Indexes Search Result: indexed - setting
Found: @ GENERAL EQUITY –– (expression used by Reformed or Puritan theologians to denote:) the underlying substance, principle, or point of a law-over against the specific case or cultural setting mentioned by it

Found: Info @ Help? - Current Bible translation is set above in menu in settings!

Found: gltv@Esther:1 @ ESTHER - The Book of Esther, in the form of a short story similar to the Book of Ruth, has its setting in the palace of Shushan, or Susa, one of the three capitals of the Persian Empire. The story gives us a vivid picture of the Jews in exile, of the hostility of their non-Jewish enemies in Persia, and of how Esther became the queen of Ahasuerus (Xerxes), subsequently risking her life in order to save her people, the Jews, from total destruction. God’s providential care of His people is magnified throughout, though the word "God" never appears in the book.

Found: Diognetus:2:7 @ For do not ye yourselves, who now regard and worship them, much more despise them? Do ye not much rather mock and insult them, worshipping those that are of stone and earthenware unguarded, but shutting up those that are of silver and gold by night, and setting guards over them by day, to prevent their being stolen?

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL setting @ (1)

Found: @ NAVIGATORS - Pacesetting

Found: @ setting-captives-free Setting Captives Free Host= Mike Cleveland

Found: setting @ kjv@CONCORD:setting

Found: settings @ kjv@CONCORD:settings

Found: AUDIOLINKS @ index:NEWAUDIOLINKS Pacesetting