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OT-POET.filter - ylt born:

ylt@Job:1:2 @And there are borne to him seven sons and three daughters,

ylt@Job:1:13 @And the day is, that his sons and his daughters are eating, and drinking wine, in the house of their brother, the first-born.

ylt@Job:1:18 @While this [one] is speaking another also hath come and saith, 'Thy sons and thy daughters are eating, and drinking wine, in the house of their brother, the first-born.

ylt@Job:3:3 @Let the day perish in which I am born, And the night that hath said: 'A man-child hath been conceived.'

ylt@Job:5:7 @For man to misery is born, And the sparks go high to fly.

ylt@Job:11:12 @And empty man is bold, And the colt of a wild ass man is born.

ylt@Job:14:1 @Man, born of woman! Of few days, and full of trouble!

ylt@Job:15:7 @The first man art thou born? And before the heights wast thou formed?

ylt@Job:15:14 @What [is] man that he is pure, And that he is righteous, one born of woman?

ylt@Job:18:13 @It consumeth the parts of his skin, Consume his parts doth death's first-born.

ylt@Job:25:4 @And what? is man righteous with God? And what? is he pure -- born of a woman?

ylt@Job:38:21 @Thou hast known -- for then thou art born And the number of thy days [are] many!

ylt@Psalms:22:31 @They come and declare His righteousness, To a people that is borne, that He hath made!

ylt@Psalms:69:7 @For because of Thee I have borne reproach, Shame hath covered my face.

ylt@Psalms:78:6 @So that a later generation doth know, Sons who are born, do rise and recount to their sons,

ylt@Psalms:78:51 @And He smiteth every first-born in Egypt, The first-fruit of the strong in tents of Ham.

ylt@Psalms:85:2 @Thou hast borne away the iniquity of Thy people, Thou hast covered all their sin. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:87:4 @I mention Rahab and Babel to those knowing Me, Lo, Philistia, and Tyre, with Cush! This [one] was born there.

ylt@Psalms:87:5 @And of Zion it is said: Each one was born in her, And He, the Most High, doth establish her.

ylt@Psalms:87:6 @Jehovah doth recount in the describing of the peoples, 'This [one] was born there.' Selah.

ylt@Psalms:88:15 @I [am] afflicted, and expiring from youth, I have borne Thy terrors -- I pine away.

ylt@Psalms:89:27 @I also first-born do appoint him, Highest of the kings of the earth.

ylt@Psalms:89:50 @Remember, O Lord, the reproach of Thy servants, I have borne in my bosom all the strivings of the peoples,

ylt@Psalms:105:36 @And He smiteth every first-born in their land, The first-fruit of all their strength,

ylt@Psalms:135:8 @Who smote the first-born of Egypt, From man unto beast.

ylt@Psalms:136:10 @To Him smiting Egypt in their first-born, For to the age [is] His kindness.

ylt@Proverbs:7:11 @Noisy she [is], and stubborn, In her house her feet rest not.

ylt@Proverbs:11:22 @A ring of gold in the nose of a sow -- A fair woman and stubborn of behaviour.

ylt@Proverbs:17:17 @At all times is the friend loving, And a brother for adversity is born.

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