Indexes Search Result: indexed - black
Found: dict:hitchcock Ahishahur @ brother of the morning or dew; brother of blackness - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Cedron @ black; sad - HITCHCOCK-C

Found: dict:hitchcock Chemarims @ black ones - HITCHCOCK-C

Found: dict:hitchcock Chushan-rishathaim @ blackness of iniquities - HITCHCOCK-C

Found: dict:hitchcock Ethiopia @ blackness; heat - HITCHCOCK-E

Found: dict:hitchcock Kedar @ blackness; sorrow - HITCHCOCK-K

Found: dict:hitchcock Kidron @ obscure; making black or sad - HITCHCOCK-K

Found: dict:hitchcock Kirjath-sannah @ city of enmity, or of a blackberry bush - HITCHCOCK-K

Found: dict:hitchcock Niger @ black - HITCHCOCK-N

Found: dict:hitchcock Shehariah @ mourning or blackness of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Shihor-libnah @ blackness of Libnah - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Sihor @ black; trouble -S(the river Nile) - HITCHCOCK

Found: APRIL10 AM @ I am black, but comely.-gltv@Songs:1:5. gltv@Psalms:51:5. gltv@Ezekiel:16:14 gltv@Luke:5:8. gltv@Songs:4:1 gltv@Job:42:6. gltv@Songs:4:7 gltv@Romans:7:21. gltv@Matthew:9:2 gltv@Romans:7:18. gltv@Colossians:2:10. gltv@Colossians:1:28 gltv@1Corinthians:6:11. gltv@1Peter:2:9.

Found: gltv@Leviticus:11:17 @ Cormorant (large black water bird) - BibleAnimals

Found: gltv@Exodus:3:2 @ Most likely Rubus sanctus blackberry bush Abraham's Bush (Vitex agnus-castus L.; Lamiaceae) - BiblePlants

Found: 1Clement:8:4 <1CLEMENT>@ and He added also a merciful judgment: Repent ye, O house of Israel, of your iniquity; say unto the sons of My people, Though your sins reach from the earth even unto the heaven, and though they be redder than scarlet and blacker than sackcloth, and ye turn unto Me with your whole heart and say Father, I will give ear unto you as unto a holy people.

Found: Hermas:122:10 @ And the beast had on its head four colors; black then fire and blood color, then gold, then white.

Found: Hermas:324:2 @ "Listen," said she; "the black is this world in which ye dwell;

Found: Hermas:178:5 @ The first was black as soot; the second was bare, without vegetation; the third was thorny and full of briars;

Found: Hermas:683:4 @ And when he smote, some of the stones became black as soot, others mildewed, others cracked, others broke off short, others became neither white nor black, others rough and not fitting in with the other stones, and others with many spots; these were the varied aspects of the stones which were found unsound for the building.

Found: Hermas:885:1 @ And so commencing first we began to inspect the black stones; and just as they were when set aside from the building, such also they were found. And the shepherd ordered them to be removed from the tower and to be put on one side.

Found: Hermas:885:2 @ Then he inspected those that were mildewed, and he took and shaped many of them, and ordered the virgins to take them up and put them into the building. And the virgins took them up and placed them in the building of the tower in a middle position. But the rest he ordered to be placed with the black ones; for these also were found black.

Found: Hermas:885:4 @ Then he proceeded to inspect the stunted (stones), and many among them were found black, and some had contracted great cracks; and he ordered these also to be placed with those that had been cast aside. But those of them which remained he cleaned and shaped, and ordered to be placed in the building So the virgins took them up, and fitted them into the middle of the building of the tower; for they were somewhat weak.

Found: Hermas:885:5 @ Then he began to inspect those that were half white and half black, and many of them were (now) found black; and he ordered these also to be taken up with those that had been cast aside. But all the rest were found white, and were taken up by the virgins; for being white they were fitted by the virgins themselves into the building. But they were placed towards the outside, because they were found sound, so that they could hold together those that were placed in the middle; for not a single one of them was too short.

Found: Hermas:885:7 @ Then he proceeded to inspect those that had the spots, and of these some few had turned black and were cast away among the rest; but the remainder were found bright and sound, and these were fitted by the virgins into the building; but they were placed towards the outside, owing to their strength.

Found: Hermas:986:5 @ So twelve women were called, most beautiful in form, clad in black, girded about and having the shoulders bare, with their hair hanging loose. And these women, methought, had a savage look. And the shepherd ordered them to take up the stones which had been cast away from the building, and to carry them off to the same mountains from which also they had been brought;

Found: Hermas:1390:8 @ After a certain time then they were persuaded by the women whom thou sawest clad in black raiment, and having their shoulders bare and their hair loose, and beautiful in form. When they saw them they desired them, and they clothed themselves with their power, but they stripped off from themselves the power of the virgins.

Found: Hermas:1592:1 @ "Declare to me, Sir," say I, "the names of the virgins, and of the women that are clothed in the black garments." "Hear," saith he, "the names of the more powerful virgins, those that are stationed at the corners.

Found: Hermas:1592:3 @ Hear," saith he, "likewise the names of the women that wear the black garments. Of these also four are more powerful than the rest; the first is Unbelief; the second, Intemperance; the third, Disobedience; the fourth, Deceit; and their followers are called, Sadness, Wickedness, Wantonness, Irascibility, Falsehood, Folly, Slander, Hatred. The servant of God that beareth these names shall see the kingdom of God, but shall not enter into it."

Found: Hermas:1996:1 @ "From the first mountain, which was black, they that have believed are such as these; rebels and blasphemers against the Lord, and betrayers of the servants of God. For these there is no repentance, but there is death. For this cause also they are black; for their race is lawless.

Found: Hermas:27[104`:2 @ When then they that believed from this mountain were all found guiltless, the lord of the tower ordered these from the roots of the mountain to be put into the building of the tower. For He knew that if these stones should go into the building of the tower, they would remain bright and not one of them would turn black.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL black @ (1)

Found: black @ kjv@CONCORD:black

Found: blacker @ kjv@CONCORD:blacker

Found: blackish @ kjv@CONCORD:blackish

Found: blackness @ kjv@CONCORD:blackness

Found: , The Imperfect Couch , Religion and Spirituality , Janelle Dawsey and Oprah Zeon; africanamerican; black; blacktherapist; christian; christianity; coaching; culture; family; health; jesus; lifecoaching; marriage; , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , The In-Between Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , The In-Between Podcast; africanamerican; black; blacktherapist; christian; christianity; coaching; culture; family; health; jesus; lifecoaching; marriage; mentalh , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: , The Incarnational Life , Religion and Spirituality , Ryan Crowl and Sam Jones; africanamerican; black; blacktherapist; christian; christianity; coaching; culture; family; health; jesus; lifecoaching; marriage; menta , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , The Indigo Room: Creating Our Reality , Religion and Spirituality , sydneychase584; africanamerican; black; blacktherapist; christian; christianity; coaching; culture; family; health; jesus; lifecoaching; marriage; mentalhealth; re , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: , The Indwelt Women Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , Indwelt Women; africanamerican; black; blacktherapist; christian; christianity; coaching; culture; family; health; jesus; lifecoaching; marriage; mentalhealth; rel , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: , Walking Through The Word - Daily Podcast Commentary , Religion and Spirituality , New Song Nashville; christian , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,