Indexes Search Result: indexed - fruit
Found: kjv@Psalms:148:9 @ Mountains, and all hills; fruitful trees, and all...

Found: kjv@Galatians:5:22 @ But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,...

Found: kjv@Psalms:1:3 @ And he shall be like a tree planted by the...

Found: dict:easton First-fruits @ First-fruits

Found: dict:hitchcock Abib @ green fruit; ears of corn - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Apphia @ productive; fruitful - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Armageddon @ hill of fruits; mountain of Megiddo - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Becher @ first begotten; first fruits - HITCHCOCK-B

Found: dict:hitchcock Bechorath @ first fruits - HITCHCOCK-B

Found: dict:hitchcock Bethsaida @ house of fruits, or of food, or of snares - HITCHCOCK-B

Found: dict:hitchcock Bichri @ first-born; first fruits - HITCHCOCK-B

Found: dict:hitchcock Carpus @ fruit; fruitful - HITCHCOCK-C

Found: dict:hitchcock Ephraim @ fruitful; increasing - HITCHCOCK-E

Found: dict:hitchcock Euphrates @ that makes fruitful - HITCHCOCK-E

Found: dict:hitchcock Magdiel @ declaring God; chosen fruit of God - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Megiddo @ his precious fruit; declaring a message - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Nebuzar-adan @ fruits or prophecies of judgment - HITCHCOCK-N

Found: dict:hitchcock Ophir @ fruitful region - HITCHCOCK-O

Found: dict:hitchcock Parosh @ a flea; the fruit of a moth - HITCHCOCK-P

Found: dict:hitchcock Pharpar @ that produces fruit - HITCHCOCK-P

Found: dict:hitchcock Phurah @ that bears fruit, or grows - HITCHCOCK-P

Found: dict:hitchcock Poratha @ fruitful - HITCHCOCK-P

Found: @ Firstfruits

Found: index:BIBLELAWTOPICAL Firstfruits @ (See Firstfruits) Firstborn

Found: tsk@Exodus:13:2,11-16 @ Firstfruits

Found: tsk@Exodus:22:29-30 @ Firstfruits

Found: tsk@Exodus:23:19 @ Firstfruits

Found: tsk@Exodus:34:19-20 @ Firstfruits

Found: tsk@Exodus:34:26 @ Firstfruits

Found: tsk@Deuteronomy:15:19-23 @ Firstfruits

Found: tsk@Deuteronomy:18:3-4 @ Firstfruits

Found: tsk@Deuteronomy:26:1-11 Firstfruits

Found: index:BIBLELAWTOPICAL Tithing @ (See Tithing) Firstfruits

Found: index:BIBLELAWTOPICAL Firstfruits @ (See Firstfruits) Firstlings

Found: index:BIBLELAWTOPICAL Firstfruits @ (See Firstfruits) Tithing - First

Found: JANUARY21 AM @ Every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it.-tsk@John:15:2 tsk@Malachi:3:2-3 tsk@Romans:5:3-5. tsk@Hebrews:12:7-8 tsk@Hebrews:12:11-12.

Found: MARCH1 AM @ The fruit of the Spirit is love.-tsk@Galatians:5:22 tsk@1John:4:16. tsk@Romans:5:5. tsk@1Peter:2:7. tsk@1John:4:19. tsk@2Corinthians:5:14-15 tsk@1Thessalonians:4:9. tsk@John:15:12. tsk@1Peter:4:8. tsk@Ephesians:5:2.

Found: MARCH2 AM @ God hath caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction.-tsk@Genesis:41:52 tsk@2Corinthians:1:3-5 tsk@1Peter:1:6-7 tsk@2Timothy:4:17 tsk@1Peter:4:19.

Found: APRIL1 AM @ The fruit of the Spirit is joy.-tsk@Galatians:5:22 tsk@Romans:14:17. tsk@1Peter:1:8 tsk@2Corinthians:6:10 tsk@2Corinthians:7:4. tsk@Romans:5:3 tsk@Hebrews:12:2. tsk@John:15:11. tsk@2Corinthians:1:5 tsk@Philippians:4:4. tsk@Nehemiah:8:10 tsk@Psalms:16:11. tsk@Revelation:7:17.

Found: APRIL13 AM @ Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase.-tsk@Proverbs:3:9 tsk@2Corinthians:9:6. tsk@1Corinthians:16:2 tsk@Hebrews:6:10 tsk@Romans:12:1. tsk@2Corinthians:5:14-15. tsk@1Corinthians:10:31.

Found: MAY1 AM @ The fruit of the Spirit is peace.-tsk@Galatians:5:22 tsk@Romans:8:6 tsk@1Corinthians:7:15. tsk@John:14:27. tsk@Romans:15:13 tsk@2Timothy:1:12. tsk@Isaiah:26:3 tsk@Isaiah:32:17-18. tsk@Proverbs:1:33 tsk@Psalms:119:165.

Found: JUNE1 AM @ The fruit of the Spirit is longsuffering, gentleness.-tsk@Galatians:5:22 tsk@Exodus:34:6 tsk@Ephesians:4:1-2. tsk@Ephesians:4:32. tsk@James:3:17. tsk@1Corinthians:13:4 tsk@Galatians:6:9. tsk@James:5:7-8.

Found: JULY1 AM @ The fruit ot the Spirit is goodness.-tsk@Galatians:5:22 tsk@Ephesians:5:1. tsk@Matthew:5:44-45. tsk@Luke:6:36 tsk@Ephesians:5:9 tsk@Titus:3:4-6. tsk@Psalms:145:9. tsk@Romans:8:32.

Found: AUGUST1 AM @ The fruit of the Spirit is . . . faith.-tsk@Galatians:5:22 tsk@Ephesians:2:8. tsk@Hebrews:11:6. tsk@John:3:18. tsk@Mark:9:24 tsk@1John:2:5. tsk@Galatians:5:6. tsk@James:2:20 tsk@2Corinthians:5:7. tsk@Galatians:2:20. tsk@1Peter:1:8-9.

Found: SEPTEMBER1 AM @ The fruit of the spirit is meekness.-tsk@Galatians:5:22-23 tsk@Isaiah:29:19. tsk@Matthew:18:3-4. tsk@1Peter:3:4. tsk@1Corinthians:13:4. tsk@1Timothy:. kjv@6:11. tsk@Matthew:11:29. tsk@Isaiah:53:7. tsk@1Peter:2:21-23.

Found: SEPTEMBER8 PM @ Christ the firstfruits.-tsk@1Corinthians:15:23 tsk@John:12:24. tsk@Romans:11:16. tsk@1Corinthians:15:20. tsk@Romans:6:5. tsk@Philippians:3:20-21 tsk@Colossians:1:18. tsk@Romans:8:11 tsk@John:11:25.

Found: OCTOBER1 AM @ The fruit of the Spirit is temperance.-tsk@Galatians:5:22 tsk@1Corinthians:9:25-27 tsk@Ephesians:5:18 tsk@Matthew:16:24 tsk@1Thessalonians:5:6-8. tsk@Titus:2:12-13,.

Found: NOVEMBER19 AM @ By their fruits ye shall know them.-tsk@Matthew:7:20 tsk@1John:3:7. tsk@James:3:11-13. tsk@1Peter:2:12 tsk@Matthew:12:33. tsk@Matthew:12:35 tsk@Isaiah:5:4.

Found: DECEMBER17 PM @ Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.-tsk@Ephesians:5:11 tsk@1Corinthians:15:33 tsk@1Corinthians:5:6-7-9-11. tsk@Philippians:2:15 tsk@2Timothy:2:20.

Found: 1Clement:4:1 <1CLEMENT>@ For so it is written, And it came to pass after certain days that Cain brought of the fruits of the earth a sacrifice unto God, and Abel he also brought of the firstlings of the sheep and of their fatness.

Found: 1Clement:20:4 <1CLEMENT>@ The earth, bearing fruit in fulfillment of His will at her proper seasons, putteth forth the food that supplieth abundantly both men and beasts and all living things which are thereupon, making no dissension, neither altering anything which He hath decreed.

Found: 1Clement:23:4 <1CLEMENT>@ Ye fools, compare yourselves unto a tree; take a vine. First it sheddeth its leaves, then a shoot cometh, then a leaf, then a flower, and after these a sour berry, then a full ripe grape. Ye see that in a little time the fruit of the tree attaineth unto mellowness.

Found: 1Clement:24:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Let us understand, dearly beloved, how the Master continually showeth unto us the resurrection that shall be hereafter; whereof He made the Lord Jesus Christ the firstfruit, when He raised Him from the dead.

Found: 1Clement:24:4 <1CLEMENT>@ Let us mark the fruits, how and in what manner the sowing taketh place.

Found: 1Clement:24:5 <1CLEMENT>@ The sower goeth forth and casteth into the earth each of the seeds; and these falling into the earth dry and bare decay: then out of their decay the mightiness of the Master's providence raiseth them up, and from being one they increase manifold and bear fruit.

Found: 1Clement:29:3 <1CLEMENT>@ And in another place He saith, Behold, the Lord taketh for Himself a nation out of the midst of the nations, as a man taketh the first fruits of his threshing floor; and the holy of holies shall come forth from that nation.

Found: 1Clement:42:4 <1CLEMENT>@ So preaching everywhere in country and town, they appointed their firstfruits, when they had proved them by the Spirit, to be bishops and deacons unto them that should believe.

Found: 1Clement:43:5 <1CLEMENT>@ Now when morning came, he called together all Israel, even the six hundred thousand men, and showed the seals to the chiefs of the tribes and opened the tabernacle of the testimony and drew forth the rods. And the rod of Aaron was found not only with buds, but also bearing fruit.

Found: 1Clement:44:4 <1CLEMENT>@ Blessed are those presbyters who have gone before, seeing that their departure was fruitful and ripe: for they have no fear lest any one should remove them from their appointed place.

Found: 1Clement:56:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Therefore let us also make intercession for them that are in any transgression, that forbearance and humility may be given them, to the end that they may yield not unto us, but unto the will of God. For so shall the compassionate remembrance of them with God and the saints be fruitful unto them, and perfect.

Found: 1Clement:57:6 <1CLEMENT>@ Therefore they shall eat the fruits of their own way, and shall be filled with their own ungodliness.

Found: 2Clement:1:3 <2CLEMENT>@ What recompense then shall we give unto Him? Or what fruit worthy of His own gift to us? And how many mercies do we owe to Him!

Found: 2Clement:19:3 <2CLEMENT>@ Let us therefore practice righteousness that we may be saved unto the end. Blessed are they that obey these ordinances. Though they may endure affliction for a short time in the world, they will gather the immortal fruit of the resurrection.

Found: 2Clement:20:3 <2CLEMENT>@ No righteous man hath reaped fruit quickly but waiteth for it.

Found: Barnabas:1:7 @ For the Lord made known to us by His prophets things past and present, giving us likewise the firstfruits of the taste of things future. And seeing each of these things severally coming to pass, according as He spake, we ought to offer a richer and higher offering to the fear of Him. But I, not as though I were a teacher, but as one of yourselves, will show forth a few things, whereby ye shall be gladdened in the present circumstances.

Found: Barnabas:7:8 @ And do ye all spit upon it and goad it, and place scarlet wool about its head, and so let it be cast into the wilderness. And when it is so done, he that taketh the goat into the wilderness leadeth it, and taketh off the wool, and putteth it upon the branch which is called Rachia, the same whereof we are wont to eat the shoots when we find them in the country. Of this briar alone is the fruit thus sweet.

Found: Barnabas:11:6 @ And again He saith in another prophet; And He that doeth these things shall be as the tree that is planted by the parting streams of waters, which shall yield his fruit at his proper season, and his leaf shall not fall off, and all things whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

Found: Barnabas:11:11 @ This He saith, because we go down into the water laden with sins and filth, and rise up from it bearing fruit in the heart, resting our fear and hope on Jesus in the spirit. And whosoever shall eat of these shall live forever; He meaneth this; whosoever, saith He, shall hear these things spoken and shall believe, shall live forever.

Found: Didache:13:3 @ Every firstfruit then of the produce of the wine-vat and of the threshing-floor, of thy oxen and of thy sheep, thou shalt take and give as the firstfruit to the prophets; for they are your chief-priests.

Found: Didache:13:5 @ If thou makest bread, take the firstfruit and give according to the commandment.

Found: Didache:13:6 @ In like manner, when thou openest a jar of wine or of oil, take the firstfruit and give to the prophets;

Found: Didache:13:7 @ yea and of money and raiment and every possession take the firstfruit, as shall seem good to thee, and give according to the commandment.

Found: Diognetus:12:1 @ Confronted with these truths and listening to them with attention, ye shall know how much God bestoweth on those that love (Him) rightly, who become a Paradise of delight, a tree bearing all manner of fruits and flourishing, growing up in themselves and adorned with various fruits.

Found: Diognetus:12:6 @ For the man who supposes that he knows anything without the true knowledge which is testified by the life, is ignorant, he is deceived by the serpent, because he loved not life--whereas he who with fear recognizes and desires life plants in hope expecting fruit.

Found: Diognetus:12:8 @ Whereof if thou bear the tree and pluck the fruit, thou shalt ever gather the harvest which God looks for, which serpent toucheth not, nor deceit infecteth, neither is Eve corrupted, but is believed on as a virgin,

Found: Hermas:151:1 @ As I walked in the field, and noticed an elm and a vine, and was distinguishing them and their fruits, the shepherd appeareth to me and saith; "What art thou meditating within thyself?" "I am thinking, Sir," say I, "about the elm and the vine, that they are excellently suited the one to the other."

Found: Hermas:151:3 @ "This vine," saith he, "beareth fruit, but the elm is an unfruitful stock. Yet this vine, except it climb up the elm, cannot bear much fruit when it is spread on the ground; and such fruit as it beareth is rotten, because it is not suspended upon the elm. When then the vine is attached to the elm, it beareth fruit both from itself and from the elm.

Found: Hermas:151:4 @ Thou seest then that the elm also beareth much fruit, not less than the vine, but rather more." How more, Sir?" say I. "Because," saith he, "the vine, when hanging upon the elm, bears its fruit in abundance, and in good condition; but, when spread on the ground, it beareth little fruit, and that rotten. This parable therefore is applicable to the servants of God, to poor and to rich alike."

Found: Hermas:151:8 @ In the sight of men then the elm seemeth not to bear fruit, and they know not, neither perceive, that if there cometh a drought the elm having water nurtureth the vine, and the vine having a constant supply of water beareth fruit two fold, both for itself and for the elm. So likewise the poor, by interceding with the Lord for the rich, establish their riches, and again the rich, supplying their needs to the poor, establish their souls.

Found: Hermas:153:3 @ For as in summer the fruits of each several tree are made manifest, and are recognized of what sort they are, so also the fruits of the righteous shall be manifest, and all even the very smallest shall be known to be flourishing in that world.

Found: Hermas:153:4 @ But the Gentiles and the sinners, just as thou sawest the trees which were withered, even such shall they be found, withered and unfruitful in that world, and shall be burnt up as fuel, and shall be manifest, because their practice in their life hath been evil. For the sinners shall be burned, because they sinned and repented not; and the Gentiles shall be burned, because they knew not Him that created them.

Found: Hermas:153:5 @ Do thou therefore bear fruit, that in that summer thy fruit may be known. But abstain from overmuch business, and thou shalt never fill into any sin. For they that busy themselves overmuch, sin much also, being distracted about their business, and in no wise serving their own Lord.

Found: Hermas:153:8 @ If therefore thou doest these things, thou shalt be able to bear fruit unto the world to come; yea, and whosoever shall do these things, shall bear fruit."

Found: Hermas:255:4 @ So he reasoned within himself, saying, "This command of my lord I have carried out I will next dig this vineyard, and it shall be neater when it is digged; and when it hath no weeds it will yield more fruit, because not choked by the weeds." He took and digged the vineyard, and all the weeds that were in the vineyard he plucked up. And that vineyard became very neat and flourishing, when it had no weeds to choke it.

Found: Hermas:167:16 @ And others gave up their rods green and with shoots; and their shoots had, as it were, a kind of fruit. And those men were exceeding gladsome, whose rods were found in this state. And over them the angel exulted, and the shepherd was very gladsome over them.

Found: Hermas:268:1 @ And the angel of the Lord commanded crowns to be brought. And crowns were brought, made as it were of palm branches; and he crowned the men that had given up the rods which had the shoots and some fruit, and sent them away into the tower.

Found: Hermas:268:2 @ And the others also he sent into the tower, even those who had given up the rods green and with shoots, but the shoots were without fruit; and he set a seal upon them.

Found: Hermas:369:7 @ But the others, who likewise gave up their rods green and with shoots, though not with fruit, are they that were persecuted for the law, but did not suffer nor yet deny their law.

Found: Hermas:470:5 @ Then those gave them up who had the half-withered and with cracks; and many of them gave them up green and without cracks; and some gave them up green and with shoots, and fruits on the shoots, such as those had who went into the tower crowned; and some gave them up withered and eaten, and some withered and uneaten, and some such as they were, half-withered and with cracks. He ordered them to stand each one apart, some in their proper ranks, and others apart.

Found: Hermas:571:6 @ Then those gave them up who had a very small part green and the other parts withered. The rods of these were found for the most part green and with shoots and fruit on the shoots, and others altogether green. At these rods the shepherd rejoiced very greatly, because they were found so. And these went away each to his own company.

Found: Hermas:178:10 @ the eleventh mountain was thickly wooded all over, and the trees thereon were very productive, decked with divers kinds of fruits, so that one seeing them would desire to eat of their fruits. The twelfth mountain was altogether white and its aspect was cheerful; and the mountain was most beauteous in itself.

Found: Hermas:1996:2 @ And from the second mountain, the bare one, they that believed are such as these; hypocrites and teachers of wickedness. And these then are like the former in not having the fruit of righteousness. For, even as their mountain is unfruitful, so likewise such men as these have a name indeed, but they are void of the faith, and there is no fruit of truth in them. For these then repentance is offered, if they repent quickly; but if they delay, they will have their death with the former."

Found: Hermas:27[104^:1 @ "And from the eleventh mountain, where were trees full of fruit, decked with divers kinds of fruits, they that believed are such as these;

Found: Hermas:27[104^:3 @ "Wherefore then, Sir," say I, "have all the trees fruits, but some of their fruits are more beautiful than others?" "Listen," saith he; "all as many as ever suffered for the Name's sake are glorious in the sight of God, and the sins of all these were taken away, because they suffered for the name of the Son of God. Now here why their fruits are various, and some surpassing others.

Found: Hermas:27[104^:4 @ "As many," saith he, "as were tortured and denied not, when brought before the magistery, but suffered readily, these are the more glorious in the sight of the Lord; their fruit is that which surpasseth. But as many as become cowards, and were lost in uncertainty, and considered in their hearts whether they should deny or confess, and yet suffered, their fruits are less, because this design entered into their heart; for this design is evil, that a servant should deny his own lord.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:14:2 @ No man professing faith sinneth, and no man possessing love hateth. The tree is manifest from its fruit; so they that profess to be Christ's shall be seen through their actions. For the Work is not a thing of profession now, but is seen then when one is found in the power of faith unto the end.

Found: IgnatiusSmyrneans:1:2 @ truly nailed up in the flesh for our sakes under Pontius Pilate and Herod the tetrarch (of which fruit are we--that is, of His most blessed passion); that He might set up an ensign unto all the ages through His resurrection, for His saints and faithful people, whether among Jews or among Gentiles, in one body of His Church.

Found: Polycarp:1:2 @ and that the steadfast root of your faith which was famed from primitive times abideth until now and beareth fruit unto our Lord Jesus Christ, who endured to face even death for our sins, whom God raised, having loosed the pangs of Hades; on whom,

Found: Polycarp:12:3 @ Pray for all the saints. Pray also for kings and powers and princes and for them that persecute and hate you and for the enemies of the cross, that your fruit may be manifest among all men, that ye may be perfect in Him.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL fruit @ (15)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL fruits @ (6)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL unfruitful @ (1)

Found: tsk@Exodus:22:29-30 @ Don't delay to offer the firstfruits - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: tsk@Exodus:23:19 @ First of the firstfruits - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: tsk@Deuteronomy:18:3-4 @ Firstfruits given to priest - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: tsk@Deuteronomy:20:19-20 @ Don't destroy fruit-bearing trees - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: tsk@Deuteronomy:22:9 @ Diverse seeds defile the resultant fruit - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: tsk@Deuteronomy:26:1-11 @ Firstfruits of the land - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: firstfruit @ kjv@CONCORD:firstfruit

Found: firstfruits @ kjv@CONCORD:firstfruits

Found: fruit @ kjv@CONCORD:fruit

Found: fruitful @ kjv@CONCORD:fruitful

Found: fruits @ kjv@CONCORD:fruits

Found: unfruitful @ kjv@CONCORD:unfruitful

Found: tsk@John:15:16 @I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit.

Found: tsk@John:15:16-17 @ Jesus By Command - go and bring forth one another

Found: tsk@Luke:12:17 @ And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? - Jesus By Question

Found: dict:easton First-fruits @ First-fruits

Found: Grapefruit Essential Oil,Properties: This substance is a diuretic/ disinfectant/ stimulant/ antidepressant/ antiseptic/ aperitif/ lymphatic/ and a tonic.,Health benefits: In various parts of the world/ it is used to stimulate urination/ fight infections/ reduce depression and uplift spirits and mood. It also protects wounds from becoming septic while increasing the elimination of of toxins.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Grapefruit Essential Oil,Properties: This substance is a diuretic/ disinfectant/ stimulant/ antidepressant/ antiseptic/ aperitif/ lymphatic/ and a tonic.,Health benefits: In various parts of the world/ it is used to stimulate urination/ fight infections/ reduce depression and uplift spirits and mood. It also protects wounds from becoming septic while increasing the elimination of of toxins.,