Indexes Search Result: indexed - companion
Found: nkjv@Psalms:119:63 @ companion

Found: nkjv@Proverbs:18:24 @ companion

Found: nkjv@Hebrews:13:5 @ companion

Found: nkjv@John:15:15-16 @ companion

Found: nkjv@1John:1:7 @ companion

Found: nkjv@Isaiah:54:10 @ companion

Found: nkjv@Revelation:3:20 @ companion

Found: nkjv@James:4:8 @ companion

Found: nkjv@Psalms:27:10 @ companion

Found: nkjv@John:15:12-14 @ companion

Found: nkjv@1Corinthians:1:9 @ companion

Found: nkjv@1John:1:3 @ companion

Found: nkjv@John:14:18 @ companion

Found: @ companion

Found: dict:hitchcock Darah @ generation; house of the shepherd or of the companion - HITCHCOCK-D

Found: dict:hitchcock Habor @ a partaker; a companion - HITCHCOCK-H

Found: dict:hitchcock Reelaiah @ shepherd or companion to the Lord - HITCHCOCK-R

Found: dict:hitchcock Rei @ my shepherd; my companion; my friend - HITCHCOCK-R

Found: nkjv@Mark:1 @ MARK - The Gospel of Mark, the shortest, is also held by most to be the first of the Gospels to be written. A tradition dating from the 2nd century ascribes this book to John Mark, a companion of Peter and also of Paul and Barnabas in their missionary endeavors. The preaching of Peter may well have been the source of most of Mark’s material. Mark accounts for the ministry of Jesus from His Baptism to His Ascension. Most commentaries agree that Mark’s purpose was neither biographical nor historical, but theological: to present Jesus as the Christ, the mighty worker rather than great teacher. Hence, Mark makes fewer references to the Parables and discourses, but meticulously records each of Jesus’ "mighty works" as evidence of His divine power. Mark contains 20 specific miracles and alludes to others. Bible scholars quite generally agree that Mark wrote his Gospel in Rome for the gentiles.

Found: nkjv@Acts:1 @ ACTS - Addressed to a certain Theophilus, about whom nothing is known ( kjv@Acts:1:1 ), the Book of Acts records the early history of the Apostolic Church. Beginning with the Ascension of Jesus to heaven, it traces the growth of Christianity in Palestine and its spread to Syria, Asia Minor, Greece, and eventually to Rome. The leading figure in the first chapters is Peter, who delivered the stirring sermon on the day of Pentecost ( Acts:2 ). The greater part of the book, however, is devoted to the experiences of Paul and his companions during their missionary endeavors. The Book of Acts provides a useful background for study of the Pauline Epistles. The introduction ( kjv@Acts:1:1 ) attests to a Lukan authorship.

Found: 2Clement:6:5 <2CLEMENT>@ We cannot therefore be friends of the two, but must bid farewell to the one and hold companionship with the other.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:9:2 @ So then ye are all companions in the way, carrying your God and your shrine, your Christ and your holy things, being arrayed from head to foot in the commandments of Jesus Christ. And I too, taking part in the festivity, am permitted by letter to bear you company and to rejoice with you, that ye set not your love on anything after the common life of men, but only on God.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:5:1 @ Now the glorious Polycarp at the first, when he heard it, so far from being dismayed, was desirous of remaining in town; but the greater part persuaded him to withdraw. So he withdrew to a farm not far distant from the city; and there he stayed with a few companions, doing nothing else night and day but praying for all men and for the churches throughout the world; for this was his constant habit.

Found: companion @ kjv@CONCORD:companion

Found: companions @ kjv@CONCORD:companions

Found: , CovCast , Religion and Spirituality , CovCast; parenting; christian; parenting; raising; kids; parenting; tips; biblical; parenting; motherhood; fatherhood; dad; life; christian; podcast; christianity; ki , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: , Diamond Lake Lutheran Church (NewFrontierRadioHour) , Religion and Spirituality , Graydon Royce; lutheran; christian; variety; prairie; home; companion; church; music; comedy; theology; minneapolis , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,