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OT-POET.filter - ylt days:

ylt@Job:1:5 @and it cometh to pass, when they have gone round the days of the banquet, that Job doth send and sanctify them, and hath risen early in the morning, and caused to ascend burnt-offerings -- the number of them all -- for Job said, 'Perhaps my sons have sinned, yet blessed God in their heart.' Thus doth Job all the days.

ylt@Job:2:13 @And they sit with him on the earth seven days and seven nights, and there is none speaking unto him a word when they have seen that the pain hath been very great.

ylt@Job:3:5 @Let darkness and death-shade redeem it, Let a cloud tabernacle upon it, Let them terrify it as the most bitter of days.

ylt@Job:3:6 @That night -- let thick darkness take it, Let it not be united to days of the year, Into the number of months let it not come.

ylt@Job:7:1 @Is there not a warfare to man on earth? And as the days of an hireling his days?

ylt@Job:7:6 @My days swifter than a weaving machine, And they are consumed without hope.

ylt@Job:7:16 @I have wasted away -- not to the age do I live. Cease from me, for my days [are] vanity.

ylt@Job:8:9 @(For of yesterday we [are], and we know not, For a shadow [are] our days on earth.)

ylt@Job:9:25 @My days have been swifter than a runner, They have fled, they have not seen good,

ylt@Job:10:5 @As the days of man [are] Thy days? Thy years as the days of a man?

ylt@Job:10:20 @Are not my days few? Cease then, and put from me, And I brighten up a little,

ylt@Job:12:12 @With the very aged [is] wisdom, And [with] length of days understanding.

ylt@Job:14:1 @Man, born of woman! Of few days, and full of trouble!

ylt@Job:14:5 @If determined are his days, The number of his months [are] with Thee, His limit Thou hast made, And he passeth not over;

ylt@Job:14:14 @If a man dieth -- doth he revive? All days of my warfare I wait, till my change come.

ylt@Job:15:10 @Both the gray-headed And the very aged [are] among us -- Greater than thy father [in] days.

ylt@Job:15:20 @'All days of the wicked he is paining himself, And few years have been laid up for the terrible one.

ylt@Job:17:1 @My spirit hath been destroyed, My days extinguished -- graves [are] for me.

ylt@Job:17:11 @My days have passed by, My devices have been broken off, The possessions of my heart!

ylt@Job:21:13 @They wear out in good their days, And in a moment [to] Sheol go down.

ylt@Job:24:1 @Wherefore from the Mighty One Times have not been hidden, And those knowing Him have not seen His days.

ylt@Job:29:2 @Who doth make me as [in] months past, As [in] the days of God's preserving me?

ylt@Job:29:4 @As I have been in days of my maturity, And the counsel of God upon my tent.

ylt@Job:29:18 @And I say, 'With my nest I expire, And as the sand I multiply days.'

ylt@Job:30:1 @And now, laughed at me, Have the younger in days than I, Whose fathers I have loathed to set With the dogs of my flock.

ylt@Job:30:16 @And now, in me my soul poureth itself out, Seize me do days of affliction.

ylt@Job:30:27 @My bowels have boiled, and have not ceased, Gone before me have days of affliction.

ylt@Job:32:4 @And Elihu hath waited earnestly beside Job with words, for they are older than he in days.

ylt@Job:32:6 @And Elihu son of Barachel the Buzite answereth and saith: -- Young I [am] in days, and ye [are] age Therefore I have feared, And am afraid of shewing you my opinion.

ylt@Job:32:7 @I said: Days do speak, And multitude of years teach wisdom.

ylt@Job:33:25 @Fresher [is] his flesh than a child's, He returneth to the days of his youth.

ylt@Job:36:11 @If they do hear and serve, They complete their days in good, And their years in pleasantness.

ylt@Job:38:12 @Hast thou commanded morning since thy days? Causest thou the dawn to know its place?

ylt@Job:38:21 @Thou hast known -- for then thou art born And the number of thy days [are] many!

ylt@Job:42:17 @and Job dieth, aged and satisfied [with] days.

ylt@Psalms:21:4 @Life he hath asked from Thee, Thou hast given to him -- length of days, Age-during -- and for ever.

ylt@Psalms:23:6 @Only -- goodness and kindness pursue me, All the days of my life, And my dwelling [is] in the house of Jehovah, For a length of days!

ylt@Psalms:27:4 @One [thing] I asked of Jehovah -- it I seek. My dwelling in the house of Jehovah, All the days of my life, To look on the pleasantness of Jehovah, And to inquire in His temple.

ylt@Psalms:34:12 @Who [is] the man that is desiring life? Loving days to see good?

ylt@Psalms:37:18 @Jehovah knoweth the days of the perfect, And their inheritance is -- to the age.

ylt@Psalms:37:19 @They are not ashamed in a time of evil, And in days of famine they are satisfied.

ylt@Psalms:39:4 @'Cause me to know, O Jehovah, mine end, And the measure of my days -- what it [is],' I know how frail I [am].

ylt@Psalms:39:5 @Lo, handbreadths Thou hast made my days, And mine age [is] as nothing before Thee, Only, all vanity [is] every man set up. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:44:1 @To the Overseer. -- By sons of Korah. An Instruction. O God, with our ears we have heard, Our fathers have recounted to us, The work Thou didst work in their days, In the days of old.

ylt@Psalms:49:5 @Why do I fear in days of evil? The iniquity of my supplanters doth compass me.

ylt@Psalms:55:23 @And Thou, O God, dost bring them down To a pit of destruction, Men of blood and deceit reach not to half their days, And I -- I do trust in Thee!

ylt@Psalms:61:6 @Days to the days of the king Thou addest, His years as generation and generation.

ylt@Psalms:72:7 @Flourish in his days doth the righteous, And abundance of peace till the moon is not.

ylt@Psalms:77:5 @I have reckoned the days of old, The years of the ages.

ylt@Psalms:78:33 @And He consumeth in vanity their days, And their years in trouble.

ylt@Psalms:89:29 @And I have set his seed for ever, And his throne as the days of the heavens.

ylt@Psalms:89:45 @Thou hast shortened the days of his youth, Hast covered him over [with] shame. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:90:9 @For all our days pined away in Thy wrath, We consumed our years as a meditation.

ylt@Psalms:90:10 @Days of our years, in them [are] seventy years, And if, by reason of might, eighty years, Yet [is] their enlargement labour and vanity, For it hath been cut off hastily, and we fly away.

ylt@Psalms:90:12 @To number our days aright let [us] know, And we bring the heart to wisdom.

ylt@Psalms:90:14 @Satisfy us at morn [with] Thy kindness, And we sing and rejoice all our days.

ylt@Psalms:90:15 @Cause us to rejoice according to the days Wherein Thou hast afflicted us, The years we have seen evil.

ylt@Psalms:91:16 @With length of days I satisfy him, And I cause him to look on My salvation!

ylt@Psalms:93:5 @Thy testimonies have been very stedfast, To Thy house comely [is] holiness, O Jehovah, for length of days!

ylt@Psalms:94:13 @To give rest to him from days of evil, While a pit is digged for the wicked.

ylt@Psalms:102:3 @For consumed in smoke have been my days, And my bones as a fire-brand have burned.

ylt@Psalms:102:11 @My days as a shadow [are] stretched out, And I -- as the herb I am withered.

ylt@Psalms:102:23 @He hath humbled in the way my power, He hath shortened my days.

ylt@Psalms:102:24 @I say, 'My God, take me not up in the midst of my days,' Through all generations [are] Thine years.

ylt@Psalms:103:15 @Mortal man! as grass [are] his days, As a flower of the field so he flourisheth;

ylt@Psalms:109:8 @His days are few, his oversight another taketh,

ylt@Psalms:116:2 @Because He hath inclined His ear to me, And during my days I call.

ylt@Psalms:119:84 @How many [are] the days of Thy servant? When dost Thou execute Against my pursuers judgment?

ylt@Psalms:128:5 @Jehovah doth bless thee out of Zion, Look, then, on the good of Jerusalem, All the days of thy life,

ylt@Psalms:139:16 @Mine unformed substance Thine eyes saw, And on Thy book all of them are written, The days they were formed -- And not one among them.

ylt@Psalms:143:5 @I have remembered days of old, I have meditated on all Thine acts, On the work of Thy hand I muse.

ylt@Psalms:144:4 @Man to vanity hath been like, His days [are] as a shadow passing by.

ylt@Proverbs:3:2 @For length of days and years, Life and peace they do add to thee.

ylt@Proverbs:3:16 @Length of days [is] in her right hand, In her left [are] wealth and honour.

ylt@Proverbs:9:11 @For by me do thy days multiply, And added to thee are years of life.

ylt@Proverbs:10:27 @The fear of Jehovah addeth days, And the years of the wicked are shortened.

ylt@Proverbs:15:15 @All the days of the afflicted [are] evil, And gladness of heart [is] a perpetual banquet.

ylt@Proverbs:28:16 @A leader lacking understanding multiplieth oppressions, Whoso is hating dishonest gain prolongeth days.

ylt@Proverbs:31:12 @She hath done him good, and not evil, All days of her life.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:3 @I have sought in my heart to draw out with wine my appetite, (and my heart leading in wisdom), and to take hold on folly till that I see where [is] this -- the good to the sons of man of that which they do under the heavens, the number of the days of their lives.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:16 @That there is no remembrance to the wise -- with the fool -- to the age, for that which [is] already, [in] the days that are coming is all forgotten, and how dieth the wise? with the fool!

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:23 @For all his days are sorrows, and his travail sadness; even at night his heart hath not lain down; this also [is] vanity.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:5:17 @Also all his days in darkness he consumeth, and sadness, and wrath, and sickness abound.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:5:18 @Lo, that which I have seen: [It is] good, because beautiful, to eat, and to drink, and to see good in all one's labour that he laboureth at under the sun, the number of the days of his life that God hath given to him, for it [is] his portion.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:5:20 @For he doth not much remember the days of his life, for God is answering through the joy of his heart.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:6:3 @If a man doth beget a hundred, and live many years, and is great, because they are the days of his years, and his soul is not satisfied from the goodness, and also he hath not had a grave, I have said, 'Better than he [is] the untimely birth.'

ylt@Ecclesiastes:6:12 @For who knoweth what [is] good for a man in life, the number of the days of the life of his vanity, and he maketh them as a shadow? for who declareth to man what is after him under the sun?

ylt@Ecclesiastes:7:10 @Say not thou, 'What was it, That the former days were better than these?' For thou hast not asked wisely of this.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:7:15 @The whole I have considered in the days of my vanity. There is a righteous one perishing in his righteousness, and there is a wrong-doer prolonging [himself] in his wrong.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:8:13 @And good is not to the wicked, and he doth not prolong days as a shadow, because he is not fearing before God.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:8:15 @And I have praised mirth because there is no good to man under the sun except to eat and to drink, and to rejoice, and it remaineth with him of his labour the days of his life that God hath given to him under the sun.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:9:9 @See life with the wife whom thou hast loved, all the days of the life of thy vanity, that He hath given to thee under the sun, all the days of thy vanity, for it [is] thy portion in life, even of thy labour that thou art labouring at under the sun.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:11:1 @Send forth thy bread on the face of the waters, For in the multitude of the days thou dost find it.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:11:8 @But, if man liveth many years, In all of them let him rejoice, And remember the days of darkness, For they are many! all that is coming [is] vanity.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:11:9 @Rejoice, O young man, in thy childhood, And let thy heart gladden thee in days of thy youth, And walk in the ways of thy heart, And in the sight of thine eyes, And know thou that for all these, Doth God bring thee into judgment.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:12:1 @Remember also thy Creators in days of thy youth, While that the evil days come not, Nor the years have arrived, that thou sayest, 'I have no pleasure in them.'

ylt@Isaiah:1:1 @The Visions of Isaiah son of Amoz, that he hath seen concerning Judah and Jerusalem, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

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