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NT.filter - diaglotnt removal:

diaglotnt@Matthew:1:11 @ Josias and begot the Jechonias and the brothers of him, near the removal Babylonian.

diaglotnt@Matthew:1:12 @ After the removal Babylonian, Jechonias begot the Salathiel. Salathiel and begot the Zorobabel;

diaglotnt@Matthew:1:17 @ All then the generations from Abraham till David, generations fourteen; and from David till the removal Babylonian, generations fourteen; and from the removal of Babylonian till Anointed, generations fourteen.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:9:26 @ (since it was necessary him often to have suffered from a laying down of a world;) now but once for all at an end of the ages, for a removal of sin by means of the sacrifice of himself he has been manifested.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:12:27 @ The but, yet once for all denotes of the things being shaken the removal, as of things having been made, so that may remain the not things being shaken.

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