us the Father, and it sufficeth (5719) us.

strkjv@John:14:9 @ Jesus saith (5719) unto him, Have I been (5748) so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known (5758) me, Philip? he that hath seen (5761) me hath seen (5758) the Father; and how sayest (5719) thou then, Shew (5657) us the Father?

strkjv@John:16:13 @ Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come (5632), he will guide (5692) you into all truth: for he shall not speak (5692) of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear (5661), that shall he speak (5692): and he will shew (5692) you things to come (5740).

strkjv@John:16:14 @ He shall glorify (5692) me: for he shall receive (5695) of mine, and shall shew (5692) it unto you.

strkjv@John:16:15 @ All things that the Father hath (5719) are (5748) mine: therefore said I (5627), that he shall take (5695) of mine, and shall shew (5692) it unto you.

strkjv@John:16:25 @ These things have I spoken (5758) unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh (5736), when I shall no more speak (5692) unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew (5692) you plainly of the Father.

strkjv@John:20:20 @ And when he had so said (5631), he shewed (5656) unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad (5644), when they saw (5631) the Lord.

strkjv@John:21:1 @ After these things Jesus shewed (5656) himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise shewed (5656) he himself.

strkjv@John:21:14 @ This is now the third time that Jesus shewed himself (5681) to his disciples, after that he was risen (5685) from the dead.