Indexes Search Result: indexed - means
Found: dict:easton Grace, means of @ Grace, means of

Found: 1Kings:16-17 @ ELIJAH - I. God never forgets where you are @II. God always supplies your needs @III. God works by means of prayer @IV. God doesn't care about the circumstances @V. Concl: (He can still work)

Found: Psalms:119:15 @ GOD'S METHOD FOR HOLY LIVING - VII. Chewing on the Word (v.15) ("meditate" means "chewing the cud")

Found: ylt@Matthew:1 @ ENGLISH: TITLE: Young's Literal Translation DESCRIPTION: The Young's Literal Translation was created on the belief that only the original translations themselves are truly inspired. While acknowledging that this means all English translations will lose some of their affect, the Young's Literal Translation seeks to keep this loss of meaning to a minimum by translating strictly literally, word for word. RIGHTS:

Found: ylt @ The Young's Literal Translation was created on the belief that only the original translations themselves are truly inspired. While acknowledging that this means all English translations will lose some of their affect, the Young's Literal Translation seeks to keep this loss of meaning to a minimum by translating strictly literally, word for word.

Found: @ POSTMILLENNIALISM –– the eschatological view that Christ will return "after the millennium"; Christ has established His Messianic kingdom on earth, it is growing in numbers, area, and influence by means of the preaching of the gospel and Christian nurture, and it will have visible, worldwide, and blessed success before Christ returns at the general resurrection for final judgment

Found: @ SYMBOLIC LAW –– pedagogic laws which communicated certain truths by symbolic means, rather than (or not primarily) in explicit fashion (e.g., sacrificial laws, purity laws, separation laws)

Found: THEOLOGY SUBDIVISION @ Spiritual theology—studying theology as a means to orthopraxy : Scripture and tradition are both used as guides for spiritual growth and discipline

Found: THEOLOGY MAJOR TOPICS @ Bible - the nature and means of its inspiration, etc.; including hermeneutics (the development and study of theories of the interpretation and understanding of texts and the topic of Biblical law in Christianity)

Found: THEOLOGY MAJOR TOPICS @ Soteriology : the study of the nature and means of salvation. May include Hamartiology (the study of sin), Law and Gospel (the study of the relationship between Divine Law and Divine Grace, justification, sanctification

Found: THEOLOGY ROMAN-CATHOLIC @ Ecumenical Councils (as means to bring about change and/or reform);

Found: ylt@Exodus:1 @ EXODUS - The name means "going out" or departure". While it refers to one of the most important events of the book, the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, other highly significant events are also found here, such as the oppression of the Chosen People in Egypt, the flight and call of Moses, and God’s covenant with the nation Israel at Sinai - an experience climaxed by His giving of the moral law (Ten Commandments) through Moses to the people. A code of secular laws is also included, and the latter part of the book contains an elaborate description of the sacred Ark of the Covenant and its ten (tabernacle), God’s place of dwelling among His people.

Found: ylt@Ecclesiastes:1 @ ECCLESIASTES - In English, the title means "Preacher". Traditionally held to have been written by Solomon, this book is now almost universally recognized as about him rather than by him. The author’s purpose is to prove the vanity of everything "under the sun". This truth is first announced a fact, then proved from the "Preacher’s" experience and observations. Finally, the author shows that the fullness of life is found only in the recognition of things "above the sun", things spiritual as well as material.

Found: ylt@Nahum:1 @ NAHUM - This book is a vivid prediction of the approaching downfall of Nineveh, the capital city of Assyria, one of the most warlike of the ancient heathen nations. Of the Prophet Nahum, whose name means "consolation" or "comfort", little is known. His purpose was to comfort his people, long harassed by Assyria, with the promise that this cruel and oppressing people would soon meet destruction at God’s hand.

Found: ylt@Romans:1 @ ROMANS - This letter, the first in canonical order, but not the first of Paul’s Epistles, is the longest and the most influential of all the Apostle’s writings. Writing to Christians at Rome whom he hoped soon to visit, Paul presents to them his mature convictions concerning the Christian faith: the universality of sin; the impotence of the law as a means of salvation; the nature of God’s saving act in Christ, and its appropriation by faith. The letter closes with spiritual advice and some personal remarks.

Found: NOVEMBER30 AM @ The Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.-ylt@2Thessalonians:3:16 ylt@Revelation:1:4. ylt@Philippians:4:7 ylt@Luke:24:36. ylt@John:14:27 ylt@John:15:26. ylt@Galatians:5:22. ylt@Romans:8:16 ylt@Exodus:33:14-16.

Found: ylt@Proverbs:25:11 @ Apple (Malus domestica.) [Heb., tap·pu?ach]. Arabic is tuffah. To change a p to Letter f in Hebrew there's a dot changed The word itself indicates that which is distinguished by its fragrance, or scent. It comes from the root na·phach?, meaning "blow; pant; struggle for breath." (Genesis:2:7; kjv@Job:31:39; kjv@Jeremiah:15:9) Regarding this, M. C. Fisher wrote: "Relationship [to na·phach?] seems at first semantically strained, but the ideas of ‘breathe’ and ‘exhale an odor’ are related. The by-form puah means both ‘blow’ (of wind) and ‘exhale a pleasant odor, be fragrant.’"- - BiblePlants

Found: ylt @ TITLE: Young's Literal Translation DESCRIPTION: The Young's Literal Translation was created on the belief that only the original translations themselves are truly inspired. While acknowledging that this means all English translations will lose some of their affect, the Young's Literal Translation seeks to keep this loss of meaning to a minimum by translating strictly literally, word for word.

Found: Barnabas:8:5 @ Then there is the placing the wool on the tree. This means that the kingdom of Jesus is on the cross, and that they who set their hope on Him shall live for ever.

Found: Didache:6:3 @ But concerning eating, bear that which thou art able; yet abstain by all means from meat sacrificed to idols; for it is the worship of dead gods.

Found: Hermas:48:2 @ And afterwards I saw a vision in my house. The aged woman came, and asked me, if I had already given the book to the elders. I said that I had not given it. "Thou hast done well," she said, "for I have words to add. When then I shall have finished all the words, it shall be made known by thy means to all the elect.

Found: Hermas:1321:3 @ And whereas thou sawest her seated on a couch, the position is a firm on; for the couch has four feet and standeth firmly; for the world too Is upheld by means of four elements.

Found: Hermas:262:3 @ I say to him, "Sir, I comprehend not what means "unto death," and what "unto corruption". "Listen," saith he; "the sheep which thou sawest gladsome and skipping about, these are they who have been turned asunder from God utterly, and have delivered themselves over to the lusts of this world. In these, therefore, there is not repentance unto life. For the Name of God is being blasphemed through them. The life of such persons is death.

Found: Hermas:15[92^:7 @ So by their means they were quickened into life, and came to the full knowledge of the name of the Son of God. For this cause also they came up with them, and were fitted with them into the building of the tower and were builded with them, without being shaped; for they fell asleep in righteousness and in great purity. Only they had not this seal. Thou hast then the interpretation of these things also." "I have, Sir," say I.

Found: IgnatiusSmyrneans:11:3 @ It seemed to me therefore a fitting thing that ye should send one of your own people with a letter, that he might join with them in giving glory for the calm which by God's will had overtaken them, and because they were already reaching a haven through your prayers. Seeing ye are perfect, let your counsels also be perfect; for if ye desire to do well, God is ready to grant the means.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL means @ (1)

Found: ylt@Matthew:1 @ The Young's Literal Translation was created on the belief that only the original translations themselves are truly inspired. While acknowledging that this means all English translations will lose some of their affect, the Young's Literal Translation seeks to keep this loss of meaning to a minimum by translating strictly literally, word for word.

Found: means @ kjv@CONCORD:means

Found: dict:easton Grace, means of @ Grace, means of

Found: Info @ The Faith of Jesus Daily Devotional - A one year passage by passage bible devotion and study through the four gospels with a specific focus on what man is believing/doing, what is influencing him to do that, what Jesus means to man in relation to that. Hosted at

Found: ylt@2Kings:6:8-23 @ Elisha Traps Blinded Arameans

Found: ylt@Matthew:1,ENGLISH:,Young's Literal Translation,The Young's Literal Translation was created on the belief that only the original translations themselves are truly inspired. While acknowledging that this means all English translations will lose some of their affect, the Young's Literal Translation seeks to keep this loss of meaning to a minimum by translating strictly literally, word for word.,